View Full Version : The Harlot's Connection to Arabia

03-10-15, 11:51 PM
Unlocking Mystery Babylon The Mother Of Harlots – editorial
The Harlot’s Connection To Arabia

For many years, the teaching that the Harlot of Revelation is Rome or the Catholic Church has reigned within many Protestant circles. Today, most Western Analysts have diverged from this theory, and rightly so. Yet the problem of searching for alternatives leaves many in the dark – most Western Analysts are looking for a global Harlot that combines all religious systems and is political in nature, like Rome was. Yet neither Rome nor this “combination universal religion” Harlot conforms to many of the basic Scriptural descriptions of the Harlot. I have compiled seven reasons to prove this point. The Harlot described in the Bible must be in Arabia.

[Source/more (http://www.vriendenvanisrael.nl/?p=3711)]


P.S. Rome's (legs) association with Babylon (head) perhaps ought not be forgotten.