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View Full Version : The Income Tax Scam

03-26-11, 06:00 AM
Well it's tax season again and many Americans are gathering records in preparation for the dreaded filing by April 18th 2011. If you've had doubts about our system of taxation, that it may not be .. what it appears to be .. you're not alone. You may have done some digging into the issue. What you've found, perhaps glimpsed at around the curtain, is part of the greatest scam of all time, the banking cartel's meisterwerk. I refer of course, to the Federal Reserve/IRS scam. A type of quiet war has been waged against us. My estimate of the annual take:

federal (& state) income tax; about $2 trillion beyond what it would if Americans realized it's mostly optional nature and opted-out.
hidden tax of inflation by use of depreciating Federal Reserve Notes/credit. On average 6% loss per year (the CPI/BLS figure is bogus). Dollar amount hard to pin down, but consider the loss of savings, and that wages/pay are the last item to rise. Theft via "unjust weights & measures."
The dollar's reserve currency status. This may have more to do with power than $ but, forcing other countries to peg to, or convert to USD in trade, benefits the cabal in many ways.

The FEDERAL INCOME TAX is a very sophisticated scheme of, well, robbing you blind. That I could convince you of that here is unlikely. My intent is merely to help you, and as consequence, help the nation.

A few years back I bought Pete HENDRICKSON's 270-page Cracking the Code which he has now made freely available (http://losthorizons.com/CtCforFree.pdf). The book is mostly a dissection of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) -a representation of the statutes- shown to be an elaborate maze of smoke & mirrors, deceptive, with custom-defined terms, made to look like it applies to you when it actually only applies to a small minority of Americans. Unless you consent into it. To succeed the scheme needs your consent, it relies on self-assessment and voluntary compliance. He makes clear it's an excise tax (on govt-granted privilege) and the courts have upheld it as such. While he does describe some strategies, there really is no "CTC method." I've used the knowledge without any problems, but you need to consider various "info returns" (W2, 1099s, etc) payers send to the IRS which carry the presumption of INCOME (a term not defined in the IRC). Before you write him off with "Oh, he's sitting in jail." remember, that's what the cartel wants you to think. This is primarily a battle for your mind. Conditioning. To Pete's credit it took the DOJesters 8 years to get their coveted conviction from a jury given interpreted law from a black-robe yet prohibited from seeing the law themselves (those 2 jurors were promptly replaced). Judge ROSEN instructed the jury that what Hendrickson reported was incorrect (despite no evidence being presented to that effect) and told that it was required to make its decisions based on those instructions, the jury understandably found him guilty. You have a natural, common-law right to work without excise.

The other book helpful to me was Phil HART's Constitutional Income: Do You Have Any? (http://www.constitutionalincome.com) In the early 1900s and as a result of banking panics there was a clamor to "tax the rich." Of course the elites never let a crisis go to waste and the 16th Amendment was passed to do that, with no intent to tax the average working man, although the IRS claims authority from it. Whether the 16th really did that or not is for you to decide but the book is an in-depth look at the mood of the country via the Congressional Record and newspapers of the day. Exegesis.

What's in YOUR wallet? Are you endorsing privilege on the back of your paycheck and thus made liable for federal excise? Learn about LAWFUL MONEY & the Federal Reserve Act (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?18). Your remedy is in the law. David Merrill & his brain trust here have an ability to clearly see what many of us cannot. Near as I can tell they've achieved a success in this matter heretofore not seen in these united States. Listen to them!

IMHO, the combination of knowledge learned from those three sources will set you free. Your choices this year are:

1 - file in conflict with info return amounts
2 - file in line with info return amounts
3 - don't file at all

Mark Christopher
03-29-11, 02:02 PM
Stonefree very nice,
I would like to add though if the person (typically a person using a SSN created by the SSA for said person( and said person is typically the berth certificate person))[hmm are we stacking trusts?] does banking or has a info form filed on it (from an employer) the person is required to file a return for that person. Now who animates that person? A man, in this case. Does he get paid to operate this legal entity? Does he have a SSN? Of course not, you can not have a SSN, it is not YOUR PROPERTY. Stop admitting it is. They want you to identify with that thing, like it is you. If you do you are THEIR PROPERTY...period.

I like the idea of creating a business account at a bank, dba, such as John Henry dba JOHN HENRY SMITH (of course Demand is made for lawful money on all transactions) . Now who is doing what? You are running it as a business as it should be. You have one identity (whatever that may be, I am) stop letting those legal constructs Identify you unless you are intending to use it right. This is Captain (trustee) John Henry of the Good Ship JOHN HENRY SMITH (Trust) with ID number xxx-xx-xxxx. Pilot it, don't let it pilot you. Ahoy!!


03-29-11, 08:57 PM
Great analogy.