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Keith Alan
04-09-14, 12:05 AM
Exodus 4: 24*¶ And it came to passe by the way in the Inne, that the Lord met him, and sought to kill him.

25*Then Zipporah tooke a sharpe stone, and cut off the foreskinne of her sonne, and cast it at his feete, and said, Surely a bloody husband art thou to mee.

26*So he let him goe: then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because of the Circumcision.

I'm hoping someone here can shed some light on this passage in respect to what legal (for lack of a better word) ramifications there were regarding the Circumcision, especially on the following points:

1. 'Circumcision' is capitalized in the original KJV, but not capitalized in more modern translations. My view has been that the AV is a law book, so what is the significance of this?

2. Zipporah cast the bloody foreskin at Moses' feet. It appears she delivered it to him, as part of the conditions of the covenant. So it appears to me that it (the physical foreskin) plays the part of a bond instrument. My question for someone more knowledgeable is: is this a reasonable assumption on my part? Do I have it right? Is the bloody foreskin a bond debenture?

3. Finally, what is the significance of Zipporah using a sharp stone to perform the Circumcision?

Also, I seem to remember a bible story where someone was keeping foreskins in a sack or other container, but I can't find it anywhere. This makes me think that sometime in the past I must have read a commentary about how they were kept. Does anyone have any idea where I might have come across information like that? Or is it more likely I'm mis-remembering such a story?

10-27-14, 04:15 PM
"Circumcision" is merely a euphemism for genital mutilation of children\infants that can't give consent lawfully to have their sexual organs destroyed as a sacrifice to the Abrahamic "God". It is the mark of a covenant\enslavement between yourself & this Solar entity. You should NEVER do this to your children, let them make the choice as adults if they want to remove a part of their anatomy and decrease normal sexual function to be a sexual cripple as a sign of piety.

I still resent it being done to me as an infant by a sicko stranger that liked to destroy the healthy genitals of children, along with my parents for blindly signing forms from the "Dr." @ their hospital, without ever bothering to look into the great harm that genital mutilation causes to children. It's one of the most egregious Human rights violations there is as far as I'm concerned, we need to protect the children, not harm them !

Michael Joseph
10-27-14, 09:22 PM
Exodus 4: 24*¶ And it came to passe by the way in the Inne, that the Lord met him, and sought to kill him.

25*Then Zipporah tooke a sharpe stone, and cut off the foreskinne of her sonne, and cast it at his feete, and said, Surely a bloody husband art thou to mee.

26*So he let him goe: then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because of the Circumcision.

I'm hoping someone here can shed some light on this passage in respect to what legal (for lack of a better word) ramifications there were regarding the Circumcision, especially on the following points:

Those who are steeped in the flesh cannot see the spiritual nature of what is being said. This is about Obedience and Acknowledgment of the Sovereign King. Moses was APPOINTED or ORDAINED to duty to perform in the Kingdom or Government of God. Now here we have a leader appointed to duty who is not taking care of business in his own home. This is a problem. How can you lead anyone if you can't even keep your own house? Meaning he was going to go forth and teach the people the Way of God and he himself was in disobedience to that Way.

Since Moses did not perform his wife performed for him. How embarrassing for Moses.

Lesson number one: for the leadership: Don't tell someone else to do a thing that you yourself have not done. In other words, the Leadership is not above the law of the Kingdom [State]. There is no immunity - all are with full liability before the King of kings. It is a darn shame that Moses was not obeying God in his own family. The Elect are to be an EXAMPLE to the World.

Moses had miserably fallen short of God's Law.

Gen 17:14 And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people; he hath broken my covenant.

Now consider how his wife feels about her husband. Think about what the foregoing verse means to the child. And Moses was supposed to lead? No wonder she was furious with Moses. She had every right to be. If it was not for her doing Moses might have lost his life.

God does not play around. If one is commissioned to a certain duty, then he had best be about that duty according to the Way of God.


Now consider what Christ Jesus told Nicodemus. He said one must be born of the waters of a woman and reborn of the Holy Spirit. Thus the birth of the spirit is the birth of the man-child which was in type a circumcision of the HEART. The Spiritual nature was first "couched" in the Flesh as is all the Scriptures. Thus the natural man cannot understand the Scriptures without the revelation granted by the Holy Spirit.

Consider now the Parable. Why was Zipporah so angry? It should be obvious! Moses' failure in type or symbol was a type of cutting one off from the Kingdom of God. Think about how angry YHVH was with Moses. Now to the Scribes and Pharasees today and yesterday - how angry do you think YHVH will be with you?

Let me cut to the chase - the Lord sought to Kill Moses. That's how angry. Enjoy it while you can - the days come when the wicked will beg for death and it shall not come. Oh the mental anguish [fire] when those they considered to be beggars become their rulers.

