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05-28-15, 12:04 PM
Alberta's leading independent school, the Webber Academy, was just ordered by that province's so-called "Human Rights Commission" to pay $26,000 to the families of two Muslim students who were refused permission to pray in that non-denominational school.

Source (http://www.therebel.media/)

Video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XELWyJeKSV0&feature=youtu.be)

05-28-15, 06:13 PM
I must admit that I am not too up on Canadian law, but do they not have any courts up there? How does a 'commission' order anything but takeout?

05-29-15, 12:57 AM
would anyone agree they aren't men and women that file these corporate complaints as religious believes have no monetary attachment as if Muslim students might start at 6am and all the faithfuls need never prey in a secular infidel interment/ as there up at five prayin be home at 3 prayers answered Allah has no respect for persons well who gets the 26k a dead fiction or corpse with a Muslim NAME just sayin

05-30-15, 03:55 AM
Could that "order" be a standard pre-trial demand letter from a private organization pretending to be government? (see Administrative Law).

P.S. Why do the gays, Muslims and feminists seem to be working together symbiotically?

David Merrill
05-30-15, 07:02 AM
Thank you Allodial;

That was where I was headed. I find California particularly frustrating because the operate through the Franchise Tax Board.

Likewise here in Colorado there is a statute saying one can supply a sworn affidavit that he or she has no SSN when applying for a driver license. However in the Driver Manual there is notice you must have a letter from the SSA - contrary to the law and statute. But that is the policy of the Department of Revenue as an administrative government so...

Funny though, another administrative government requested "my" SSN and was not able to verify it through the driver license! So should I choose electronic payments in the second administrative agency they gave me a 12-digit ID # nothing like the SSN. It might be that they noted I keep the driver license in the car, not my wallet. I explained that I do not use my driver license for identification purposes. "You said you have no SSN!", said the clerk. "That is right". - As I punched the numbers in a calculator - so nobody would hear me say it.

05-30-15, 06:36 PM
That was where I was headed. I find California particularly frustrating because the operate through the Franchise Tax Board.

Like pretty much any person/entity that has a California tax ID in the State of California is by default an agency (franchisee and customer) of the FTB when it comes to tax collection. If there is a sharing of civil awards with the State, that is probably why they are made to appear to be a government organization (the State gets a share and the FTB is the peering collection agency). Fake government posing as government getting government help with the appearance only because of a profit-sharing plan with the State? Hmm that might explain a lot of things.

Funny though, another administrative government requested "my" SSN and was not able to verify it through the driver license! So should I choose electronic payments in the second administrative agency they gave me a 12-digit ID # nothing like the SSN. It might be that they noted I keep the driver license in the car, not my wallet. I explained that I do not use my driver license for identification purposes. "You said you have no SSN!", said the clerk. "That is right". - As I punched the numbers in a calculator - so nobody would hear me say it.

[Dolores Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary, Ministry of Magic (http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Senior_Undersecretary_to_the_Minister_for_Magic) - Dolores Umbridge is the only person known to have held the title, serving under Cornelius Fudge, Rufus Scrimgeour, as well as then Pius Thicknesse, until she was arrested and imprisoned in Azkaban for her crimes against Muggle-borns (http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Muggle-born) in 1998.]

When the non-law suggestion diverges from the law, I more and more see the suggestion as bait (counteroffer) into "Administrative La La Land"--"No, thank you" being words used to decline being teleported into Oz. So the legal positivist (lawyer-wizard-psychologist (http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Senior_Undersecretary_to_the_Minister_for_Magic)) might be inclined to lie (or, alternatively, to suggest). Someone's acceptance of such an offer (counteroffer or suggestion) to be transported to Oz would might make non-law as if "positive law"?

I'm reminded at this time of being told about houses I was in the process of purchasing that "BTW, the Historical Society won't let you do this or that." Although I would for the most part tend to avoid harming the historic qualities of a property or neighborhood, I smirked inwardly at the front office legislation. They are presuming you're going to delegate authority to one private tribunal or another. In the U.S.A. the realtors are more often than not used as pushers for all kinds of nonsense regarding "what you can" or "what you can't do" (legislation by rumor). Imagine legal-positivist suggestion and rumors from your neighborhood realtor being taken as "covenants that run with land" unless you specifically decline? Oh my.

