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Keith Alan
11-08-13, 06:09 PM
I've been very busy for these last few months, so I haven't taken the time to do much reading. It's been good though, because I find that many of the concepts talked about here have solidified in my mind, and I think I have a better understanding of demanding lawful money and the private/public credit system.

However, I'm worried I might have understood some things incorrectly, so I want to post about my understanding of a few things, just to see if I'm understanding correctly.

First concerning deposits. My understanding is that typically, deposits are bailments, with the bank actually taking possession and title of the funds deposited. Still, the bank owes the depositor the return of funds on demand, so essentially it amounts to extending credit to the bank, correct?

Non-endorsing a deposit changes the nature of the deposit. While still a bailment, the credit being extended is not Federal Reserve credit, but rather US credit, correct?

Which brings me to my second understanding. The Fed issues private credit in the form of Federal Reserve notes, and in money of account banking credit, correct?

The United States Treasury issues US notes, which represent United States credit, correct?

So in effect, there are two species of credit contained on one Federal Reserve note, depending on how the holder wishes to use them. It is normally presumed to be private credit, but making the demand converts it to public credit, correct?

So if a depositor makes his demand, he is depositing lawful money with the bank, which cannot be used for fractional reserve lending because it is credit foreign to the bank, correct?

And since it is not private credit, it is not income. This is to say that receiving income must be defined as the receiving of private credit. Receiving public credit is not income, but rather an exchange substance.

I hope I have these right, because if I do, I believe I have a good handle on the situation. Any controversies that might arise can be resolved by my understanding the relationships I have with the Fed, the Treasury, and their negotiable instruments that I might happen to hold. Any feedback you might have is greatly appreciated, so let me extend my heartfelt gratitude in advance: Thank you!

Keith Alan
11-13-13, 04:41 PM
Okay, I guess nobody wants to help me with understanding the remedy. That's fine, but maybe someone can comment on this:

Federal reserve notes, to be issued at the discretion of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the purpose of making advances to Federal reserve banks through the Federal reserve agents as hereinafter set forth and for no other purpose, are authorized. The said notes shall be obligations of the United States and shall be receivable by all national and member banks and Federal reserve banks and for all taxes, customs, and other public dues. They shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand at the Treasury Department of the United States, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, or at any Federal Reserve bank.

If FRNs are advancements (ie credit) issued at the discretion of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, then it is an agency of the US that is extending credit to banks through its agents.

This has led me to conclude that the Fed Reserve System is a business entity operated by Congress for the purpose of extending credit in hopes of realizing a gain.

Therefore, national and member banks are participating in the enterprise, re-lending US obligations on ventures of their own, hence income tax reporting requirements and taxes on corporate profit and/or losses.

Since only private credit is changing hands, and persons participating in these transactions are national and member banks, then redeeming the notes would result in no net gain since there is no interest charged or collected on receiving lawful money.

Does this sound like a reasonable conclusion?

11-13-13, 08:34 PM
I suspect the one redeeming the bill for value is removing the bill from being Private Federal Clearinghouse Credit to United States Public/Social Credit. Feel free to search books.google.com for information about clearinghouse certificates. Some of the pre-1913 clearinghouse certificates looked an awful lot like Federal Reserve Notes look today.

Its important to study the fundamentals. The central banks are clearing houses (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clearing_house_(finance)) or 'clearing corporations (http://vacode.org/8.8A-102/?ModPagespeed=noscript)'. AFAIK it is the Federal Reserve Board of Governors issues them *to* the banks and they do not issue Federal Reserve Notes themselves for CIRCULATION (although keep in mind that checks, money orders and the like could be construed to be a form of currency). A 'bank' is a 'store' or a 'resevoir' it is not a generator except perhaps by induction. A piggy bank doesn't generate coins, it is a place for storing them. The currency comes from the U.S. Department of the Treasury not from the Federal Reserve Bank. The Promissory Notes on mortgages are neither issued by the Federal Banks nor by the State Banks. Since banks pass checks and such between each other, they need a common place to settle accounting between each other. That is what the 12 Federal Reserve Banks facilitate. When a 'national' or state bank in Chicago needs to clear a check drawn on or payable through a bank in New York, it must AFAIK use the Federal Reserve System. If the check is local, the mail, a courier or a local (ACH) clearinghouse could be utilized.


To secure payment of ... lawful money. It was not law lawful money.

If you are a FRB member or agent, then you are member or agent of a federal clearinghouse or a federal clearing corporation. If you are dealing with an unredeemed clearinghouse certificate, you're dealing with "(FRB/Casino) House Credit" rather than public money. AFAIK, the Federal Reserve System doesn't make cars, clothes, mobile homes. The Federal Reserve System doesn't even print its own money/currency. The value doesn't come from the bank it goes into or through the bank. The banks are service providers (i.e. accounting, telegraphic, courier and legal services--that's 'bout it).



Imagine you have a wonderful, wealthy father who has hired a trustee to underwrite your endeavors and to give a guarantee to your payment obligations expressed in lawful money. However, Mr. Stranger crops up and offers you a guarantee too--at a steep price and in the terms of clearinghouse credits. The Mr. Stranger doesn't want to see you prospering and wants you to live a pitiful poor life or to die in a bad way. Naughty-naughty Mr. Stranger knows if you don't express the amount in lawful money, it never triggers the father's guarantee. He also knows and tries to keep it secret that until you redeem the clearinghouse credit for lawful money it wont trigger the father's guarantee. Mr. Stranger knows that you have choice and loves to see you exercise your free will ....

1465 (http://home.fuse.net/skycorder/sponge/maniacal.wav)
...in the stupidest way possible that helps Mr. Stranger greatly enrich himself. It might be important to note that HJR-192 mentioned dollars* not clearinghouse credits--oooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh sneeekayyyy. ;) But aren't you glad at least someone (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/member.php?2-David-Merrill) has been paying attention?


Does the Bank of Canada print currency? No. Canadian Bank Note Company and BA International Inc. have been primarily invovled in that.

Does the Federal Reserve System issue or print currency? No. the U.S. Bureau of Engraving & Printing does.

Does the Reserve Bank of New Zealand print currency? No. "New Zealand’s polymer banknotes are produced by Note Print Australia Limited in Melbourne".

Does the Bank of Canada even make coins? No. The Royal Canadian Mint (http://www.mint.ca/) does.

However, banks do print, sell or exchange: checks, money orders, deposit slips or bank drafts.

P.S. Consider that the underwriting activity that a state bank or a federal bank might engage in might only ever be with respect to repossessed assets or with respect to abandoned assets. As in if a bank or a bank holding company [two different things] ever issued its own money it would likely only be underwritten by assets that it confiscated or abandoned assets (i.e. repossession, foreclosure, abandonment, 1099-A, plunder, overpayments, etc.--double dipping might however would be more along the lines of extreme usury and plunder). Apart from services provided, banks don't tend to originate anything of value.

11-13-13, 10:16 PM
Just for further clarification...


Per Virginia Code 8.8A-102.

