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View Full Version : Private Sidewalk Saves Bike Trail

David Merrill
01-14-14, 01:07 AM
For many years the Rock Island Railroad Company ran trains through Colorado Springs. When they gave it up METRO grabbed it by escheat (I think). The City built a great bicycle trail on the land but pretty quick politicians wanted an east-west thoroughfare for trucking traffic and were going to get the referendum passed until a clever attorney advised the neighborhood to pool interest in accessing the public path via a Private Sidewalk (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImQWJsMEM5RUhWU3c/view?usp=sharing).

It was pretty windy but I stopped and got a record anyway. There are some pretty good lessons to be learned from this I believe.

ag maniac
01-14-14, 03:06 AM
Pretty good way to paint METRO into a corner !!

....as an aside....if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were saluting @ 0:21

01-14-14, 03:18 AM
You jarred my memory again about land rights..

Brandt, 69, has protested the trail since the Forest Service proposed converting the abandoned railway for recreational use nearly a decade ago. He claims that once the railroad abandoned the government-issued right of way in the mid-1990s, he gained ownership of that land.
"We traded for the land with a right of way on it for railroad uses," Brandt said. "They want to bring a train through here, that's fine. We never expected and we never agreed to a bicycle trail." http://www.eenews.net/stories/1059991197

In the middle of 2006, the Forest Service asked a federal court to declare its ownership of the right of way, citing a reversionary interest in the 1875 law.

Reversionary interest is the interest that a person has in a property when a preceding estate ceases to exist. It means any interest the enjoyment of which is postponed. A reversionary interest can be either a vested interest or contingent interest. Under reversionary interest, a transferee's right to own and occupy land is subjected to a condition that is placed by the property owner. A reversionary interest cannot be enjoyed if the condition is violated and the property upon which the reversionary interest is given will return to the original owner. http://definitions.uslegal.com/r/reversionary-interest/

The Driscolls and their lawyers contend that the road is private and always has been. "For us, it is an issue of private property rights," said Rudy Driscoll Jr., who manages the 4,000-acre ranch. http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Rancher-Fights-to-Keep-Right-of-Way-Owner-3019543.php

However, Mr Walker failed in his attempt to bar "the whole world" from entering the land because the court said it did not have jurisdiction to make the ruling. http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/courts/landowner-wins-court-fight-over-rightofway-after-decade-of-misery-26819719.html

The deed states that the property “. . . is landlocked and without any direct access to the freeway or to any public or private road. The state of California is without obligation or liability to provide access. . . .” Cole doesn’t dispute the deed’s verbage but, he said, from 1998 until 2010 there were no issues. Cole said entered the property on a yearly basis to comply with city ordinances. http://www.dailyrepublic.com/news/vacaville/property-owner-fights-state-feds-to-keep-land-access/

Alaska lawmakers accused the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service of violating federal law by shutting down hunting on its lands during the government shutdown, saying a 1980 law guarantees state residents must have access to the land.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/oct/8/nps-accused-gestapo-tactics-enforce-shutdown/#ixzz2qL4pLBbM

Christopher Thomas
10-29-16, 11:20 PM
You know, I gave that show a shot "Adam ruins everything" he had an episode about the automobile industry.
He talked about how it really ruined the country based by Demand...more cars, more parking spots more imminent domain...(if I used the right legal procedure they enForce).
I shake my head cause day after day I reach more realization of just how SERIOUS our self-destructive system is headed to destruction.

David Merrill
10-30-16, 01:07 AM
I think the term may be more accurately escheat. Michael Joseph knows, I bet. The owner of the property with the private sidewalk added to his property line, to the center of the railroad tracks by escheat, with the sidewalk being paid for by the homeowners' association and available as a public access for the community.

10-30-16, 01:10 AM
I think the term may be more accurately escheat. Michael Joseph knows, I bet. The owner of the property with the private sidewalk added to his property line, to the center of the railroad tracks by escheat, with the sidewalk being paid for by the homeowners' association and available as a public access for the community.

Escheat would arise out of death, abandonment or dissolution of the owner of the property. An easement can arise by declarative action or will or it can arise by prescriptively (i.e. over 10 we used went over that path to get to school and the owner didn't say nuffin' so it became a public easement basically".) Eminent domain, of course, is exercise of sovereign prerogative to take property for a PUBLIC use. If METRO lacks actual authority they might rely on a kind of 'fast track prescriptive easement' that pretends to be eminent domain ("We are taking this....*waits* *waits* {no reply, no controversy} *takes") (fancy pants lis pendens). Adverse possession is a way of beating the state to perfecting an escheat which typically requires a seven year delay.

Crafty attorneys also attempt to promote encroachment activity restricted to a state's territorial jurisdiction by using prescriptive easements of a more abstract kind such as paying your local assessor to 'sell' the 'international building code' in his (sales) district--pegging it to the de jure local building code to give it an air of legitimacy and authority. A whale in the middle of the street just looks far out of place. Put it on a cart, in a see-through aquarium as part of a long-running, annual parade and then its "suddenly acceptable".

David Merrill
10-30-16, 04:06 AM
I believe the relationships in sequence describe the City presumed escheat when the Rock Island Railroad abandoned the tracks and the private property strip. But the City discovered the private sidewalk and its use, which is the escheat claim by the neighborhood homeowners' association.

Michael Joseph
10-30-16, 03:40 PM
You know, I gave that show a shot "Adam ruins everything" he had an episode about the automobile industry.
He talked about how it really ruined the country based by Demand...more cars, more parking spots more imminent domain...(if I used the right legal procedure they enForce).
I shake my head cause day after day I reach more realization of just how SERIOUS our self-destructive system is headed to destruction.

The first will be last and the last first. Esau - flesh consciousness always seems to bloom in full strength first, but then Jacob [man of the mind], who was second, begins to rule in the house. Later, once the mind has matured, the mind and body make peace with each other. Thus there is an evolution in consciousness that happens in every (wo)man. For Esau, I hated, Jacob I loved. But then we see Jacob and Esau hugging each others neck as the Mind realizes how much it has neglected the body and the two make peace.

One must find balance else that leads to chaos and destruction. Thusly one is born natural and then becomes spriritual but then the spiritual redeems the natural. The natural man is a brute beast - literal in his estimations and thusly his deeds produce death for his deeds are subject solely to his five senses which are limited.

Finding no heir to inherit, the Grantor may assign his estate, and this is a shame for what House may be built upon an assignment. And how may property Escheat to a dead man? Nevertheless Trust pledged is a living Charity. In North Carolina there exists the concept of "vested rights" and it works like this: If I have a property that is land locked and I construct a drive-way across your property to gain access well naturally that is a trespass on my part. However, if you remain silent in regard to the protection of your rights, then in your silence you agree to the existence of the driveway. As such, an accord is struck in silence. Upon the 8th year of use you may not contest my use and the existence of the driveway and I would then obtain to an easement [ditch to ditch] across your property. One would do well to study this concept. For to comprehend this matter is to know the 16th was agreed to by all the States in silence. They had only to utter a single "peep" and yet nothing was heard.

If the Grantor retains rights in the Grant, then upon finding no heir, the Rights of Use may Escheat to the Grantor. King's were quite fond of Escheatment in the days - and some thought to outsmart the sitting King by placing the Estate in the possession of the Dead Hand [Church]. For since the Church does not die, then once the Estate is in its possession it remains never to be transferred again. Thusly, these purposes defeated the Crown and therefore laws were promulgated in effort to defeat such purposes - Statute of Uses and the Statute against Perpetuities still remain from Henry VIII even today upon the books of many, many States in existence.

Therefore Escheatment exists upon failure of succession in ownership. Example: Grantor grants an Estate in Land for "himself and his heirs". His only son inherits upon Grantor's death. His only son does not have children and does not marry. Therefore, there is no one to inherit the Estate in Land. Notice, however, that the Land Right is preserved in the State, but the Estate is Land fails due to lack of a successor. The Land remains in the State and thusly the Superior Right holder would gain an Escheatment since the Estate is a derivative of the Superior Right in Land.

It is hard to know how one party obtains to an interest in property. Assignment of Interest many times is done privately and the public need not have any knowledge of the procedure of which one obtains an interest or outright ownership. Many times I have taken an interest in property thru a Trust. For instance the fee simple owner places the property in Trust and then obtains 100 percent beneficial interest [true ownership] in contract. The trustee holds both legal and equitable titles in trust and in contract. The beneficiary may enter into a "contract for beneficial interest" with me of which upon performing my vows, I might receive 50 percent ownership in the property as consideration. This is entire private. In terms of the public, the trustee has not changed and therefore the public remains ignorant of the new ownership structure. I may decide to split my beneficial interest 50 times into 1 percent interests. And the foregoing is perfectly legal. In order for one to foreclose out the property all of the interests must be foreclosed.

In the foregoing example, it is assumed that there is no mortgage and, as such, not subject to the Garn St. Germain act of 1982. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garn%E2%80%93St._Germain_Depository_Institutions_A ct). The foregoing example also provides protection against Escheatment, probate, etc. And thus the "family farm" may continue to be held by and for the family for many generations. What profits a man to gain the entire world and leave it to a fool? A wise man leaves the Estate to a wise man in trust! The fool is not allowed to manage or own the Estate until he gains knowledge.

Hook: Galations 4 and Hosea 4:6.

Therefore, a Grantor may setup each office of the Trust like this : Trustee and successors in office... beneficiary and successors in interest

Now here is the kicker - when a NAME is placed in a Trust, then the Trust exists only for the lifetime of that one being named. If you study carefully the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States, one will notice that no names were given. Therefore the Trust is unlimited and does not cease to exist. One will say "but what if man ceases to acknowledge the existence?" While no energy is being granted upon the Trust, the Trust still exists and awaits those who will pickup its offices again - one day!

The State therefore is the GREATEST asset protection plan ever invented. Considering the memory of man one may argue termination upon forgetfulness. And yet, that too fails upon artifacts and the will of future generations. The "builders of State" till the ground carefully. And they hide right before your very eyes. For those who lack ears to hear the "K" is silent.

Knights Templar - do show.... [Kay']n ights Templar - Cainites Templar.

There comes a time, when Jacob must leave and separate from worldly concerns [Esau]. It may seem that I left to go into an tangent and did not return, but it only seems that way. When you realize what I AM means, then you will see give Israel no inheritance for they inherit God. Can you image the wealth? And yet blind men fight over scraps from the masters table.

The other day I was catching fish to eat later that day. When asked if I was with a license I just replied I am trying to catch food to eat. With a tip of the hat, I was informed to have a good day. See that I claimed within a higher Estate. All souls indeed are subject to a Higher Power.


P.S. From another discussion this week. Redeemed means no further obligation exists from our out of the Estate of which property was Redeemed. That unlocks the door. If you are one who only considers money when you consider the term Redeemed, then you will be wise to consider districts and now one has climbed another rung higher. Nevertheless one has not obtained to Superior Rights. For instance property may be redeemed out of the Estate of the Taxpayer, which will result in no future lien upon said property held for the benefit of the Federal Reserve, and yet, one would do well to acknowledge trustees exist upon the face of paper money.

It does not take a genius to realize that money is held in trust and that its USE does not grant upon the USER allodial [superior] Rights. How could it? What it grants is an allodial estate in fee simple. Which is to say 100 percent of the Right of Use of the Right held by a Superior Trustee. Therefore once Superior Rights are established in the State, the State is protected against alienation. Whilst Estates may be bought and sold the Right of which Estates are carved remains in the State.

10-30-16, 10:29 PM
I believe the relationships in sequence describe the City presumed escheat when the Rock Island Railroad abandoned the tracks and the private property strip. But the City discovered the private sidewalk and its use, which is the escheat claim by the neighborhood homeowners' association.

So Rock Island Railroad's abandonment started the escheat clock ticking. But in the meantime, the people's established a prescriptive easement meaning METRO could not apply escheat against the easement. They could attempt to exercise eminent domain against the HOA, but that would be a slap in the face of the HOA Soviet.

It does not take a genius to realize that money is held in trust and that its USE does not grant upon the USER allodial [superior] Rights. How could it? What it grants is an allodial estate in fee simple. Which is to say 100 percent of the Right of Use of the Right held by a Superior Trustee. Therefore once Superior Rights are established in the State, the State is protected against alienation. Whilst Estates may be bought and sold the Right of which Estates are carved remains in the State.

#1 Money held in trust if it is lawful money can give rise to lawful money transaction because the holder of the money is an agent of the beneficiary for the purpose of receiving or making payment. Not sure how anyone who sufficiently comprehends banking or trust law could arrive at your conclusion. The trust aspect of banking is distinct and different from the payment and transactional system. The the authorizations riding along with the trust agreement (in the bank account agreement) authorizes the bank to receive or make payments ON BEHALF OF or FOR the accountholder (owner): that is an agency-principal relationship riding on top of or next to a grantor-trustee-beneficiary relationship.

#2 I suspect you're only seeing a portion of the bigger picture: the political status of the owner affects the level of title the owner can claim. Your perspective on title to property fails to take in how political status affects or limits the level of title a person can hold.

#3 Allodial doesn't mean 'superior'. In most any context the one who holds property in allodium is not a 'user' and it is not a 'use' on his or her part. Divided title pertains to a use as in to borrow my lawnmower or renting a tool from ABC Hardware you are 'use-ing' (divided title ) but its not yours. You are rather injuriously muddying the waters between situations of divided title and situations of property held in allodium. There is no "use" with allodial title.

#4 A fee simple simple estate is hardly an estate in held in allodium. I'm not sure how anyone who knows trust law or property law could arrive at your conclusion. A fee simple estate is held with the county or state as a landlord, rent has to be paid in the form of property tax. Your statements are highly misleading.

#5 MJ if you're a fief or subject of a European or Roman Monarch then that limits your title right there--your entire life would be held in divided title potentially from cradle to grave. Not saying that to be a bad thing, but simply on the topic of divided title vs allodial title, the political status would be specific to your situation though hardly universal and would limit your ability to assert allodial title. The contraindications or benefits associated with being of a particular status seems to be at the heart of wars: this thing called envy. Someone admitted to me that European nobility didn't despise Americans, they were envious because they were under restrictive fiefdoms and feudal obligations with tiny portions of land to boot. While Americans had access to property in allodium.

Imagine some 'wars' being nothing more than collective, infantile, envy-induced tantrums. "If I cant be free neither can you but I'll dress it up in some kind of religious piety so you cannot see my 5th-grader envy-angst."

Amazing how many people spread their religion out of envy ("If I cant be free neither can you but I'll dress it up in some kind of religious piety so you cannot see my 5th-grader envy-angst."). If A sold his soul to Secret Sauce Master Z, he need not export it to the world. Amazing yet still, how much sh#t-disturbing in the world is based on stinky envy cloaked with the perfume of something else. Ephesians 1 & 2 explains why the saint can access allodial title--because the kingdom is conferred on them. If the saint places himself under a fief or the like, then he might have to live up to the terms of that fief or alienation.

“Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before envy?” Proverbs 24:7

David Merrill
10-31-16, 03:14 AM
P.S. From another discussion this week. Redeemed means no further obligation exists from our out of the Estate of which property was Redeemed. That unlocks the door. If you are one who only considers money when you consider the term Redeemed, then you will be wise to consider districts and now one has climbed another rung higher. Nevertheless one has not obtained to Superior Rights. For instance property may be redeemed out of the Estate of the Taxpayer, which will result in no future lien upon said property held for the benefit of the Federal Reserve, and yet, one would do well to acknowledge trustees exist upon the face of paper money.

It does not take a genius to realize that money is held in trust and that its USE does not grant upon the USER allodial [superior] Rights. How could it? What it grants is an allodial estate in fee simple. Which is to say 100 percent of the Right of Use of the Right held by a Superior Trustee. Therefore once Superior Rights are established in the State, the State is protected against alienation. Whilst Estates may be bought and sold the Right of which Estates are carved remains in the State.

This conversation stemmed from my email broadcast to all Members here. It might be difficult to get it without dedicating an hour or two to the links but looking over the email and links will definitely help you comprehend this summary.

As the True Church, so to speak - meaning not sanctioned by the US or FRB of Governors, CASTLE CHURCH TRUST is sanctified; Mandatory Exception like declared in Title 26 USC 508(c)(1)(A) (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/26/508).

508(c) Exceptions

(1) Mandatory exceptions

Subsections (a) and (b) shall not apply to—

(A) churches, their integrated auxiliaries, and conventions or associations of churches, or

One page linked to the email shows my identity as acknowledged upon forming the irrevocable trust:


The nexus or bridge is around stolen territory in 1861. Nobody calling anyone on this theft resulted in the constructive trust Territory of Colorado and subsequently State of Colorado in 1861. Then my genome began quickening - subconsciously at first. You may scoff. That is okay. I am who I am and that means I know my ancestry and that proves out my right to the waiver of tort.

If you look at the end of the Complaint (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImWThFS3ZUUlM2TzQ/view?usp=sharing) you can see that David A. GILBERT seemed to pioneer the deviant bonding syndicalism in 2005. But this was upon my known knowledge about (now) Mayor SUTHERS never even having an oath back in 1996, and that was the end of the full term. Plus you see how he finally comes correct with a proper fungible fidelity bond in the end there.

It gets a little difficult to explain and after writing this post all day long it might just be better to scrap it and start over.

I called the system on theft of the Territory, from the US and adopted into as best I describe it, the Levite priesthood in municipal jurisdiction. The City Builders might be best described Masonic, I don't assert that because it turns out the Masons are custodians of the record (history) and I am grateful for that. Because when I requested a look, they treated me like the King. It was like they had been waiting a very long time for me to arrive.


This claim, to be the Author of Zionism is found in the Masonic Sandusky Bulletin - 1933.

David Merrill
10-31-16, 04:13 PM

Thank you for not responding yet. Those of you listening to me might be trying to digest the leap I just made, over to my research in the Masonic Library and Museum:

The Bill of Exchange attached is revealing (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImQW9TVzVUWmt5X2c/view?usp=sharing) so I will quote:

Zionism cancellation algorithm #099184702 12/8/99,

What is interesting about identity is how this all falls into place, even after all these years, without my even realizing why I was doing these things at the time. By comprehending a hybrid between e=mc2 and the time dilation of Relativity knowledge of light and matter surpass the limitations of time.


The next religious piece might put it all together for you. But you must take a moment to understand the quasi-public nature of the Castle as entertaining structural art. When attorneys for the "county court judge" who had no published oath of office were addressing the Castle instead of Jim's Pueblo home it was obvious that the seize engine (by paper) was still thought viable...


Jim is a procrastinator about some categories. I told him to remove the mailbox when he told me about process arriving up at the Castle. A week later I showed the Castle to an artist friend and Jim arrived. I shouted high from up on the Tower and he promptly got into his Cat and ripped the mailbox out. That lump on the dirt is the angle iron stump. Another item to piece this together for the reader here, is the Donation Box itself - NOTICE:


Jim had already prepared redemption for the true church property long before we went through an additional formality in early 2015 of my paying and buying, what is acknowledged above to be, my own property. Parallel processing on the "right side of the boat" aside for now, Jim has obviously always been a Man of Vision. So Jim and I together worked in conjunction setting up events that led to the simple truth that if you create it, you own it. - But only when you can keep coherent knowledge of the Creation Process.


I have shown you all before how George WASHINGTON appears to be standing over the VAN PELT MILESTONE protectively, like a guardian. The legend that WASHINGTON defended Van Pelt Manor from American Manorial Law is supported in the chronicles (https://archive.org/stream/ramblesabouthist00broo_0#page/n81/mode/1up) of the Five Boroughs:

Washington rode over the old highway in 1790, and was greeted in
New Utrecht by the village people. There was great excitement when
word came that the general was shortly to arrive. From the little
school-house near Van Pelt Manor the school-children were hustled
home for fresh linen and face-washings and hair-combings; and they
were as quickly marched back, dressed in new clothes and company
manners, for the great George Washington would pass their way.
At last, after many anxious scannings of the road, they saw him riding
toward the little school-house, and the children lined up and waited
until he approached. Little Peter Van Pelt was on the end of the
line, and he was the last boy to whom George Washington spoke;
and to little Peter he looked very tall, as he came near to him and laid
his hand on Peter's head.

"Be a good boy, my son," said Washington, "and you will be a
good man."

Little Peter Van Pelt probably remembered this admonition, but
how far it shaped his life's course is not known. Me did grow up to
be a good and a great man, entering the ministry and achieving fame
throughout the county. When Washington died, Peter Van Pelt
delivered a sermon wherein he extolled the great general and Presi-
dent; and this sermon was printed in something like a twelve-page
leaflet. Only a short time ago a single copy of the discourse was
sold for five hundred dollars.

10-31-16, 04:41 PM
#1 Money held in trust if it is lawful money can give rise to lawful money transaction because the holder of the money is an agent of the beneficiary for the purpose of receiving or making payment. Not sure how anyone who sufficiently comprehends banking or trust law could arrive at your conclusion. The trust aspect of banking is distinct and different from the payment and transactional system. The the authorizations riding along with the trust agreement (in the bank account agreement) authorizes the bank to receive or make payments ON BEHALF OF or FOR the accountholder (owner): that is an agency-principal relationship riding on top of or next to a grantor-trustee-beneficiary relationship.

#2 I suspect you're only seeing a portion of the bigger picture: the political status of the owner affects the level of title the owner can claim. Your perspective on title to property fails to take in how political status affects or limits the level of title a person can hold.

#3 Allodial doesn't mean 'superior'. In most any context the one who holds property in allodium is not a 'user' and it is not a 'use' on his or her part. Divided title pertains to a use as in to borrow my lawnmower or renting a tool from ABC Hardware you are 'use-ing' (divided title ) but its not yours. You are rather injuriously muddying the waters between situations of divided title and situations of property held in allodium. There is no "use" with allodial title.

#4 A fee simple simple estate is hardly an estate in held in allodium. I'm not sure how anyone who knows trust law or property law could arrive at your conclusion. A fee simple estate is held with the county or state as a landlord, rent has to be paid in the form of property tax. Your statements are highly misleading.