Luk 11:52 Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.

We can already see today in the earth the keys are being restored. Praise be unto Yah. She, the Holy Spirit, births the man-child. She gives the Elect a new nature. A circumcision of the Heart. Do you honor your Mother? or are you a Father only son?

Pro 31:1 The words of king Lemuel, the prophecy that his Mother taught him.

I hope this helps you. Are you called to lead?

With best regards,
Michael Joseph

Sa 18:25 And Saul said, Thus shall ye say to David, The king desireth not any dowry, but an hundred foreskins of the Philistines, to be avenged of the king's enemies. But Saul thought to make David fall by the hand of the Philistines.

1Sa 18:26 And when his servants told David these words, it pleased David well to be the king's son in law: and the days were not expired.

1Sa 18:27 Wherefore David arose and went, he and his men, and slew of the Philistines two hundred men; and David brought their foreskins, and Saul's servants gave them in full tale to the king, that he might be the king's son in law. And Saul gave him Michal his daughter to wife.

Michael Joseph
10-27-14, 09:51 PM
Revision and Addendum:

by the way in the inn. A further lesson, not learnt in Egypt or at Horeb. A secret in Moses' life, known only to himself. Moses had neglected to circumcise Eliezer. To save the child's life, Zipporah now performs the rite herself.

So then God was not seeking to kill Moses but the son which Moses had yet to circumcise. Moses should have known better. This is in reference to Egypt and the firstborn.

Exo 4:24 And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the LORD met him, and sought to kill the son [Eliezer].

Exo 4:22 And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus hath said the Lord Yehovah, Israel is My son, even My firstborn:

Exo 4:23 And I say unto thee, Let My son go, that he may serve Me: and if thou refuse to let him go, behold, I will slay thy son, even thy firstborn.

Now here we have Yehovah appointing Moses to be Chief Leader over all of Israel and we see Moses has failed miserably.

Exo 4:25 Then Zipporah took a sharp knife, and cut off the foreskin of Eliezer, and cast it at his feet, and said, Surely a bloody husband art thou to me.

Exo 4:26 So Yehovah let Moses son Eliezer go: then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because of the circumcision.

Flesh and Blood will not inherit the Kingdom of God. This is my flesh [bread of life]; this is my blood [Spirit] - the union of The Word [Logos] understood and revealed by the Holy Spirit. A new Earth [flesh] and new Heaven [Spirit]. Which is to say a new body and a new understanding.

Have you ever noticed that Christ Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. This is to say he washed their minds removing the false doctrines of this age. As we walk thru this age we shall pick up all sorts of strange doctrines [winds] taught by all sorts of misguided persons [raging waves] thus she Zipporah threw Moses' misdeed at the feet of his son [his strength]. In other words, by her deed, Moses' seed was not cut off in the earth. Consider now in Spiritual terms. And the families in the Heavens. For all of the fleshly deeds give way to Spiritual understanding. For the Law is Spiritual - but to the carnal man it is only codes.

Consider what is Adultery and Fornication to a Spiritual being? Hopefully the veil of Moses is being removed from your eyes. All according to the plan and will of God. Amen.

Moses was supposed to be a type of Savior but we see the frail nature of man - even Moses defaulted, just as Adam. Yet the Woman redeemed Moses' misdeed. Spirit = man [Ref 1st Peter 3:4]; Soul = woman. The union within is marriage. The two become one in marriage. So the Spirit is supposed to lead in the Flesh Tabernacle. The Soul submits to the leadership of the Spirit according to the Way of God. I speak to each and every man and woman. In the analogy we are All [male and female]. See Gen 1:27; male and female created He them.

Christ Jesus did not default [Matthew 4].

Michael Joseph

Michael Joseph
10-27-14, 10:03 PM
Therefore the TERM Circumcision may be capitalized as it refers to another meaning - not common to the common understanding. Hopefully that is clear at this point.

Is the way of God written upon your heart? How can it be unless the Heart is Circumcised? A renewing of the Mind. No longer is one occupying in the flesh in the R-Complex brain - one is resurrected into a higher mind. Has the hyssop been growing thru the wall? Fiberous connections between the left and right hemispheres thru the Corpus Callosum. Right [Strength] = Spirit; Left [man's weak wisdom] = Flesh

Michael Joseph

David Merrill
10-27-14, 11:52 PM
"Circumcision" is merely a euphemism for genital mutilation of children\infants that can't give consent lawfully to have their sexual organs destroyed as a sacrifice to the Abrahamic "God". It is the mark of a covenant\enslavement between yourself & this Solar entity. You should NEVER do this to your children, let them make the choice as adults if they want to remove a part of their anatomy and decrease normal sexual function to be a sexual cripple as a sign of piety.

