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View Full Version : Arraignment and Attorn

David Merrill
03-17-11, 12:33 PM
I make reference and allusion to my $20M lien and as members register here that is very likely something of interest, but frustrating because there is no reading material about it yet. Sorry about that. I did save about 125 Webpage Complete pages from SJC and Admin is working on the rather complex problem of posting those pages, reconstructing that thread. But I will just throw a bucket on you, like water, to get you wet here.

Arraignment belongs in the history of America and religion in America because it is traditional that the only escape from the current regime's (government) jurisdiction is that you are from an ecclesiastic jurisdiction - ex visitatione Dei - literally, visiting from God. It makes a lot of sense to view the Bar as a priesthood and common law - bench made case law - as modern priestcrafting around national bankruptcy.


These days, instead of an ad hoc jury, gathered by the elisor (jury commissioner) from the town square and courthouse hallway, the courts utilize a psychologist to evaluate the defendant for competency.

My implication that this introduction will be like a bucket of water is to say, this will be abrupt. So the explanation will follow on this Thread. For intruduction know that when I walked in to Dr. John BERMUDEZ's office, I handed him a copy of the court order, Refused for Cause. I notified him as though the court had not already, that he was under a court order to perform a psychological evaluation and he presented quite quickly a consent form (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=116&d=1300364158) for me to sign. The consent form had a list of preliminary questions that I was supposed to inquire about before signing it and obviously it depended on conditioning that I would sign it without asking any of the questions. The entire visit was about 35 minutes, redacting out silent spells and a trip to the restroom etc. you will hear about the interview in the last part of Part 1 of the video series linked in context below. I suggest you listen if interested, to the entirety of this material but if you just want my point about arriagnment, and psychological evaluation as an arraignment tool, you follow my program first. [Even months later as the prosecution dropped charges for no witnesses or evidence against me, it was admitted on the record we were still at arraignment.]

Take a look at this Evaluation (http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/1832/doc6.pdf). Notice especially that Dr. BERMUDEZ claims I spoke anything at all about my lien (last paragraph). Listen to the preliminary evaluation (https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1EaV_bU7VImNDg4NmZmNzYtMjdkNy00YzMxLTkwM zUtM2Y5ODI2ZGZkZWY3&hl=en)- attempting to arraign me by the third judge attempting to do so. The first two, starting with chief judge SAMELSON failed and were recused for conflict of interest. SAMELSON was a bit more orderly about not practicing law from the bench. - At least he made me utter the "Not Guilty" plea under threat of forced mental care. The judge in the arraignment proceeding though, he was formerly chief prosecutor when I was very loud about the Sovereignty Movement.

Then listen to the actual interview (https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1EaV_bU7VImNWI4OWZmNzEtMjY1My00MzJlLWE5Z mYtMjZjMmU2Y2UxNDFh&hl=en) (end of Part 1) - noting that I never even broached the topic of government or my lien. Also note that nowhere in the Evaluation is there any mention of the Consent Form!

To me, the interview was all about the consent form. To Dr. BERMUDEZ though, the Evaluation claims enough fabricated psychological disorders to conclude I best be shipped off to the state mental facility for destruction of my mind through psychotropic pharmaceuticals! BTW I sat down with a professional psychologist suitor, bought him lunch to discuss BERMUDEZ's evaluation and as he got up from the table, he warned me exactly that admonition. The State is trying to destroy your mind.

Interestingly, when I complained to the state facility DORA for such grievances, (http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/493/doc12.pdf) I never heard a peep back. I am certain that a followup letter is traditional but I suppose that since I use a professional process server for my mailing address, maybe DORA had nothing to say about their state sock-puppet BERMUDEZ?

The topic of my $20M lien and all its related facets is going to burden people reading here for time. There is no avoiding that. Currently though, it sets Notice of Lien before China Today holding 1/4 of the national debt, awaiting Congress to approve or deny raising the Debt Ceiling (http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20110316-714458.html). World News (BBC) tells me that the line of many hundreds of refugees hoping for return visa stamps on their passports consists mainly of Chinese. Like I suspected, the nuclear reactor is in full meltdown as they try cooling it with water cannons that of course spew radioactive steam high into the air like a deadly humidifier. With the cities already crowded in China - don't you suppose that their government might be thinking that Collections should begin about now - to divert the Japanese Exodus to America?

It is very likely though, that you will not be getting any comprehensive report about the persecution leading up to the lien in summary. It is just that complex. What you will get is various facets of the remedy that produced the lien.


David Merrill.

P.S. I have been thanked graciously on several occasions for sharing the recording of my interview with Dr. BERMUDEZ. What some people seem to greatly appreciate is that I remained calm and on point - and kept my senses through an "episode" designed to deprive me of any training and sensibility by conditioning so deep, many people would not realize they have been programmed to submit to such authority. Interestingly I have also been applauded by an attorney on Quatloos (Wesley SERRA - Wserra) in that he would never have advised any client of his to sign that consent form!

martin earl
03-17-11, 03:35 PM
David, thanks again for sharing your journey.

We are taught all our lives to "respect authority" while the whole time, those doing the teaching ignored, despised and hidden the fact that the "authority" is self-evident in everyone of us.

David Merrill
03-17-11, 11:39 PM
David, thanks again for sharing your journey.

We are taught all our lives to "respect authority" while the whole time, those doing the teaching ignored, despised and hidden the fact that the "authority" is self-evident in everyone of us.

Yes!! Like we find as the entire point in the concluding pages of Gerard GERTOUX's The Name of God Y.eH.oW.aH Which is Pronounced as it is Written I_Eh_oU_Ah. If you want to express the authority correctly, it is certainly worth the $80 for the history lesson!



So she can SPELL your name?

02-06-16, 01:04 AM
A great amount of humility for any adversary is a key element to success God has no paid adversary who is constantly dragging guilt to the throne of God just us and Satan who is accusing us day and night of sin and guilt well getting it wright with GOD is the one who asks for redemption first IF saturn's rings hold up the call.Christ on the mainline a permanent hold.In the true spirit of Christ 30 day assessments in fact faculty facilities that hold mental or metal resolve.qualifications or two committal witnesses to evidence the fact.destroy this temple and in 72hrs it will rise again.one of greatest hits album.truth is its own temple