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View Full Version : No Buying, No Selling for Jews or Christians In the Middle East?

03-10-15, 07:07 PM
When it comes to the conditions that exist in many Islamic nations for Christians, Dr. Labib Mikhail, a former professor of homiletics from the Faith Mission Bible College in Cairo, Egypt, states that one reason why people are forced to embrace Islam is because of the poverty they will assuredly find themselves in if they do not. “If you don’t embrace Islam you may not find a job; you may not find an apartment, and you’ll be in financial trouble” [4]. Non-Muslims, particularly Christians and Jews, living in Muslim-dominated countries are finding themselves subjected to an ever increasing wave of discrimination, oppression and persecution at the hands of the Ummah (Islamic Community). Even today a Christian in a Muslim country is often treated as a second-class citizen or worse, unable to serve in the military or police, many cannot work or own a business, or even find a place to live. They cannot own a weapon to defend themselves, nor can they testify against a Muslim in court, etc. etc. etc. [5]. And this type of treatment is getting worse, not better. (Update: Read here to find out just how much worse this has become in 2011 alone).

According to NIFCON (Network for Inter Faith Concerns) in Iraq, for example, minorities have faced a tremendous crisis due to their religious identity and are increasingly becoming targets of unprecedented terror. Canon Andrew White, vicar of St. George’s Anglican Church in Bagdad and head of the Foundation for Reconciliation and Reconstruction in the Middle East, testified as a witness in 2007 at a hearing that Christians, in particular, “are being disproportionately targeted” and many Christians are being threatened either to convert to Islam or face execution [6]. In fact, in April 2011, “an Iraqi Muslim scholar issued a fatwa that, among other barbarities, asserts that ‘it is permissible to spill the blood of Iraqi Christians.’ … Among other atrocities, beheading and crucifying Christians are not irregular occurrences; messages saying ‘you Christian dogs, leave or die,’ are typical. Islamists see the church as an ‘obscene nest of pagans’ and threaten to ‘exterminate Iraqi Christians.'” [7].

Think about this very carefully. According to the Greek text of Revelation 13:17-18 it isn’t just someone who hasn’t received the “Mark of the Beast” on the right hand or forehead that cannot buy or sell. In order to buy or sell they must have the Mark of the Beast *or* the name of the Beast *or* the number of its name. In other words, those able to buy or sell are counted among the number of they who submit to the authority of the Beast empire or kingdom, not because they have been physically marked in the right hand or forehead for all to see, but because they are considered one of them ideologically or culturally or religiously in speech and practise. Consider these recent new stories, for instance:

Islamic State’ Orders Muslim Employers To Fire All Christians (https://midnightwatcher.wordpress.com/2014/07/22/isis-caliphate-orders-muslim-employers-to-fire-all-christian-workers-cuts-off-water-to-more-christians/)
Egypt: Businesses Told Not To Sell To, Or Buy From, Christians
Muslims Demand Christian Bookstores Stop Selling Christian Material (https://midnightwatcher.wordpress.com/2012/08/22/egypt-muslims-demand-at-least-seventeen-christian-bookstores-stop-selling-christian-idolatry/)
Muslim Mobs Attacking Christian Businesses And Pharmacies In Egypt (https://midnightwatcher.wordpress.com/2013/05/16/destruction-muslim-mobs-attacking-christian-owned-businesses-and-pharmacies-in-northern-egypt/)
Iran Refusing Business License For Christians, ‘Do Not To Employ Them’ (https://midnightwatcher.wordpress.com/2012/07/16/iran-islamic-republic-refusing-business-license-for-convert-to-christianity-orders-businesses-not-to-employ-christians/)
Pakistan: Armed Muslims Attack Money-Making Christians In Sheikhupura (https://midnightwatcher.wordpress.com/2013/09/14/pakistan-armed-muslims-attack-money-making-christians-in-sheikhupura/)
Say The Islamic Statement Of Faith, Or You Cannot Buy From Muslim Stores (http://archives.joelstrumpet.com/?p=3395)
Syrian Rebels To Christians: Comply With Islamic Law, Otherise It’s No Jobs, Death (https://midnightwatcher.wordpress.com/2013/08/05/syria-islamist-rebels-threaten-christians/)
Egypt: No Business, No Money, No Home: Christians Flee As Islamists Seek Take Over
Egypt: ‘When I Apply To Any Job And They Know That I’m Christian, They Refuse Me’ (https://midnightwatcher.wordpress.com/2013/05/30/unemployed-and-christian-in-egypt-when-i-apply-to-any-job-and-they-know-that-im-christian-they-refuse-me/)
Iraq: Islamists Destroy Christian Businesses, ‘If Anyone Reopens His Store, We’ll Kill Him’ (https://midnightwatcher.wordpress.com/2011/12/06/islamists-in-iraq-to-christians-if-anyone-decides-to-reopen-his-store-we-will-kill-kim/)
Iraq: ISIS Terrorists Stop Christians From Selling Homes, Kill Real Estate Agents For Doing Business With Them (https://midnightwatcher.wordpress.com/2014/05/25/iraq-muslims-stop-christians-from-selling-homes-kill-real-esate-agents-for-doing-business-with-them/)