#5 MJ if you're a fief or subject of a European or Roman Monarch then that limits your title right there--your entire life would be held in divided title potentially from cradle to grave. Not saying that to be a bad thing, but simply on the topic of divided title vs allodial title, the political status would be specific to your situation though hardly universal and would limit your ability to assert allodial title. The contraindications or benefits associated with being of a particular status seems to be at the heart of wars: this thing called envy. Someone admitted to me that European nobility didn't despise Americans, they were envious because they were under restrictive fiefdoms and feudal obligations with tiny portions of land to boot. While Americans had access to property in allodium.

then he might have to live up to the terms of that fief or alienation.

Divided title vs Allodial title.

“The federal citizens has a right to hold property, but due to his status and his use of legal tender [Federal Reserve Notes] it appears he cannot hold the absolute title to or estate in the land as can white citizens and free inhabitants can (if they pay for the property rights with a lawful tender of gold or silver coin I would suspect.)”

Paying with gold or silver is not necessarily a perfect solution because you can’t buy what another man does not own. That there was a slap.

What if I had previously purchased the property with Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs)? I would apparently have equitable title to the property, but I would probably not have legal title to the property. Legal title would probably be held by the federal government and/or the Federal Reserve.

As a result of using FRNs, the land would fall into a trust relationship wherein I was the beneficiary and the federal government and/or Federal Reserve was the fiduciary. I could “use” my land, but they would control it.

Legal title moves by descent from one generation to another by means of wills. If some ancestor bought the land prior to 1968, maybe 1964 when we stopped using silver in our money and perhaps even prior to 1933 when we stopped using gold that ancestor bought both legal and equitable titles to the property.
Those titles would “descend” to his heirs by means of his last will and testament The heirs who never purchased the land with FRNs would retain both legal and equitable title and could therefore sell both titles to a buyer who bought with gold or silver rather than FRNs.

How do we redeem legal title from the government and/or Federal Reserve?

I’m not sure you’d even have to pay property taxes on land if you owned legal title to that land or that you could pay property taxes in the medium of FRNs on land if you owned both legal and equitable titles.

Property taxes paid for with FRNs only apply to property held by equitable title.

Might be true that property taxes on a property which the owner held legal title could be paid only with gold or silver. Article 1.10.1 of the federal Constitution: “No State shall . . . make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.”

Those who pay for property with FRNs only receive equitable title, and the legal title goes to the federal government and/or the Federal Reserve. You and I as purported “property owners” would actually own only equitable title to our land and properties.

The county tax assessor comes to determine how much tax you owed on your property that assessment if paid with FRNs would seemingly apply only to the equitable title to the property.

What about property taxes on the legal title to the property?

What if they discovered that legal title was, in fact, held by the Federal Reserve?

What if they assessed a property tax on the legal titles to all of the land held within their country?

What if they assessed a property tax in the form of gold on whoever holds legal title to the properties within their county?

Does the law read that whoever holds legal title is not obligated to pay any property tax on that property?

Would that infuriate the public when they discovered that
1) they don’t really “own” their property; and
2) they are obligated to pay property taxes while the real “owner” is not.

At least discover who owns legal title to properties within the county.

Do you see the apparent danger in FRNs? Once any property is paid for in FRNs, in theory, the legal title to that property may be lost to the “black hole” of government and/or Federal Reserve.

How do we redeem legal title from the government and/or Federal Reserve?”

I’m curious what would be with his use of lawful money vs. legal tender and converting fed property to private property.

Would buying the land with lawful money instead of FRN regardless who had use of it prior to the lawful money purchase, take full legal and equitable title?

Every contract to purchase states “for ten dollars and other considerations in hand”? (https://www.google.com/search?q=for+ten+dollars+and+other+considerations+ in+hand&sourceid=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:en-US:IE-Address&ie=&oe=)

Twenty dollars is the minimum to guarantee a jury trial of right. (https://www.google.com/search?q=for+ten+dollars+and+other+considerations+ in+hand&sourceid=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:en-US:IE-Address&ie=&oe=#q=Twenty+dollars+is+the+minimum+to+guarantee+a +jury+trial+of+right)

How is anything “paid for” with fiat promise to pay debt notes?

Or could it of been lawful, legal and debt free back then? (https://www.google.com/search?q=tombstone+notes&rls=com.microsoft:en-US:IE-Address&biw=1366&bih=661&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjA44fRu4XQAhVL4iYKHSQIBYcQ_AUIBigB#tbm= isch&q=tombstone+dollar+notes)

David Merrill
10-31-16, 04:42 PM

This is where we might find things looking hinky, so look at it and if you simply accept that some of the Masons believe this is so, I have made my point.


Now look at Adam WEISHAUPT (meaning The First Wise Man):


It did not take long to find this encrypted into George's biography, the one written by his personal physician. But I had already heard about George as "bulletproof" and a Visionary of Bible Prophecy too. The legend developed quite poetically by George LIPPARD for Rosicrucian (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImNnJzUnBGZE91bEk/view?usp=sharing) in the 1840's too.

Please keep in mind my impression that the Masons are custodians, like Levi holding treasures awaiting the arrival of the Elect MELCHIZEDEK.

David Merrill
10-31-16, 04:58 PM
Divided title vs Allodial title.

“The federal citizens has a right to hold property, but due to his status and his use of legal tender [Federal Reserve Notes] it appears he cannot hold the absolute title to or estate in the land as can white citizens and free inhabitants can (if they pay for the property rights with a lawful tender of gold or silver coin I would suspect.)”

Paying with gold or silver is not necessarily a perfect solution because you can’t buy what another man does not own. That there was a slap.

What if I had previously purchased the property with Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs)? I would apparently have equitable title to the property, but I would probably not have legal title to the property. Legal title would probably be held by the federal government and/or the Federal Reserve.

As a result of using FRNs, the land would fall into a trust relationship wherein I was the beneficiary and the federal government and/or Federal Reserve was the fiduciary. I could “use” my land, but they would control it.

Legal title moves by descent from one generation to another by means of wills. If some ancestor bought the land prior to 1968, maybe 1964 when we stopped using silver in our money and perhaps even prior to 1933 when we stopped using gold that ancestor bought both legal and equitable titles to the property.
Those titles would “descend” to his heirs by means of his last will and testament The heirs who never purchased the land with FRNs would retain both legal and equitable title and could therefore sell both titles to a buyer who bought with gold or silver rather than FRNs.

How do we redeem legal title from the government and/or Federal Reserve?

I’m not sure you’d even have to pay property taxes on land if you owned legal title to that land or that you could pay property taxes in the medium of FRNs on land if you owned both legal and equitable titles.

Property taxes paid for with FRNs only apply to property held by equitable title.

Might be true that property taxes on a property which the owner held legal title could be paid only with gold or silver. Article 1.10.1 of the federal Constitution: “No State shall . . . make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.”

Those who pay for property with FRNs only receive equitable title, and the legal title goes to the federal government and/or the Federal Reserve. You and I as purported “property owners” would actually own only equitable title to our land and properties.

The county tax assessor comes to determine how much tax you owed on your property that assessment if paid with FRNs would seemingly apply only to the equitable title to the property.

What about property taxes on the legal title to the property?

What if they discovered that legal title was, in fact, held by the Federal Reserve?

What if they assessed a property tax on the legal titles to all of the land held within their country?

What if they assessed a property tax in the form of gold on whoever holds legal title to the properties within their county?

Does the law read that whoever holds legal title is not obligated to pay any property tax on that property?

Would that infuriate the public when they discovered that
1) they don’t really “own” their property; and
2) they are obligated to pay property taxes while the real “owner” is not.

At least discover who owns legal title to properties within the county.

Do you see the apparent danger in FRNs? Once any property is paid for in FRNs, in theory, the legal title to that property may be lost to the “black hole” of government and/or Federal Reserve.

How do we redeem legal title from the government and/or Federal Reserve?”

I’m curious what would be with his use of lawful money vs. legal tender and converting fed property to private property.

Would buying the land with lawful money instead of FRN regardless who had use of it prior to the lawful money purchase, take full legal and equitable title?

Every contract to purchase states “for ten dollars and other considerations in hand”? (https://www.google.com/search?q=for+ten+dollars+and+other+considerations+ in+hand&sourceid=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:en-US:IE-Address&ie=&oe=)

Twenty dollars is the minimum to guarantee a jury trial of right. (https://www.google.com/search?q=for+ten+dollars+and+other+considerations+ in+hand&sourceid=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:en-US:IE-Address&ie=&oe=#q=Twenty+dollars+is+the+minimum+to+guarantee+a +jury+trial+of+right)

How is anything “paid for” with fiat promise to pay debt notes?

Or could it of been lawful, legal and debt free back then? (https://www.google.com/search?q=tombstone+notes&rls=com.microsoft:en-US:IE-Address&biw=1366&bih=661&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjA44fRu4XQAhVL4iYKHSQIBYcQ_AUIBigB#tbm= isch&q=tombstone+dollar+notes)

Factor in the theft of the Territory of Colorado. And then put that in context of shock testing fractional lending through Canada, with Crown Dominion Notes (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImaVBaMEg4dDR2WHM/view?usp=sharing) while the Union here formed in the fire (annealed).


This is where and when it happened:


February 28, 1861 (not a leap year).


March 28, 1861 - only 29 days later, the forming body adjourned.


July 4th, refers to the Proclamation of War on April 15th, 1861 which of course begins the War and Emergency guiding FDR's (illegal use of the) Trading with the Enemy Act (1917). You might have to find a good bouncing ball, and go around the block bouncing it in your left hand to get my point about how important it is, to note how the Trading with the Enemy Act has recently been removed (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/12/95a) from the Bankers' Code.

David Merrill
10-31-16, 05:19 PM
Jim and I joindered heritage coherently for peace, by making the end of war the destiny and legacy of the wonderful quasi-public art, located on irrevocably private land.



Even if the steps elude you, I at least think you might find it entertaining how to get to the conclusions in that identification acknowledgement. The Olympus Ordeal (biocosmetric sonoluminescence) finally described things accurately (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImb0lfRF9CdldvOTA/view?usp=sharing) to China and Israel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImN00wbG14S1pzUHM/view?usp=sharing).

I really think that to make this more interesting you should integrate that part about my Certificate of Baptism from a charismatic Foursquare senior administrator authorizing my "removal" from the zigurat on the obverse of the US dollar bill as a supporting brick.

But more interesting yet is that Foursquare has merged into Messianic Judaism and has married charisma with rapture eschatology filtered through Christian mysticism (Book of Revelation) wrapped in Jewish tradition for entertainment purposes. My point being that all this was plagiarized off me! The classical theft of intellectual property is to make the Creator feel like an idiot so he will think it is his idea to part ways, before implementing his ideas into a very successful business plan.

As I watch the LOSHON HARA (gossip) unfold, I cannot help but laugh out loud how this whole reality, filtered through genome over infinite eternity is so wildly entertaining. It seems the curse of Futurism that anybody would think there is a better Kingdom awaiting where the spiritual potential for enlightenment will grow any better than the right here and now.

P.S. One of the tenets of Pragmatism (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImNW9Cb1NtMktqU1E/view?usp=sharing), adopted for (then) Bishop Castle - (now) CASTLE CHURCH TRUST on September 28, 2014 is that Jesus was crucial in authoring the Book of Mark to prepare for the "return of the King" simply because the craven people did not rally and overthrow Babylonian Rule on the Temple Mount (Pharisees and Saducees) that very day He overturned the tables of the moneychangers. By understanding the culture and political climate around Jesus' life, one finds a much more exciting read of the Bible. - Especially when one watches a pastor ousted because the Christian Qaballah is just too bizarre for the business plan. Even a God who knocks up virgins and blinds people is getting over the top.

Michael Joseph
10-31-16, 05:39 PM
"There walks a lady we all know
who shines white light and wants to show" - Led Zeppelin

Perspective is key. I find many want to discuss trust from the ground up. But I prefer from the Top down. Thus we have different perspectives. One will say from ground up that Trust is a creature of law and to that end I would have to agree. But from top down, one must ask, where did law come and of whose grant shall it be used? With these two perspectives in mind one may see inferior [bottom up] and superior [top down] perspectives. The goal of course is that the State be secure.

I hear you David Merrill, it is quite revealing when one looks back. One might say one Cheribim in Prospect and one in Retrospect. But both touch wings in the center. From top down allodium is only in the King - and the King grants superior Rights to be held in trust by his lords for the keeping of the kingdom. From bottom up allodial refers to titles as one has an allodial or fee simple title to property.

Since property is merely Rights of Use of a "Certain Right" whereof said Certain Right is held in trust of the King for the Kingdom. Therefore the King is the Titular Head and all comes from his Body which is the Kingdom.

In the King is Dominion - thus is the King-Dom in the Throne
In the Superior Position - the perspective is Ownership
In the Inferior Position - the perspective is Possession

Where it can get interesting is the law does not recognize a future beneficiary holding property in trust for the benefit of an even more distant heir. But this problem may be resolved by those who form societies [secret or otherwise] who swear and pledge to each other] such that even though law fails promises prevail in secret.

For instance lets say I hold a real estate of which I wish to place in trust for the benefit of myself and my heirs. This deed cannot contemplate my son holding the property for his great grandson. Because that great grandson may not come to exist. And furthermore, if said great grandson did come to exist of what claim would he have if my son decided to sell the estate? Nevertheless the purposes of the law are defeated by those who would create a higher law in themselves. These are a law unto themselves. As they pledge to each other to keep and preserve and protect as paladins the Estate for their societal enjoyment.

Truly, I find such selfless acts inspiring as one foregoes personal gain for the benefit of the society. Now what I like about Jesus is that he proposes a Republic whereof all may come to the status of Christ. As St. Paul relates ...."until Christ be formed in you". But there exists a higher power in the All in All - a closed Sphere in God. For we live, move and have our being In God.

Now then a trust may exist without dividing title. Many times a trustee will hold both legal and equitable titles and then thru contract develop a relationship with a beneficiary. Said trustee may be subject to an office which hold the power of management [direction]. And further said trustee may hire on agents [departments] to carry out certain duties - subject to oversight.

States, by their very nature, intercourse with other states and therefore States may enter into the condition of bankruptcy. Upon such condition of bankruptcy a State and its inhabitants may find themselves subject to a fiefdom. This seems quite obvious to me. I think it was Freud's nephew who taught that a great people could be controlled thru their lusts. One would not be wasting time to watch THE CENTURY OF THE SELF - by Adam Curtis. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ3RzGoQC4s) All four parts are wonderfully enlightening into the current condition of the human psyche and mind control as propagated upon an unsuspecting population which finds itself steeped in hedonism.

I love to play Monopoly at my house with my children. We always change the rules to allow for leases, options, contract for deeds, etc. But one aspect never is left untouched is that all the transactions are from the bank. When one buys one is buying from the bank. Thusly is the game called Monopoly. We always set a man or woman as the Bank to enforce the idea in our children that there is a force in banking subject to a particular Will. We each consent to play.

Once my son related that if he had all the money of the bank he would allow his mother to own all the property with hotels. I told him he wouldn't make six times around the board. Upon five times he was bankrupt. A great lesson was learned by all who played.

David Merrill
10-31-16, 06:05 PM
But from top down, one must ask, where did law come and of whose grant shall it be used?

Upon SIMCHAT TORAH - Rejoice in the Law; one begins again at Genesis 1:1. I began to understand the accusation of blood on the ground, against Cain for killing Abel did not equate to a capital crime because the law had not been issued (https://youtu.be/GkyDw0LzuSY?t=1113). Therefore Cain became aware that no law protected him from the same fate. God marked him with "OWTH". - The same mark on the Israelites at Exodus 13:16.

From the top down...

10-31-16, 06:41 PM
As St. Paul relates ...."until Christ be formed in you". But there exists a higher power in the All in All - a closed Sphere in God. For we live, move and have our being In God.

Actually the literal translation is...

...until a mind and life in complete harmony with the mind and life of Christ shall have been formed in you.


The process of regeneration is outlined in those scriptures (http://www.bibletools.org/index.cfm/fuseaction/Topical.show/RTD/cgg/ID/12320/Washing-Water-by-Word.htm). The Word of God AFAIK refers to the truth and wisdom of God rather than some mystical, unknowable construct. It seems rather antithetical to the blinding venom of a serpent.

Perspective is key. I find many want to discuss trust from the ground up. But I prefer from the Top down. Thus we have different perspectives.

If you're just making things up then perhaps we might have different perspectives. With the saints and Christ all seated together in the heavenlies as a unity you are attempting to split unity asunder. If any one of the royal priesthood in that heavenly unity (https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/John-14-20/)are holding the property then it is not a trust relationship--at least not in the divisive, secular sense you propose.

For instance lets say I hold a real estate of which I wish to place in trust for the benefit of myself and my heirs. This deed cannot contemplate my son holding the property for his great grandson.

#1 In drafting the warranty deed or quitclaim deed the seller wasn't probably trying to be your household estate planner. #2 Deeds are written to convey real property to the Purchaser and his or her heirs and assigns which 'contemplates' further conveyance and perpetual inheritance. Again, you don't seem to know what you are talking about. One set on being charitable, kind and loving would avoid spreading flawed information. If one is humble and one stands corrected, one stands corrected humbly rather than persisting in yet more error.

Now what I like about Jesus is that he proposes a Republic whereof all may come to the status of Christ. As St. Paul relates ...."until Christ be formed in you".

Paul was desirous of them ceasing to be conformed to the world but instead to be renewed and regenerated in alignment with Jesus Christ (anointed/crowned). And those who refuse to enter the Ezekiel temple despite the Gentile bar being removed still remain without. Last I checked, holiness and regeneration aren't imposed by force and gunpoint. Even the Roman Centurion *ASKED* to have his daughter healed (a type of salvation)--no one forced it on him.

Now then a trust may exist without dividing title. Many times a trustee will hold both legal and equitable titles and then thru contract develop a relationship with a beneficiary.

You are making things up. A trustee can in a separate capacity as an agent exercise authority for the other part of the title but as a trustee (in trustee capacity) he only has one side of that title collection. Otherwise, apart from disability due to political status, if he has both legal and equitable title he'd be holding in allodium (grantor and trustee and beneficiary are the same?). If you are discussing your own private internal personal MJ world philo-law that is fine, but you might do well to warn the reader rather than try to pass off what is universal in your reality as being universally-universal.

Michael Joseph
10-31-16, 06:59 PM
Upon SIMCHAT TORAH - Rejoice in the Law; one begins again at Genesis 1:1. I began to understand the accusation of blood on the ground, against Cain for killing Abel did not equate to a capital crime because the law had not been issued (https://youtu.be/GkyDw0LzuSY?t=1113). Therefore Cain became aware that no law protected him from the same fate. God marked him with "OWTH". - The same mark on the Israelites at Exodus 13:16.

From the top down...

Wonderful exposition. Therein is exactly the point. Adam/Eve were naked. Same concept. When I began to view the named characters in the Bible not as historical figures but as archetypes in thought/desire it was then that Aaron's Rod budded. Cain being a "tiller of the ground" scratches out his existence subject to the wisdoms and philosophies he develops by and thru his five sense limited mind. Esau being a man of the field typifies this limited consciousness and thusly it was said of God - Esau I hated. And later by Paul:

Rom 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Rom 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
Rom 8:8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

We can also see another one named Abraham who is the archetype of Faith striking an oath with one called Abimilech with seven (7) ewe lambs. This same story plays out on a Spiritual plane in the N.T. between the "rich man", Lazarus, and Abraham. Reflecting on the pillar raised as a memorial, Abraham relates there is a chasm of which I nor you can pass. Abimilech too symbolizes the lust, desire, envy, greed, gluttony, laziness of the flesh nature. Nevertheless we gain much more information later of Jacob and Esau upon their interaction. For Jacob [Higher Mind] and Esau [Lower Flesh Consciousness] make peace.

Thus it is as you say. Returning to Genesis 1:1 one begins to see Gen 1 as the transformative process of God working in the natural man to bring the natural man into a Spiritual Estate. And then of Genesis 1:2 of the transformative process of God working in the Spiritual man to bring him into a Celestial Estate.

The natural man is selfish - hedonistic - envious etc. And you could say that the lower serpent rules him [central nervous system] by and thru his five senses. Thus he is subject to the five lords of the Philistines.

The Spiritual man is a man whereof Faith is dominant and any love generates from the womb of faith. Or you could say in a different analogy that Faith and Love are married and Faith is husband and Love the wife.

The Celestial man is a man whereof Love is dominant and any faith generates from the womb of Love. Or you could say in a different analogy that Love and Faith are married and Love is husband and Faith the wife.

In the C.M. all faith is perceived from love and thusly from Good. And thusly from God. It is not so in the Spiritual man for even here he thinks to generate love of his own and in this stage of development he has yet to send the bondmaid out of his house. He is Abram. And it is in this stage of development that he cannot bring forth the child of promise.


If you are truthful in your contemplation of Cain, he did appear before God with a sacrifice; therefore, he was seeking to please God. Cain of course if the lower and Abel the higher aspects in man. Cain thinks to please God in the Flesh. Remember Romans 8:8? They that are in flesh [consciousness] cannot please God.

Romans 8:8 said those in the Flesh cannot please God. So dear reader if you are a literal one GIVE IT UP - your efforts to please God are futile and will all lead eventually to the grave. So why even try? See how these want it both ways? Well they can't have it both ways. Therefore there must be different aspects in consciousness. And this is exactly the story of Abram. God said get up and move to a new country. And the term "country" is a change in conscious thought/desires.

And now we see the natural man comes first and will be last. And we see the Spiritual / Celestial man comes second but will become first. And between the two God desires CHARITY which is to say MERCY which is the Womb of Love.

I wonder if anyone can prove that Cain is the son of Adam? I think not. For Adam being an archetype of Church/State births a different philosophy that that of Cain. And yet both societies oppose each other somewhat. Each symbol has many different meanings when viewed from different perspectives. For they placed "fig leaves" over their groins - a symbol of thought/desire and manifestation [Husband/Wife/Son].

The nexus is PERCEPTION and specifically of the nature of the WOMB that births the son [manifestation]. Which is to say the nature and character of the consciousness of which are manifest states of being.

Indeed sir. Who granted the Law? Is the grantor subject to Law? Consider carefully planes of consciousness and you may come to see that law acting on the person of flesh is not the same law acting on the Spirit. Perception being key. For the law in perspective of flesh of do not do murder speaks to the flesh does it not? But St. Paul relates "we know the law is Spiritual." And it is at this nexus that Cain always seeks to kill Abel in every man. For the natural man desires his own "body" first. And in doing do, remains natural and carnal and therefore a brute beast meet for destruction. For the natural man lives solely by five senses and thusly he remains in Babylon [confusion].

