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View Full Version : No more a conspiracy theory, send this to the doubting thomases !

03-17-11, 05:22 AM
This report took a lot guts for both MSNBC and for the reporter that presented the story. Something has snapped for this to happen. I think most of you are aware that anybody directly revealing and exposing what the "Bankers" or "Bansters," are doing, has always been well controlled.

The first link is directly off of MSNBC's webpage and the story is 12-minutes and 45-seconds long. The second link is to a YouTube that also carries the story, but is only 7-minutes long. Nevertheless, rip this video if you can, and have a copy of it for yourself, just in case it may need to be reposted, because, well, you know how things like this can accidentally disappear. ;-)


03-18-11, 03:32 AM
Rather than a gutsy David vs. Goliath battle of journalism this is all part of a carefully laid plan I believe.
The Fed. Reserve bank Ponzi gig is up, the cat's out of the bag already, so the Fed. Reserve bank is being used as the fall guy now, to make way for the next stage of the plan.
The next stage will involve demolition of the dollar, which will hurt only common people, while the "players" in the Fed banks and the other usual suspects will benefit greatly, because they are ahead of the game and they know the script (they wrote it).

I'm sure all the same bankers will be in charge of the post dollar currency, whatever that will be, that are in charge of the dollar now.
Only the publicly visible figureheads will change, as it is their job to act their publicly visible part, carrying out the script they are given, and then to exit to make room for the next actors.
You will never see their bosses, who make all the policy decisions, and it is very difficult to find out who they all are.
They hide behind thick walls of concrete, bullet proof glass, and steel.
They don't want to be known by what they consider to be the serf classes of society.

I think that most msnbc reporting is mass-mind-manipulation at it's finest, as it is voluntary.

An inspired writer once wrote:
"The man who consents to be deceived is a man in whose heart the truth is not abiding".

Watch out for falling debris in the popular financial sector, as it will be remodeled from the top down soon.

David Merrill
03-18-11, 12:02 PM
I just wrote a 10,000 character treatise (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?120-Where-to-stamp-a-FRN&p=632&viewfull=1#post632) that may relate.

03-22-11, 03:25 AM
The situation is escalating, could this be it for the FRB?

Fed Must Release Data on Emergency Bank Loans as High Court Rejects Appeal

"The Federal Reserve will disclose details of emergency loans it made to banks in 2008, after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected an industry appeal that aimed to shield the records from public view."

"The justices today left intact a court order that gives the Fed five days to release the records, sought by Bloomberg News's parent company, Bloomberg LP. The Clearing House Association LLC, a group of the nation's largest commercial banks, had asked the Supreme Court to intervene."