And these are simply some of the incidents that we know about.

On one hand, while many are coming face to face with the threat of death for not converting to Islam, other Christians elsewhere are threatened to convert in other ways that, for some, make life extremely difficult. In many Islamic nations, for instance, everyone must be given an ID card and this ID card specifies what religion you are, such as “M” for Muslim or “C” for Christian or “J” for Jew. For example, “Christian converts and members of minority religions suffer daily discrimination in Egypt, which restricts their access to work, education, travel and healthcare… Every Egyptian over 16 years old must have an ID card which mentions religious belief”. In fact, “an ID card is required for the most basic needs in Egypt — to open a bank account, get a driver’s licence, obtain a pension cheque, enrol at school, get a job, and even for childhood immunisations…” Some Muslims will convert to another faith other than Christianity, but “Muslims who convert to Christianity account for many more and their treatment is often harsher as they are considered to be apostates, which some Muslims see as punishable by death” [8]. And now, since the fall of Hosni Mubarak and the rise of the ‘Egyptian Revolution,’ the situation has worsened dramatically for Jews and Christians. This is where Islamic supremacy veiled in a cloak of ‘democracy’ will take you in a country where Islam is the overwhelming, dominant religion. It’s like Sunni and Shia. It’s like iron and clay. Democracy and Islamism will never fully mix.

These sort of conditions exist for Jews and Christians all throughout North Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere where Islam dominates or seeks domination, from the Ivory Coast to Nigeria, Sudan, Ethiopia, Tunisia, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Pakistan, Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, The Maldives, Bangladesh and others.

When we begin to understand the dire social and economic conditions that Christians are increasingly facing in Islamic nations we then begin to understand that they who will not be able to buy or sell, or are targeted for execution, are those Christians that refuse to submit to Islam both in mind (forehead) and in deed (right hand) yet are forced to remain in Islamic nations during the rise of the Beast. How can a non-Muslim “infidel” — who is often threatened with death — buy or sell if they are not permitted to work and earn money, if they are not granted permits to open a business, if the superior Muslim will refuse to sell to the inferior “dhimmi”? As bad as this situation is now, it is only going to get worse.(Source (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:iylz_RYy3t4J:https://midnightwatcher.wordpress.com/2011/03/22/the-mark-of-the-beast-what-your-church-may-not-be-telling-you/+&cd=18&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us))


Christian Bishop In Egypt: Christians Are Currently Experiencing Their Worst Time In Recent Centuries, Many Now Unable To Buy Or Sell (https://midnightwatcher.wordpress.com/2011/11/05/christian-bishop-in-egypt-christians-are-currently-experiencing-their-worst-time-in-recent-centuries-many-now-unable-to-buy-or-sell/)
The Mark of the Beast – What Your Church May Not Be Telling You (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:iylz_RYy3t4J:https://midnightwatcher.wordpress.com/2011/03/22/the-mark-of-the-beast-what-your-church-may-not-be-telling-you/+&cd=18&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us) (Cached)
The Mark of the Beast – What Your Church May Not Be Telling You (https://midnightwatcher.wordpress.com/2011/03/22/the-mark-of-the-beast-what-your-church-may-not-be-telling-you/)