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03-30-15, 05:30 AM
This is from the book Arrest Proof Yourself.

(Adult and Youth templates in following post. Of course one can make one's own using Inkscape, MS Word or the like.)


03-30-15, 05:43 AM
Adult Version:

03-30-15, 05:44 AM
Youth version:


03-30-15, 03:22 PM
How are these working out for you?

03-30-15, 03:56 PM
The author's suggests definitely aren't anything new. As for utility: different folks might be at different levels or have different perspectives on how they approach their safeguarding their liberties. Some might find the above directly useful or might find such useful in helping others especially youth. I have found the above more useful for helping youth stay out of trouble. The handiness of having your attorney's business card and business card's of a friend in law enforcement on hand just about goes without saying.

03-30-15, 04:06 PM
I don't have an attorney, I have David Merrill. So you're a youth worker?

03-30-15, 09:19 PM
One who works youth? Like a steel worker but only makes things out of youths? Doesn't sound friendly or humane. Probably better to have David Merrill than to have an an attorney.

04-01-15, 03:21 AM
To seek the redress of grievances by going to law, is like sheep running for shelter to a bramble bush. - Lewis W. Dilwyn

Of course one can simply use World Passport (http://www.worldservice.org/) and Identity card, with no Person and no SSN.


04-01-15, 08:41 AM
Good suggestion. It would be great if you could make a post about the WSA passport and its usefulness. As you know, different people have different levels of competency and different ways of managing their lives. This thread isn't to say that anyone must use street creds, its really to show the concept/idea with believe that its likely that each person would come up with their own ideas and possibly modify it. The idea is to generate positive discussion rather than trolling.

04-01-15, 08:44 AM
Good suggestion. It would be great if you could make a post about the WSA passport and its usefulness. As you know, different people have different levels of competency and different ways of managing their lives. This thread isn't to say that anyone must use street creds, its really to show the concept/idea with believe that its likely that each person would come up with their own ideas and possibly modify it. The idea is to generate positive discussion rather than trolling. There are those who are regarded to be sovereigns who keep attorneys in retainer--not to represent them but to carry out certain duties in case of emergencies (i.e. kind've like a private clerk).

04-01-15, 08:45 AM
Good suggestion. It would be great if you could make a post about the WSA passport and its usefulness. Fro many years of experience, different people have different levels of competency and different ways of managing their lives. This thread isn't to say that anyone must use "street creds", its really to show the concept/idea with believe that its likely that each person would come up with their own ideas and possibly modify it. The idea is to generate positive, creative, helpful discussion rather than to attract trolling. FYI, there are those who are regarded to be sovereigns who keep attorneys in retainer--not to represent them but to carry out certain duties in case of emergencies (i.e. kind've like a clerk).

You seem to strongly believe in doing things a certain way so why don't you make posts to explain your views to help other people rather than preach to the choir? [If you look at my posts on this site and David Merrills you will see references to the WSA passport. Oddly enough, I'm unable to locate a thread I made about it.] If you notice, the thread isn't about travel but about "street creds" (not "border creds"). Its not about "ID" but about a method of providing information in support of ID (i.e. pre-printed list of references). Most anyone with a modicum of intelligence could see how such could be useful or how they could modify this to suit their situation.

I make little to zero presumption about anyone's lack or excess of knowledge or wisdom. One might be in a different situation than another. One might find Street Creds perfect as is. One might find it useful for a friend. One might not need it at all.

04-01-15, 11:26 AM
One thing everyone should know about IDs or credentials is that the address should always be presented with c/o or mailing address only: The reason for this is, an address, in equity law, is the jurisdiction of the court. So if you mistakenly put OH or KY on your address, you just put yourself into federal jurisdiction within an equity court (federal zone). Not a good idea.

04-01-15, 12:03 PM
Excellent point. It might be even better to add "private" in front of the house number as in "private 100 Mayberry avenue".

04-01-15, 09:45 PM
Good suggestion. It might be even better to append "discharge" to the end of the house number as in "Related: private 100 Mayberry avenue, full acquittance and discharge".

04-02-15, 12:14 AM
Clearly you have zero to offer but distraction and troll-ism despite the fact that others have sought to help you privately and charitably. The above appears to be evidence of your goal to troll and make remedies seem less significant and to hinder especially those who are just starting out.

To reiterate, the word 'private' in front the street number and street would serve to assert a distinction from 'public' or 'residential'. Without it public or residential would likely be presumed.

(For background: back in the mid-90s through to the early 2000s, at least one or two articles about the distinction between private and residential were available on the Internet along with information on how to see to it that property where the mortgage was paid off was flagged private rather than residential. Residential property is not technically private property.)

04-02-15, 12:02 PM
Allodial my youngster is 16 and a punk when it comes to police encounters i say punk cause most kids just end up crying like all punks do when faced with injustice or justice now the biggest one punked is when the my kid shows the creds and acts like the officer has been served the guy cops are less trouble than lady officers according to my son and his mixed group of friends one friend is the daughter of deputy police chief so having the deputy chiefs name levels out the bad ass kid punk profile for the ticket interrogating officer even if you do not know the deputy chief take your kid to the cop shop and show him what to expect when he meets the police and let the chief know what to expect from your kid loitering is a $100.00 fine outside a movie theatre that kids are waiting to be picked up from after the show the citation needs only a address like pumpkin said kids in back seat of a car talkin on cell phone with a 17 year old driver charged with not pulling over so kid in back seat could talk so its a great interdiction prohibit (an action or thing) or forbid (someone) to do something, especially by legal or ecclesiastical order a kid is a great place to be great information to keep it that way.sorry for spelling and grammar i have no skills or staff just enthusiasm.