Abel does not need to experience bad to know good. Abel stays in the good. The two relate to different natures/character in conscience.

Rom 9:1 I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit

The Spiritual man is in Christ [ALIVE]. The natural man is in Christ [DEAD]. Thusly Abram was told "get up and move to a new country." And we see the ancient struggle in man.

Thank you David Merrill.


10-31-16, 07:28 PM
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you in trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so {that gets you into trouble}." - Mark Twain

Divided title vs Allodial title.

“The federal citizens has a right to hold property, but due to his status and his use of legal tender [Federal Reserve Notes] it appears he cannot hold the absolute title to or estate in the land as can white citizens and free inhabitants can (if they pay for the property rights with a lawful tender of gold or silver coin I would suspect.)”

Paying with gold or silver is not necessarily a perfect solution because you can’t buy what another man does not own. That there was a slap.

That is why they have more than one type of currency in circulation: scrip is for the plantation worker and lawful money is for 'off-base (i.e. military base) transactions'. Again just like political status can limit the title claim a person can enjoy, political status can afford one the opportunity to (using appropriate process) assert a claim based on that political status.

10-31-16, 07:51 PM
It make sense that if they stole the Territory that they would have done it from Olympus (Washington...something about 1846?)-- the British-U.S. Joint Venture Territory or from Mormon Judah (aka Utah) Territory. Consider that after 1861, the U.S. Congress may have lost its power to admit states on equal footing as co-equal sovereigns, or, in the post 1861 martial law mode they cannot dispense Article III de jure (we discussed this in 'another galaxy' long ago): to save face and maintain the dual system compromise new constitutions for new FEDERAL STATES sprung up. So consider, if you will, State of Colorado and State of Utah each being a 'state and territory' perhaps helping bolster the warchest at Colorado Springs. But you know, as I mentioned before, IMHO the Treaty of Paris (post liminy, etc.) and others like it afterwards seemed to speak of a joint venture between the UK Crown and the local Crowns of the states of America. The 'big secret'? The people have all of that power, if only they knew it. Poseurs or servants in a dulocracy revealing their powerlessness to the people ruins the gambit.

On that note, perhaps this is relevant (hopefully), consider the public debt in light of the motto on the Missouri coat of arms.


We, the people of Missouri, inhabiting the limits hereinafter designated, by our representatives in convention assembled, at St. Louis, on Monday, the 12th day of June, 1820, do mutually agree to form and establish a free and independent republic, by the name of "The State of Missouri," and for the government thereof do ordain and establish this constitution.


That the military is, and, in all cases, and at all times, shall be, in strict subordination to the civil power; that no soldier can, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in such manner as may be prescribed by law; nor can any appropriation for the support of an army be made for a longer period than two years.

Salus populi suprema lex esto means "the welfare of the people shall be the supreme law". If you get that 'the people' isn't synonymous with 'residents' then the motto can be quite insightful for how the state deals with emergencies for the people's sake. "If financial emergency threatens the people, well those residents and subjects had better get to work!"


Remember, two FRB banks, IRS tax depositories, SEC fee depository/custodian (U.S. Bank, St. Louis) and the gateway between Treasury and the FRB are all in Missouri.



A view of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HQ on a cloudy day along Federal Reserve Plaza, home of the Treasury, Tax & Loan gateway.

So Jim and I together worked in conjunction setting up events that led to the simple truth that if you create it, you own it. - But only when you can keep coherent knowledge of the Creation Process.

According to Greg Hallet, the Rothschilds struck a deal to play Queen/King for 200 years starting in 1812 and that 200 year period ended in 2012. That is, the UK/England/Scotland have been in a special interegnum (in soft exile) for over 200 years. Greg Hallet's claims might seem nonsensical, but that just may be why so many things seem to be unwinding.

Some think America is going into a judgment period. But what if America is coming out of a type of 'Babylonian captivity' that started at the end of World War II (a war that the US and the UK lost in secret) (1947 to 2017 = 70 years) or near at end of the Civil War (1867-2017 = 2 x 70 years). Consider that being knee deep in debt and social decay since World War II or under a dulocracy since 1865 is neither "prosperity" or a "dream". Perhaps then, if they didn't create it, even though they pretended, they don't own it. They say there was a monarchy or a people in England before the Romans.

David Merrill
10-31-16, 09:51 PM
The three girls in jumpsuits remind me. I read a cheap romance novel while in jail about the Freemen...

It had allegedly fictional conversations in it between President BUCHANAN and Territorial Governor GILPIN that fit this all exactly. Like the author had come across some research; probably in a Mason museum. I think that the '59'er's made Colorado a lot more attractive. Murdering for gold is a lot more romantic anyway, according to the paperback.

Click Here to read Initiative in Washington state. (https://sos.wa.gov/_assets/elections/initiatives/FinalText_773.pdf)

P.S. A conversation with a suitor who buys and sells paper is turning up some interesting discovery about persons and corporations.

The $20M lien publication produced a real revelation. This is already around here from years ago. Mr. DREW for whatever reason required that the Secretary return the approval to the Republic of Colorado. This caused a breach of trust while the Secretary was refusing to publish my UCC-1 and threatening to charge me with a class 5 felony for using the Great Seal, without being affiliated with the State business. So I adopted the bastard then and there, and the Secretary published the lien.


I had forgotten how bold I am...

"The State of Colorado is the collateral..."

See what I mean, I am a self-licensed pirate! Resulting trustee with a God-given Letter of Marque. I amaze myself sometimes.


So Michael Joseph;

I am finally understanding the concept you have been putting across, about my being able to collect an inheritance thirteen generations down the line. I think this piece will help resolve the precept with trust law.

The foundation is piracy. I am basing my license (Letter of Marque) in the Book of Mark and its plain text decoding. See Mark 4:34. The Truth shall set you free. But this is the piece that I meant. I was watching some videos at the Bible study at the Messianic Jewish synagogue about the history of the modern state of Israel. In the opening breath we find the Dutch East Indies Trading Company mentioned. I will get a search engine on finding the video series...

Outside the scope of piracy, and the licensing of privateering - 'perpetual inheritance' makes no more sense than Zionism on the land of Palestine.

10-31-16, 10:40 PM
"There walks a lady we all know who shines white light and wants to show" -

There Walks A Lady We All Know


Who shines white light and wants to show

11-01-16, 12:54 AM
There Walks A Lady We All Know


Who shines white light and wants to show

Athena? (Related: Eve, Athena & Worship of the Feminine: Straight Out of Genesis? (savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?2331-Eve-Athena-amp-Worship-of-the-Feminine-Straight-Out-of-Genesis&highlight=athena))

Outside the scope of piracy, and the licensing of privateering - 'perpetual inheritance' makes no more sense than Zionism on the land of Palestine.

Its not piracy if one has a de jure royal charter. Pirates are by definition in opposition to the original jurisdiction. Privateers and mercenaries aren't necessarily pirates since they work within the scope of sovereign prerogative. Letters of marque are issued by de jure sovereigns while pirates can be said to operate solely on appetite (http://biblehub.com/ecclesiastes/5-10.htm) ("whose god is their belly" comes to mind ala Philippians 3:19 KJV).

Privateers and mercenaries operating under counterfeit royal charter might be pirates in fact though privateers and mercenaries in appearance: depends on how the quasi-sovereign governs himself/herself/itself/themselves.

Seeing the Israel/Jacob vs Edom/Esau conflict makes a lot of things make lots more sense.

It had allegedly fictional conversations in it between President BUCHANAN and Territorial Governor GILPIN that fit this all exactly.

BUCHANAN (Presbyterian) was also from Pennsylvania.

Michael Joseph
11-01-16, 01:11 AM
You are making things up. A trustee can in a separate capacity as an agent exercise authority for the other part of the title but as a trustee (in trustee capacity) he only has one side of that title collection. Otherwise, apart from disability due to political status, if he has both legal and equitable title he'd be holding in allodium (grantor and trustee and beneficiary are the same?). If you are discussing your own private internal personal MJ world philo-law that is fine, but you might do well to warn the reader rather than try to pass off what is universal in your reality as being universally-universal.

Let the reader decide for himself.....


One might do well to learn about the Mass. Business Trust and the Illinois Land Trust before one goes about implying that a trustee may not be vested with both the legal and the equitable titles. Regarding the latter one would do well to read KENOE ON LAND TRUSTS if one is lucky enough to obtain a copy.

One would not do well for one's self in blindly trusting in the words of another...Due Diligence is imperative. Perhaps your Perspective on my writing was wrongly focused on the grantor/trustee/beneficiary being one person -that of course is a merger. Nevertheless the Grantor may be the Trustee and also "a member of a class of beneficiaries". Grantor may even be a co-trustee and co-beneficiary.


Come on in boys - the water is fine.

Finding the Trustee of a Land Trust to be with both Legal and Equitable Title real estate may be sold and deeded at the hand of a member of the Board of Trustees subject to the power of direction manifest in the office of management which is typically vested in a beneficiary but need not be. As a Board of Directors may be established by the Creator/Grantor/Settlor.


Michael Joseph
11-01-16, 01:44 AM
So Michael Joseph;

I am finally understanding the concept you have been putting across, about my being able to collect an inheritance thirteen generations down the line. I think this piece will help resolve the precept with trust law.

If the Estate is held in Abeyance upon the arrival of an eligible heir, then one must know his pedigree [generations]. It was said of Noah that he was perfect in his generations [pedigree] - we may infer that Noah was aware of his lineage.

It may also be said that a Hebrew may only eat fish with scales - "Fish" being Truth and "Scales" implying righteous living or justice. It seems the custodians of the Estate know full well who they are dealing with - the only question is does the heir know to make a claim? You might ponder that one a bit David Merrill - if you believe that the lady [church] is holding your inheritance, would it not be prudent to issue your claim upon her doorstep?

Interesting TANGENT: My business partner [engineering] is in the VAN PELT family tree. He can remember his rich ole uncle of whom they affectionately called Uncle Van. Verona I. Miller Van Pelt [1913-1990]


A Declaration of Trust is by its very nature God given. For we live, move and have our being in God.

David Merrill
11-01-16, 01:57 AM
I recall Grandpa Van;

He was a musician but interestingly he had some of the same notions about Bible interpretation. Somehow, without SkyGlobe he knew that the Magi visited Jesus when he was a toddler (15 months). He was doing research about it at the university library and when he got up for a moment, came back and found his work stolen.


He left me the Moffat Bible I treasure for translating the Book of Mark so nicely for the Gospel of Pragmatism. I like any bible the notes where the Book of Mark ends and editing begins.

Where Mark Actually Ends

The Moffat rendition of the Book of Mark is very revealing with the footnote found at Mark 16:8:

The following appendix represents a couple of second century attempts to complete the gospel. The passage within brackets in the first of these epilogues originally belonged to it, but was excised for some reason at an early date. Jerome quoted part of it, but the full text has only been discovered quite recently in codex W, the Freer uncial of the gospels.

So there was a passage in the first of these two “attempts”, that reads, starting around verse 14 of the KJV and all modern renditions:

But they excused themselves, saying, “This age of lawlessness and unbelief lies under the sway of Satan, who will not allow what lies under the unclean spirits to understand the truth and power of God; therefore,” they said to Christ, “reveal your righteousness now.” Christ answered them, “the limit of years for Satan’s power has now expired, but other terrors are at hand. I was delivered to death on behalf of sinners, that they might return to the truth and sin no more, that they might inherit that glory of righteousness which is spiritual and imperishable in heaven.”

Imagine that! In the conversion of the Gospel of Mark into a business plan such slurs against Futurism were removed. – It would not do for Jesus to be saying that, Christ answered them, “the limit of years for Satan’s power has now expired…

More significant to Pragmatism is that reading only what is written in the original Book of Mark renders it quite plausible that Jesus survived the Cross, and that Joseph of Arimathaea paid Pilate and one of Pilate’s guards to pronounce Jesus dead when somebody caused Jesus to black out in pain by dousing him in vinegar. Expecting Mary, His wife and Mary His mother would be coming by the tomb to prepare his body for the rotting process Jesus left a messenger to let them know which way to go to find Him.

Interestingly in other gospels Jesus meets up with His Apostles hungry and showing his wounds yet Christians still believe that He was resurrected from the dead.

11-01-16, 02:05 AM
Let the reader decide for himself.....

Well at least you are now being specific and concise as to which realm, reality or construct you are referring. The discussion previously was trusts generally and real estate generally.

However, 'land trust' (word of art) refers to what is widely regarded to be a purely statutory construct--like a corporation. The fact that specific requirements must be undertaken to even be recognized under a state's statute is telling: "Well call it a trust if you do this, that, the other and if the land is 'in this state'". Depending on the asset or property focus, a 'land trust' is really not a de jure trust. However if you consider the state as landlord doing the authorization and approving you might have a kind of delegation or agency rather than a real trust relationship especially if probate is triggered.

Most will at first, when looking at land trusts, will probably fixate solely on the title to real property as being the totality of a land trust when in fact the proceeds, rents, fruit, productivity of the land would be also be part of the totality of the 'trust estate(s) associated with a land trust. That 'fructive' portion could sit separately in trust on 'occurrence' and be held in de jure trust: when and if it manifests.

So if you are talking about the statutory construct called 'land trust' then the discussion is on those specific terms. Being that is possible to have capital and revenue separated in a trust you get how the revenue or 'fructive' side of a trust package can be in a trust-trust while the capital equipment can be in a separate sham trust (for example it could be a requirement that as long as its generative of the fruit its treated *as if* its not a sham). So saying "one part of the trust is held with legal title and equitable title" so "neener-neener its a trust I done told ya!" ;) isn't quite on point.


In fact anyone who knows about land trusts will see that they typically arise out of two separate documents (meaning two separate trusts--of which only one is probably de jure): a deed and a trust agreement. The grantor trust is widely regarded as a 'sham trust'. But if the federal or non-federal state (Garn Act, local statute) wants to treat a grantor trust as a trust-trust its still a sham though they agree to pretend otherwise. If the real property side of the land trust (special arrangement which might in many cases be two separate trusts put together in a single package) is a sham and the state (landlord) says Okee Dokey its still not really a trust. However, the trust arrangement on the fructive side, on occurrence of the fruit/revenue can be de jure.


If I didn't give MJ such a hard time, how much fun would this be?

To recap, if I were to assign Bubba Skillz some equipment for making Formula Z that sells for $100 an ounce and tell him that the only reason he will hold the equipment is to produce Formula Z for my cousin's company and he'll get paid 10% per ounce and my cousin gets the rest, you see how the equipment is still mine (grantor trust/sham trust--not a trust really) but the Formula Z as it is produce is in fact in trust. To fixate on the title to the equipment is to miss the point that the de jure trust surrounds the title to the Formula Z as it is produced. The state calling non-trusts trusts with respect to title to the equipment is besides the point. The terms might be that once Bubba Skillz retires, the equipment reverts back to me and my will or the like might pass the equipment on to my sons or daughters--so much for the trustee having allodial title.

It may be that with analysis that the equipment or real property side of that trust arrangement is allowed to operate more like an perpetual estate as if the grantor were deceased. If the state has allodial title to the real property in the state of Florida or in the state of Illinois then, hmm the smell of a delegation or side-band principal-agency type of arrangement might not be far off. The restriction that the typical trustee has with respect to real property concerning a land trust doesn't sound like full title. One or both halfs of the legal title are very weak--too weak to be de jure full title. The fact that point #1 in your first PDF suggests that a beneficiary has title interest in bankruptcy is also telling.

Of course the topic of 'land trusts' varies from state to state. Also, its worth considering that in one jurisdiction or another, according to statute a beneficiary's equitable title in the real property associated with the land trust trust collection is treated as if personal property can mean that the trustee doesn't really have equitable title but is only treated AS IF having such. If the beneficiary's consent is built into it, again that can give rise to something else like principal-agency type relationship rather than a trust. Its probably not unheard of for rights to be treated as real property.

On another note, if one were to analyze the nature of corporations, one just might find evidence of a trust agreement lurking in there somewhere upon incorporating.

David Merrill
11-01-16, 04:21 AM
You might ponder that one a bit David Merrill - if you believe that the lady [church] is holding your inheritance, would it not be prudent to issue your claim upon her doorstep?

That sounds strange to me.

Nobody is holding my inheritance. I have made my claim and accepted my election in MELCHIZEDEK, which is the inheritance. The $23M is payment of acting fees. - For a performance.

I feel no pain or fear.

I recall an author Joseph VINING who wrote Legal Identity - The Coming of Age of Public Law wrote about Total Theory. And it sticks with me how this might happen.

David Merrill
11-01-16, 01:44 PM
Sleeping helped reconcile.

The birthright is to waiver of tort, according to the municipal priestcrafter's code.


This authority comes from the inheritance of Levi, sometimes referred to as the Aaronic Priesthood - at I Chronicles 6. And this is why the Dutch East Indies Trading Company is mentioned in the first passages of the British Accreditation for the Modern State of Israel. - The same charter. Let's admit it, the definition for pirate/privateer/mercenary at sea etc. is by definition, fuzzy. Delovio v. Boit proclaims for Justice STORY that should I present a bucket with a corncob floating in it to STORY, he would proclaim it admiralty jurisdiction and all those unclaimed notes; those are insurance policies being passed along in bottomry with the trustees ignorant that somewhere, somebody is going to keep them in the vault - special deposit by making that demand/claim. Just not today.

Rambling on a roll.

At the same time (1611) we find that the King James Version was chartered and dedicated to "Our Sion":



So I circle back...


David Merrill
11-01-16, 01:54 PM
The custodians of the record (history) have been holding the findings of fact for me. There you have birthright, heritage and destiny all coherent and wrapped up.

Delegation of Authority. (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImalBQWHNUa1hsNk0/view?usp=sharing)
Affidavit of True and Correct Copies. (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImTU9IYXFKTHJIb0E/view?usp=sharing)
Service. (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImdUdjemZtckxwZm8/view?usp=sharing)

Look who is on the Service. What better way to make claim than to offer forgiveness and redemption?


It is chartered in the name Jim gave it:

CASTLE CHURCH - For the Redemption of the Office BISHOP


See how beautifully it all works out? That is a Geodetic Survey marker up at the Castle, next to Jim's head. This same image is found at Bishop Castle Colorado business page on FaceBook (https://www.facebook.com/Bishop-Castle-Colorado-258031000964040/). Please consider getting past the Castle as a symbol of unbridled imagination and unlimited potential of one man as Castlebuilder, and learn the history of trust law - to understand identity and remedy. I feel that until you get to www.lawfulmoneytrust.com and really get into watching the video lessons there, you only scratch the surface.

But I believe this satisfies your requirement Michael Joseph - for both Jim and myself - that we understand our heritage in both BISHOP and VAN PELT/RENSAELLER.




David Merrill
11-01-16, 02:36 PM
It gets difficult to determine what the reader might find more interesting.

153 is the right side (female intuition/parallel processing) side of the brain/boat. All right. The fast RSA Factoring Algorithm that undid Securitization, which I invented upon a Certificate of Baptism in late 1995, as my ideas for a better business plan were plagiarized by the senior administrator of Charismatic Christianity...

The next two numbers in the Five Cube Sum Number Locks are 370 and 371 - a difference of the First - 1. Toggle, which in two dimensions can form Dither.


That is the same day of birth upon the Golden Rectangle - Penrose Hospital. But 371 years prior to the perfection of the August 13th bill of exchange in 2001. That is the NE Corner too - the Cornerstone. And the 31-Day notice before September 11, 2001 on the Bill of Exchange.




A quad-diode equalizer dithers a torig lens into focus. From this we develop "flutter" off the last Cube Sum Number Lock, 407 - which is the prime.

So Circling Around and back a couple pages now...


David Merrill
11-01-16, 03:14 PM
In other words, What the LORD (Creator) giveth, the LORD taketh away.

This is the ownership not only of birthright, but of the hybrid between e=mc2 and Relativity/Time Dilation. If you understand how an infinite universe arises from unlimited potential as demonstrated by one man building a Castle, without bounds on his imagination (some consider Jim insane), then you Create. This is the essence of Communication - only beings of like order can truly communicate...


Therefore the CHRIST mind swears out no OWTH (the Mark on Cain as well as Israel). The CHRIST is only subject to Law, not MAN.


The Baptism was coronation to the throne of Jerusalem. Jesus was subject to John as channel for the spirit of Elijah - a conduit or medium. So read it again. While Jesus revealed who He was to the two witnesses, He also discovered that overturning the moneychangers' tables had not had the effect of unseating Babylon Jewry from the Temple Mount, like the new King had hoped. That is the true nature of Messiah ben David, the conquering Messiah. So instead of turning back to Jerusalem to sit in the Tetrarch Antipas HEROD's throne, (hoping John's accusation/impeachment of adultery had taken lawful effect) Jesus proceeded into conference at Emmaus with his inner apocalyptic mystery cult - to consider damage control and risk management.

11-01-16, 07:23 PM
It gets difficult for some readers to follow along. Possibly even to those with time enough to read a 32 page lecture on the "theory of everything." To pick up one of your theory of everything tangents -

153 is the right side (female intuition/parallel processing) side of the brain/boat. All right. The fast RSA Factoring Algorithm that undid Securitization, which I invented upon a Certificate of Baptism in late 1995, as my ideas for a better business plan were plagiarized by the senior administrator of Charismatic Christianity...
RSA Security LLC provides encryption used to secure systems used in banking and government; software locks. RSA encryption also appears to be known for its vulnerabilities. And these seem to go beyond a common assumption that... a company selling software locks should likely have a key (or a method) to open them.

Are you saying the RSA public key encryption system is vulnerable because it uses prime number-based keys? That you have used the Five Cube Sum Number Locks to invent a Fast RSA Factoring Algorithm to unlock the encryption; and thus you have the crack, THE CODEBREAKER? Bank transactions are no longer secure?
Or that we, the people are the Securitization?

11-01-16, 10:44 PM
Let's admit it, the definition for pirate/privateer/mercenary at sea etc. is by definition, fuzzy.