I still resent it being done to me as an infant by a sicko stranger that liked to destroy the healthy genitals of children, along with my parents for blindly signing forms from the "Dr." @ their hospital, without ever bothering to look into the great harm that genital mutilation causes to children. It's one of the most egregious Human rights violations there is as far as I'm concerned, we need to protect the children, not harm them !

I am sorry about the pain and fear you feel.

There is a healthy purpose to circumcision. Also I have noticed how the Egyptians remarked about how quickly their Israelite slaves reproduced due to that, reduced bacteria and microbes during intercourse.

Just be sure to tell your son the difference between circumcision and castration... We don't want him using the wrong word to specify the procedure to his doctor.

David Merrill
10-28-14, 12:36 AM
Exodus 4: 24*¶ And it came to passe by the way in the Inne, that the Lord met him, and sought to kill him.

25*Then Zipporah tooke a sharpe stone, and cut off the foreskinne of her sonne, and cast it at his feete, and said, Surely a bloody husband art thou to mee.

26*So he let him goe: then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because of the Circumcision.

I'm hoping someone here can shed some light on this passage in respect to what legal (for lack of a better word) ramifications there were regarding the Circumcision, especially on the following points:

1. 'Circumcision' is capitalized in the original KJV, but not capitalized in more modern translations. My view has been that the AV is a law book, so what is the significance of this?

2. Zipporah cast the bloody foreskin at Moses' feet. It appears she delivered it to him, as part of the conditions of the covenant. So it appears to me that it (the physical foreskin) plays the part of a bond instrument. My question for someone more knowledgeable is: is this a reasonable assumption on my part? Do I have it right? Is the bloody foreskin a bond debenture?

3. Finally, what is the significance of Zipporah using a sharp stone to perform the Circumcision?

Also, I seem to remember a bible story where someone was keeping foreskins in a sack or other container, but I can't find it anywhere. This makes me think that sometime in the past I must have read a commentary about how they were kept. Does anyone have any idea where I might have come across information like that? Or is it more likely I'm mis-remembering such a story?

I think that may be where David as a warrior brought the foreskins of killed Philistines to King Saul. I presumed it like a count trophy - for collecting bounty like wolf snouts.

I presume there is wisdom in about every biblical law; usually for health reasons.

I am not getting anything about any significance to the scripture you have inquired of. I have heard that it takes eight days to consecrate an altar and that a baby boy's ability to clot is fully developed at eight days too, so the Jews are a bit proud to point out how the LORD has timed a boy be circumcised at eight days.

I like to scour the KJV for Keys to encrypted meaning (parables). So that is interesting that circumcision would be in all upper case letters - indicating maybe that the word is CODE for something else? So I went straight for my 1560 Geneva Bible:


I find that disappointing I find no CODE.

10-28-14, 12:37 AM
I am sorry about the pain and fear you feel.

There is a healthy purpose to circumcision. Also I have noticed how the Egyptians remarked about how quickly their Israelite slaves reproduced due to that, reduced bacteria and microbes during intercourse.

Just be sure to tell your son the difference between circumcision and castration... We don't want him using the wrong word to specify the procedure to his doctor.

Thanks David, I don't have a son but if I did I wouldn't subject him to this cosmetic surgery unless it was a true medical emergency. And as far as genital mutilation stopping infections, it probably did help to prevent infections in the hostile deserts of the Middle East & Africa. But with all of the soaps and cleaning solutions @ our disposal these days in the Western World IMO there's absolutely no need for it.

Any time someone cuts a body part off that will never grow back, at that point it's become a felony according to modern law. If you tied up an adult male or female and excised a part of their body without their consent, you would be guilty of an A felony. Why should children lack those same Human Rights protections ? You do know that Will Keith Kellogg envisioned "circumcision" as a way to curb masturbation in young boys don't you ?

What business was it of his what young boys were doing with THEIR bodies ? I mean what a sicko even thinking of youngsters sexually. As a young person I was also subjected to harsh\rigid Fundamentalist Christianity. It was a waste of time IMO, and it had anti-life philosophy at it's core. Not to say all Christians are bad of course, but too many have harmed the youth of the nation all in the name of turning them away from the path of "sin".

I don't know why they consider tyranny a good thing David ? It's just so sick...

David Merrill
10-28-14, 09:29 AM
I find it annoying whenever somebody posts several presumptions and then inquires whether or not I buy them by assuming that I have bought the presumptions. At least that is how I feel about being asked if I like tyranny when I have already commented that I disagree with your premises about parental responsibilities.

Keith Alan
10-28-14, 08:05 PM

Thanks for all the replies. Lots to think about. I'm running short on time, but I did find this 1611 image. This image shows 'Circumcision' as capitalized.