11-14-13, 08:44 AM
It's real simple, FRNs represent loan/credit that Congress borrowed from FedRes. Which is why they don't pay off debts, only discharge them, and make you liable for that loan, i.e. liable for interest payments, in form of income and sales taxation. In other words, FRNs are only PROMISES to pay.

Lawful money on the other hand are real money, meaning they have an intristic value, so they PAY OFF debts, so they don't come with any liability. The 'lawful' part simply means that this money is MINTED and their weight regulated by the gov't.

The problem is that in 1933, the federal gov't went partially bankrupt by demonetizing gold, and in 1972 it went completely bankrupt by demonetizing silver, so they have no lawful money to give you. That's also why they took US Notes out of circulation, since they were LM redeemable in silver until 1972. And since they no longer are redeemable in anything of value, they're not really lawful money. Now we could pretend that they're LM, but since we can pretend that redeemd FRNs are LM, there's really no need for US Notes. They're not lawful money, and any pretending can be done with FRNs as well.

But we still can demand redemption of FRNs in LM, which makes us AS IF we had lawful money, i.e. makes us entitled to have our debts PAID OFF and not just discharged, even though no one has any real money. But as men we're entitled to real money for real work, and not settle on promises to pay, although most do settle.

11-14-13, 10:12 AM
Pretty much. However, still, in the United States of America what is lawful money is still per fiat of Congress. Even if it were defined in the Constitution it is a fiat. A limitation on the United States or on the States is not a limitation on the sovereign. They could not lawfully remove the ability to do acquire property in allodium. Plain and simply comes down to sovereign prerogative. Also, discharge and pay are rather synonymous. To discharge a duty can mean to 'carry out a duty'.

Anthony Joseph
11-14-13, 02:44 PM
I suspect the one redeeming the bill for value is removing the bill from being Private Federal Clearinghouse Credit to United States Public/Social Credit. Feel free to search books.google.com for information about clearinghouse certificates. Some of the pre-1913 clearinghouse certificates looked an awful lot like Federal Reserve Notes look today.

Its important to study the fundamentals. The central banks are clearing houses (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clearing_house_(finance)) or 'clearing corporations (http://vacode.org/8.8A-102/?ModPagespeed=noscript)'. AFAIK it is the Federal Reserve Board of Governors issues them *to* the banks and they do not issue Federal Reserve Notes themselves for CIRCULATION (although keep in mind that checks, money orders and the like could be construed to be a form of currency). A 'bank' is a 'store' or a 'resevoir' it is not a generator except perhaps by induction. A piggy bank doesn't generate coins, it is a place for storing them. The currency comes from the U.S. Department of the Treasury not from the Federal Reserve Bank. The Promissory Notes on mortgages are neither issued by the Federal Banks nor by the State Banks. Since banks pass checks and such between each other, they need a common place to settle accounting between each other. That is what the 12 Federal Reserve Banks facilitate. When a 'national' or state bank in Chicago needs to clear a check drawn on or payable through a bank in New York, it must AFAIK use the Federal Reserve System. If the check is local, the mail, a courier or a local (ACH) clearinghouse could be utilized.


If you are a FRB member or agent, then you are member or agent of a federal clearinghouse or a federal clearing corporation. If you are dealing with an unredeemed clearinghouse certificate, you're dealing with "(FRB/Casino) House Credit" rather than public money. AFAIK, the Federal Reserve System doesn't make cars, clothes, mobile homes. The Federal Reserve System doesn't even print its own money/currency. The value doesn't come from the bank it goes into or through the bank. The banks are service providers (i.e. accounting, telegraphic, courier and legal services--that's 'bout it).



Imagine you have a wonderful, wealthy father who has hired a trustee to underwrite your endeavors and to give a guarantee to your payment obligations expressed in lawful money. However, Mr. Stranger crops up and offers you a guarantee too--at a steep price and in the terms of clearinghouse credits. The Mr. Stranger doesn't want to see you prospering and wants you to live a pitiful poor life or to die in a bad way. Naughty-naughty Mr. Stranger knows if you don't express the amount in lawful money, it never triggers the father's guarantee. He also knows and tries to keep it secret that until you redeem the clearinghouse credit for lawful money it wont trigger the father's guarantee. Mr. Stranger knows that you have choice and loves to see you exercise your free will ....

1465 (http://home.fuse.net/skycorder/sponge/maniacal.wav)
...in the stupidest way possible that helps Mr. Stranger greatly enrich himself. It might be important to note that HJR-192 mentioned dollars* not clearinghouse credits--oooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh sneeekayyyy. ;) But aren't you glad someone (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/member.php?2-David-Merrill) at least was paying attention?


Does the Bank of Canada print currency? No. Canadian Bank Note Company and BA International Inc. have been primarily invovled in that.

Does the Federal Reserve System issue or print currency? No. the U.S. Bureau of Engraving & Printing does.

Does the Reserve Bank of New Zealand print currency? No. "New Zealand’s polymer banknotes are produced by Note Print Australia Limited in Melbourne".

Does the Bank of Canada even make coins? No. The Royal Canadian Mint (http://www.mint.ca/) does.

However, banks do print, sell or exchange: checks, money orders, deposit slips or bank drafts.

P.S. Consider that the underwriting activity that a state bank or a federal bank might engage in might only ever be with respect to repossessed assets or with respect to abandoned assets. As in if a bank or a bank holding company [two different things] ever issued its ow

Excellent analogies (FRNs as Casino chips & wealthy father's trust vs. 'Mr. Stranger').

The issues with this are as follows:

FRNs are like 'double sided Casino chips' (private credit FED seal and public money 1789 U.S. Treasury seal) in that if you wish use them outside of the 'casino', the fee for use is eliminated when you present the chip 'public side up'. This means that when clearly making a 'public side presentment' (demand for lawful money), no fees (taxes) are incurred and said presentment should be valued as a non-elastic/non-reserve 'money' payment. Said payment should reflect the '30:1' ratio of $1300/oz. gold at spot vs. $42.22/oz. gold earmarked by the Treasury/IMF internationally.

In other words, the 'chips' I use and present 'public side up' outside of the casino should buy $30 of 'house credit' goods (unredeemed FRNs) for $1 (redeemed lawful money). 'Mr. Stranger' is impeding that ability for the people at large. Also, Mr. Stranger continues to extort fees (taxes) from those who clearly present the 'chips' (FRNs) 'public side up'.

Where is 'Father's trustee' and why is trustee not fulfilling the obligation of properly administering and protecting the trust, and the 'heir', when the 'heir' clearly makes his/her 'public side up' demand?

11-14-13, 03:24 PM
Excellent analogy.....

The issues with this are as follows:

FRNs are like 'double sided Casino chips' (private credit FED seal and public money 1789 U.S. Treasury seal) in that if you wish use them outside of the 'casino', the fee for use is eliminated when you present the chip 'public side up'. This means that when clearly making a 'public side presentment' (demand for lawful money), no fees (taxes) are incurred and said presentment should be valued as a non-elastic/non-reserve 'money' payment. Said payment should reflect the '30:1' ratio of $1300/oz. gold at spot vs. $42.22/oz. gold earmarked by the Treasury/IMF internationally.