Refusal for cause and right of avoidance ..so very important. It might be worthwhile having a template letter for asking any person if they are a bona-fide government official and showing them the law and penalties for falsely impersonating a government official...giving them 3 to 15 to 30 days to show proof. (Much like a Writ of Quo Warranto)


Writ of Quo Warranto
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quo_warranto)Writ of Quominus (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?1577-Writ-of-Quominus)

05-31-15, 12:30 AM
a bye law is a term that kills any honesty as it would suggest private property is protected bye law a officer is a peace officer or some patented process bye law officer a complaint is under 5000k who gets paid for looking in at your house yes a template in bronze the notice states no survey no solicitation while covering your door bell. that bell invites or facilities the invitation and instrument to summons one answer a door. once your armed trespassers have a complaint they head to hearsay hypothetical solicitation one of my favorites can u show us your drivers license at the front door the house trap pulling over a guy in his house is who,s emergency remember when all the lights are on yet nobodies named appearance is home once who owns the house cant be identified as a person is this house getting arrested as its a person templates between shores lodi make a home safer get rid of those personal ghosts

05-31-15, 11:18 PM

By laws are codes or regulations (perhaps see also "administrative law" or "private law").

06-01-15, 12:12 AM
its our custom or SOCIETY,s we agreed at common law or common knowledge if a individual man stands unmolested in common law what notwithstanding this standing still exists in his given society.Expulsion from membership [BYE-LAWS ] OF THE LAW SOCIETY
[Adopted on 5 July 2012 by the Annual General Meeting amended 9 July 20 [by-law ] is a instrument Subject to Bye-Law 15, the Council may grant affiliate status to any foreign
lawyer not eligible for election as a member of the Society. bye announced law = by laws lawmakers are styled bye or by putting magic spells or spelling casting law wordsmiths

06-01-15, 12:15 AM
Note that not only is there a Law Society for British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Québec (two really), New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, Yukon there is still a Law Society of Upper Canada (there is a Law Society of the Northwest Territories too). :)

Created by an act of the Legislative Assembly in 1797, the Law Society of Upper Canada governs Ontario’s lawyers and paralegals in the public interest by ensuring that the people of Ontario are served by lawyers and paralegals who meet high standards of learning, competence and professional conduct.

Where is the capital of Canada? What did Ottawa used to be called (Bytown)? Is it any coincidence that Ottawa f/k/a Bytown is situated within Upper Canada's exterior boundaries? Doesn't that mean that the Law Society of Upper Canada predates than the Federation?



06-01-15, 12:37 AM
on this site one gets hit with a few sticks and stones and stories now lodi you hits like a gravel road bye and thnx for a good load of gravel as one makes his bed bye law he has to sleep in it smooth blacktop who,s not paving attention. building a base forget sticks and stones more gravel less GAVEL

06-01-15, 01:00 AM

Canadian solution
06-01-15, 03:04 AM
Canada is a Bijural country.They don't bother to hide it, but they make it hard to get to the common law

06-01-15, 03:31 AM
Canada is a Bijural country.They don't bother to hide it, but they make it hard to get to the common law

That might be the nature of federations.

07-08-15, 11:11 PM
So the funny thing about commissionaires. They are basically administrative judges. When you sign contracts you agree to binding decisions from commissionaires. CRA decisions are issued by ... commissionaires. RCMP is headed by.... a commissionaire.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/r-10/


5. (1) The Governor in Council may appoint an officer, to be known as the Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, to hold office during pleasure, who, under the direction of the Minister, has the control and management of the Force and all matters connected with the Force.


9.6 (1) The Commissioner may, on the request of any department as defined in section 2 of the Financial Administration Act or if he or she considers it necessary or in the public interest, appoint, for periods of not more than 12 months, special constables supernumerary to the strength of the Force for the purpose of maintaining law and order.

UK Reference: http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/manuals/intmanual/intm441040.htm

What is a commissionaire and how does it work?
At arm’s length, the lower the risk and activity, the lower the profit a distributor can expect to earn. This gave rise to a number of new structures for distributors, one of the most common of which was the commissionaire arrangement

A commissionaire is an arrangement recognised under the European civil law concept of agency. Under civil law, a commissionaire can enter into sales contracts in its own name, but on behalf of the principal, where the commissionaire does not usually bind the principal. In theory the customer cannot sue the principal - there is no contractual relationship between the principal and the customer.

A typical commissionaire structure for a manufacturing business operating cross border is shown in the diagram below, where the manufacturer is the principal, and the distributor is the commissionaire.