As fuzzy as the legitimacy, sanity and intra vires -ness of the pertinent sovereign. Speaking of fuzziness and confusion: comes to mind the notion of: Esau pretending to be Israel, Ishmael pretending to be Isaac, Israel overcoming amnesia ... etc. Regardless, we see that its all trumped by the poignancy of Joseph's dream. The birthright is Joseph's and the scepter departed from Judah around 4 A.D.

The Joseph Connection

Then he {Joseph} dreamed another dream and told it to his brothers and said, “Behold, I have dreamed another dream. Behold, the sun, the moon, and eleven stars were bowing down to me.” Genesis 37:9

And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars. Genesis 1:16

Then they took Joseph’s robe and slaughtered a goat and dipped the robe in the blood. Genesis 37:31

For Judah prevailed above his brethren, and of him comes the chief ruler [ prince]; but the Birthright is Joseph's," 1 Chron. 5:2

Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? this that is glorious in his apparel, travelling in the greatness of his strength? I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel, and thy garments like him that treadeth in the winefat? Isaiah 63:1-3

AFAIK, Isaiah 63:1-3 isn't suggesting the figure is nationally from Edom but is on the way back from Edom after having visited his wrath upon them.

He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God. Revelations 19:13

Embodiment of wisdom and truth

And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. 2 Cor. 3:3 (ESV)

Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Matthew 5:14

(Being the light and bearing the light aren't the same)

Legitimacy of crowns

He raises up the poor from the dust; he lifts the needy from the ash heap to make them sit with princes and inherit a seat of honor. For the pillars of the earth are the LORD’s, and on them he has set the world. 1 Samuel 2:8

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.

And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. 2 Ephesians 6-10

Then he {Joseph} dreamed another dream and told it to his brothers and said, “Behold, I have dreamed another dream. Behold, the sun, the moon, and eleven stars were bowing down to me.” Genesis 37:9

And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars. Genesis 1:16


This is the ownership not only of birthright, but of the hybrid between e=mc2 and Relativity/Time Dilation.

Contrast those who refuse to pervert their creative function (i.e. those who allow a mind and life i complete harmony with the mind of life of Christ be formed in them) and those who persist with and support such perversion regardless of wisdom or truth conveyed to them. Can the birthright go to those with unsound mind? Is unsound mind cause for disinheritance? Or... is sound mind part of the inheritance?

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10

David Merrill
11-01-16, 11:19 PM
It gets difficult for some readers to follow along. Possibly even to those with time enough to read a 32 page lecture on the "theory of everything." To pick up one of your theory of everything tangents -

RSA Security LLC provides encryption used to secure systems used in banking and government; software locks. RSA encryption also appears to be known for its vulnerabilities. And these seem to go beyond a common assumption that... a company selling software locks should likely have a key (or a method) to open them.

Are you saying the RSA public key encryption system is vulnerable because it uses prime number-based keys? That you have used the Five Cube Sum Number Locks to invent a Fast RSA Factoring Algorithm to unlock the encryption; and thus you have the crack, THE CODEBREAKER? Bank transactions are no longer secure?
Or that we, the people are the Securitization?

Yes. My transaction in late 1995 began the precept of Securitization. Like a brick in that zigurat on the backside of the US dollar bill. I skipped over that part, and so I am glad you asked because I may not have gotten back to it.

Don't worry if you cannot follow. This will be a strange form of mysticism - gamatria at best to anybody who is not initiated into certain esoteric societies. I created whatever you want to call it, teaching rapture in a Messianic synagogue - displacement hysteria is usually formed by psychotomimetic drugs and when you are on an island around 80 AD it could be very bad news to burn the grain just because it makes people laugh at giant bunnies. My point is that there is a lot of preconscious symbolism coming forth that is quite valid, and in agreement with uniform architecture of linguistics, found in the Book of Revelation. Then on the other hand the Saturday-School Teacher spent a good part of his Boeing career in cryptology contracts for NSA...

So for him to go into extreme imagination disorder, and worse yet to preach it fervently like he knows it is a house of cards for the commercial priestcraft is a definite sign he has cracked. - Or maybe I have. But to say that God will be violating so many of His natural laws, of which absolutely nothing has happened to date, as explained away in the Gospel of Pragmatism, makes no sense to me. And here is something that makes even less sense; when asked if I must believe in the Rapture to be raptured, the answer is "No." - I have asked. The LORD already has chosen His whom He will be taking up into the clouds. So why bother getting kicked out of most Christian churches over it? It doesn't matter anyway!

The answer to that is the Rapture Eschaton pushers are insecure. They know there is nothing to hold it up except to keep people fascinated about how bizarre it all sounds...

So what happens is that I keep thinking this will go more simply, and by doing so I attract somebody who can follow but they need a missing part, that I was hoping to skip. Mostly because it will open up more inquiries and I am back to simplifying a big mystery by providing keys instead of more and bigger mysteries.

The right side of the brain can process and maybe even prefers to process in parallel. Rather than linear, series. This is how we can feel emotions and intuitive insights and judgment - dreams and visions. There is a transform that has occurred over there, this 153 on the right side of the boat, that negates time. Derivatives and inversely, integration. Like wavelength and frequency. Love and peace/joy. Or fear and anger.

I am alluding to the time collapse, as it is sometimes called. The precept that a Holy Instant is elusive when it is not. It always is because God is love and there is no fear anywhere in the universe, only the illusion of pain.

Bill THETFORD and John GITTINGER worked developing ego description and personality mapping techniques for nearly a decade, for the infant CIA and MK-ULTRA Cold War weaponry of the mind. So it is no surprise that Bill and John had no moral fiber about dosing Helen with LSD especially when they realized it was compelling her to transcribe her imagination disorder out loud. For me, the validation that The Voice (of Jesus) is the very same egrogore inhabiting so many mental patients across the map of history came from Dr. Rick STRASSMAN's two books - DMT The Spirit Molecule and DMT And the Spirit of Prophecy. Dimethyltryptamine is an endogenous hallucinogenic psychedelic secretion from the pineal gland attributed for causing the dream experiences we have during sleep.

So I am getting to my career of carefully regulating the release valve systems of highly compressed information infrastructures so that confidence and security building measures might maintain we have flush toilets and cell phones while all this Securitization comes to implosion, as it never was anything more than a bubble. Bubbles implode; like Rapture Eschatology. It is building imbalance of split-brain hemisphericity that makes a sustained CHRIST - MIND impossible.

Get a look at NOW: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImSDJEWnJJUjZWVUE/view?usp=sharing)

And again from Helen's mouth. (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImZm5oZnRFQXl6X0k/view?usp=sharing)

What that reveals is the truth about metal chelation releasing metals from the brain not only invigorates a plethora of life-real memories but on the right side, genome and ancestral quickenings, bringing the personalities of the forefathers to life within you - what the American Indians considered Wisdom... Well, I am getting around the question nicely.

I certainly did invent the Fast RSA Factoring Algorithm shortly prior to Artificial Intuition in early 2028. There you have it. The two videos reveal that Helen was wise to preserve her peace, and go back to life and career living in the 'now'. But also that the options of viewing the past, as well as the future are not only available, but are a birthright - an inheritance and heritage that we are divinely encouraged to explore in order to fill the most of our possible potential during a 'lifetime'.

The Release of the Fast RSA Factoring Algorithm caused a rash of thefts, as you might expect. This settled out according to the Agreements to the Bretton Woods Acts as Securitization is only a bubble-creating illusion. Debt will never have substance or value, except in the minds of the deluded. - Which is why I am bringing so much rapture eschatology into this. What I see has developed from my two inventions is fascinating! It is unbelievable how long displacement hysteria can hold things up in psychotomimetic delirium when the human condition needs the delusions to maintain all the delusions.

I am going to post and Continue - more to the point about Cryptology.

11-01-16, 11:25 PM
But to say that God will be violating so many of His natural laws, of which absolutely nothing has happened to date, as explained away in the Gospel of Pragmatism, makes no sense to me.

The laws placed upon things I create aren't necessarily binding upon me. Speaking of 'natural laws'. The things that God creates have in their nature (i.e. nature-al law) to obey their creator and to otherwise behave a certain way. Red blood cells are stem cells in a specific 'incarnation', if necessary (at the right command of from through nervous system perhaps) they will shed their 'red blood cell status' to become bone or skin cells if necessary. The idea of God 'violating' his natural laws doesn't make sense to me because its the creation that is always apt to obey Him. If wood decided to become butter or steel decided to become plastic without extraordinary cause and authority, that would be a violation. If I assign a deputy to guard the county treasury, me telling him to help guard a firetruck during a fire isn't a violation on my part. I suspend my previous lawful order for another. If he abandons his post without lawful cause or unlawfully the violation isn't mine its his. You see I always retain the authority to re-assign the deputy. That a deputy could say to me, me being sheriff, "you're violating your natural laws by telling me to do something else", no offense, doesn't make sense. I'd ask him to take a vacation and maybe see a counsellor if he said that to me. (That is, if water said to Jesus --"I ain't changing to water that is a violation of your natural laws"--the fact is, the violation would be on the water for disobeying its nature to obey its creator: if it is obeying its creator by being water then that is admission that is in its nature to obey its creator therefore obeying future commands is adheres to natural law --i.e. the law of natures.)

Further aspect of 'natural law' is that the sheriff of XYZ county, Mississippi doesn't have in his nature to obey an order from China. It is against natural law. It has been suggested that it is in the nature of things to obey their creator. A red blood cell with stop being a red blood cell if necessary. That atoms and physical things will obey the will and vision of God only makes sense knowing that (especially if you consider how they came to be in the first place).

Note: Jagadish Chandra Bose also came to the conclusion even 'inanimate materials' such as metals showed signs of life.

So for him to go into extreme imagination disorder, and worse yet to preach it fervently like he knows it is a house of cards for the commercial priestcraft is a definite sign he has cracked. - Or maybe I have.

John wasn't necessarily writing to the world. It seems that he was writing to a very select, small group relatively for the time. That his writings have become public domain or famous perhaps besides the point in perspective.

The answer to that is the Rapture Eschaton pushers are insecure. They know there is nothing to hold it up except to keep people fascinated about how bizarre it all sounds...

So what happens is that I keep thinking this will go more simply, and by doing so I attract somebody who can follow but they need a missing part, that I was hoping to skip. Mostly because it will open up more inquiries and I am back to simplifying a big mystery by providing keys instead of more and bigger mysteries.

Errant futurism isn't John's fault. Josephus and Rabbnic writings evidence that what John wrote at least partially came to pass by 70 A.D. Related: http://revelationrevolution.org/. The true ecclesia knows what's up. While twins can be hard to distinguish but we all know that making adequate distinctions is the right thing to do. Even the Islamists (Ishmael) in America admit that they do things while pretending to be orthodox Christians only to bring angst against orthodox Christians (Joseph/Isaac/Israel).

David Merrill
11-01-16, 11:56 PM

The key is found in the Five Cube Sum Number Locks. These five numbers are unique on the entire number line. I played a few games of chess with Al, who still works in government so I withhold his last name. He invented computer linguistics for a $1 patent sold to Texas Instruments and it went fairly directly into a toy called Speak and Spell. This is the kind of mind that would catch on when I casually meander while we ponder the next move. So he ran it a few seconds on a supercomputer and sure enough, there are only five. But more than that, the fossils of thought are in a government supercomputer...

Mind Bomb. One day I will discover what I invented over chess with Al!

I showed you the circuit for dither. There is a little of the theory behind it. It focuses the laser on a CD or DVD. Take the magic of the FIVE into a third dimension and you have flutter. There is the KEY.


It is already done. The question is whether or not you will detonate the mind bomb?

11-02-16, 01:22 AM
So for him to go into extreme imagination disorder, and worse yet to preach it fervently like he knows it is a house of cards for the commercial priestcraft is a definite sign he has cracked. - Or maybe I have. But to say that God will be violating so many of His natural laws, of which absolutely nothing has happened to date, as explained away in the Gospel of Pragmatism, makes no sense to me. And here is something that makes even less sense; when asked if I must believe in the Rapture to be raptured, the answer is "No." - I have asked. The LORD already has chosen His whom He will be taking up into the clouds. So why bother getting kicked out of most Christian churches over it? It doesn't matter anyway!

It has been suggested that Revelations was written prior to 70 A.D. and Spin Doctors pushed the idea of it having been written later in order to hide the pragmatic: the kingdom is now and current. Lawful authority in the spiritual exercised effectively limits (protectively), controls or tempers (in the calming/stabilizing sense) physical manifestation. Its a very practical doctrine (see the Bible). Of course, there have been those who have sought distract from the pragmatic and practicality of the true gospel with Ritualism and False Pieous Religiosity and Shiny Trinketism. However, mistaking psychic realms for the divine realms might lead to error. Witchcraft is equated to rebellion because its about overturning lawful, well-tempered order.

Blaming the orthodox saint for errant rapture doctrine is like blaming someone for what an impostor does. The saints are are a royal priesthood (Israel is a people moreso or rather than than a stretch of dirt). Royals are conservators of the peace. Should the saints cease to exist on the face of 'the earth', you might have a condition similar to that of Sodom once Abraham, Lot and company left.

And he said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord: Peradventure there shall be twenty found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for twenty's sake. And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten's sake. Genesis 18:31-32

Again, getting to the heart of when Revelations was actually written is important:

The second century Syrian version of the book has the title of "John the Evangelist in the Isle of Patmos, where he was thrown by Nero Caesar." Nero, of course, was dead by 68 AD. (source (http://www.tentmaker.org/articles/revelation_written_before_70AD_Kiser.htm))

It is AFAIK a matter of historical record that when the Crusaders (allegedly there were FOURTEEN crusades in total) went to "the Holy Land", they didn't realize that certain prophecies were already fulfilled, that they were actually told the truth by the locals. What does that tell you? Of course the orthodox, original saints (the saved of Judah, Benjamin, etc.) knew what had happened. Why didn't the Crusaders know? Who was responsible for telling the Crusaders the truth and if they didn't tell the Crusaders the truth or didn't even know the truth what does that say? Also is it really true that the Crusaders were battling Muslims only or was there more to it? How long was the period from 70 AD to 1070AD? Doesn't Revelations 20:7 say something about 1,000 years?

Related: Battle On the Ice (http://www.messagetoeagle.com/battle-on-the-ice-army-of-prince-nevsky-against-crusaders-and-teutonic-knights-on-apr-5-1242/).

David Merrill
11-02-16, 01:32 AM
It has been suggested that Revelations was written prior to 70 A.D. and Spin Doctors pushed the idea of it having been written later in order to hide the pragmatic: the kingdom is now and current. Lawful authority in the spiritual effectively controls or tempers (in the calming/stabilizing sense) physical manifestation. Its a very practical doctrine (see the Bible). However, mistaking psychic realms for the divine realms might lead to error. Witchcraft is equated to rebellion because its about overturning lawful, well-tempered order.

Blaming the orthodox saint for errant rapture doctrine is like blaming someone for what an impostor does. The saints are are a royal priesthood. Royals are conservators of the peace. Should the saints cease to exist on the face of 'the earth', you might have a condition similar to that of Sodom once Lot left.

Sorry, I was responding before you finished your post Allodial.

David Merrill
11-02-16, 11:32 AM
First off Allodial, I certainly do appreciate your thoughtful replies. I have been digesting and awaken in the "witching hour" especially to sort through your post. This time of day is when dopamine and serotonin combine in the community so that everybody is asleep, but nobody is dreaming. Throughout literary history many writers have 'burned the midnight oil' during witching hour.

It has been suggested that Revelations was written prior to 70 A.D. and Spin Doctors pushed the idea of it having been written later in order to hide the pragmatic: the kingdom is now and current.

I like that suggestion. My "80 AD" was simply alluding to the lack of the welfare bailout state on Patmos. Burning the grain supply might be a fatal decision. Also it is probable that after three days on the naturally occurring LSD that while the hallucinosis persists the feeling of 'tripping' subsides.

Lawful authority in the spiritual exercised effectively limits (protectively), controls or tempers (in the calming/stabilizing sense) physical manifestation. Its a very practical doctrine (see the Bible).

Ergo, the quashing of witchcraft? Is that what you allude to?

I find it comforting. This is by which I make the claim to Jubilee, upon the tenets and timing in the Word DEBAR, of God as described to the Israelites in the Week and other numerical multiples. - As described by Keys in the Feasts...

Of course, there have been those who have sought distract from the pragmatic and practicality of the true gospel with Ritualism and False Pieous Religiosity and Shiny Trinketism. However, mistaking psychic realms for the divine realms might lead to error. Witchcraft is equated to rebellion because its about overturning lawful, well-tempered order.

The insult to my sensibilities this initially struck is noted, and that is wise of me to observe carefully my initial reaction was to respond with defensiveness. Thank you.

I believe that my point in such a wild exposition and exegesis over the last two days here is to the contrary. - That brain health and high plasticity is akin to spiritual ascension. This promotes a high degree of breakthrough insight. I have added a new pill, advertised by both NZT 48 (Limitless) and fetal skeletal growth hormone (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uw8PdwTwBNw) (Lucy) mixed with boron complex - souped (soapy) metals to wash out aluminum and lead from the brainpan etc...

It might be illusion but the sensation of this time-space continuum being the highest spiritual forum only grows more certain.

One naturally follows love. Love is healthy. My joy is being judged witchcraft by the miserable, that is to be expected. People fear what they do not understand. So the loudest gossip confronted me, What the fuck is with the ball (bouncing it in my left hand) and all the women? I know that it came to their attention during "holy communion" that I was outside bouncing along instead of subjecting myself to the egregore they had elevated into a godform... I just felt it better to honor their witchcraft rather than pop their bubble. Maybe there was no way for me to avoid exposure, at least to the women in the congregation.

Blaming the orthodox saint for errant rapture doctrine is like blaming someone for what an impostor does. The saints are are a royal priesthood (Israel is a people moreso or rather than than a stretch of dirt). Royals are conservators of the peace. Should the saints cease to exist on the face of 'the earth', you might have a condition similar to that of Sodom once Abraham, Lot and company left.

This is in direct opposition to my work and career efforts. My assertion is that the incest of Abraham and Sarah has developed a major sin-rift about communion. The symbol of Abraham holding a knife to Isaac's throat on the Temple Mount as precedent to the flowing life blood to a jealous God demanding sacrifice is the sickness called hard-hearted and stiffnecked. - That biblical prophecy is a birthright due all upon claim and demand. This guilt trip has been capitalized upon in commercial priestcraft so rampant that debt/death/doubt has become the SDR-based global currency that converts love itself into a currency.

Again, getting to the heart of when Revelations was actually written is important:

It is AFAIK a matter of historical record that when the Crusaders (allegedly there were FOURTEEN crusades in total) went to "the Holy Land", they didn't realize that certain prophecies were already fulfilled, that they were actually told the truth by the locals. What does that tell you?

I disagree with the premise that this is important. The "ongoing" fulfillment agrees with timelessness. Heritage and destiny coherent only occurs NOW. It is only now that we drop the past (guilt) and quit using guilt to form future plans. Peace.

Of course the orthodox, original saints (the saved of Judah, Benjamin, etc.) knew what had happened. Why didn't the Crusaders know? Who was responsible for telling the Crusaders the truth and if they didn't tell the Crusaders the truth or didn't even know the truth what does that say? Also is it really true that the Crusaders were battling Muslims only or was there more to it? How long was the period from 70 AD to 1070AD? Doesn't Revelations 20:7 say something about 1,000 years?

Indeed, a Day. Millennium. I have enjoyed MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN more - 2,520; the Daniel Cycle. I think it is safe to say that any true prophecy has initial, ongoing and ultimate properties. Emphasizing any one property recognizes time and with it futurism. That is what Pragmatism addresses. The initial Introduction speaks of the proper interpretation of Zechariah's prophecy. That is to say that in three days the dead king would be returning to deliver the people.

Like I posted the Gospel of Pragmatism teaches rather that Jesus learned from the two witnesses on the road to Emmaus that his initial administrative act as the new King had failed. Overturning the moneychangers' tables in the Temple Court did not incite the people to riot and unseat the already impeached (adultery with Herodias, Philip's wife) Antipas HEROD. One thing I feel Christians overlook, quite tragically is that the Messiah was to deliver the Temple Mount from Babylon, not Rome. Read Ezra and Nehemiah - understand what TIRSHATHA is - a Babylonian colonial marshal.

Related: Battle On the Ice (http://www.messagetoeagle.com/battle-on-the-ice-army-of-prince-nevsky-against-crusaders-and-teutonic-knights-on-apr-5-1242/).

Thank you for such an interesting adventure Allodial.

11-02-16, 09:00 PM
Concerning witchcraft (the bible definition rather than the Pop Culture definition), the point was rather than to suggest your clearing of metals out of your body to improve the mental and psychic health but was a reference to rebellion against or overturning of lawful and well-tempered order by enemies of the saints. Consider that:

1. witchcraft in one sense (rebellion; sociopolitical poisoning) is still prosecuted in most every U.N. member under laws against sedition or rebellion;
2. witchcraft in the potions and powders (bio-spiritual poisoning) sense is also prosecuted ala the War On Drugs and 'drug control'. If one studies the drug trafficking system one might find some very interesting things associated with magic, voodoo and witchcraft.

I find it a challenge to define the clearing the body of poisons as witchcraft---sounds more like an antidote for witchcraft (poisoning).

Like I posted the Gospel of Pragmatism teaches rather that Jesus learned from the two witnesses on the road to Emmaus that his initial administrative act as the new King had failed. Overturning the moneychangers' tables in the Temple Court did not incite the people to riot and unseat the already impeached (adultery with Herodias, Philip's wife) Antipas HEROD. One thing I feel Christians overlook, quite tragically is that the Messiah was to deliver the Temple Mount from Babylon, not Rome. Read Ezra and Nehemiah - understand what TIRSHATHA is - a Babylonian colonial marshal.

It is widely held that the character or makeup among the people and citizenry of Israel had changed for the worse (re: Deut. 28:43 (ERV) "The stranger that is in the midst of thee shall mount up above thee higher and higher; and thou shalt come down lower and lower.."): that such was the problem. Those who were aiming to destroy Judah and Israel (impostors, saboteurs and the like) from within were the problem and that "Jesus fellow" threatened the totality of their plan (consider they had done the kingdom of Israel in quite well already). You see how Deuteronomy suggests how de jure Israelites could one day come to be diminished and marginalized AMONG THEIR OWN by a stranger working from within? History shows Edom did exactly that.

That is to say that in three days the dead king would be returning to deliver the people.