In other words, the 'chips' I use and present 'public side up' outside of the casino should buy $30 of 'house credit' goods (unredeemed FRNs) for $1 (redeemed lawful money). 'Mr. Stranger' is impeding that ability for the people at large. Also, Mr. Stranger continues to extort fees (taxes) from those who clearly present the 'chips' (FRNs) 'public side up'.

Where is 'Father's trustee' and why is trustee not fulfilling the obligation of properly administering and protecting the trust, and the 'heir', when the 'heir' clearly makes his/her 'public side up' demand?

Every picture tells a story don't it.


11-14-13, 07:46 PM
Well they are "Federal Reserve Notes". That is the first key. Another key is that checks printed by check printers do not make reference to lawful money however the "$" is allegedly a symbol for lawful money. What may also cause problems is that clearinghouse certificates could be under the National Banking Act be 'deemed' to be lawful money under certain circumstances (for certain reserve purposes?) and it might be so today and that might give rise to a kind of double talk. And that might explain why you could give a bank a PN in lawful money and they cut you a check in clearinghouse points.

I'd tend to say that the primary lawful money in circulation today in the United States of America are negotiable promissory notes denominated in "lawful money" and corporate bonds denominated in lawful money and their electronic equivalents. If checks are lawful money then checks, money orders and the like would be such--in any case it is likely that they make up the currency.

As for "Father's trustee"... have you ever considered the role that any of the following play in the monetary system or what their duties are and how they might relate to your prosperity:

Secretary of United States Department of the Treasury

any municipal, circuit or district court clerk

the commissioner of Social Security

the secretary of state of each U.S. state, district or territory

any city or county clerk (not necessarily court clerks)

the chief counsel or president of any state bank or U.S. bank.

IMHO, fixation on printed notes these days is a colorful distraction. Much is done via book entry and by transfers made electronically.

Anthony Joseph
11-15-13, 02:14 PM
Well they are "Federal Reserve Notes". That is the first key. Another key is that checks printed by check printers do not make reference to lawful money however the "$" is allegedly a symbol for lawful money. What may also cause problems is that clearinghouse certificates could be under the National Banking Act be 'deemed' to be lawful money under certain circumstances (for certain reserve purposes?) and it might be so today and that might give rise to a kind of double talk. And that might explain why you could give a bank a PN in lawful money and they cut you a check in clearinghouse points.

I'd tend to say that the primary lawful money in circulation today in the United States of America are negotiable promissory notes denominated in "lawful money" and corporate bonds denominated in lawful money and their electronic equivalents. If checks are lawful money then checks, money orders and the like would be such--in any case it is likely that they make up the currency.

As for "Father's trustee"... have you ever considered the role that any of the following play in the monetary system or what their duties are and how they might relate to your prosperity:
Secretary of United States Department of the Treasury
any municipal, circuit or district court clerk
the commissioner of Social Security
the secretary of state of each U.S. state, district or territory
any city or county clerk (not necessarily court clerks)
the chief counsel or president of any state bank or U.S. bank.

IMHO, fixation on printed notes these days is a colorful distraction. Much is done via book entry and by transfers made electronically.

Again, I agree.

The main distinction is whether the "lawful money' is elastic or inelastic. I add that distinction in my correspondences to your above list of potential "Father's trustees". However, said 'trustees' remain silent and continuously ignore the clear intents and requirements of the 'heir'; the man alive, who learned to stay away from the offer of "Mr. Stranger" and wishes to operate by the just and proper balances guaranteed by "Father's trust".

The men and women, who also act in public trust capacity, contacted by this 'heir':

Jacob J. LEW - U.S. Treasurer
Rosa G. RIOS - Treasurer of the United States of America
Thomas J. CURRY - U.S. Comptroller of the Currency
John F. KERRY - U.S. Secretary of State
Ken DETZNER - Florida Secretary of State
Jeff ATWATER - Florida Chief Financial Officer
Karen E. RUSHING - local court clerk

All of "Father's trustees" remain silent and in voluntary ignorance.

This is probably due to the fact that each of these men and women 'moonlight' for "Mr. Stranger" and prefer said 'moonlighting' over their 'day job'.

11-15-13, 03:38 PM
The main distinction is whether the "lawful money' is elastic or inelastic....

I suppose most any currency has some elasticity to it. Even gold coin could be more valuable one day than the next due to fluctuations in demand for gold. However, it might still serve to be a just weight and balance and inelastic in the sense that flucations would tend to be 'universal' (i.e. effecting all within the context) in scope.

... This is probably due to the fact that each of these men and women 'moonlight' for "Mr. Stranger" and prefer said 'moonlighting' over their 'day job'.

Well you might have hit the nail on the head or pretty close. Or it might be something to do with...
1473 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SAZ7bljb2Y)
"State Secrets" an attorney and his underlings not being able to reveal their clients' secrets. As in, they might want to help but cannot due to some oath taken. Or perhaps they are partners with Mr. Stranger selling out their own brethren for a mess of pottage? Or perhaps Congress might be chiefly complicity? Or perhaps Congress and the FRB are merely sideshows or "stunt doubles" for others? Since the US Code is made openly available for most all to read, perhaps then there is another perspective...

It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. (Proverbs 25:2)

Somehow an above post got truncated so I retype:

P.S. Consider that the underwriting activity that a state bank or a federal bank might engage in might only ever be with respect to repossessed assets or with respect to abandoned assets. As in if a bank or a bank holding company [two different things] ever issued its own money it would likely only be underwritten by assets that it confiscated or abandoned assets (i.e. repossession, foreclosure, abandonment, 1099-A, plunder, overpayments, etc.--double dipping might however would be more along the lines of extreme usury and plunder). Apart from services provided, banks don't tend to originate anything of value.

That a bank stands to gain heavily through ignorance or lack of knowledge is telling. Consider that Governments have tended to make substantial gains similarly: through forfeiture, asset seizure, tax foreclosures, escheats and abandonment. That they are so interested in your stuff is perhaps revealing something: they don't have much of anything of value without you. This might be shocking but banks and credit card companies are at least in part in the business of turning accounting entries into tangible assets: they want you to fail to pay so they can repossess tangible items. Perhaps they are supposed to (primarily) be in the business of providing telegraphic, accounting and legal services or perhaps that is what they pretend. Consider that new car loans are secured by the cars purchased (proof would be in repossession)--therefore, a bank isn't risking anything except a bet as to whether you will pay the repayment amount on time or at all. If the reader doesn't believe that a bank would repossess a $50K car and still require the 'borrower' to repay the remainder of the loan, I have something for you:


Anthony Joseph
11-15-13, 04:54 PM
I suppose most any currency has some elasticity to it. Even gold coin could be more valuable one day than the next due to fluctuations in demand for gold. However, it might still serve to be a just weight and balance and inelastic in the sense that flucations would tend to be 'universal' (i.e. effecting all within the context) in scope.

Well you might have hit the nail on the head or pretty close. Or it might be something to do with "State Secrets" an attorney and his underlings not being able to reveal their clients' secrets. As in, they might want to help but cannot due to some oath taken. Or perhaps they are partners with Mr. Stranger selling out their own brethren for a mess of pottage? Or perhaps Congress might be chiefly complicity? Or perhaps Congress and the FRB are merely sideshows or "stunt doubles" for others? Since the US Code is made openly available for most all to read, perhaps then there is another perspective...

