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View Full Version : Meet Congressman Kevin Yoder R-Kansas who put it in there.

12-16-14, 10:28 PM
WASHINGTON -- For all the anger among progressives about a Wall Street bailout provision that made its way into the just-passed $1.1 trillion government spending bill, there's been little attention on the person who put it in there.

Meet Congressman Kevin Yoder (R-Kansas). (http://yoder.house.gov/)

The story: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/15/kevin-yoder-wall-street-bailout_n_6329784.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592

Anyone live in Kansas should give him your opinion. He just increased the roman numerals on this clock (http://www.usdebtclock.org/) He is on FB too.

12-16-14, 11:47 PM
Speaking of screams, every American should check out retiring Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn’s swan song, a report he calls his Tax Decoder. If you have a strong stomach, you can read all 312 pages here. If you’re queasy, just skim this intro or these highlights. You can even watch a YouTube video here featuring Lady Gaga, Starbucks, IHOP and other stupid tax subsidies (sorry, but stupid is as stupid does). Your jaw may drop just to note these 20 zingers: http://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwood/2014/12/16/20-really-stupid-things-in-the-u-s-tax-code/

From the readers Robert, as you know, the Mayor of London Boris Johnson is currently locked in dispute with the IRS over the non-payment of capital gains taxes on the prior sale of his residence in England. The U.S. Ambassador to England Matthew Barzun’s recently commented on the controversy (see link for reference: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-12-09/u-s-ambassador-in-london-defends-facebook-over-soldier-murder.html) weighing in that ihe believes it is the responsibility of all US citizens to pay US taxes.

Ironically, today, on his Twitter feed, Ambassador Barzun points out that today is the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party (https://mobile.twitter.com/matthewbarzun), tweeting, “On #ThisDayinSR in 1773 the Boston Tea Party accelerated American independence from you know who. Reconciliation also a great story.”