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View Full Version : Babies Without Birth Certificates or SSNs

01-27-15, 06:27 AM
The document “Baby's with no birth certificates nor social security numbers” has been on this web page (http://mhkeehn.tripod.com/) for a considerable length of time, and in my view has not gotten the attention it deserves. To provide some interest in its content and merit I have decided to provide the following background information. Following the background information is the original “Baby's with no birth certificates nor social security numbers” document. We often see people whining about the actions taken by government with regards to ‘their’ children, but these same people will choose to ignore the information available when the opportunity presents itself. Additionally, be certain to read the warning at the end

Link to article (http://mhkeehn.tripod.com/births.pdf) updated as of September 16, 2013.

01-27-15, 02:37 PM
"The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”

That statement is true and became a reality where others said that was made up. (https://currenteventsusa.wordpress.com/2013/01/01/federal-reserve-social-security-and-your-servitude/)