Somehow an above post got truncated so I retype:

That a bank stands to gain heavily through ignorance or lack of knowledge is telling. Consider that Governments have tended to make substantial gains similarly: through forfeiture, asset seizure, tax foreclosures, escheats and abandonment. That they are so interested in your stuff is perhaps revealing something: they don't have much of anything of value without you. This might be shocking but banks and credit card companies are in the business of turning accounting entries into tangible assets: they want you to fail to pay so they can repossess tangible items. Perhaps they are supposed to be in the business of providing telegraphic, accounting and legal services or perhaps that is what they pretend. Consider that new car loans are secured by the cars purchased (proof would be in repossession)--therefore, a bank isn't risking anything except a bet as to whether you will pay the repayment amount on time or at all.

While I am all for being charitable, I point out Communism for what it is (so that folks can steer the Ship clear of the rocks and shoals): it is the wet dream of plunderers and asset seizure, Communism is usury, asset forfeiture, asset seizure, taxation, repossession on steroids for those who just cant get enough. AFAIK, Communism is not biblical. For those who don't get it: we already hold roads, streets, bridges and public property in common. Voluntary fraternal or sororial communalism isn't the same as communism which is where the Caesar levies 100%+ tax instead of just getting what Caesar might be due.

If you consider why it might be difficult for Bob to get a loan from a bank for his new gas station, consider that if the bank is running ten repossessed gas stations in the same town, the bank might have a conflict of interest. The bank becomes an intelligence agency spying on potential competition. It might also make sense why the FRB pulls currency from areas that need it: the harder it is for businesses and others to repay their loans THE MORE ASSETS MEMBER BANKS STAND TO REPOSSESS OR FORECLOSE ON. This is really rather obvious stuff. Communism: is municipal trading, asset forfeiture, monopoly and more combined. The point is: a free market works in the hand of honest folks. When a free market system (and I don't mean "capitalism") is in the hand of Communists or extreme Socialists who pretend to be for the free market it can give rise to false appearances. The system works because they use it to enrich themselves! So I allude to you* knowing how to make it work for yourselves and others.

Also, once a threat is exposed, then there is clearly something to pray about. I have often drawn a parallel between calling air strikes and prayer. There is more than enough hope.

One of the duties of a public trustee is to fully acquit and discharge debt obligations, or other securities, of the United States unless... a man or woman accommodates or undertakes for the obligation. The FIRST MIDDLE LAST may be my property (right-of-use proper to me and exclusive of all others), but title is held by another. Titleholder is legal owner and the liable party obligated and responsible for the 'thing' titled.

U.C.C. TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 1 > § 8

§ 8. Obligation or other security of the United States

The term “obligation or other security of the United States” includes all bonds, certificates of indebtedness, national bank currency, Federal Reserve notes, Federal Reserve bank notes, coupons, United States notes, Treasury notes, gold certificates, silver certificates, fractional notes, certificates of deposit, bills, checks, or drafts for money, drawn by or upon authorized officers of the United States, stamps and other representatives of value, of whatever denomination, issued under any Act of Congress, and canceled United States stamps.

Section 1-201 (24). "Money". Section 6(5), Uniform Negotiable Instruments Law. The test adopted is that of sanction of government, whether by authorization before issue or adoption afterward, which recognizes the circulating medium as a part of the official currency of that government. The narrow view that money is limited to legal tender is rejected.

Volunteer public trust officials are oath-bound to fulfill said duty and obligations. People are the substance behind all value. The living men and women are the creditors, freely giving the labor and energy produced by their bodies for the benefit of all living people. The United States benefits from the labor and energy of the living people as evidenced by the notes and credit issued and circulating in the public realm. The substance of the living people is the value behind the credit and currency of the United States. The United States is the debtor. The United States is operating in bankruptcy.

When the non-accommodating and non-undertaking people require of public servants/officials/trustees to discharge debt against a vested interest of the United States (FIRST MIDDLE LAST) per their own obligatory law, performance should and must be executed else there is dereliction of duty and violation of office. If an agreement/contract is claimed as authority over a man or woman, then let the living man or woman (who also acts as public servant/official/trustee) making said claim VERIFY on and for the record, under oath or affirmation, that another living man or woman owes a debt or obligation.

Compelling performance of a public servant/officer/trustee 'on the offense' proves more difficult than 'on the defense'.

11-15-13, 05:14 PM
... When the non-accommodating and non-undertaking people require of public servants/officials/trustees to discharge debt against a vested interest of the United States (FIRST MIDDLE LAST) per their own obligatory law, performance should and must be executed else there is dereliction of duty and violation of office. If an agreement/contract is claimed as authority over a man or woman, then let the living man or woman (who also acts as public servant/official/trustee) making said claim VERIFY on and for the record, under oath or affirmation, that another living man or woman owes a debt or obligation.

Compelling performance of a public servant/officer/trustee 'on the offense' proves more difficult than 'on the defense'.

Writ of mandamus (http://www.mindserpent.com/American_History/reference/extraordinary_remedies/1892_merrill_law_of_mandamus.pdf); acceptance of oath of office. The more one knows about the underlying law, the more effectively or concise one can be with respect to mandamus or the like.

P.S. it might help if you have someone available to act if the person fails to comply with the mandate --you know kinda like what they do if someone doesn't pay a fine. Shouldn't take too much thought on what government officials could be useful to back you up.

Related: http://freedom-school.com/acceptance/.

11-16-13, 02:09 AM

11-16-13, 02:11 AM
PBS aired a piece called Secret History of the Credit Card (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/credit/). Of course, any most any high-level industry insider knows that turning paper into cars is "the best bizness in town".

"Deadbeat:" Although "deadbeat" normally means "one who does not pay one's debts," [Source: URL http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=deadbeat], the word has taken on a new meaning for credit card companies. For them, "deadbeat" means someone who avoids interest and fees by paying her/his account balance in full each month rather than paying the minimum amount and carrying a balance. Credit card companies do not earn much from these cardholders. About 55 million Americans pay their bills in full each month.

If you are limiting them to their 'pretend' primary business of providing services from which they collect more-than-reasonable fees, then they might refer to you as a 'deadbeat (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/teach/credit/hand1.html)'.

Keith Alan
11-16-13, 04:57 AM
Awesome! That will take a little time to digest. Thanks so very much. After reading it one time, I realized I've been wrongly interpreting the phrase, "issued by the discretion of the Board..."

Keith Alan
11-16-13, 04:58 AM
I suspect the one redeeming the bill for value is removing the bill from being Private Federal Clearinghouse Credit to United States Public/Social Credit. Feel free to search books.google.com for information about clearinghouse certificates. Some of the pre-1913 clearinghouse certificates looked an awful lot like Federal Reserve Notes look today.