04-02-15, 02:01 PM
ADDRESS. Place where mail or other communications
will reach person. Munson v. Bay State
Dredging & Contracting Co., 314 Mass. 435, 50
N.E.2d 633, 636. Generally a place of business or
Part of a bill wherein is given the appropriate
and technical description of the court in which
the bill is filed.

Here is what I was referring to.

"$100.00 fine outside a movie theatre that kids are waiting to be picked up from after the show the citation needs only a address like pumpkin said"

You should not teach a kid law. A kid that knows law can speed until he kills someone. It is for the responsible only, and kids are not responsible. That being said, you have the right to take over for him in any legal matters. It is a common law rule and is backed up in the rules of court and statutory law. I've done this, and it is no problem. That way you can handle the issue and leave your son out of it long enough to mature some. Anyone paying a 'citation' has no clue about law. Unless they just want to pay it.

04-02-15, 02:53 PM
I agree with respecting the police when i said beating speeding tickets it was a reference to suitors who have cut their teeth with those mechanics and how it applies to all court standing. Identification for the young ones is as far as that has to go if your providing a car for a kid your the police how to handle speeding tickets i wont go there my point is kids 15/yr 18yrs get tickets for every thing and who pays thats what creds has levelled the playing field not created a pass to act up. a raw deal stays with a kid especially when Dad has to pay.

Michael Joseph
04-02-15, 02:57 PM
You should not teach a kid law. A kid that knows law can speed until he kills someone. It is for the responsible only, and kids are not responsible.

Thus the Law is for the lawless. And the carnal minded ones are at once at hatred or enmity against the law. Therefore the parables are riddles hidden to those who are carnal minded. Otherwise those who are carnal would seek to take over the Kingdom in their ignorance.

A government has been established for certain Peoples for a certain class of beneficiaries. Other governments constitute their interests for themselves. A presumption exists - regarding which government is one undertaking upon and within? Perhaps neither? Therefore one must Declare Himself.

One can do this in a number of different ways. Territorial State in Claim, or Political State in Claim or in Church. If the latter, then there are two paths. One path leads to subjection under an existing government. Another path leads to complete freedom. And that leads us back to the beginning....the law is not made for the lawless.

04-02-15, 03:31 PM
The original topic is related to a suggestion from a book (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?1516-Arrest-Proof-Yourself) written mainly to wise up folks who might have run-ins with police--mainly those of allegedly 'disadvantaged economic' persuasion. And its a good idea overall to have your act together when going out and about--especially kids because it seems more and more kids are being targeted by ruthless types of cops who have little to zero regard for age (5 or 15 or 50).

Michael Joseph
04-02-15, 10:45 PM
The original topic is related to a suggestion from a book (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?1516-Arrest-Proof-Yourself) written mainly to wise up folks who might have run-ins with police--mainly those of allegedly 'disadvantaged economic' persuasion. And its a good idea overall to have your act together when going out and about--especially kids because it seems more and more kids are being targeted by ruthless types of cops who have little to zero regard for age (5 or 15 or 50).

Yes indeed. We do not teach our children in a traditional method. Therefore we have a lot of time during the week to explore and do non-traditional things. One day I decided it might be interesting to take the children downtown to sit in the gallery and watch court for a couple of hours. Afterwards my daughter mentioned that she noticed the DA did the exact same thing at every case. Within minutes she understood the game.

The system is rigged to take from those that have not. Our goal here is to teach so that many can understand and then "pay it forward" to help another. Nevertheless pride and fear are terrible enemies within our own camp [mind] and these strong men must be bound and thrown out.

When I have run-ins with the Metro/State police I never give them a hard time. In fact if they want to take me downtown so be it - it is an opportunity to teach. Therefore I let them do their job. The last time this happened to me I told the guy to do what he had to do but that I was aware of his presentments and their nature and I refuse to bind myself to those obligations. Which of course he did not understand. So in the future I will most likely just not bother at all.

I have family and friends who work as police officers and one family member let me ride along one day. If the public could see what these guys go thru on a daily basis they would feel differently about them; however, that does not mean that I trust the police - I trust my brother in law. I don't know the police. In fact I don't trust the police at all. I would NEVER pull over for anyone on a dark highway - if I was to pull over it would be at the next WELL LIT public parking mini-market. I would call the Trustee and ask him to make provision to come get the vehicle.

Some folks "ask for trouble" some folks are just depressed based on their status in life and some folks are just plain stupid, and others are just plain unlucky - but to say someone deserved brutality or abuse is just wrong. Any officer of the state should be hung by his nuts for abusing another human being. But in society the "dogs of war" are admired and the peace lovers are abused. "God bless our troops you know" and all other such bull excrement.

When you begin to really study social psychology you will find that which is going on within the human psyche plays out in society. Therefore to the Pharisee - "the Kingdom of God is within you". And that which is within will manifest without. Currently the Satan of the Carnal Mind is ruling in the temple of God and as such, there exist oppression and lamentation. There is nothing new under the sun. However, the wise will not put themselves in a position so that there is a statistical probability of failure or oppression.

Whilst I will not argue that there is oppression in this world, I would maintain that many folks make decisions that are not always wise. I will leave it at that. Nevertheless, when I was in the service at 20 years of age I saw with my own two eyes my dark skinned brothers being harassed for no reason at all except that they were walking down the sidewalk minding their own business. Many a day I had to produce ID just to appease the sadistic mind of the harassing officer.

Programming 101. Now that I recognize the program, I teach my children so they don't have to fall prey to those who might seek to get a monetary gain upon their estates. Knowledge [gnosis] is the key. Those who remain ignorant are subject to those who willingly oppress. The other day someone called me a gnostic. I almost fell off my chair laughing. But that is for another thread.
