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View Full Version : Australian tax role cancellation, Coresource group member we helped.

03-17-11, 01:14 PM
Someone from Australia came to Coresource looking for help on taxes, after going through the materials he discovered that he had no duty(Oath or Appointment) to fill out tax forms or file them.

Here is one reason why found on another post thread of this forum:

And here is another found on this forum:
http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?111-Citizenship-defined-lost-in-translation (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?111-Citizenship-defined-lost-in-translation.)

This man was fresh out of the box barely not knowing anything about any patriot movment or commercial redemption, an untainted mind was easier to work with. Any ways we did a lot of work to help him reach his goal and he followed through. Was it a success? I will leave that up to you all to decide. Attached is the first 5 documents in order, this forum will only allow 5 per post so I will put the last few on the next post on this thread. Any questions will answer the best that I can, but this man requested to remain anonymous so that is why some of it is blacked out.

03-17-11, 01:17 PM
Last documents in this series based on the first post of this thread. ( attachments )

David Merrill
03-17-11, 02:23 PM
That is what I have been after - process-to-result (https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1EaV_bU7VImZjVhZDhjZTYtMzJkMC00M2FiLWJlY jEtODI4YWQ2NWM5NjY2&hl=en). I have named and numbered the process you describe. Thank you!

It is no mystery that Australian central banking is quite akin to the Fed and Canadian Crown rule, as well as Great Britain. The admiralty rules (https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1EaV_bU7VImMzUwZmIzYzQtMzUzZC00MGY3LTkzM jMtZDg0ZjQ5MTExN2U0&hl=en) have been established to be quite of the same origin, as pointed out in 1994 by Proctor WISWALL. [After noticing his treatise was being scrubbed from the Web I recorded my call (https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1EaV_bU7VImZDFkNjFmOWUtMzQwZC00NGYzLWEwO WEtZjM3OGJlY2M3NTMx&hl=en) to his wife/assistant. She sounded as though people had criticised his openness about the 1938 One Form of Action (http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/8909/coloradolawbooks1935one.jpg).]

My assertion, based in collective experience of many suitors is that the non-endorsement of private credit causes the Setoff. Not the direction to rely on the obligations of the Australian government. That is related to the Credit on Account, but again, it implies there are funds in an account to draw upon (based in your birth certificate hypothecation theory). That account rests with the Person, not the Australian government. The obligations of the Australian government are only for the amount on the notes, whatever they use - I believe it is called the Australian Dollar. Of course Aussies call it the Dollar like we do.

What you do not know, is the next step in the collection process, or you would tell us. The $3.8K obligation was sold to a debt scavenger, possibly even an official looking department of the Department of Revenue there. It is nearly certain that the billing continued according to the notice - Docs 6 and 7. The law compelled the revenue officials to admit though, the Setoff had been executed by process of law.

I have several examples of the same and this is where the Lesson Plan around the Libel of Review comes into play - becoming a suitor. - Learning how to be a court of competent jurisdiction. Anywhere along this process you have shown will be a good place to Refuse for Cause the Presentment and wrap it inside a LoR in order to establish an evidence repository, but the main item to get into your evidence repository is that Setoff!

So a good scenario would be that when the bills resume, from either the Dept of Revenue or a debt scavenger, R4C and wrap that in a LoR. Especially with a debt scavenger a federal summons will quash things. The scavenger will not proceed and not only that, they cannot resell the debt in good faith - without telling the potential buyers about the LoR action in federal court! But for the future and for speeding tickets and soforth, once the suitor learns identity and redemption of lawful money, Record-Forming will keep these attempts to draw upon the Security of the Person (Aussie and Canadian 'saving to suitors' clause) from proceeding with the Refusal for Cause process.


David Merrill.

P.S. Here is how the IRS does it here:

Note that the amount on due the TIN account (SSN) is encoded in the SSN and DOB information at the bottom of the Remittance (http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/3528/irsliabilitycode.jpg). While after notice of the demand for lawful money that same Remittance form (http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/5701/irssetoff.jpg) will show no amount but the "00000000"s at the bottom. Setoff.

05-30-11, 09:23 PM
(Note: while a Provincial BC might not represent a share in Canada, it might represent a share in a Province.)