Are residents, rebels, strangers or imposter's necessarily the people?

How are the things of Esau searched out! how are his hidden things sought up! ... Shall I not in that day, saith the LORD, even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau? ... For thy violence against thy brother Jacob shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever. In the day that thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that the strangers carried away captive his forces, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even thou wast as one of them. ... For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head. Obadiah 1:6,8, 10-11 and 15

One thing I feel Christians overlook, quite tragically is that the Messiah was to deliver the Temple Mount from Babylon, not Rome. Read Ezra and Nehemiah - understand what TIRSHATHA is - a Babylonian colonial marshal.

History tells us that Rome merged with Babylon subsequent to Attalus III's bequeathing of his crown, kingdom or mantel to the Romans and Julius Caesar was the first to 'wear' the merged mantles. It has been widely suggested that the real temple or body is the people and they were delivered/saved and escaped between 66AD and 70AD.

"We have no king but Caesar," the chief priests answered. John 19:15

Most everyone knows the sovereign over de jure Israel was always the one named at Exodus 3:14-15. Now this is well considered in light of 1 Samuel 8:6-7 (consider that--unlike Julius Caesar, Saul, David and Solomon were at least of one or more of the tribes of Israel):

But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, “Give us a king to judge us.” And Samuel prayed to the LORD. And the LORD said to Samuel, “Obey the voice of the people in all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me from being king over them.

More stringent is the rejection found at John 19:15. The king of Babylon was never the absolute head of Israel and only was placed over Israel or Judah during captivity or exile. The story of the three boys in the fire makes this plain.

And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. Genesis 1:16

And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me. Genesis 37:5

Consider the difference between /1/ serving the one who created the greater light, the lesser light and the stars and /2/ serving the greater light, the lesser light and the stars themselves. He who made the stars, the greater light and the lesser light said:

And beware lest you raise your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, you be drawn away and bow down to them and serve them, things that the LORD your God has allotted to all the peoples under the whole heaven. Genesis 4:19

Also consider Deuteronomy 4:19 in the light of Joseph's dream. There are those who suggest earthly kings to be types of lesser lights or stars. (Not to mention sun worship or moon worship.)


Rather than dismissing your approach, I am suggesting that the pragmatism is very much there in the gospel, but one might have to look past the mischaracterization and the mischaracterizers to see it. As for any notion of him being a 'failed king'...

Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world {kosmos}, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.


If one mischaracterizes what he was really aiming to do (much like those who mischaracterize the gospel), then the spiritual pragmatism of both the gospel and his mission would be missed by such a one. Ruling or saving creation with creation (like pulling yourself up from the ground by the shoestrings on the shoes on your feet) wasn't the objective. (Consider that the holy of holies with respect to the Temple wasn't out in the open air, it was seen as separate, beyond doors, deep within the Temple and set apart from the mundane rather than in the world itself.) In other words, the story wasn't one of trying to set up secular state.

P.S. The timing of the departing of the scepter from Judah prevented those who ought not have it from having it (the birthright is Joseph's and neither Ishmael, Esau, Cain nor Canaan were to have it). Consider the Masons of Scotland did with the coronation stone since they regarded Elizabeth II's right to the throne to be questionable.

And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.



Joseph - A Type of Christ (http://www.biblecharts.org/oldtestament/josephatypeofchrist.pdf) [PDF]
Was Joseph a Type of the Messiah? (http://jimhamilton.info/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/was-joseph-a-type-of-the-messiahsbjt-formatted.pdf) [PDF]
Joseph and Jesus (http://www.hannoveribc.com/clientimages/25727/chronological/extrasjanuary/60similaritiesbetweenjosephandjesuspink.pdf) [PDF]
A Comparison between Joseph and Jesus (https://jewsforjesus.org/publications/newsletter/july-1985/08_joseph_jesus)

David Merrill
11-03-16, 12:15 AM
Some of your post, I feel, is preaching to the choir... So I only address what strikes a chord, meaning I share the learning/teaching experience with the reader:

History tells us that Rome merged with Babylon subsequent to Attalus III's bequeathing of his crown, kingdom or mantel to the Romans and Julius Caesar was the first to 'wear' the merged mantles. It has been widely suggested that the real temple or body is the people and they were delivered/saved and escaped between 66AD and 70AD.

This helps describe my point. Rome came into Israel around that time - 50 BC. This would be why Rome was in Israel when Jesus was born. But "merging" with Babylon means that Babylon was there, in Israel. I am using your points to make mine, as though you have been learning the correct and true history, but you have not been interpreting it from my same perspective.

Those who were aiming to destroy Judah and Israel (impostors, saboteurs and the like) from within were the problem and that "Jesus fellow" threatened the totality of their plan (consider they had done the kingdom of Israel in quite well already). You see how Deuteronomy suggests how de jure Israelites could one day come to be diminished and marginalized AMONG THEIR OWN by a stranger working from within? History shows Edom did exactly that.

Hold that thought a moment - something else you said too...

Consider the Masons of Scotland did with the coronation stone since they regarded Elizabeth II's right to the throne to be questionable.

That was my showing the Epistle Dedicatory a moment ago. You are quick with your wonderful library to validate that King James of 1611 brought Scottish Rite to England. A fundamental tome of SR Masonry is Morals and Dogma:



My point is this, and I make it so often that many of you are tired of it. I am going to another Bible Study in a bit and it always shows that Christians think that the King was expected to oust Rome from the Temple Mount, while charismatic Christianity merges with Messianic Judaism showing a complete ignorance that the Kingdom of David represented pre-Nebuchadnezzar Israel. The real problem when Jesus came up the King's Road was not Rome - it was that at the top was Babylon. But like you say, Babylon merged with Rome.

According to Eli Marcus RAVAGE (1928) (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImRnlDdFRQRnNUTFU/view?usp=sharing) who relied heavily on Rise and Fall by GIBBONS in two articles in Century Magazine, Rome only came to real power in Israel to oust into exile Archelaus HEROD for the infanticide. And this sheds new light on the "virgin" birth too. The adolescent King Archelaus knocks up a Levite maiden and so sloughs her off on a wealthy aristocrat Joseph. Then three rich merchants show up describing how Daniel, their Prophet described some of the recent astronomy, bearing gifts for this new King...

P.S. I can still see how to keep all this on point about heritage and escheat. So don't wander off because you think the thread has gone astray please.

P.P.S. Hiding the new child-king by running to Egypt nearly cost Joseph everything. But the gold, frankincense and myrrh were already invested (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImZzNkZFY4ejdGdWM/view?usp=sharing).

11-03-16, 01:10 AM
It has been suggested that Revelations was written prior to 70 A.D. and Spin Doctors pushed the idea of it having been written later in order to hide the pragmatic: the kingdom is now and current.Genesis 6 a hero or demigod.” If the original translation for hero then is applied to Genesis 6, we indeed have a cryptic enigma, in that a race of superhuman demigods is part of the flood narrative. Just as curious, and without explanation, all renowned men of antiquity were depicted as heroes that persistently and continuously rose a crution too the TABLE legendary depths of primeval history as part man and part god, reigning for long durations.Why were Demigods provided print just before one of the epic tales of Scripture? Why were these cryptic pre flooders the people described as both heroes of old and men of renown?Nimrod. He was a great warrior king/potentate who modeled himself after the heroes of old and men of renown from antiquity. He was incredibly brave and proud; Nimrod’s hubris led him to subdue the people of Shinar through tyranny, while inciting the people of Shinar to rebel against the true God of the universe, just as his antediluvian role models did. Ancient times do not refer to the time of Abraham. The terms “ancient times, old, old, former times, long ago” and “before our time” were always understood as the pre- flood epoch. This understanding is underscored in its application in Sirach, Baruch, Wisdom, Deuteronomy, Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezra, Daniel, 1 Peter, and 2 Peter, where “ancient” always referred to the time of Noah before the flood. This, suggests the Amalekites were in existence as a race of demigods in the epoch of the antediluvian world when the Sons of God . In other words, they were seated both before and after the flood.Amalekites do not appear to be a race created by impassioned fallen angels after the flood, such as Enikiden or those of Sodom. If “ancient times” does not refer to antediluvian times, then it most certainly refers to an age before Abraham, and most likely to the age immediately following the deluge.Whichever the case may be, both predate the standard chronology of the Table of Nations. But in order to make all this stick, we must broaden the support claiming that the Amalekites were without any doubt a pure strain of the surviving Nephilim race. Numbers recorded more evidence for this.

“We even saw the descendants of Anak there. The Amalekites live in Negev” (Num. 13:23). This passage calls Amalekites Anakites. I do not know how to interpret this verse any differently, as it describes the descendants of Anak in the same breath and narrative as the Amalekites, thereby connecting the two, just as the flood narrative describes the flood and the Sons of Gods in the same narrative, connecting them also by application and implication. The passage from the book of Numbers does not implicitly state the descendants of Anak lived among the Amalekites; rather it seems to imply that the Amalekites were actually descendants of Anak! Numbers 13:22 states, “They went up through the Negev and came to Hebron, where Ahiman, Sheshai and Talmai, the descendants of Anak lived.” Here, and in Judges and Joshua, three Amalekite/Anakite kings were clearly named.When Ruling or saving creation with creation (like pulling yourself up from the ground by the shoestrings on the shoes on your feet) wasn't the objective. (Consider that the holy of holies with respect to the Temple wasn't out in the open air, it was seen as separate, beyond doors, deep within the Temple and set apart from the mundane rather than in the world itself.) In other words, [WHAT story] wasn't one of trying to set up secular state.This schism of antediluvian Freemasonry can be more easily understood as the wedge splitting monotheism away from spurious, mystical polytheism. Seedless and Spiritual The Christ begotten

11-03-16, 01:12 AM
My point is this, and I make it so often that many of you are tired of it. I am going to another Bible Study in a bit and it always shows that Christians think that the King was expected to oust Rome from the Temple Mount, while charismatic Christianity merges with Messianic Judaism showing a complete ignorance that the Kingdom of David represented pre-Nebuchadnezzar Israel.

Do you mean Roman Catholics, Protestants, Greek Orthodox, Scofieldists, Simonians or plain ol' orthodox bible believers when you say "Christians"? Perhaps you have run across "Christians" who are infected by Scofield-ism or something.

...charismatic Christianity merges with Messianic Judaism showing a complete ignorance that the Kingdom of David represented pre-Nebuchadnezzar Israel.

There are quite a few who have suggested the Charismatic Movement to have been something mainly promoted by Roman Catholics or Jesuits. Whether that is true or not can be determined through investigation and prayer likely.

Regarding the Tabernacle of David, this is what I have been alluding to. Where you speak of the fixation on guilt, perhaps you're talking about those held captive by the mischaracterization of the gospel and the mischaracterization of Jesus Christ's mission.


The tabernacle of David, presented a direct access to the Throne of God--a return to innocence. The religiosity-ists like the complexity and keeping a captive audience so they mischaracterize and counterfeit things to keep a captive audience. The Islamist pretending to be a orthodox Christian is not a Christian, taking the counterfeit for the de jure is the stuff of error. It was related to me through a very reliable means that deep in the inner sanctum of a Secretive Organization they knew exactly the truth of Jesus Christ and the power of the saints and they at some point thought all of this was just a kind of joke or something to toy around with to control populations: but at some point they realized they had made a terrible mistake with undesirable consequences to boot.

I've come across quite a few types who like the idea of secret, closed orders and who abhor the idea that of public notice and grace or of the truth is just 'hanging out there'. For many of them revealed doctrine "must necessarily be" mundane, a trap, a code, a trick, because for them "if you're not initiated into our secret order and on level 69 you can't possibly know the truth". That is, the secret Islamist pretending to be a Christian admits that he'd gladly set up "churches" thinking himself to be doing the 'unlearned' a favor, regarding orthodox Christianity to be a mere stepping stone on the way to allegedly "finer" parts and things of secret sauce land. So, I'm alluding to the distinction between pure, sound and orthodox doctrine and the counterfeit.


Of course, I do not take a cessationist approach. The most basic events of each day can conceivably be perceived as a miracle. However, the potential for false doctrine to creep in is something worth being aware of.

That was my showing the Epistle Dedicatory a moment ago. You are quick with your wonderful library to validate that King James of 1611 brought Scottish Rite to England. A fundamental tome of SR Masonry is Morals and Dogma:

There are those who assert that Morals and Dogma, of course, which was first published in 1872, which is 261 years after 1611, has a connection to the writings of Eliphas Levi (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eliphas_Levi) (who wrote Transcendental Magic--note that Moses was not a 'magician'). Consider, however, that getting the English royals off of orthodox, pure scripture may have led do the events of 1666--basically the destruction of England. On that topic, and relevantly, while some suggest Hitler to have been savior of Germany, its worth noting that Hitler is widely regarded to have been a 'darkside occultist', got Germany off its orthodox base and opened it to destruction. Getting Germany off of its orthodox base, like tearing down spiritual hedges and walls of protection is hardly a favor: this opened Germany to destruction. That doesn't sound like a nice favor you do a friend or someone you love. Nor does it sound like salvation.

Hitler used the identical force and the same mechanics in inciting the German people to attack the world. A reading of his Mein Kampf will verify that. Dr. Rene Fauvel, a famous French psychologist, explained it by saying that Hitler had a remarkable understanding of the law of suggestion and its different forms of application, and that he mobilized every instrument of propaganda in his mighty campaign of suggestion with uncanny skill and masterly showmanship. Hitler openly stated that the psychology of suggestion was a terrible weapon in the hands of anyone who knew how to use it. --Claude M. Bristol (1948)

On the topic of mesmerism on steroids, on a massive scale, gotta say that voodoo comes to mind.

Mercury is one of the most common ingredients in voodoo. The idea is to create a little death in the body to open holes in the body's hedges and make the target more susceptible to mesmeric influence (or external 'mentative forces').

Franz Mezmer (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Mesmer)
Moses Was Not A Magician (savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?1057-Moses-Was-Not-A-Magician)

Of Eliphas Levi f/k/a Alphonse Louis Constant it is said that he became the Jesuit Order's "...most renowned Magician and Occultist of the 19th Century, Constant/Levi wrote The History of Magic and was well known to the 'Pontifex Maximus' of Jesuit/Illuminatized Scottish-Rite Freemasonry in America, Albert Pike."

David Merrill
11-03-16, 01:23 AM
Just as curious, and without explanation, all renowned men of antiquity were depicted as heroes that persistently and continuously rose a crution too the TABLE legendary depths of primeval history as part man and part god, reigning for long durations.

Ergo the Olympus Ordeal - contained herein, culminating in a lien upon the universe, from guess who - WASHINGTON.

But in order to make all this stick, we must broaden the support claiming that the Amalekites were without any doubt a pure strain of the surviving Nephilim race. Numbers recorded more evidence for this.

That paragraph has opened my eyes...

This schism of antediluvian Freemasonry can be more easily understood as the wedge splitting monotheism away from spurious, mystical polytheism. Seedless and Spiritual The Christ begotten

"Murder now the path of must we, just because the Son has come." (https://youtu.be/GqmRDV0a_70)

David Merrill
11-03-16, 03:34 PM
Do you mean Roman Catholics, Protestants, Greek Orthodox, Scofieldists, Simonians or plain ol' orthodox bible believers when you say "Christians"? Perhaps you have run across "Christians" who are infected by Scofield-ism or something.

There are quite a few who have suggested the Charismatic Movement to have been something mainly promoted by Roman Catholics or Jesuits. Whether that is true or not can be determined through investigation and prayer likely.

Regarding the Tabernacle of David, this is what I have been alluding to. Where you speak of the fixation on guilt, perhaps you're talking about those held captive by the mischaracterization of the gospel and the mischaracterization of Jesus Christ's mission.


The tabernacle of David, presented a direct access to the Throne of God--a return to innocence. The religiosity-ists like the complexity and keeping a captive audience so they mischaracterize and counterfeit things to keep a captive audience. The Islamist pretending to be a orthodox Christian is not a Christian, taking the counterfeit for the de jure is the stuff of error. It was related to me through a very reliable means that deep in the inner sanctum of a Secretive Organization they knew exactly the truth of Jesus Christ and the power of the saints and they at some point thought all of this was just a kind of joke or something to toy around with to control populations: but at some point they realized they had made a terrible mistake with undesirable consequences to boot.

I've come across quite a few types who like the idea of secret, closed orders and who abhor the idea that of public notice and grace or of the truth is just 'hanging out there'. For many of them revealed doctrine "must necessarily be" mundane, a trap, a code, a trick, because for them "if you're not initiated into our secret order and on level 69 you can't possibly know the truth". That is, the secret Islamist pretending to be a Christian admits that he'd gladly set up "churches" thinking himself to be doing the 'unlearned' a favor, regarding orthodox Christianity to be a mere stepping stone on the way to allegedly "finer" parts and things of secret sauce land. So, I'm alluding to the distinction between pure, sound and orthodox doctrine and the counterfeit.


Of course, I do not take a cessationist approach. The most basic events of each day can conceivably be perceived as a miracle. However, the potential for false doctrine to creep in is something worth being aware of.

There are those who assert that Morals and Dogma, of course, which was first published in 1872, which is 261 years after 1611, has a connection to the writings of Eliphas Levi (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eliphas_Levi) (who wrote Transcendental Magic--note that Moses was not a 'magician'). Consider, however, that getting the English royals off of orthodox, pure scripture may have led do the events of 1666--basically the destruction of England. On that topic, and relevantly, while some suggest Hitler to have been savior of Germany, its worth noting that Hitler is widely regarded to have been a 'darkside occultist', got Germany off its orthodox base and opened it to destruction. Getting Germany off of its orthodox base, like tearing down spiritual hedges and walls of protection is hardly a favor: this opened Germany to destruction. That doesn't sound like a nice favor you do a friend or someone you love. Nor does it sound like salvation.

On the topic of mesmerism on steroids, on a massive scale, gotta say that voodoo comes to mind.

Mercury is one of the most common ingredients in voodoo. The idea is to create a little death in the body to open holes in the body's hedges and make the target more susceptible to mesmeric influence (or external 'mentative forces').

Franz Mezmer (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Mesmer)
Moses Was Not A Magician (savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?1057-Moses-Was-Not-A-Magician)

Perhaps it is the sustainability of spiritual ascension that keeps me from responding as you wish. So I went back twenty years in one hour last night - pure charismata - a bible study at a Foursquare church. It got me reeling a little bit.

1) Ridiculing anybody who might dare to think the world is over 6000 years old
2) A woman brought up that a patient in the Bible had gone to doctors and spent her estate on treatments...

The pastor shut her down with:

Let's just interpret Scripture in the context that it has been given, because there is the POWER!

Indeed there is! Remove investigation into the geopolitical and cultural history of Israel around Jesus, and the Apostle Paul gets his way - blind faith. I don't think it just me who felt the blanket of suppression fill the room. My research led to to go get a dose in pure form - from source material. Thank you anyway.

P.S. There is something to that to consider. I simply find you in agreement and enjoy the library at your disposal. All along, I have had the best and highest source material available. - At least since I discovered and studied Rules of Evidence, especially about hearsay. Interesting how that may be what did it, removed my research techniques from the wind and waves of whim.

11-03-16, 09:05 PM
So its easy to mistake me for arguing with you or shouting down at you when I'm just saying like the old Prego commercial...


"Its in there!". If you eject and strip out of mischaracterizations and political-control dressing, the pragmatism is in the gospel all along. Its not Paul, Jesus or the saint that have been hiding it. Its the poseurs and hijackers and counterfeiters that have been creating diversions.

One thing about the National Islam, is that they see God as a scientist, scientists tend to be very pragmatic. The mesmerists who like to use religion as a tool for political control probably can't keep pragmatically-minded audiences captive. So, tolerating the 'herd' learning pragmatic and practical aspects of the gospel (such as intercessory prayer, pure/holy/virtuous living, the dynamics of spiritual warfare, etc.) would be contrary to that kind of control--so you'll probably find them skipping over that kind of thing and fixating on guilt, adultery, sin. So learning materials they published would be designed to skip the pragmatic. But blaming Paul or the Bible for that kind of abuse or misuse can seem inappropriate.

Nonetheless, its still pragmatic for Jesus to have been born by divine intervention, rather than from a Levite that got knocked up by a king. The same one who raised Adam from the soil (the womb is part of a body that is regarded to be a 'jar of clay') could easily raise a babe from the womb. As in, if someone can believe Adam to have been formed out of the dust of the field and life breathed into him, they should more easily be able to believe of miracle operating on a womb having being able to procure a man too. If one believes that the human body is made of soil/dirt/clay--then one should find it easy to believe that the same forming out from the 'clay' of womb would be possible.

Witches and black magic pundits who seek to spread their rule planetwide realize that if everyone were to be pragmatic with the application of the gospel they don't stand a chance of establishing their rule. The mundane psychic is no match for divine authority. A tactic has been to simply diverting with counterfeits and holding an audience in stasis (to keep as many folks mundane, carnal and stupefied as possible) with a view to keeping them from ever grasping the practical and pragmatic.

Regarding hearsay, the role of the Spirit of God or Holy God as first hand witness (Hebrews 10:15; Romans 8:16) is key. It is made plain in scripture that blind faith is not asked for:

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. 1 Thessalonians 5:21

When a 'religious leader' is demanding blind faith, perhaps it is blind faith in himself he is calling for. If he is an occultist-mesermist who has sized up the gospel and the bible and everything as psychic-level dog-eat-dog, no doubt he doesn't want his victims seeing that pragmatic, practical stuff so he'll make a point to skip that.

Michael Joseph
11-03-16, 09:24 PM
I can still see how to keep all this on point about heritage and escheat. So don't wander off because you think the thread has gone astray please.

When all of man's Houses are become Desolate the Estate will Escheat upon the Original Grantor. For if you agree with Scripture that the Estate was let out to Husbandmen [Trustees], then you see that upon default the Estate will return upon the Testator who lives! Therefore the Kingdoms are really held in abeyance. For they said "come let us kill him and the Estate will be ours."

When one truly begins to realize how the Technology of Balaam is used to keep man tied to his Carnal existence, then one will realize that they indeed kill the Son for while one remains in the Carnal Mind one is at enmity against God. And the "would be" heir only remains as a "potential heir". But when one turns away from the hog slop in the outer court, one then begins to cultivate the Power of Christ within.