Its important to study the fundamentals. The central banks are clearing houses (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clearing_house_(finance)) or 'clearing corporations (http://vacode.org/8.8A-102/?ModPagespeed=noscript)'. AFAIK it is the Federal Reserve Board of Governors issues them *to* the banks and they do not issue Federal Reserve Notes themselves for CIRCULATION (although keep in mind that checks, money orders and the like could be construed to be a form of currency). A 'bank' is a 'store' or a 'resevoir' it is not a generator except perhaps by induction. A piggy bank doesn't generate coins, it is a place for storing them. The currency comes from the U.S. Department of the Treasury not from the Federal Reserve Bank. The Promissory Notes on mortgages are neither issued by the Federal Banks nor by the State Banks. Since banks pass checks and such between each other, they need a common place to settle accounting between each other. That is what the 12 Federal Reserve Banks facilitate. When a 'national' or state bank in Chicago needs to clear a check drawn on or payable through a bank in New York, it must AFAIK use the Federal Reserve System. If the check is local, the mail, a courier or a local (ACH) clearinghouse could be utilized.


If you are a FRB member or agent, then you are member or agent of a federal clearinghouse or a federal clearing corporation. If you are dealing with an unredeemed clearinghouse certificate, you're dealing with "(FRB/Casino) House Credit" rather than public money. AFAIK, the Federal Reserve System doesn't make cars, clothes, mobile homes. The Federal Reserve System doesn't even print its own money/currency. The value doesn't come from the bank it goes into or through the bank. The banks are service providers (i.e. accounting, telegraphic, courier and legal services--that's 'bout it).



Imagine you have a wonderful, wealthy father who has hired a trustee to underwrite your endeavors and to give a guarantee to your payment obligations expressed in lawful money. However, Mr. Stranger crops up and offers you a guarantee too--at a steep price and in the terms of clearinghouse credits. The Mr. Stranger doesn't want to see you prospering and wants you to live a pitiful poor life or to die in a bad way. Naughty-naughty Mr. Stranger knows if you don't express the amount in lawful money, it never triggers the father's guarantee. He also knows and tries to keep it secret that until you redeem the clearinghouse credit for lawful money it wont trigger the father's guarantee. Mr. Stranger knows that you have choice and loves to see you exercise your free will ....

1465 (http://home.fuse.net/skycorder/sponge/maniacal.wav)
...in the stupidest way possible that helps Mr. Stranger greatly enrich himself. It might be important to note that HJR-192 mentioned dollars* not clearinghouse credits--oooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh sneeekayyyy. ;) But aren't you glad at least someone (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/member.php?2-David-Merrill) has been paying attention?


Does the Bank of Canada print currency? No. Canadian Bank Note Company and BA International Inc. have been primarily invovled in that.

Does the Federal Reserve System issue or print currency? No. the U.S. Bureau of Engraving & Printing does.

Does the Reserve Bank of New Zealand print currency? No. "New Zealand’s polymer banknotes are produced by Note Print Australia Limited in Melbourne".

Does the Bank of Canada even make coins? No. The Royal Canadian Mint (http://www.mint.ca/) does.

However, banks do print, sell or exchange: checks, money orders, deposit slips or bank drafts.

P.S. Consider that the underwriting activity that a state bank or a federal bank might engage in might only ever be with respect to repossessed assets or with respect to abandoned assets. As in if a bank or a bank holding company [two different things] ever issued its own money it would likely only be underwritten by assets that it confiscated or abandoned assets (i.e. repossession, foreclosure, abandonment, 1099-A, plunder, overpayments, etc.--double dipping might however would be more along the lines of extreme usury and plunder). Apart from services provided, banks don't tend to originate anything of value.

Awesome! That will take some time to difest! Thank you!

Keith Alan
11-17-13, 01:41 PM
I suspect the one redeeming the bill for value is removing the bill from being Private Federal Clearinghouse Credit to United States Public/Social Credit. Feel free to search books.google.com for information about clearinghouse certificates. Some of the pre-1913 clearinghouse certificates looked an awful lot like Federal Reserve Notes look today.

Its important to study the fundamentals. The central banks are clearing houses (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clearing_house_(finance)) or 'clearing corporations (http://vacode.org/8.8A-102/?ModPagespeed=noscript)'. AFAIK it is the Federal Reserve Board of Governors issues them *to* the banks and they do not issue Federal Reserve Notes themselves for CIRCULATION (although keep in mind that checks, money orders and the like could be construed to be a form of currency). A 'bank' is a 'store' or a 'resevoir' it is not a generator except perhaps by induction. A piggy bank doesn't generate coins, it is a place for storing them. The currency comes from the U.S. Department of the Treasury not from the Federal Reserve Bank. The Promissory Notes on mortgages are neither issued by the Federal Banks nor by the State Banks. Since banks pass checks and such between each other, they need a common place to settle accounting between each other. That is what the 12 Federal Reserve Banks facilitate. When a 'national' or state bank in Chicago needs to clear a check drawn on or payable through a bank in New York, it must AFAIK use the Federal Reserve System. If the check is local, the mail, a courier or a local (ACH) clearinghouse could be utilized.


If you are a FRB member or agent, then you are member or agent of a federal clearinghouse or a federal clearing corporation. If you are dealing with an unredeemed clearinghouse certificate, you're dealing with "(FRB/Casino) House Credit" rather than public money. AFAIK, the Federal Reserve System doesn't make cars, clothes, mobile homes. The Federal Reserve System doesn't even print its own money/currency. The value doesn't come from the bank it goes into or through the bank. The banks are service providers (i.e. accounting, telegraphic, courier and legal services--that's 'bout it).



Imagine you have a wonderful, wealthy father who has hired a trustee to underwrite your endeavors and to give a guarantee to your payment obligations expressed in lawful money. However, Mr. Stranger crops up and offers you a guarantee too--at a steep price and in the terms of clearinghouse credits. The Mr. Stranger doesn't want to see you prospering and wants you to live a pitiful poor life or to die in a bad way. Naughty-naughty Mr. Stranger knows if you don't express the amount in lawful money, it never triggers the father's guarantee. He also knows and tries to keep it secret that until you redeem the clearinghouse credit for lawful money it wont trigger the father's guarantee. Mr. Stranger knows that you have choice and loves to see you exercise your free will ....

1465 (http://home.fuse.net/skycorder/sponge/maniacal.wav)
...in the stupidest way possible that helps Mr. Stranger greatly enrich himself. It might be important to note that HJR-192 mentioned dollars* not clearinghouse credits--oooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh sneeekayyyy. ;) But aren't you glad at least someone (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/member.php?2-David-Merrill) has been paying attention?


Does the Bank of Canada print currency? No. Canadian Bank Note Company and BA International Inc. have been primarily invovled in that.

Does the Federal Reserve System issue or print currency? No. the U.S. Bureau of Engraving & Printing does.

Does the Reserve Bank of New Zealand print currency? No. "New Zealand’s polymer banknotes are produced by Note Print Australia Limited in Melbourne".

Does the Bank of Canada even make coins? No. The Royal Canadian Mint (http://www.mint.ca/) does.

However, banks do print, sell or exchange: checks, money orders, deposit slips or bank drafts.

