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07-02-14, 11:43 PM
Would it be advisable to use the title 12 sec 411/95a2 wording in the social security number field on the application ? Even if I have not mastered the process yet ,I think it may make thing's easier in the future when I do start redeeming.

I'm thinking I should record all the applications I fill out per, rule .803 as well ,since it is a record of stipulations of my employment, between me and the employer.

They want the birth certificate or a alien registration number as well, i'm a little hesitant with that, they must just want the NAME.

Thanks, everyone.

David Merrill
07-03-14, 01:46 AM
Would it be advisable to use the title 12 sec 411/95a2 wording in the social security number field on the application ? Even if I have not mastered the process yet ,I think it may make thing's easier in the future when I do start redeeming.

I'm thinking I should record all the applications I fill out per, rule .803 as well ,since it is a record of stipulations of my employment, between me and the employer.

They want the birth certificate or a alien registration number as well, i'm a little hesitant with that, they must just want the NAME.

Thanks, everyone.

Get the job. Keep your employer out of your redeeming lawful money.

I believe that it is inherent in remedy that you be prosperous.

07-03-14, 05:53 AM
Thank you David. I will give the employer what they want and distinguish FED notes from USN's on the account the bank provides when I demand discharge.

David Merrill
07-03-14, 01:59 PM
If your new employer provides the option of paper paychecks, that is easier for providing an abundance of evidence with the 1040 Form.

Michael Joseph
07-03-14, 02:39 PM
If your new employer provides the option of paper paychecks, that is easier for providing an abundance of evidence with the 1040 Form.

Not everyone has a checking account. Therefore, not everyone can get direct deposit. Therefore, if an employer "suggests" or "offers" direct deposit it may not be an option to just anyone. We found that most employers desire direct deposit as it "makes life simple" for the bean counters, but alas that does not leave us with a clear administrative remedy so therefore we have no checking account.

Cashing the checks at employers bank works great. Presumptions abound until they are rebutted. And in trust law the trustee is guilty until the trustee proves himself innocent.

Since the banks consider us to be UNSECURED CREDITORS under the U.C.C., why should I loan the bank a damn dime? Seeing that all they are doing is placing more and more debt on the backs of the American Serfs. I mean stop and think about that one for a second. IF I as lender, loan to a bank and the bank undertakes in fractional reserve practices that creates debt that must be repaid by myself and others in my class - 14th amendment subjects, then why should I loan anything to a bank? I am creating my own prison! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSzgOl73Mrs)

"No appeal on the docket today, just my own sin."

In the foregoing, my employer need not know anything concerning my affairs. If asked I might respond "I am doing this for tax reporting purposes". That always silences the ignorant. That is if I answer at all. Most times if I lack trust in another I will not respond because i do not desire a relationship.