And one begins to abide in the Hebrew Law for one has crossed over the River and is now taking every thought and desire captive subject to the Laws of Eden. Give the Zadok no inheritance for they inherit God. Why then are so many intent on inheriting in the outer court? To each his own - I suppose. I am coming to appreciate it is a waste of time. I have spent too much time on foolishness.

These wicked trustees think to compensate God. Isn't that funny? And how unwise and foolish!

Deu 32:6 Do ye thus requite the LORD, O foolish people and unwise? is not he thy father that hath bought thee? hath he not made thee, and established thee?

These foolish ones say they paid God for the Estate and it was the consideration of their payment that the Estate was transferred upon their person [in Trust] for the keeping of the Vineyard [mankind]. I would ask, where are the fruits? Should the Trustees not render the good fruit to the heir? But they will ask- where is the heir?

And now we see in pride - where is the promise of his coming? While man remains Carnal in his mental realm, he remains in a condition which is hatred against God. Many learned well of Balaam -to place stumbling blocks in front of the senses. Only Israel must choose - life or death. There is nothing new under the sun!

Thus who makes the House desolate? We do by our own choices. Where then is the heir? Can one bring forth Christ in a Carnal existence? I think not. For the Carnal Mind is hatred against God and is not subject to the law of God. Is there any profit to teach man humility, charity, mercy such that the Spiritual fruits come forth?

The bottom line is that those who know the laws of Eden [inner court] know that if they can keep placing stumbling blocks before the senses of man which rob man of his vital energy, then they can keep man in a constant state of desire and in that case the Irrational Mind shall rule the house and therefore man is as a beast of burden serving the interests of the few that drive the "cattle" for profit and utility. I know it is sad - but it is true.

Isa_5:9 In mine ears said the LORD of hosts, Of a truth many houses shall be desolate, even great and fair, without inhabitant.

Isa_6:11 Then said I, Lord, how long? And he answered, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate,

When one begins to realize that cities are states of consciousness, then the question arises where is the Spiritual Man in the House [inhabitant]. Where are the Spiritual Thoughts and Desires [sons and daughters] Said cities are without inhabitant as they are driven as cattle by desire and irrational fears. The masses are satiated into a peaceful slumber by feeding them vanity - toys without end - to satiate an insatiable appetite. The mask is placed upon the face and the eyes are turned down - fast asleep - the irrational always seeks to kill reality. Logic be damned - how does it make you feel?

And what of the land? Is this not the manifestation of consciousness? Is it not as a desert? A dry wilderness! A earth of brass without rain and no dew from Heaven? And then, upon falling to the dreadful estate of poverty, perhaps man will turn to return to their Father's House. Indeed sir, the Estate will ESCHEAT to the original Grantor.



11-03-16, 11:37 PM
Thank you David (and MJ). That helps, although still left with the feeling you're several moves ahead.

I'm thrown by your fast RSA Factoring Algorithm terminology. Are you using it not so much in the computer cryptographic sense (http://rakhesh.com/infrastructure/notes-on-cryptography-ciphers-rsa-dsa-aes-rc4-ecc-ecdsa-sha-and-so-on/) but more of a big-picture, masonic encryption? The Cryptography?

Or, alluding to the time collapse, in 2028 cracking present-day RSA encryption will be so easy as to be trivial? Otherwise your invention/algorithm would seem to have little to do with algorithms used by RSA. Not to say your algo isn't as exact and mathematical. I removed my brick from the ziggurat too; years ago. Reproducible results.

BTW, those who care about security use ECDSA.

11-04-16, 12:03 AM

Simonianism (http://www.hope-of-israel.org/magus.html), was named after Simon Magus and was and is also called "Christianity". Simon Magus is dead. He was early on associated with the Mystery of Iniquity and the attempt to purchase and own the power of God. Consider the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil ..think about it, good and evil fruit coming from the same tree. There's your trouble. The orthodox saints aren't mainstream. I have pointed this out over and over. Foursquare is said to be associated with the Emergent Church movement.

Thank you David (and MJ). That helps, although still left with the feeling you're several moves ahead.

I'm thrown by your fast RSA Factoring Algorithm terminology. Are you using it not so much in the computer cryptographic sense (http://rakhesh.com/infrastructure/notes-on-cryptography-ciphers-rsa-dsa-aes-rc4-ecc-ecdsa-sha-and-so-on/) but more of a big-picture, masonic encryption? The Cryptography?

Or, alluding to the time collapse, in 2028 cracking present-day RSA encryption will be so easy as to be trivial? Otherwise your invention/algorithm would seem to have little to do with algorithms used by RSA. Not to say your algo isn't as exact and mathematical. I removed my brick from the ziggurat too; years ago. Reproducible results.

BTW, those who care about security use ECDSA.

For truest security, public key encryption is basically 'snake oil'...maybe even 'garbage'. Generally and loosely, things like mathematical reduction of complex equations can help discover back doors and 'master keys' especially in poor implementations. It doesn't take too much study of cryptography to come to the conclusion that the best security is found in systems based on shared secrets and private keys. Regarding SSL , there is such a thing as an SSL proxy. It is possible for a box between you and the target system to broker your transaction and see your plaintext. Not to mention issues associated with TCP-windows (known for a long time):


Disabling third-party cookies in your browser is a very good idea IMHO. The exploits against Unix/Linux systems via in DNS were discovered as early as 1996--they are just becoming mainstream now.

P.S. Of Eliphas Levi f/k/a Alphonse Louis Constant it is said that he became the Jesuit Order's "...most renowned Magician and Occultist of the 19th Century, Constant/Levi wrote The History of Magic and was well known to the 'Pontifex Maximus' of Jesuit/Illuminatized Scottish-Rite Freemasonry in America, Albert Pike."

David Merrill
11-04-16, 04:27 AM
Thank you David (and MJ). That helps, although still left with the feeling you're several moves ahead.

I'm thrown by your fast RSA Factoring Algorithm terminology. Are you using it not so much in the computer cryptographic sense (http://rakhesh.com/infrastructure/notes-on-cryptography-ciphers-rsa-dsa-aes-rc4-ecc-ecdsa-sha-and-so-on/) but more of a big-picture, masonic encryption? The Cryptography?

Or, alluding to the time collapse, in 2028 cracking present-day RSA encryption will be so easy as to be trivial? Otherwise your invention/algorithm would seem to have little to do with algorithms used by RSA. Not to say your algo isn't as exact and mathematical. I removed my brick from the ziggurat too; years ago. Reproducible results.

BTW, those who care about security use ECDSA.

Hi Lorne;

From a glance (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliptic_Curve_Digital_Signature_Algorithm) the Five Cube Sum Number Locks functioned nicely for the arc detection too. But I don't know. It is about primes and five. A key is why you can add the 1 to 370 and have two number locks one apart, but at only that placement on the number line. That is what is great about dreams and visions, alpha and omega, you can only interpret parts of the language you are familiar with.

Thank you Michael Joseph. I was hoping you would not be too busy to interject something about escheat. I find this very encouraging about my making such outrageous claims. Things are coming together. There is absolutely no publication and so this means that it has been understood, if not taken seriously. I think I made it pretty clear about the lack of bonding being so widespread to be criminal syndicalism.

P.S. What I meant above is that on a Fibb spiral, you will find any arc.

David Merrill
11-04-16, 04:23 PM
Nonetheless, its still pragmatic for Jesus to have been born by divine intervention, rather than from a Levite that got knocked up by a king. The same one who raised Adam from the soil (the womb is part of a body that is regarded to be a 'jar of clay') could easily raise a babe from the womb.

I am finding how Paul's plea for blind faith in the supernatural is disingenuous. The pragmatic breakdown of the gospels show that Paul spent three years in and out of Damascus in conference with Jesus, Peter and Mark, and shock testing the Resurrection mythology in his native Asia Minor.

It is impossible for me to argue about God breaking natural law, in preference to the supernatural. So I really don't bother. It would be contrary to my research to actually bring it up in Bible Study, because they would have to stop, ask me to leave, and then recover the delirium to proceed. So I am simply pointing out the more likely; how since the Levite maidens were such a treasure unto the God of Abraham, stitching and braiding the next Veil to hang before the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies - that getting one pregnant, even for the King would be a huge political embarrassment. - Worthy of hiding by sending the pregnant woman to become the wife of a wealthy silver miner.

And then of course, the truth was encrypted so that one day, people would know the truth.

Interestingly this is being overlaid on escheat. - Knowledge of the Truth, encrypted by custodians and then revealed for redemption...

11-05-16, 12:51 AM
I am finding how Paul's plea for blind faith in the supernatural is disingenuous. The pragmatic breakdown of the gospels show that Paul spent three years in and out of Damascus in conference with Jesus, Peter and Mark, and shock testing the Resurrection mythology in his native Asia Minor.

Its worth noting that the Zoroastrians embraced the concept of bodily resurrection (http://tenets.zoroastrianism.com/zor33.html) even to the extent that they had specific ideas or formulas as to time limits. Quoting Yair Davidiy: "Zoroaster, according to Iranian tradition had been taught by the prophet Jeremiah or by one of Jeremiah's pupils." (Reference: Hebrew Iranian Synchronism, Bombay 1931.) The idea would not have been a hard sell (Greeks believed in immortality anyway).

Interestingly this is being overlaid on escheat. - Knowledge of the Truth, encrypted by custodians and then revealed for redemption...

It could be said that in practicing witchcraft and sorcery, those who do so make tacit admission that the universe doesn't respond to them the way the universe responds to the sons and daughters of God.

Witchcraft not only gives that honour to the devil which is due to God alone, but bids defiance to the divine providence, wages war with God’s government, puts his work into the devil’s hand, expecting him to do good and evil. --Benson's Commentary (on Exodus 22:18 (http://biblehub.com/commentaries/exodus/22-18.htm))

Escheats is the reversion of property to the state (commons?) in absence of heirs and is supposed to only occur in that case. However, consider 1666 ...destruction visited England, diverse doctrine having crept in, heirs wiped out by plagues, fires, or, simply rounded up and sent to America in ships: presumed dead and/or lost at sea. Obviously, someone knew who the heirs were or those kinds of tactics would have been unnecessary.

covin n
(Law) law a conspiracy between two or more persons to act to the detriment or injury of another.

[C14: from Old French; see coven, convene]

Escheats isn't supposed to involve prosecution of war, but simply patience over time and honest witness. Wartime tactics have seemed to creep in when witness tampering is deemed necessary by a devious non-heir. WWI, WII and the aftermath of WWII saw the death of millions of orthodox Christians (allegedly regarded by Hitler to be "Jews" right along with orthodox Jews).

I set out on this ground which I suppose to be self evident, "that the earth belongs in usufruct to the living" that the dead have neither powers nor rights over it. --Thomas Jefferson in a letter to James Madison

Those operating under covenants of death, covins, death cults or unlawful corporations then may have in some capacity alienated themselves from status of the living. Consider brown-skinned people being coerced into declaring themselves "civilly dead" ("negroes"--nothing to do with skin color) and the 'requirement' that 'everyone' has to carry ID that carries an odor and prima facie corporate status (i.e. civil-death): is presumed death all about 'leveling the playing field' in some fashion?

For many years the Rock Island Railroad Company ran trains through Colorado Springs. When they gave it up METRO grabbed it by escheat (I think). The City built a great bicycle trail on the land but pretty quick politicians wanted an east-west thoroughfare for trucking traffic and were going to get the referendum passed until a clever attorney advised the neighborhood to pool interest in accessing the public path via a Private Sidewalk.

People vs fictions: seems the universe responds morseo to the living.

I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom. Daniel 7:21

Consider horn as one trying to 'force' the whole earth into 'escheats' by killing off the heirs so the horn can have it all (In the Wizard of Oz, Ms. Gulch (witch) wanted "TOTO!" (Everything)).

David Merrill
11-05-16, 10:53 AM
Escheats is the reversion of property to the state (commons?) in absence of heirs and is supposed to only occur in that case.

The quickening would seem to be private knowledge, until experienced first hand for yourself.

Its worth noting that the Zoroastrians embraced the concept of bodily resurrection even to the extent that they had specific ideas or formulas as to time limits.

Since the natural state of Man is to be One in wholeness, the entire universe is a supernatural event.

However, consider 1666 ...destruction visited England, diverse doctrine having crept in, heirs wiped out by plagues, fires, or, simply rounded up and sent to America in ships: presumed dead and/or lost at sea. Obviously, someone knew who the heirs were or those kinds of tactics would have been unnecessary.

What we find is contemplation. It is amusing how investment in debt binds the mind to rationalizing through citizenship and territory. And I mean literally; I see this after an extended discussion with a fellow who buys and sells securitized paper. - All this debate about organic law. And another discussion about getting a NOTICE OF APPEAL filed before arraignment, when all the "judge" needs to do is read a calendar. So I will attempt to keep it herein - meaning I have sent people to Page 2 here in this thread so I will make a presumption that someone has read several pages and retained my some, six points, including the CODEBREAKER.

Just like six months passes from the time of an incident, the judge needs for the "defendant" to be arraigned so that the judge feels he gets to be the one in authority to read the calendar, instead of the calendar being something that is a matter of common law - meaning we can read the calendar together. Here we start grasping the passage of time as a mutually agreed upon holographic construct. Whereas the Canadian judge feels it is a better idea to keep it a private interpretation by authority of the International Bar Religious Association.

Onward to my point.

We have an Epistle Dedicatory dated 1611 for the King James Version of the Bible as we find mass production bringing that rendition/canon to the people. Speaking from a video series, I think it - Great Britain's Heritage in Israel - ?? we find the whole thing opens with a privateering and mercenary operation called DUTCH EAST/WEST INDIES TRADING COMPANY. We find me, David Merrill - BELOVED TEACHER OF GOD - of the VAN PELT - SON OF THE PATROON - family, on both sides quickening (bouncing a ball in my left hand) to the right side (parallel processing is free by transform from time, but maybe that is what clears the reading of a calendar?) into awareness of who I am (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImVnI5aEZsZEQ2ZUE/view?usp=sharing).

People vs fictions: seems the universe responds morseo to the living.

The Secret Keys of Solomon are riddled with the little jots and tittles necessary for a spell to take. This enables the adept to ridicule the student - Well you better stand on your left foot next blood moon...

On the surface 666 is up there in the six-hundreds. I am convinced that 666 is 63.


The Seventy-Two Fold Name of God. Those who seek mastery for the sake of mastering God bear the Mark of the Beast. Stigma comes from Oath (OWTH). This be the same mark on Cain as on Israel - a heard-hearted stiffnecked people. Before the Law there was outlawry (caput lupinum - civil death). Cain became aware of it and we might take note of the calendar ourselves, being that allegedly Cain dropped Abel before there was law otherwise. This explains the justice system - God would have executed (smote) Cain upon the accusation of Abel's blood from the ground.

So to my point. 1629 and the patent to Albany/Wall Street (1630) precede by date, 1666.

11-05-16, 02:08 PM
It could be said that in practicing witchcraft and sorcery, those who do so make tacit admission that the universe doesn't respond to them the way the universe responds to the sons and daughters of God.

Escheats is the reversion of property to the state (commons?) in absence of heirs and is supposed to only occur in that case. However, consider 1666 ...destruction visited England, diverse doctrine having crept in, heirs wiped out by plagues, fires, or, simply rounded up and sent to America in ships: presumed dead and/or lost at sea. Obviously, someone knew who the heirs were or those kinds of tactics would have been unnecessary.

Escheats isn't supposed to involve prosecution of war, but simply patience over time and honest witness. Wartime tactics have seemed to creep in when witness tampering is deemed necessary by a devious non-heir. WWI, WII and the aftermath of WWII saw the death of millions of orthodox Christians (allegedly regarded by Hitler to be "Jews" right along with orthodox Jews).

Those operating under covenants of death, covins, death cults or unlawful corporations then may have in some capacity alienated themselves from status of the living. Consider brown-skinned people being coerced into declaring themselves "civilly dead" ("negroes"--nothing to do with skin color) and the 'requirement' that 'everyone' has to carry ID that carries an odor and prima facie corporate status (i.e. civil-death): is presumed death all about 'leveling the playing field' in some fashion?

People vs fictions: seems the universe responds morseo to the living.

Consider horn as one trying to 'force' the whole earth into 'escheats' by killing off the heirs so the horn can have it all (In the Wizard of Oz, Ms. Gulch (witch) wanted "TOTO!" (Everything)).

People need to process the brilliance of simple truth in the above.

Jesus The Christ of Nazareth conquered death, sin and the rebellious adversaries of God through an Holy act of Ultimate Sacrifice; giving His life for the salvation of others. He, being the ONLY man in the WHOLE of history able to accomplish this; He redeemed the world and established The Kingdom for the true Heirs - the sons and daughters of The Creator, the God of the Bible.

Since that point, the "devious non-heirs" KNEW this Truth 100% and have been scheming to deceive, entrap and confuse the true heirs ever since. The "devious non-heirs" created the "covenants of death" so as to operate in their own realm (DEAD) and slowly transform the Truth, that they KNOW to be true, into the LIE that the entire WORLD operates under: The Fictional Realm of the DEAD, the LEGAL and the COMMERCIAL.

The comment about 'leveling the playing field' by the "devious non-heirs" is a brilliant way to describe the reasons why the WORLD operates as it does. This is further Truth that, while the Kingdom is partially here and now, The FULL manifestation of The Kingdom of God is yet to come as there will be NO MORE realm(s) of the DEAD operating when the Ancient of Days FULLY establishes His Kingdom on earth in The New Age.

BTW, that is NOT "futurism" as it is promulgated by those both for or against that false doctrine which was created to hide the fact that the "little horn" is actually the evil Roman office of Pope - "Vicar of Christ" for the UN-holy Roman Church.

David Merrill
11-05-16, 03:08 PM
People need to process the brilliance of simple truth in the above.

Jesus The Christ of Nazareth conquered death, sin and the rebellious adversaries of God through an Holy act of Ultimate Sacrifice; giving His life for the salvation of others. He, being the ONLY man in the WHOLE of history able to accomplish this; He redeemed the world and established The Kingdom for the true Heirs - the sons and daughters of The Creator, the God of the Bible.

Since that point, the "devious non-heirs" KNEW this Truth 100% and have been scheming to deceive, entrap and confuse the true heirs ever since. The "devious non-heirs" created the "covenants of death" so as to operate in their own realm (DEAD) and slowly transform the Truth, that they KNOW to be true, into the LIE that the entire WORLD operates under: The Fictional Realm of the DEAD, the LEGAL and the COMMERCIAL.

The comment about 'leveling the playing field' by the "devious non-heirs" is a brilliant way to describe the reasons why the WORLD operates as it does. This is further Truth that, while the Kingdom is partially here and now, The FULL manifestation of The Kingdom of God is yet to come as there will be NO MORE realm(s) of the DEAD operating when the Ancient of Days FULLY establishes His Kingdom on earth in The New Age.

BTW, that is NOT "futurism" as it is promulgated by those both for or against that false doctrine which was created to hide the fact that the "little horn" is actually the evil Roman office of Pope - "Vicar of Christ" for the UN-holy Roman Church.

Thank you. Pragmatism does not argue that but you may sense that I am indeed arguing that.

In the opening of the Gospel of Pragmatism (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImZEVYYUZ4UU1uVUE/view?usp=sharing) I reveal that the strongest prophecy of the Resurrection is found in Zechariah.


This is where Jesus became so infatuated with fulfilling all the scriptures that he immanentized (tried to facilitate) the process. Therefore you have the component that Jesus was quite willing to die, upon the belief that somehow he would be revived to function as the King of Israel. Jesus was by blood the true king because his biological father had only been in exile. The "King" of the Bible Story was a Tetrarch, Antipas HEROD.

This changes the entire reading but it helps to understand that the Book of Mark is the first Gospel and the other gospels followed with the same objective - that even though it was taking at least twelve years instead of three days, the Throne still belonged to Jesus and so as long as Jesus breathed there was a potential to overturn the Babylonian rule in Jerusalem. I speak about how the Gospel of Mark was written by Paul, Jesus, Peter and Mark as Peter's scribe. And so I will only touch on things that are not in the Gospel of Pragmatism here.

Re-reading Mark with this knowledge and after reading the entire Gospel of Pragmatism with an open mind will help uncover amazing findings of fact. I have fit that "Crucifixion" was only a three-hour torture to make the entire scenery much easier to palate in the logical and linear mind. Jesus could taste that He had been sedated by the hyssop and when the guards sponged vinegar into his wounds and he was losing consciousness He realized that Joseph was intervening and saving His physical life. Therefore not being able to fulfill the prophecy of Zechariah he cried out, God! Oh Father; why hast though forsaken me?

In other words, "Why cannot I die here so that I fulfill the Resurrection depicted by the Prophet Zechariah?"

11-05-16, 11:19 PM

Re-reading Mark with this knowledge and after reading the entire Gospel of Pragmatism with an open mind will help uncover amazing findings of fact. I have fit that "Crucifixion" was only a three-hour torture to make the entire scenery much easier to palate in the logical and linear mind. Jesus could taste that He had been sedated by the hyssop and when the guards sponged vinegar into his wounds and he was losing consciousness He realized that Joseph was intervening and saving His physical life. Therefore not being able to fulfill the prophecy of Zechariah he cried out, God! Oh Father; why hast though forsaken me?

In other words, "Why cannot I die here so that I fulfill the Resurrection depicted by the Prophet Zechariah?"

Related: Remote Viewing the Resurrection (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?1519-Remote-Viewing-the-Ressurection)

It is said that the reason one that crying out is because he was able to experience the horror of separation that mankind had experienced due to sin. However, its worth noting that the very first words of Psalms 22:1 are: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning? Psalm 22:1

What did Jesus say later at John 19:30?



(source (http://www.studylight.org/commentary/psalms/22-31.html))

To get the totality of "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" you have to consider that Psalm 22 was on his mind and what did he say later at John 19:30. In pain, suffering, ((like David or most any saint) he may have started reciting the Psalms and in particular Psalm 22:

1 My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring?

2 O my God, I cry in the day time, but thou hearest not; and in the night season, and am not silent.

3 But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.

4 Our fathers trusted in thee: they trusted, and thou didst deliver them.

5 They cried unto thee, and were delivered: they trusted in thee, and were not confounded.

6 But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people.

7 All they that see me laugh me to scorn: they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying,

8 He trusted on the Lord that he would deliver him: let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him.

9 But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me hope when I was upon my mother's breasts.

10 I was cast upon thee from the womb: thou art my God from my mother's belly.

11 Be not far from me; for trouble is near; for there is none to help.

12 Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round. (c. Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus… and gathered the whole garrison around Him. --Matthew 27:27

[B]Is there a connection between Bashan and Mt. Hermon? That the Romans had legions of soldiers from Bashan appears to be a matter of record.