P.S. Consider that the underwriting activity that a state bank or a federal bank might engage in might only ever be with respect to repossessed assets or with respect to abandoned assets. As in if a bank or a bank holding company [two different things] ever issued its own money it would likely only be underwritten by assets that it confiscated or abandoned assets (i.e. repossession, foreclosure, abandonment, 1099-A, plunder, overpayments, etc.--double dipping might however would be more along the lines of extreme usury and plunder). Apart from services provided, banks don't tend to originate anything of value.

Awesome! After thinking about this for a day or two, it occurs that I don't know enough about the actual issue of credit. Or maybe my perception just isn't broad enough yet.

Anthony Joseph
12-05-13, 08:44 PM
Writ of mandamus (http://www.mindserpent.com/American_History/reference/extraordinary_remedies/1892_merrill_law_of_mandamus.pdf); acceptance of oath of office. The more one knows about the underlying law, the more effectively or concise one can be with respect to mandamus or the like.

P.S. it might help if you have someone available to act if the person fails to comply with the mandate --you know kinda like what they do if someone doesn't pay a fine. Shouldn't take too much thought on what government officials could be useful to back you up.

Related: http://freedom-school.com/acceptance/.

United States Marshals.

Leo Undelli
12-08-13, 05:32 PM
Talking to the guns for hire working in Federal Buildings, it was revealed that there are only two (2) Federal Marshalls per State. Not all you see is the truth. I believe your Remedy lies in their forms. Listen to Joe on Angela's calls...http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=39904&cmd=tc EPISODE 223 - Special Guest Speaker Joe; EPISODE 224 - Back by Popular Demand "Joe"; EPISODE 233 - Special Guest Speaker Joe Private Equity Recovery; EPISODE 242 - Special Guest Speaker Joe......also David Merrill is spot on concerning his research......refiling W-4 has stopped all federal withholding with a major manufacturing company.....transcripts from IRS Penn. indicates no taxable income the last 3 years.....filed corrected w-4's back to the 1990's........using the example on this forum.....placed two (2) w-4's on 1 sheet of paper with Notary juriat at bottom, then had Sec of State authenticate all forms with their Certificate.....gave copies to IRS and had IRS file stamp my copies then sent copies to the major manufacturing company....your Remedy lies with the county you sleep in.....California counties have been burned and are ponying up to their duties....other states are behind the curve as suitors have not studied how to enforce their wishes.....NEVER SAY I WANT ONLY "I WISH"....next post will include forms to use for county compliance.......

Leo Undelli
12-08-13, 06:03 PM

http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f3949a.pdf Form for Public Servants who think they are above the law

http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f13909.pdf Form for county departments who refuse to provide their filed form 990's

http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f211.pdf Reward for reporting Public Servants who steal from the united States of America

http://www.unclefed.com/IRS-Forms/ Good source for W-4 forms

Leo Undelli
12-08-13, 06:31 PM
Counter Deed - (Law) a secret writing which destroys, invalidates, or alters, a public deed. http://tinyurl.com/oo26klj

Take your Counter Deed and sign in front of four witnesses......have the four witnesses sign the Counter Deed in front of Notary

I have not tried this yet, but sounds good....thus removing your signature from Notary using witnesses as buffer. Not sure what description of property one uses and what format is included in counter deed.....I use bond paper for important documents.

Each state's statutes has code similar to the following California Code:

California GOVERNMENT CODE http://www.myprivateaudio.com/Joe.html

26900. The auditor shall examine and settle the accounts of any
persons indebted to the county or holding money payable into the
county treasury, and shall certify the amount to the treasurer. Upon
the presentation and filing of the treasurer's receipt therefor, the
auditor shall give to such person a discharge and charge the
treasurer with the amount received by him.

[property tax, child support, etc]

This is your Remedy for county taking care of your bills issued by the county....counties are all non-profit charity organizations...thus the elusive FORM 990 the counties do not want you to see. The counties EIN numbers are on the FORM 990

David Merrill
12-09-13, 09:20 AM
That was where I began.

I removed my signatures for all documents at the county clerk and recorder. I could still get that by certified doc if I wanted - even back in what? 1994?

Then I signed my approbation to the Survey (http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/2976/approbationtothedeclara.pdf) - otherwise known as the Declaration of Independence. This was done in the form of Matthew THORNTON, who arrived in Pennsylvania in November of 1776 (http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/4824/declarationbigenhanced.jpg) wanting to add his signature.


My approbation is published through the county clerk and recorder. One time of several I went for certified copies and they kept behaving like they could not find it. I told them to call the sheriff to investigate and maybe arrest the clerk. They pretended to look really hard, staring at their computer screens all dumb. I remembered that I had to feed the meter and suddenly took off out the door directly for my car, and the Sheriff's office. I came back after dropping some coins into the meter and there were two copies, all certified and nobody around. I found somebody and the copies were free!

It is amusing how and where we can find validations like in your post.

12-09-13, 02:48 PM
That was where I began. My approbation is published through the county clerk and recorder. One time of several I went for certified copies and they kept behaving like they could not find it. I told them to call the sheriff to investigate and maybe arrest the clerk. They pretended to look really hard, staring at their computer screens all dumb. I remembered that I had to feed the meter and suddenly took off out the door directly for my car, and the Sheriff's office. I came back after dropping some coins into the meter and there were two copies, all certified and nobody around. I found somebody and the copies were free!

You think your counter trolls are incompetent; you should listen to the ones we deal with.

Since this forum is considered a “just a review” let’s look at something else.

Senator Harry Reid
One of the biggest public supporters of the Affordable Care Act has reportedly decided that some of his staff should be exempted from the new law.

This picture reminds me of him saying. Got ya, again.

His view. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7mRSI8yWwg

A spokesman for Louisiana Republican David Vitter told Yahoo News that the senator has introduced the "Show Your Exemption Act," which would require all members of Congress to publicly list which staff members have been exempted.http://news.yahoo.com/harry-reid-exempts-some-of-his-senate-staff-from-obamacare-exchanges-192925037.html

42 USC § 18115 - Freedom not to participate in Federal health insurance programs | Title 42 - The Public Health and Welfare | U.S. Code | LII / Legal Information Institute.http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/42/18115

Current through Pub. L. 113-36. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)
42 USC § 18115 states No individual, company, business, nonprofit entity, or health insurance issuer offering group or individual health insurance coverage shall be required to participate in any Federal health insurance program created under this Act (or any amendments made by this Act), or in any Federal health insurance program expanded by this Act (or any such amendments), and there shall be no penalty or fine imposed upon any such issuer for choosing not to participate in such programs.

David Merrill
12-09-13, 08:36 PM

That is precious information. Thanks!

Current through Pub. L. 113-36. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)
42 USC § 18115 states No individual, company, business, nonprofit entity, or health insurance issuer offering group or individual health insurance coverage shall be required to participate in any Federal health insurance program created under this Act (or any amendments made by this Act), or in any Federal health insurance program expanded by this Act (or any such amendments), and there shall be no penalty or fine imposed upon any such issuer for choosing not to participate in such programs.

12-11-13, 04:37 AM
The main distinction is whether the "lawful money' is elastic or inelastic. ....the just and proper balances guaranteed by "Father's trust".

