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12-25-13, 10:13 AM
This is in the Right of Self Determination forum because this pertains knowing the kinds of tools, tactics and techniques being used to thwart liberties, freedoms and rights.

Problem Reaction Solution Explained

Problem > Reaction > Solution is a term that was coined recently in relation to the activities of the 'New World Order'.

Put simply, in public relation terms, Problem > Reaction > Solution is a technique used when trying to sell something to the public, such as taking away freedoms, or passing legislation's that under normal circumstances, the general public would not agree to. It is a strong mechanism that has allowed the Illuminati to operate and rule over us so easily.

For example. If say ten years ago, the then President of the USA Bill Clinton gave a speech stating that he wanted more authoritarian (stop and search) law, for no specific reason, most people would stand up and say "Hang on a minute." So what is done is Problem > Reaction > Solution.


They create a problem such as the Oklahoma bombing in 1995 in which the Alfred P. Murrah building was provably destroyed unofficially with the assistance of American government agencies and blamed on a lone nutter by the name of Timothy McVeigh.


There is an outrage. The public feels naked and afraid. This is especially easy to do when the media (which they own) manipulates the public's perception of the true version of events, causing the public to say, something must be done.


More authoritarian law for the Government. BINGO!

Imagine this: If I was a self employed worker, who repaired car windscreens for a living. I could make a bundle by using the 'Problem > Reaction > Solution' technique.

All that I would need to do is create a problem. I could sneak about in the middle of the night and smash the windscreens of all of the cars parked up and down my street. You can see where this is going. There would be a reaction by the people on my street "Oh my god, someone has smashed my windscreen!, I have to get to work, I must get this fixed!" And the solution would be me getting a whole load of business and no-one would be the wiser

A recent example of this technique is the pre-election Madrid bombing of 11th March 2004. Just three days before the general elections of Spain, this event which has caused a media frenzy has also caused a surge of votes empowering the 'Socialist' movement.

Just like Hitler burned the Reichstag building as a pretext to his agendas, events such as this, which are tragic are only pale compared to the mass destruction that they can cause by consequence. Coercing the masses through fear and by breaking the spirit of the publics consciousness has proven successful in pushing through agendas of the sinister.

Just watch this method be used within the next few years as it has so far, when major cards will be played. Evil monsters will be set up to have a finger to point at and subsequently will be conveniently captured to justify the continuation of 'The War Against Terror' (T.W.A.T), which will eventually lead to centralisation of power and a general Hitlerian dictatorship.


In the same way that modern Hollywood movies are churning out sequels which are faster paced and more action packed than their predecessors to top the box office records, the events that we will see throughout the next few years in terms of terrorist acts and disasters will become much larger scale and more tragic than we have seen so far.


I have no doubt that events such as 9/11, Oklahoma and the latest Madrid bombing are carried out by the terrorist organisations which the medias report. The main point to emphasise however is that it is the organisations such as those within the US Bush Administration and the Governments of Europe who set up and sponsored these events that have ultimately benefited from them.

As I have said before, it aids law enforcement when solving a crime, to look at who benefited from it and you usually find that this is the person or persons who committed the crime. So why should this not apply in world government?

I shall end this by quoting from the dictionary. I hope that this gets across the point

Terrorism: n. The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

Remember, no-one can walk over you unless you lay down and let them.

Related: (*) What Is The Hegelian Dialectic? (http://nord.twu.net/acl/dialectic.html); (*) Problem > Reaction > Solution (Along with 71 Historic Examples of P>R>S) (http://www.cremationofcare.com/the_nwo_prs.htm)