13 They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion.

14 I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels.

15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death.

16 For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.

17 I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me.

18 They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.

19 But be not thou far from me, O Lord: O my strength, haste thee to help me.

20 Deliver my soul from the sword; my darling from the power of the dog.

21 Save me from the lion's mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns.

22 I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee.

23 Ye that fear the Lord, praise him; all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him; and fear him, all ye the seed of Israel.

24 For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; neither hath he hid his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard.

25 My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation: I will pay my vows before them that fear him.

26 The meek shall eat and be satisfied: they shall praise the Lord that seek him: your heart shall live for ever.

27 All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the Lord: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee.

28 For the kingdom is the Lord's: and he is the governor among the nations.

29 All they that be fat upon earth shall eat and worship: all they that go down to the dust shall bow before him: and none can keep alive his own soul.

30 A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation.

31 They shall come, and shall declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born, that he hath done this.

(source (http://www.studylight.org/commentary/psalms/22-31.html))

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17


And the people stood beholding. And the rulers also with them derided him, saying, He saved others; let him save himself, if he be Christ, the chosen of God. And the soldiers also mocked him, coming to him, and offering him vinegar, And saying, If thou be the king of the Jews, save thyself. --Luke 23:35-37

When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost John 19:30

Compare with Psalm 22:7-8. It is suggested by many that (at John 19:30) after Jesus says the last line of Psalms 22, he died.


Clearly, Luke 22:35-37 and Psalms 22 are clearly very much related.


Remote Viewing the Resurrection (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?1519-Remote-Viewing-the-Ressurection)
King Jesus sits on the Throne of David Now (Premillennial Theology Refuted) (http://www.bible.ca/premillennialism-rapture-replacement-theology-supersessionism-christ-on-throne-of-david-now.htm)
Zechariah 14 Fulfilled–Including the Splitting of the Mount of Olives! (http://revelationrevolution.org/zechariah-14-fulfilled-a-preterist-commentary/)
Mark 14:61-62 Commentary: When Did Caiaphas Die? (http://revelationrevolution.org/zechariah-14-fulfilled-a-preterist-commentary/)

David Merrill
11-06-16, 04:34 AM
Interesting how the Resurrection (https://web.archive.org/web/20150510001609/http://www.trvnews.com/tmn/042705/jesusredux.html) and survival after spending two nights in the family tomb are so the same thing.

I am curious if Bethany and Talpiot are the same place?

11-06-16, 04:48 AM
Interesting how the Resurrection (https://web.archive.org/web/20150510001609/http://www.trvnews.com/tmn/042705/jesusredux.html) and survival after spending two nights in the family tomb are so the same thing.

I am curious if Bethany and Talpiot are the same place?

It is widely held that according to Rebbinical Writings, he died by being hung on a tree (on wood; which can be lynching or crucifixion on wood). Its worth IMHO considering that those who wanted him dead probably weren't sloppy about seeing to it. If he was still walking around in the normal, regular guy sense after that, one would expect that they would have continued to try to kill him: nope instead they tried killing off the saints instead. So begs the question, if he wasn't dead why did they fix on killing the believers instead? Why did would they have gone through so much trouble to arrange his death then just give up? "Oh he tricked us lets just give up!" Doesn't make sense at all. Did they just get amnesia or get tired of trying to kill him?

On that note if one considers the attempt to deny that Crucifixion was ever practiced:

1. The Bolsheviks/Menshevik/Communists practiced against the orthodox Christians
2. The "Young Turks" (Bolsheviks/Menshevik/Communists types allegedly)practiced against the Armenian orthodox Christians
3. The "French revolutionaries" practiced against the French monarchists. Christians and Catholics
4. Crucifixion was perpetrated against Germans during World War II by Bolsheviks/Menshevik/Communists
5. There have been reports from 2011 to present of thousands of orthodox Christians being crucified in the Middle East (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/isis-thugs-crucify-christian-boy-6581572)

The record doesn't paint the picture of those victims being given tranquilizer and told it was a symbolic, play event followed by "Sorry. You're free to go now". The evidence paint the picture of an event that wasn't something one just 'escaped' by being given a sedative to ease pain. Consider that it is a matter of record that he was surrounded by AN ENTIRE GARRISON rather than the typical quaterinion (4) that would have attended and with the view to preventing the crowds from helping him escape.

Of course, no doubt, one can render things symbolically at times but that doesn't appear to be the case. The kinds of things the people who have perpetrated crimes against the saints and others have evidenced a very murderous propensity. Clearly, they were going for the kill not some 'Hahaha we tricked them." Simply, if it was just 'trickery' or "slight of hand', his enemies could have killed him and then profited immensely by saying he rose from the dead and painted a religion in their image. Instead: they figured the resurrection never happened and figured the 'myth' would die out if it were mere myth. Instead Simon Magus and those like him today deny he was resurrected and even deny he came in any bodily form (contrary to 1 John:42). Of course hundreds of years later there were many attempts to coopt the entire system of (Hebraic/Orthodox) belief as a lead-in to 'secret learnings'.

There was a parable which revealed the attitude they held and which they believed was hidden from Divine View:

We don’t want this man to rule over us.

They wanted him dead. Dead. Not pretend dead. But dead. They did not want him to take up the sceptre because they knew he would smash them with it. They thought he was going for earthly rule perhaps because that was their fixation. It does not seem to me that they ever considered the significance of the OT and the Holy of Holies and the persistent pointing to heavenly realms of rulership rather than the earthly. From the scriptures themselves, its rather clear that a temporal king over Israel wasn't God's idea! (So why would he have fomented one a thousand years later?)

And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them. 1 Samuel 8:7

Though symbolic resurrection could pass as acceptable some how. That many wealthy people (Herods and his governors were Edomites and even carried Edomite religious names; Edom has ever been hostile to Israel/Jacob) wanted him dead leaves a major plot hole: why would those who wanted him dead would have allowed him to live and considering that many of them knew him since he was a little boy and knew what he looked like.


Also, on the topic of the salvation of Israel: as the ecclesia would have ministered throughout Europea, Britannia, Egypt, Africa, etc. those of Israel the encountered would have been saved via the gospel. Jerusalem wasn't only location of Israelites.


"We Don't Want This Man To Rule Over Us" (https://billmuehlenberg.com/2012/04/06/we-dont-want-this-man-to-rule-over-us%e2%80%99/)
Did God Really Forsake Jesus Christ on the Cross? (http://www.biblicalunitarian.com/articles/jesus-christ/did-god-really-forsake-jesus-christ-on-the-cross)

11-06-16, 03:27 PM
The evidence and truth that Jesus died and was resurrected is overwhelming and undeniable by those who possess both faith AND reason.

There is NO comparison to the amount of time, energy and force spent and exerted by the multitude in denying the divine nature of Jesus of Nazareth, His Ultimate Sacrifice unto death and His Glorious Resurrection which established His Supreme and Eternal Reign over Heaven and earth, conquering the evil and rebellious ones who KNOW the same and yet deny because they cannot stand for the idea of being creatures under the rule of their Creator.

That is the original lie that led to the original sin and THAT is why Jesus is the figure MOST (by far) attacked, denigrated, slandered, diminished and denied by those who KNOWINGLY adhere to the lie or are still blinded by it.

No other religious figure comes close to the amount of vitriol thrown in the direction of Jesus of Nazareth. The main idea being rejected is that a creature of God cannot rise to His equal standing; hence the proclamation by the original rebel:

‘I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’

This is the battle cry of anyone who denies the true nature of Jesus' Life, Death and Resurrection.

David Merrill
11-06-16, 04:13 PM
The evidence and truth that Jesus died and was resurrected is overwhelming and undeniable by those who possess both faith AND reason.

There is NO comparison to the amount of time, energy and force spent and exerted by the multitude in denying the divine nature of Jesus of Nazareth, His Ultimate Sacrifice unto death and His Glorious Resurrection which established His Supreme and Eternal Reign over Heaven and earth, conquering the evil and rebellious ones who KNOW the same and yet deny because they cannot stand for the idea of being creatures under the rule of their Creator.

That is the original lie that led to the original sin and THAT is why Jesus is the figure MOST (by far) attacked, denigrated, slandered, diminished and denied by those who KNOWINGLY adhere to the lie or are still blinded by it.

No other religious figure comes close to the amount of vitriol thrown in the direction of Jesus of Nazareth. The main idea being rejected is that a creature of God cannot rise to His equal standing; hence the proclamation by the original rebel:

‘I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’

This is the battle cry of anyone who denies the true nature of Jesus' Life, Death and Resurrection.

The acceptance that the natural state of Man is in unity with God negates all the fear and guilt-mongering. Jesus being seen after allegedly dying on the Cross is plenty of evidence that he was indeed alive and even Him asking for food at the Emmaus conference too.

I spoke to a blind fellow yesterday. He lives in assisted living and is younger by a decade than the women around him. He defers female companionship because a woman preacher has him convinced he will be raptured soon and really needs to stay clean for Jesus. I was thinking; how sad, this Futurism.

11-06-16, 04:58 PM
Funny how the history of Jesus being seen alive and asking for food after the Crucifixion is accepted as GOSPEL (pun intended) but the idea of Him being resurrected in a Glorified Body, which is also promised to those who trust in Him and accept His Sacrifice for our redemption, is regarded as the doctrine of fear and guilt-mongering.

Conflating the false doctrine of futurism and "rapture" with the faith of the orthodox saints who followed Jesus' teachings and commands is typical misdirection for those invested in denying Jesus' true nature. The teachings of the modern charismatic, pentecostal, evangelical, et al so-called "christians" who adopt the heresy of futurism created by the Roman Church's Jesuit order is very sad indeed.

What is sadder is the yoking together of things that are not related.

The sad truth for some is: God will grant one what one wishes. He is NOT is the business of forced obedience and worship - God is pro-choice.

11-06-16, 11:02 PM
Gnostic Essenes who cleverly corrupted the pre- Canon New Testament through writing alternative but false gospels side by side with the heresy of inventing the false Messianic bloodline maintained through Jesus’ alleged sons. The Essenes were followers and the guardians of the Davidic Messianic bloodline and of a mortal Jesus in particular. Aminadbad, who was the son of Josue, son of Josephes, son of Jesus. It was Faramund and Argotta that begat Clodiu, who begat Meroveus, who begat Childeric, who begat Clovus, the founder of the official Merovingian dynasty. This background lends itself harmoniously with the Merovingians’ belief they were descended from Jesus, as well as others holding royal pedigrees of the highest and most royal orders.The Fisher Kings, the Merovingians, were a numinous dynasty mythologized to have possessed mystical power to communicate with animals, manipulate the weather, and heal the sick by the touching of hands, just as Jesus did. They wore their hair very long, never cutting it, in the tradition of the scriptural Israeli Nazarites, the most famous of whom was Samson, who the Merovingians and Gnostics held in curiously high esteem. All of the Merovingians possessed a curious red, cross- shaped birthmark located either above the heart or between the shoulder blades,representing their true heritage. Merovingians were sorcerer kings in the same spirit as King Solomon, with his judgment and wisdom, as well as his (alleged) prowess as a (Masonic) mystical magician in the Ring Lord tradition. The Merovingian kings were extravagant polygamists after the spirit of the pharaohs, Davidic, the Nephilim, Lamech, and of course, Solomon.This is the battle cry of anyone who denies the true nature of Jesus' Life, Death and Resurrection.At every interest its Jesus and segments of the New Testament accredited to Paul’s authorship, from which the Christian church takes most of its new covenant doctrine. Paul is classified as the Evil Liar or the Heretic, stemming from the Dead Sea Scrolls concerning the Essenes and the Teacher of Righteousness, described as the “Spouter of Lies” and the “Unscrupulous Liar” of the early church. Paul is described as the one who corrupted the religion of the early church centered in Jerusalem, along with doctrines taught by the Gnostic Teacher of Righteousness. In fact, Mandaeans and Manicheans believed Paul was a false prophet, who led his disciples away from the true religion; they believed Paul’s false religion was not based on the true teachings of John the Baptist (and the mentor of Jesus), who they believed.

The Jerusalem church led by James is portrayed to be the mystical Essene religion. Gnostics assert that it was Paul who besmirched the teachings of Jesus with his so- called heretical doctrines, which took root after the demise of the Jerusalem church in 70 C.E., when the church center was transferred to Rome, under Roman influence and Pauline doctrine. In fact, in 318 C.E., according to Gnostic sources, a delegation of Jesus’ immediate descendants, the Desposyni, traveled to Rome to argue the church should be transferred back to Jerusalem, back to its mystic roots, but Constantine refused. So, too, do Gnostic writers remember Mary Magdalene and her heirs opposing the Roman apostolic succession of Peter, in favor of James and the Jerusalem church. 15 In this tradition, Mary Magdalene was an Essene priestess who married Jesus.

Under this guise, Masonic and Gnostic writers refer to Paul as the Liar; the Heretic; and the enemy of Jesus’ brother, James the Just, who supposedly was one of the Teachers of Righteousness portrayed in the Dead Sea Scrolls. What the Gnostics are endeavoring to accomplish is to ascertain that it was Paul who proclaimed the divinity of Jesus and not Jesus or any of the disciples who formed the early Jerusalem church, that Paul stood alone in this assertion. Gnostics believe that the deviant Pauline sect maliciously elevated Jesus to deity status and that those who are loyal to the Vatican are heretics. The elevation of Jesus to deity is said to have taken place after the crucifixion by his corrupted followers from the Pauline sect. The Gnostics believe Jesus did not come to sacrifice Himself as the Lamb of God for the sins of the world. They assert that Jesus was sent to humankind as an enlightened, spiritual guide, in the same ideology as Buddha and Mohammed, to teach humankind enlightened secrets, aiding us in our evolution to godhood.Christ they never wanted him around when he was living but a great friend now that he,s dead? Earthly dead that is just for inheritance if your a Merovingian King Once the Christian Crusaders retook Jerusalem, an unanticipated, new order, sponsored by Mason/Rex Deus organizations, was unaccountably ordained by Papal Bull. This order was, of course, the Knights Templar, which originally consisted of nine founding members from European aristocracy; although, Rex Deus records indicate there were eleven. The original nine were not the poor, impoverished monks revisionist history would have us believe. All nine, or eleven, derived from important, royal Flemish and French families. The BASILICA BASTARDS

11-07-16, 02:52 AM

Re: Solomon, Sorcery and "Mystical Practices"

For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the LORD his God, as was the heart of David his father. 1 Kings 11:4

Thou shalt in any wise set him king over thee, whom the LORD thy God shall choose: one from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee: thou mayest not set a stranger over thee, which is not thy brother. But he shall not multiply horses to himself, nor cause the people to return to Egypt, to the end that he should multiply horses: forasmuch as the LORD hath said unto you, Ye shall henceforth return no more that way. Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away: neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold. --Deuteronomy 17:17

If perchance there were any truth to the idea of Solomon having practiced sorcery, such practice was against the Mosaic law, would not be applauded and would likely pertain to his heart having been turned away. Nothing in the OT would give thumbs up to Solomon having been tipped into idolatry.

For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Zidonians, and after Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites. And Solomon did evil in the sight of the LORD, and went not fully after the LORD, as did David his father. Then did Solomon build an high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon. And likewise did he for all his strange wives, which burnt incense and sacrificed unto their gods. --1 Kings 11:5-8

Ashtoreth being representative of the productive (or passive) principle of life; and Baal being representative of the generative (or active) principle.

The image which represents the Phoenician Ashtoreth of Paphos, as the sole object of worship in her temple, was an upright block of stone, anointed with oil, and covered with an embroidered cloth.

Such stones are to be met with all over the Semitic world; especially in Babylonia, in Syria, Palestine and Arabia. Even the Mahommedan sacred stone (kaaba) at Mecca remains an object of reverence.

The place Beth-el was so called because of its anointed stone. There was another Beth-el in Northern Israel.

Two columns of stone stood before every Phoenician temple. Those at Tyre are described by Herodotus (ii. 44); and the "pillars of the sun" are mentioned in 2 Chronicles 34:4. Isaiah 17:8, etc.

Like every form of "religion," it had to do with the "flesh;" and hence, by the law of evolution (which is seen operating only in human affairs) it soon became corrupted. Evolution is seen in the progress of man's works, because he begins from ignorance, and goes on learning by his mistakes and failures. From the moment he ends his works devolution at once sets in and
deterioration begins. This is specially true in the "religious" sphere. All religions have become corrupt.

So with the 'Asherah. Originally a tree, symbolical of the "tree of life," it was an object of reverence and veneration. Then came the perversion of the earlier idea which simply honoured the origin of life; and it was corrupted and debased into the organ of procreation, which was symbolized by the form and shape given to the 'Asherah. It was the Phallus image of Isaiah 57:8, and the "image of the male", Ezekiel 16:17. (source (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/alt.bible/jeI-JWzo3KM))

Whether or not Solomon dabbled in black magic or sorcery, such practices would find absolutely zero OK in the scriptures. Such would likely stem from his having his heart turned away into into idolatry. Saying "Solomon did it" doesn't make it OK.

Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Exodus 20:3

Who would think that someone could actually be convinced into worshiping the penis as the tree of life?

Who was Moloch/Molech?

David Merrill
11-07-16, 05:43 AM
Funny how the history of Jesus being seen alive and asking for food after the Crucifixion is accepted as GOSPEL (pun intended) but the idea of Him being resurrected in a Glorified Body, which is also promised to those who trust in Him and accept His Sacrifice for our redemption, is regarded as the doctrine of fear and guilt-mongering.

Conflating the false doctrine of futurism and "rapture" with the faith of the orthodox saints who followed Jesus' teachings and commands is typical misdirection for those invested in denying Jesus' true nature. The teachings of the modern charismatic, pentecostal, evangelical, et al so-called "christians" who adopt the heresy of futurism created by the Roman Church's Jesuit order is very sad indeed.

What is sadder is the yoking together of things that are not related.

The sad truth for some is: God will grant one what one wishes. He is NOT is the business of forced obedience and worship - God is pro-choice.

This is the perfect example of projecting your guilt about Original Sin and of course Abraham's incest with Sarah outward. Thank you.

Gnostic Essenes who cleverly corrupted the pre- Canon New Testament through writing alternative but false gospels side by side with the heresy of inventing the false Messianic bloodline maintained through Jesus’ alleged sons. The Essenes were followers and the guardians of the Davidic Messianic bloodline and of a mortal Jesus in particular. Aminadbad, who was the son of Josue, son of Josephes, son of Jesus. It was Faramund and Argotta that begat Clodiu, who begat Meroveus, who begat Childeric, who begat Clovus, the founder of the official Merovingian dynasty. This background lends itself harmoniously with the Merovingians’ belief they were descended from Jesus, as well as others holding royal pedigrees of the highest and most royal orders.The Fisher Kings, the Merovingians, were a numinous dynasty mythologized to have possessed mystical power to communicate with animals, manipulate the weather, and heal the sick by the touching of hands, just as Jesus did. They wore their hair very long, never cutting it, in the tradition of the scriptural Israeli Nazarites, the most famous of whom was Samson, who the Merovingians and Gnostics held in curiously high esteem. All of the Merovingians possessed a curious red, cross- shaped birthmark located either above the heart or between the shoulder blades,representing their true heritage. Merovingians were sorcerer kings in the same spirit as King Solomon, with his judgment and wisdom, as well as his (alleged) prowess as a (Masonic) mystical magician in the Ring Lord tradition. The Merovingian kings were extravagant polygamists after the spirit of the pharaohs, Davidic, the Nephilim, Lamech, and of course, Solomon.This is the battle cry of anyone who denies the true nature of Jesus' Life, Death and Resurrection.At every interest its Jesus and segments of the New Testament accredited to Paul’s authorship, from which the Christian church takes most of its new covenant doctrine. Paul is classified as the Evil Liar or the Heretic, stemming from the Dead Sea Scrolls concerning the Essenes and the Teacher of Righteousness, described as the “Spouter of Lies” and the “Unscrupulous Liar” of the early church. Paul is described as the one who corrupted the religion of the early church centered in Jerusalem, along with doctrines taught by the Gnostic Teacher of Righteousness. In fact, Mandaeans and Manicheans believed Paul was a false prophet, who led his disciples away from the true religion; they believed Paul’s false religion was not based on the true teachings of John the Baptist (and the mentor of Jesus), who they believed.

The Jerusalem church led by James is portrayed to be the mystical Essene religion. Gnostics assert that it was Paul who besmirched the teachings of Jesus with his so- called heretical doctrines, which took root after the demise of the Jerusalem church in 70 C.E., when the church center was transferred to Rome, under Roman influence and Pauline doctrine. In fact, in 318 C.E., according to Gnostic sources, a delegation of Jesus’ immediate descendants, the Desposyni, traveled to Rome to argue the church should be transferred back to Jerusalem, back to its mystic roots, but Constantine refused. So, too, do Gnostic writers remember Mary Magdalene and her heirs opposing the Roman apostolic succession of Peter, in favor of James and the Jerusalem church. 15 In this tradition, Mary Magdalene was an Essene priestess who married Jesus.