Simple iron nails might expand or contract in actual size depending on the weather. But the expansion or contraction is 'universal' effecting 'everyone'. Thus you can have universal 'micro-elasticity' and it would be just. Gold might be worth more one day than another, but again its a 'universal' kind of flexibility or elasticity to the extent that the change is 'just' or, rather, 'equitable'.

All of "Father's trustees" remain silent and in voluntary ignorance.

This is probably due to the fact that each of these men and women 'moonlight' for "Mr. Stranger" and prefer said 'moonlighting' over their 'day job'.

I have found it best to avoid making presumptions about the trustees. Perhaps they have a gun to their head? Perhaps they are sworn to do nothing unless the heir shows competence. As in perhaps they have a very strict rule for what evidences competence. If the heir hasn't done his homework, they might construe the heir to be sleep/dead/incompetent/insane/'not quite ready'. Alternatively, perhaps the typical office holder is totally clueless. If Father told the heir about system works, why is the heir begging the trustee to teach him? Father can hire 1,000,000 men to repair or maintain different aspects of the Great Machine but you know, the servants might just expect the heir to know more than they do.


Perhaps 'stealing candy from a baby' is code for 'robbing the incompetent heir'?

Anthony Joseph
12-11-13, 05:20 PM
Simple iron nails might expand or contract in actual size depending on the weather. But the expansion or contraction is 'universal' effecting 'everyone'. Thus you can have universal 'micro-elasticity' and it would be just. Gold might be worth more one day than another, but again its a 'universal' kind of flexibility or elasticity to the extent that the change is 'just' or, rather, 'equitable'.

I have found it best to avoid making presumptions about the trustees. Perhaps they have a gun to their head? Perhaps they are sworn to do nothing unless the heir shows competence. As in perhaps they have a very strict rule for what evidences competence. If the heir hasn't done his homework, they might construe the heir to be sleep/dead/incompetent/insane/'not quite ready'. Alternatively, perhaps the typical office holder is totally clueless. If Father told the heir about system works, why is the heir begging the trustee to teach him? Father can hire 1,000,000 men to repair or maintain different aspects of the Great Machine but you know, the servants might just expect the heir to know more than they do.


Perhaps 'stealing candy from a baby' is code for 'robbing the incompetent heir'?

Have you shown competence to a knowledgeable and willing trustee who, in turn, performed as is required?

12-11-13, 09:32 PM
Have you shown competence to a knowledgeable and willing trustee who, in turn, performed as is required?

Of course. In my time, I have seen tax accounts settled, driver licenses unsuspended, felony cases sealed, full immunity honored and supported, licenses issued and much much more.

Competence can be shown: [1] by not contradicting oneself, [2] by not asking the public servant to do that which would be unlawful, [3] by making it evident that you know the law, statute, regulation, underlying principles and the lay of the land without contradicting oneself in principle or [4] by not requesting or demanding to contradictory things.

Re: competence -> Being exhaustive in one's studies and being footed on unshakable foundations is perhaps key. Taking the time to know what the trustee might be bound to is important. If Father has told the Treasure Room Guardian to hold the valuables and toys and goodies safe and only transfer them for the given price or else the Treasure Room Guardian would be punished, the son doesn't come along and simply take things, the son would leave the Treasure Room Guardian with some remedy. Doesn't the Bible call for one to be a good master? Not being a good master might also be evidence of incompetence. Does the good master put his Treasure Room Guardian in the position of being punished for missing property but allow his sons to take property without remedy. Just an example.

Ways to show incompetence: [1] being inconsistent about who or what you are or what role you are playing; [2] showing excessive blind emotionalism to the extent that it ruptures through the document in question; [3] talking or writing too much (kitchen sinking) or too little; [4] revealing your lack of knowledge or wisdom about the topic or matter in question; [5] glaring guffaws such as "I'm not a resident" but having an "address" that clearly shows you to be resident; [6] treating the trustee like an enemy while also expecting the trustee to perform as if not an enemy--if the trustee is truly an enemy then he should be removed from office not expected to perform honorably right?; [7] trading or dealing with the enemy as if he were your friend or trading or dealing with the enemy at all; [8] making requests from or begging to inferiors; [9] arguing with inferiors.

Rather than being blind angry or hyper-emotional, it has proven far more effective and important to ask and to knock on the Door for remedy. Believe me: I have been injured, attacked, kidnapped and more. But am I angry? No. Was I angry at some point? Yes. Anger can be a healthy motivator to get er done but I don't suspect anger to be a good ultimate inspiration. Believe me, the Adversary has at some point had to deal with regret. Anger shouldn't cause a shift away from principled foundations.

Someone once told me about HALT. They say to make self-assessments regularly: [H]ungry, [A]ngry, [L]onely, [T]ired. If you are ever all in the state of all of the above or nearly so then halt--stop...cool your boots. Pray, gather your senses to avoid getting into a blindly destructive cycle or more. With law and the like I find to always be important to focus on the Greater Good for oneself and for others as being of great import. When such directs and inspires what you do, I would question whether there be any judge, military, weapon, tyrant or power on the planet that can steadfastly resist such.


One thing that some might do well to get a grip on is that the trustees might often be allergic to liability. If you want a state officer to handle a given matter, you want them to be competent enough to do so and typically the higher level officers are trained adequately or reasonably so: attorney general, secretary of state, minister or director of revenue, etc. Laying 'burdens' on someone that can't handle isn't 'good master'.

David Merrill
12-11-13, 09:42 PM
Daydreaming I found myself in a scenario related to arraignment. The judge was badgering me about being in the State of Colorado. [Of meaning Issuance.] The Great Seal is more often than not part of my signature as I am trustee of the resulting trust.

The breach of trust that created the opportunity for me is that in 1861 instead of forming the Territory of Colorado, execution of law formed more like a War Chest out of the gold claims here. However everybody trundles along, everybody but David Merrill anyway, thinking that there actually exists a State of Colorado here.

This leads me into thinking about "They" in the remedy. They shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand...

In the biblical redemption model this "They" would be limited to Christians, and maybe in their own minds, the Jews too. [It might be that eternal salvation is just a state of mind so let's not leave the Jews out.]

Title 12 USC §411 is written for the God in all humanity. This appearance of God though shines through in the gold. Also in the IN GOD WE TRUST trust circulating through the bills and the Treasury by oaths of office being before God, So Help Me God etc.

Take the gold, foil it out thin, and wrap it around a wooden calf and you have an abomination. A distraction. I would like you to think of the gold as a lifeline into the land - the earth. From where it came. This cuts through the illusion of government as the trustee. The ownership is to the trustee but the use is to the beneficiary. Are you a beneficiary of the government - a fictional overlay between your feet and the ground? Or are you a beneficiary of the ground holding you up and providing living nutrition?

The demand for redemption of lawful money is coherently the demand to reinstate the natural order of things - that government be small and ready to help the beneficiaries in that trust. When you trust government there it is. When you act in honor, then government is not.

12-11-13, 10:32 PM

As in: we can stop (bind) or avoid the licensing of bondage to the illusion. We can license and permit (loose) good things. But perhaps we might do well to come to the realization that the public servant has had a hard time because of the failure to exercise power by those who may have not realized the power had been theirs to exercise all along (http://famguardian.org/TaxFreedom/CitesByTopic/PublicRight.htm)?

