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12-24-13, 03:35 PM
A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics
The following treatise on communist brainwashing, which has been published and republished since the 1930s, is an edited version of an actual textbook on Russian "psychopolitics." It was used as a primer, here in America, to teach communist agents how to brainwash people, and, in fact, how to subvert entire populations. While the wording of this particular treatise—and there are any number of them—may or may not be completely authentic, two things are historically certain: 1) Such brainwashing activities really occurred, and 2) this volume accurately conveys the principles and techniques employed.

Today it is fashionable to consider the twin Soviet threats of the past—nuclear attack, and subversion of America’s people and institutions— as having been either exaggerated by the West, or downright imagined in the first place. Yet, ironically, the upheaval in the communist world is bringing with it startling revelations confirming many of the most serious accusations ever made against Moscow. For instance, two major books were recently published detailing for the first time Soviet complicity in America’s drug epidemic. It turns out that all those "paranoid, right wing" fears that the Soviets were intent on demoralizing America’s youth through drugs were well founded. For years, America’s liberal intelligentsia considered such notions as paranoid delusions.

An objective look at the state of America today—her institutions, her socialistic political-economic drift, her young people’s values—shows precisely the results that the Soviets, for decades, bragged they wanted to achieve. It is almost as though, while communism is dying (as a political system) throughout most of the world, the seeds of corruption it planted here in the U.S. have germinated and borne bitter fruit.

Don’t take my word for it. Read the following treatise on psychopolitics, and see whether the conditions predicted back then are not exactly what America faces today at the turn of the century. Consider the methods described herein—the degradation of youth through sex and drugs, the seduction of this nation’s media, educational, and religious institutions, the discrediting of her leaders—and decide for yourself whether or not they are the very means that have been employed to accomplish these ends.

See attachment (approx. 42 pages). Also here (http://members.iimetro.com.au/~hubbca/psychopolitics.htm).

Remember Communism was never a " working class revolt." It was created by the Illuminati (Kabalistic bankers and British-American bluebloods) to bring about a world dictatorship of superrich Satanists.

The textbook suggests that we are currently the subjects of mass hypnosis, which relies on trauma through the application of terror. -John Kerry & the Art of Brainwashing by Henry Makow (http://www.rense.com/general56/ubfit.htm)

Related: The Leipzig Connection (http://ia601606.us.archive.org/4/items/TheLeipzigConnection/TheLeipzigConnection-pauloLionni.pdf); The World's Most Successful Brainwashing (http://www.americantraditions.org/Articles/The%20World's%20Most%20Successful%20Brainwashing.h tm)

ag maniac
12-24-13, 09:31 PM
Even though Nikita Kruschev did say "We will bury you"......it is prophetic that the debunked part about "without firing a shot" has come to pass.

12-25-13, 01:40 AM
It may take some digging to discover who and what the Bolsheviks were or are and the doctrines that motivate them. One might find an ancient link back to Turkey (i.e. Eastern Roman) and Babylonian mysticism (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?1003-Hoppean-Monarchism-and-the-Book-of-Daniel&p=11918&viewfull=1#post11918). Its interesting the double talk that goes on in the Brainwashing manual calling man an animal but giving credence to the notion that the State might be "alive"--in other words they are actually espousing the existence of the likes of spirits, spiritual corporations and "Magickal Entities" or while pretending to deny the existence of such things (which they openly reveal and affinity for using such as tools for controlling men). Its interesting that man would be the very energy source for powering such entities--so of course they "have" to make man seem useless in order to devalue man (i.e. there is mind control even in the teaching of the mind control methods). They inadvertently reveal some underlying "magick" or "science" behind their system while seeming to deny it--oh wait--that protects the secret society or coven's mysteries (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_magic)doesn't it?

The truth might be that man is social in nature--political tends to connote promises, alliances and artificial entities.

Related: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (http://www.lawfulpath.com/ref/sw4qw/); The Leipzig Connection (http://ia601606.us.archive.org/4/items/TheLeipzigConnection/TheLeipzigConnection-pauloLionni.pdf); Decrypting Education in America (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?978-Decrypting-Education-in-America&highlight=education).

ag maniac
12-25-13, 05:55 AM
Ephesians 6:12 (1611 King James Bible)

For wee wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darknes of this world, against spirituall wickednes in high places.

12-25-13, 05:15 PM

The Capitalist does not know the definition of war. He thinks of war as attack with force performed by soldiers and machines. He does not know that a more effective if somewhat longer war can be fought with bread or, in our case, with drugs and the wisdom of our art (http://www.contendingfortruth.com/?p=1081). In truth, the Capitalist has never won a war. The psychopolitician is having little trouble winning this one.

The above is from page 14 of the Brainwashing book. Note that in between the lines they are clearly admitting to waging spiritual warfare while maintaining a 'non-religious' veneer. Perhaps the term 'psychopolitician' is code for 'cleric' or 'magician (http://www.reformation.org/simon_peter_versus_simon_magus.html)'.

..with drugs and the wisdom of our art. (http://www.contendingfortruth.com/?p=1081)

Note the Greek terms for witchcraft: pharmakeia (http://watchmanbiblestudy.wordpress.com/2007/08/22/witchcraft-by-another-name/).

12-25-13, 09:50 PM
The masses must at last come to believe that only excessive taxa-
tion of the rich can relieve them of the "burdensome leisure class" and
can thus be brought to accept such a thing as an income tax, a Marxist
principle smoothly slid into the Capitalistic framework in 1909 in the
United States. This even though the basic law of the United States
forbade it and even though communism at that time had been active
only a few years in America. So successful was the income tax law,
that had it been followed thoroughly, it could have brought the
United States and not Russia into the world scene as the first
Communist nation.
page 13. I wonder where that 1909 date comes from.

12-25-13, 10:29 PM
page 13. I wonder where that 1909 date comes from.

According to the IRS:

A Federal tax on corporate income has been imposed at the corporation level since 1909. (Source: Corporation Income Tax Brackets and Rates, 1909-2002 (a "Data Release" publication of the IRS, see first paragraph of attachment to this post))