Under this guise, Masonic and Gnostic writers refer to Paul as the Liar; the Heretic; and the enemy of Jesus’ brother, James the Just, who supposedly was one of the Teachers of Righteousness portrayed in the Dead Sea Scrolls. What the Gnostics are endeavoring to accomplish is to ascertain that it was Paul who proclaimed the divinity of Jesus and not Jesus or any of the disciples who formed the early Jerusalem church, that Paul stood alone in this assertion. Gnostics believe that the deviant Pauline sect maliciously elevated Jesus to deity status and that those who are loyal to the Vatican are heretics. The elevation of Jesus to deity is said to have taken place after the crucifixion by his corrupted followers from the Pauline sect. The Gnostics believe Jesus did not come to sacrifice Himself as the Lamb of God for the sins of the world. They assert that Jesus was sent to humankind as an enlightened, spiritual guide, in the same ideology as Buddha and Mohammed, to teach humankind enlightened secrets, aiding us in our evolution to godhood.Christ they never wanted him around when he was living but a great friend now that he,s dead? Earthly dead that is just for inheritance if your a Merovingian King Once the Christian Crusaders retook Jerusalem, an unanticipated, new order, sponsored by Mason/Rex Deus organizations, was unaccountably ordained by Papal Bull. This order was, of course, the Knights Templar, which originally consisted of nine founding members from European aristocracy; although, Rex Deus records indicate there were eleven. The original nine were not the poor, impoverished monks revisionist history would have us believe. All nine, or eleven, derived from important, royal Flemish and French families. The BASILICA BASTARDS

I recall a TV series that depicted the Book of James being preserved by a tower monastery of a special sect of intellectual priests... The name might come to me and I can probably find that on YouTube. I want to watch it again. I think the episode about James killed the serial though.

Xparte; you bring back my reading years. I read The Guardians of the Grail by JR CHURCH and Holy Blood, Holy Grail and sure enough The DaVinci Code - I discovered that one hot off the press, so it seemed like a personal message because I had devoured it, even before it was known to be such a hit.


Re: Solomon, Sorcery and "Mystical Practices"

If perchance there were any truth to the idea of Solomon having practiced sorcery, such practice was against the Mosaic law, would not be applauded and would likely pertain to his heart having been turned away. Nothing in the OT would give thumbs up to Solomon having been tipped into idolatry.

Whether or not Solomon dabbled in black magic or sorcery, such practices would find absolutely zero OK in the scriptures. Such would likely stem from his having his heart turned away into into idolatry. Saying "Solomon did it" doesn't make it OK.

Who would think that someone could actually be convinced into worshiping the penis as the tree of life?

Who was Moloch/Molech?

And so we relate once again to the Bible.

Paul's heresy against Israel is plain by his last five years in house prison in Rome, fleeing capital punishment from the Sanhedrin. Christians like to say that Paul was in trouble for teaching Christianity but that is obviously untrue because he answered the question by saying he taught the Noachide Laws to the pagans in Asia Minor. So the Sanhedrin was appeased.

He was in trouble for treason against Israel, his Roman citizenship papers but more so for perjury. - Paul lied to the Sanhedrin about purchasing the papers at all; to the point he told the Sanhedrin, under oath, that his ship in fact never even docked in Cyprus at all. But you have all heard that...


David Merrill.

11-07-16, 05:58 AM
This is the perfect example of projecting your guilt about Original Sin and of course Abraham's incest with Sarah outward. Thank you.


[re: original sin (12th century): 12 minute and 21 second mark]

Where Did the Doctrine of Original Sin Come From? (http://www.standingthegap.org/Where%20did%20doctrine%20of%20origin.htm) I don't suspect BL to be a Roman Catholic. AFAIK forgiveness and mercy, rather than guilt, are at the heart of the NT and the OT.

Paul's heresy against Israel is plain by his last five years in house prison in Rome, fleeing capital punishment from the Sanhedrin. Christians like to say that Paul was in trouble for teaching Christianity but that is obviously untrue because he answered the question by saying he taught the Noachide Laws to the pagans in Asia Minor. So the Sanhedrin was appeased.

He was in trouble for treason against Israel, his Roman citizenship papers but more so for perjury. - Paul lied to the Sanhedrin about purchasing the papers at all; to the point he told the Sanhedrin, under oath, that his ship in fact never even docked in Cyprus at all. But you have all heard that...

Israel was in exile at the time. Judah (a subpart of Israel) as a state, it is said, was coming to its end. Edom/Esau enemies of Israel and Judah (subpart of Israel) had taken chief positions in Judah after Hyrcanus forced integrated Edom/Esau into Judah. It is a matter of record that the Herods were Edomites. It has been suggested that Edom had come into alliance with Canaan and Ishmael.

Also, the scepter departed from Judah around 0 AD. Rabbinic Writings evidence this. This is further evidenced by the fact that the Judeans who wanted Jesus dead had to turn him over to the Romans to punish him.

Related: Moses and Paul (similarities) (http://www.aletheiacollege.net/bl/4-1-3Moses_And_Paul.htm)

In fact, Mandaeans and Manicheans believed Paul was a false prophet, who led his disciples away from the true religion; they believed Paul’s false religion was not based on the true teachings of John the Baptist (and the mentor of Jesus), who they believed.

But is it not interesting Mani and Simon Magus claimed to be Holy God, Christ, etc. but they had no problem with that? Simon Magus was made out to be a God in Rome some suggest.

They wore their hair very long, never cutting it, in the tradition of the scriptural Israeli Nazarites, the most famous of whom was Samson, who the Merovingians and Gnostics held in curiously high esteem.

Samson is said to have been of the tribe of Dan.

re: Original Sin

The worst sins in Manichean thinking were the sexual sins, because they resulted in more souls of light becoming imprisoned in evil bodies. According to Manichaeism, mankind was divided into three separate groups of people: the Sinners, the Hearers and the Elect. The Elect were obliged to refrain from all things that bound them to the material world: certain foods, sexual intercourse and manual labor. They were certain to obtain salvation once they died. The Hearers had to observe the same restrictions only on Sundays.


The Manicheans called themselves Christians, which made it easier for someone raised Catholic to see himself as an adherent of something that was really Christianity...

NO ONE Before Augustine taught that man was Born a Sinner or that his Free Will was in bondage to his flesh. Such Teaching came from the Gnostics!


"Mani, the Prophet?" or "Is Islam Manichaenism Revisited?" (savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?1513-quot-Mani-the-Prophet-quot-or-quot-Is-Islam-Manichaenism-Revisited-quot)
Connie Francis - Never On A Sunday (song) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSL6YNCU4bc)

11-07-16, 11:20 PM
Trespass vs Sin since registered religion gives one the license to sin/ Sodom and Gomorrah lacking any Church what a Sin You still think Christ was to die for OT Sins. Perhaps Sodom and Gomorrah were the centers for apostasy, where impassioned fallen angels once more procreated with human females out of spite. Perhaps all this was the extended reasoning for such an awesome display of destruction poured out on those corrupt cities, as a sign to future generations demonstrating God’s indignation and consider that Jude 1:6 connects sexual perversion of Sodom with sexual perversion of angels From a Gnostic perspective, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by the God of the Bible not for their wickedness but because of their wisdom and insights. Gnostics believe the God of the Bible is the evil God who enslaves humankind in ignorance. or might it be freewill is knowing and ignoring the one God. Christ will save us from ignorance only.A sin is just a heathens lies thief on the cross made criminally responsible for sins.

11-08-16, 12:20 AM
Trespass vs Sin since registered religion gives one the license to sin/ Sodom and Gomorrah lacking any Church what a Sin You still think Christ was to die for OT Sins. Perhaps Sodom and Gomorrah were the centers for apostasy, where impassioned fallen angels once more procreated with human females out of spite. Perhaps all this was the extended reasoning for such an awesome display of destruction poured out on those corrupt cities, as a sign to future generations demonstrating God’s indignation and consider that Jude 1:6 connects sexual perversion of Sodom with sexual perversion of angels From a Gnostic perspective, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by the God of the Bible not for their wickedness but because of their wisdom and insights. Gnostics believe the God of the Bible is the evil God who enslaves humankind in ignorance. or might it be freewill is knowing and ignoring the one God. Christ will save us from ignorance only.A sin is just a heathens lies thief on the cross made criminally responsible for sins.

The irony is that Gnostics promoted warmongering as a doctrine: wars fought based on hearsay that cause death and destruction on a large scale. Iraq (and its CEO who protected Christians and others alike) was devastated based on hearsay and armchair reactions. But yet, they slander a God who gave Jericho 500 years to change course.

From a Gnostic perspective, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by the God of the Bible not for their wickedness but because of their wisdom and insights. Gnostics believe the God of the Bible is the evil God who enslaves humankind in ignorance. or might it be freewill is knowing and ignoring the one God.

Some suggest that is Nimrod protecting.

11-08-16, 12:59 PM
“Merovingians were sorcerer kings in the same spirit as King Solomon, with his judgment and wisdom, as well as his (alleged) prowess as a (Masonic) mystical magician in the Ring Lord tradition.”

FREE MASONRY AND ODD FELLOWSHIP Royal Arch Masonry (https://www.google.com/search?q=Royal+ArchMasonry&sourceid=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:en-US:IE-Address&ie=&oe=#q=Royal+Arch+Masonry) To him belongs the credit of framing the American system of Royal Arch Masonry as it now exists. A second edition of the Monitor was issued in Providence in 1802 and he became a member of St. John's lodge. He was elected to all the high offices in the Grand Lodge of the State—Junior Grand Warden in 1802; Senior Grand Warden in 1803; Deputy Grand Master in 1811, and Grand Master in 1813. In 1801 he was elected High Priest of the Providence Royal Arch Chapter, and held many other positions of high honor in the Order. The establishment of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar was his crowning Masonic labor. In 1815 he removed to Boston, and died suddenly in Cleveland, Ohio, on July 6, 1819. See “Freemasom in Rhode Island,” pp.76-81.

11-08-16, 11:30 PM
Christ natural narrative the narrowed path with neither ignorance or knowledge has God blessed ones poverty. ones biblical or religious poverty is also neither blessed bye God. So poverty is still just being masonicaly rich or poor.Godlessness

Master Mason, just as Scripture accurately records Nimrod as the builder of many cities. His most noteworthy accomplishment was, of course, the infamous Tower of Babel. Even though Scripture does not record specifically that Nimrod was responsible for the construction of Babel, in fact, other legends do. Nimrod utilized Babel for symbolic purposes, for his idolatrous and pantheistic new religion. He constructed the tower with more than a thousand Masons already indoctrinated in the sciences, employing the project, according to Masonic legends, to teach its practical application. This founding Masonic organization at Babel became known as the ultra- secret Great White Brotherhood, which later transferred to the famous priests at Heliopolis, Egypt, and which was then inherited by the Essenes. Nimrod’s ancient White Brotherhood Organization now rests within the confines of the super- secret Illuminati, who defiantly sport the Great White Brotherhood title. I can see this title being explanation for all racism as the knowledge of white is just light. Nimrod wasnt a Oxford cracker Thats good old DANUBE Dans masonic tribe Nimrod was the First and only PIMP modernized White Brother / Hoods /Historic jesuitica with jesuitical fishhats or Kkk a diversionary enlightenment .One European Babylon Repeating this paragraph Nimrods paganism founding Masonic organization at Babel became known as the ultra- secret Great White Brotherhood, which later transferred to the famous priests at Heliopolis, Egypt, and which was then inherited by the Essenes. Nimrod’s ancient White Brotherhood Organization now rests within the confines of the super- secret Illuminati, who defiantly sport the Great White Brotherhood title. A lodge tiled floor checkers Black & White or { Red & Black before honkies.} is testimony to trampling both Black Men & White Men. I am not drawing any conciliation or conclusions in my ignorance or suggestive knowledge my poverty is much greater and a blessing in disguise. Nim organized and fused the newly founded cult with the elite of society, forming a transgenerational secret society, to which he provided a constitution complete with laws of their governing. 9 Nimrod was therefore honored in Craft legends for creating Masonry. In one quick stroke of diabolical genius, through his unprecedented state power and organization, Nimrod ruined the postdiluvian society, as well as all subsequent generations, with all the same evils that caused the demise of the earth in Noah,s flood now With Christ being the flood The embellished words KKK Crackers Honkies Pimp are masonic terms.

11-09-16, 12:50 AM
Roman Catholics celebrating Easter (Spain?). (source (https://politicalconnection.wordpress.com/2013/05/02/catholic-slavery-a-recent-reminder/))

Catholics celebrating the Holy Week in Spain which has been part of their festivities since the Middle Ages. Their uniform here looks very much like the costumes of the Roman Catholic Inquisitors during the Inquisitions. (source (https://politicalconnection.wordpress.com/2013/05/02/catholic-slavery-a-recent-reminder/))

Note: Allegedly, the flag David Duke (historically associated with the U.S. Democratic Party) is holding is what is regarded to originally have been flag or emblem of the U.S. Democratic Party (which is just as pro-slavery today as it was from the beginning--except that their form of slavery today is carried out mainly through "mass incarceration" and coercion under abject poverty).

Robert Byrd was a long-time Democrat and U.S. senator.

In all fairness to the late Robert Byrd:

Byrd also said, in 2005, "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened." (Source: Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Byrd))

Lyndon Johnson, Democrat is said to have been a virulent bigot and a Catholic.

Apart from his association with Scottish Rite in the United States and the work Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike is regarded to have been behind the founding of the KKK. Many deny it. However, after 1870, Jim Crow laws went into full effect. He referred to himself as "Sovereign Pontiff" remember that the Papacy was in exile during that time (since around 1798) and had lost the Papal States, so maybe he felt he was taking the Roman Pope's place? Keep in mind, an orthodox America meant the end of slavery and the economic windfalls associated with that.

Though they deny the connection, challenge to believe their denial. Some seem to forget: the KKK itself is a secret society. Not suggesting all Roman Catholics to be racist/bigoted but ...there has been definitely something going on.


Catholic Slavery: A Recent Reminder (KKK Masters: Whose Slaves Were Recently Found?) (https://politicalconnection.wordpress.com/2013/05/02/catholic-slavery-a-recent-reminder/)
BBC report on KKK wrongly uses photographs of CATHOLIC WORSHIPPERS (http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/618413/BBC-report-KKK-Catholic-worshippers-pictures-mistake)

11-09-16, 11:45 PM
But try as the followers of Nimrod must have done, not all the people of Shinar would convert and worship the pantheon of gods. Not all of the people were gullible enough to willingly come out in open rebellion against God. Some, and more likely many, held true to God and His righteous ways, rejecting the new doctrine being introduced by Nimrod. In order for the rebellion to have fully taken hold and to ultimately succeed, more was required than the art of deceptive persuasion.This was when Nimrod usurped absolute control over all the governing bodies in the first coup d’état . Nimrod became a Gibborim, a potentate or Demigod Democrat . According to Josephus, Nimrod changed the nature of the government to tyranny under his brutal and evil dictatorship, just as an evil potentate would do, and even more importantly, just as an evil Democrat potentate would do. Through the brutal and corrupt power of his government, Nimrod imposed his will and state- sponsored religion upon the people of Shinar. Through brute force and fear “Shinar” was an (little understood) alternative name for Sumer.One begins to wonder whether or not the desire of Nimrod and his people was to only migrate away from Noah, as a first bold step in recolonizing the planet.There was an unexplained, early schism among the deluge survivors, with Nimrod and his followers exiting to recreate the outlawed antediluvian society of Sumer? Nimrod’s ancient White Brotherhood Organization now rests within the confines of the super- secret Illuminati, who defiantly sport the Great White Brotherhood title.Illicit knowledge and power stemming from the authority of the religion enabled Nimrod to usurp absolute power over the united people of Shinar. It is through this lens that we must critically examine our Terminal Generation. We must first accept from the numerous biblical prophecies that Babylon will be an end- time city John’s period of time when he penned Revelation, this future Babylon had not yet established itself as a city on the world stage. Therefore, all the other prophets had to apply allegories for the future city. John had other motivating reasons to allegorize this city as Babylon. All three allegories provide a macrocode for the end- time city of evil. Babylon will become the great end- time world government prophesied to trample the nations. The end- time Babylon will be a governmental institution. or a evil city like the folks who ran Flint Michigan. What can a racist truly sacrifice.

11-10-16, 01:51 AM
But try as the followers of Nimrod must have done, not all the people of Shinar would convert and worship the pantheon of gods. Not all of the people were gullible enough to willingly come out in open rebellion against God. Some, and more likely many, held true to God and His righteous ways, rejecting the new doctrine being introduced by Nimrod. In order for the rebellion to have fully taken hold and to ultimately succeed, more was required than the art of deceptive persuasion.This was when Nimrod usurped absolute control over all the governing bodies in the first coup d’état . Nimrod became a Gibborim, a potentate or Demigod Democrat . According to Josephus, Nimrod changed the nature of the government to tyranny under his brutal and evil dictatorship, just as an evil potentate would do, and even more importantly, just as an evil Democrat potentate would do. Through the brutal and corrupt power of his government, Nimrod imposed his will and state- sponsored religion upon the people of Shinar. Through brute force and fear “Shinar” was an (little understood) alternative name for Sumer.One begins to wonder whether or not the desire of Nimrod and his people was to only migrate away from Noah, as a first bold step in recolonizing the planet.There was an unexplained, early schism among the deluge survivors, with Nimrod and his followers exiting to recreate the outlawed antediluvian society of Sumer? Nimrod’s ancient White Brotherhood Organization now rests within the confines of the super- secret Illuminati, who defiantly sport the Great White Brotherhood title.Illicit knowledge and power stemming from the authority of the religion enabled Nimrod to usurp absolute power over the united people of Shinar. It is through this lens that we must critically examine our Terminal Generation. We must first accept from the numerous biblical prophecies that Babylon will be an end- time city John’s period of time when he penned Revelation, this future Babylon had not yet established itself as a city on the world stage. Therefore, all the other prophets had to apply allegories for the future city. John had other motivating reasons to allegorize this city as Babylon. All three allegories provide a macrocode for the end- time city of evil. Babylon will become the great end- time world government prophesied to trample the nations. The end- time Babylon will be a governmental institution. or a evil city like the folks who ran Flint Michigan. What can a racist truly sacrifice.


11-11-16, 12:11 AM
There was a guy back in the 90s (he made a video, before 'conspiracy theories' were mainstream), used to work high-up in U.S. Govt., one thing he said was that he found at the highest levels of the KKK, Nimrod worship (and they regard him to be "a Black man")--the irony.

David Merrill
11-11-16, 12:48 AM
So Nimrod instead of Ham is not a slip of the tongue?

11-11-16, 02:00 AM
So Nimrod instead of Ham is not a slip of the tongue?

Good question. Nimrod would have been Ham's grandson. Canaan having been cursed rather than Ham. Wouldn't be surprised if they all resembled one another in some fashion like typical great grandfather, grandfather and grandson. Not to mention the idea of a grandfather having been also 'regardable' as a 'father'. Doctrine/beliefs/character being of import. Perhaps he was saying Nimrod instead of Cain because he was 'under oath' ..a little misdirection? Overall, he seemed quite fixed on Nimrod as the target of worship. Then..there is Sargon..which many regard to be none other than Cain [Sargon being 'Shah (King) Cain' slightly corrupted].

Nimrod was a very significant man in ancient times, the grandson of Ham and great-grandson of Noah. Nimrod started his kingdom at Babylon (Gen. 10:10). Babylon later reached its zenith under Nebuchadnezzar (sixth century BC). Pictured above are mudbrick ruins of Nebuchadnezzar's city along with ancient wall lines and canals in modern day Iraq. (source (http://www.christiananswers.net/dictionary/nimrod.html))

And Cush begat Nimrod, who began to be mighty in the earth. 1 Chronicles 1:10

Nimrod reinhabited the cites of Cain and adopted his language, his religion and his civilization. [They] built upon the ruins of a civilization that existed in Shinar before the Flood… (and) glorified their ancient cities… (source (http://mysterybabylon.com/oldreligionofcushandnimrod.html))

Related (sorta?):
Why Cain Built A City?
(https://billrandles.wordpress.com/2012/12/19/why-cain-built-a-city-genesis-4-pt-8/)Megapolisomancy (http://www.occultforum.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=22797) (1978);
Megapolisomancy (Temple of Doom; Schnoebelen; ~1:49:58 ) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJubJfcooXA&t=6597)

11-11-16, 04:51 AM
re: original sin

Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions. Ecclesiastes 7:29

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Gen. 1:27

"Total depravity" and the Doctrine of Original Sin contrasted with Ecclesiastes 7:29 and Genesis 1:27. Of course this is meant to be pertinent to the living in contrast with dead fictions and the right of the living with respect to the land. This is not deny the notion of mankind's need for salvation, deliverance, regeneration, tutelage or the like during his lifetime has men (or women) come into accountability.

Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

David Merrill
11-11-16, 11:37 AM
re: original sin

"Total depravity" and the Doctrine of Original Sin contrasted with Ecclesiastes 7:29 and Genesis 1:27. Of course this is meant to be pertinent to the living in contrast with dead fictions and the right of the living with respect to the land. This is not deny the notion of mankind's need for salvation, deliverance, regeneration, tutelage or the like during his lifetime has men (or women) come into accountability.

Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

That is the blessing George WASHINGTON extended to Peter VAN PELT after the American Revolution.


David Merrill
11-16-16, 01:38 PM

I want to remind the readers of the framework.

The property owner original plat would have included, even by presumption that the property line would extend to the middle of the railroad tracks. This is the inheritance due the property owner who installed a (prescriptive) easement. The property owner is an individual however so by designating the sidewalk "PRIVATE" (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImQWJsMEM5RUhWU3c/view?usp=sharing) the church steps in as Mandatory Exception to the revenue code, the Rustic Hills Homeowner's Association. That is to say, all the homeowners in association enjoy access to the bike path.

P.S. Please allow me some grace to amend and correct myself... It may be untrue to presume a property line ever reaches to the center of the railroad tracks. From the video though, I am presuming that the homeowner/HOA poured the concrete between the property line and the concrete bicycle path. I think that is important to the claim, that I am saying is true.

11-17-16, 01:22 AM
Even if the property line fails to extend to the center of the railroad tracks, easements or rights of way across railroad tracks are very common. Railroad crossings are easements to the railroad property (whether implied, prescriptive or otherwise). So you're pretty much on the money: a railroad crossing easement can extend not only to the center of the railroad it can extend across it entirely. I suspect they will view the bike path easement and the crossing easement as two separate types of easement or separate easements. But nonetheless: easements. A railway propery tract (easement) can extend some 10' to 20' or more feet on either side of the track.


re: The Rock Island System
Likely you won't be surprised (1) that I bothered to look or (2) at what I found:

1. City of Colorado Springs was established *AFTER* the Civil War
2. the entities owning the Rock Island system were formed *BEFORE* the Civil War (see Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago,_Rock_Island_and_Pacific_Railroad))

The Rock Island rail system as of 1965

Landlocked by Railroad (http://www.realestatewebmasters.com/forum/threads/22153-Landlocked-by-Railroad)