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God.

I tend to agree with the notion that "Government" is not the trustee but instead the office holders are entrusted with Government whether it be for a Casino, for a Bank a State or for a Country Club--some kind of governance, order keeping, promotion of equity, keeping the Peace.

The breach of trust that created the opportunity for me is that in 1861 instead of forming the Territory of Colorado, execution of law formed more like a War Chest out of the gold claims here. However everybody trundles along, everybody but David Merrill anyway, thinking that there actually exists a State of Colorado here.

It came to me one day that the breeches of trust may have always been by design as invitations to the sons to "step up to the game". The Injured Sheep in the field that are moaning in pain might be earnestly calling out to the Son.

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. (not to be taken out of context but simply illustrative of the nature of the sonship)

Open to quite a remarkable interpretation.

For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Romans 8:19-21


Maybe redemption has stories to tell
Maybe forgiveness is right where you fell
Where can you run to escape from yourself?
Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna go?
Salvation is here
(From lyrics of the song Dare You to Move, 2:38 mark in the video)

David Merrill
12-12-13, 09:05 PM
Thanks for the video - and wisdom.

01-19-14, 05:39 PM
"One of the duties of a public trustee is to fully acquit and discharge debt obligations, or other securities, of the United States unless... a man or woman accommodates or undertakes for the obligation. The FIRST MIDDLE LAST may be my property (right-of-use proper to me and exclusive of all others), but title is held by another. Titleholder is legal owner and the liable party obligated and responsible for the 'thing' titled."

Just a quick comment about being consistent. I agree that one of the duties of public trustees is to fully acquit and discharge their "properties" obligations under 12 USC 95a. If a man accommodates or undertakes or CLAIMS that Property or Name or estate, trust, person, etc as his property, therefore , he consents to act as trustee, fiduciary, executor, or administrator of that person, trust, estate, etc. A usufruct complaint certified certificate has been sent to man for his USE, where and if a claim against said property or name should arise, MAN is NOT to intermeddle with such affairs that have no concern to him and should refer the person who has such a claim to contact the correct party to settle the matter.

If man intermeddles with property that does not belong to him, there is a presumption by law that he accepts such fiduciary duties to administrate that entity. If that NAME were my property, I would be able to obtain the original title from the state vital statistics bureau. I can have it, therefore, the state is the legal owner of that property while the US has bought and paid for the interest thereof through the SSA.

We also want to be careful referring to men as creditors. A creditor is a person and a person is a fiction. Men have nothing to do with their system. This does not mean men can not benefit on behalf of the person. This is just indirectly. The US is the beneficiary. Remember fiction for fiction, real for real. Men are real. And remember that a beneficiary has a tax liability [rule of usufruct].

"Compelling performance of a public servant/officer/trustee 'on the offense' proves more difficult than 'on the defense'." I agree with you 100%
We have USE of but not ownership of that estate. I realize this is how you meant what you stated, I just wanted to clarify a bit. They are tricky you know - lol

12-02-14, 03:40 AM
Awesome! After thinking about this for a day or two, it occurs that I don't know enough about the actual issue of credit. Or maybe my perception just isn't broad enough yet.

I suspect that one thing that might be important to getting a head around credit is that 'credit' is a type of entry in a ledger or accounting book. It is conceivable that a payment can be made without transfer of specie and instead can be made by making a credit entry in your favor in an accounting ledger/book/journal. Keep in mind that CPAs are associated with the tax court. Consider that if A can get the person who has control over the ledgers at a bank to make an entry in B's favor, the moment that entry is made B is paid (value transfer by way of entry into an accounting book/ledger/journal). Why is it payment?

[1] Because the bank is both A's and B's agent. The receipt of payment for you by your agent is receipt by you.
[2] You can use an ATM or Debit card and get to that payment--the ATM or Debit Card is part of an electronic accounting system and value transfer system. Swipe the card and cause an accounting entry to be made in favor of the retailer and the retailer in turn hands you 'goods'.

Entry into book = payment by way of 'credit' (entries or accounting actions that have positive value in your favor).
Delivery of specie = payment.

Again it is important IMHO to remember that a banker has a state-recognized power over accounting books. Their duty to balance them is part of the license it is alleged. A typical bank might provide a suite of services: secretarial, courier, bookkeeping, accounting and telegraphic (wire transfer, etc.).

David Merrill
12-02-14, 10:29 AM
In summary these interbank markers, Clearinghouse Certificates were designed for banks to gamble on the timing of a run on the Fed for twenty years, according to charter:


In 1933 the charter came due so the Run on the Fed was immanent. People were granted the charter to keep the Fed in business.

I am grateful to find Members here who jump in with such great information! I must have missed this thread because of the unspecific title.

Just a quick comment about being consistent. I agree that one of the duties of public trustees is to fully acquit and discharge their "properties" obligations under 12 USC 95a.

This process of double-entry bookkeeping makes a presumption that nobody will ever call in the debt. Redeeming Lawful Money is always presumed deferred. This reduces Federal Reserve notes to insurance policies and the presumption is nobody will ever make a claim to the alleged value. I mention this not to confuse but to encourage the Readers and Members to understand how we will find bottomry and admiralty running a common thread, enabling the Libel of Review.


David Merrill.

P.S. So now it is the same gamble, just a larger body of state banks and a select group of suitors redeeming lawful money and getting a 30% pay raise (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIjMwGC1730) for cashing in early.

12-02-14, 04:55 PM
This process of double-entry bookkeeping makes a presumption that nobody will ever call in the debt. Redeeming Lawful Money is always presumed deferred. This reduces Federal Reserve notes to insurance policies and the presumption is nobody will ever make a claim to the alleged value. I mention this not to confuse but to encourage the Readers and Members to understand how we will find bottomry and admiralty running a common thread, enabling the Libel of Review.

I suspect that the system could have worked if it wasn't managed by those who had subversive, vamipric and destructive intentions. The idea is that men of noble and good nature can get along and work together to produce so much value that they could let go of (forgive) a few pennies here and there. Throw in the vampires, stripping of manufacturing / productive base, public school destroying/crippling productive inclination and how can it work anywhere? Or were the public schools dumbed down so the would-be heirs would be so stupid they would effectively abandon their claims. Or is the idea of population reduction about forced abandonment of claims?

In 1933 the charter came due so the Run on the Fed was immanent. People were granted the charter to keep the Fed in business.

A resulting trust?

12-02-14, 05:16 PM
managed by those who had subversive, vamipric and destructive intentions. the public schools dumbed down so the would-be heirs would be so stupid they would effectively abandon their claims. Or is the idea of population reduction about forced abandonment of claims?

Resulting in no trust? Couldn't said it better myself.

Michael Joseph
12-02-14, 07:19 PM
Resulting in no trust? Couldn't said it better myself.

thus I removed the NAME from the voting roles. For to participate in this cesspool is to be complicit. We are to sit under our own fig and vine. There can be no presumption for the Bramble does not cast a shadow and gives NO SHADE.

Psa 91:1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

Psa 91:2 I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

Honor thy Mother - El Shaddai - Wisdom - She is Beauty. Take your shade under Her Administration.