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View Full Version : The Moon In Color

12-31-13, 04:40 AM
Full Moon in Tricolor
Taken with a SBIG STL-11000M camera on a 13-inch f/7.5 Classical Cassegrain using the tricolor RGB imaging technique
(with color saturation processing)

The above is said to be a photo taken of the moon. The methods utilized as of late by amateur astronomers have been to equalize the R G B channels. The general verdict appears that the moon's colors don't quite pop from the earth due to #1 the sky is blue; #2 atmospheric haze or the like. There is a growing number of astronomers who are alleging NASA and others to be doctoring pictures of the moon.



The above is allegedly a LANDSAT-3 image of the Cape Canaveral area.


The above is said to be a photo of earth from the European Space Agency's satellite known as MSG-3--note the color of the bodies of water.


For comparison a NASA image of Earth from space.

NASA's own photo of Moon from Gallileo Orbiter (June 1998) (link here (http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/jpegMod/PIA00404_modest.jpg)).

P.S. Very deep bodies of water would tend to appear black or very dark blue maybe unless the sunlight hit it in just the right way.

03-19-14, 01:45 AM
Those are some awesome pics. I set my desktop to the first one. Makes one hell of a desktop.

Keith Alan
03-24-14, 11:10 PM
Those are some awesome pics. I set my desktop to the first one. Makes one hell of a desktop.
I'm with you - awesome!