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07-13-15, 03:27 PM
Target: Patton: The Plot to Assassinate General George S. Patton


He was the most controversial American general in World War II—and also one of the most successful, courageous, and audacious. As a postwar administrator of defeated Germany, he sounded alarm bells about the dangers of Soviet encroachment into Europe. Politically, he was a lightning rod—an outspoken conservative who continually embarrassed his superiors with his uncensored, undiplomatic, and unrestrained comments to the press. He was General George S. Patton Jr., old Blood and Guts.

In 1945, shortly before he was to fly home to the states as a conquering hero, he was involved in a mysterious car crash that left him partially paralyzed.

Two weeks later, just as his doctors were about to send him home to finish his recovery, he was dead.
The army ruled the car crash an accident, his death natural. Yet witness testimony on the crash conflicted, key players in the incident disappeared, official reports vanished, soldiers were ordered to keep silent, and there was no autopsy performed on the body.

Investigative and military reporter Robert Wilcox, author of Black Aces High and Wings of Fury, has spent more than ten years investigating these mysteries, and in Target: Patton he has written an electrifying account of the shocking circumstances—long hidden from the public—surrounding the death of America's most famous general. In Target: Patton, you'll discover:

The extraordinary war hero, artist, and mercenary who said he was ordered by U.S. intelligence to assassinate Patton
The OSS agent who knew Patton was in danger and tried to save him
New evidence from recently declassified documents revealing doubts about the official version of Patton's death
The final stories of those involved in the accident, including those who were thought to have disappeared—until now

Provocative, shocking, and compelling, Target: Patton takes you through the maze of denials, contradictions, and treacheries behind one of the great unsolved mysteries of World War II.

From the Back Cover

What really happened to General George S. Patton?

He was the most controversial American general in World War II—and also one of the most successful. As a post–war administrator of defeated Germany, he sounded alarm bells about the dangers of Soviet encroachment into Europe. Politically, he was a lightning rod—an outspoken conservative who continually embarrassed his superiors with his uncensored, undiplomatic, and unrestrained comments to the press.

In 1945, shortly before he was to fly home to the states as a conquering hero, he was involved in a mysterious car crash that left him partially paralyzed. Two weeks later, just as his doctors were about to send him home to finish his recovery, he was dead.

The army ruled the car crash an accident, his death natural. Yet witness testimony on the crash conflicted, key players in the incident disappeared, official reports vanished, soldiers were ordered to keep silent, and there was no autopsy performed on the body.

Investigative and military reporter Robert K. Wilcox, author of Black Aces High and Wings of Fury, has spent more than ten years investigating these mysteries and takes you through the maze of denials, contradictions, and treacheries behind one of the great unsolved mysteries of World War II.

Amazon link (for book) (http://www.amazon.com/Target-Patton-Assassinate-General-Collection/dp/1621572919)

07-13-15, 05:31 PM
Bandito his morals over medals, Patton,s Cyrus the Great approach would have destroyed the Bank of patriotic psychopaths cutting it up in GENEVA OR SCAPEGOATing or gloating From The Hague before ANY war gets its financial start the CRIME, S and penalties awarding contracts a point a CEO a neutral banking power Swiss papal guard the MONEY. A War Guilt clause. The treaty forced Germany to disarm, then [quietly] rearm for round two. Forfeit any strategic iand with all substantial territorial concessions, [later declare bank war # two a return on the same concessions reunification ] the bank named Germany will pay reparations to certain BANKS called countries that had formed the Entente powers. In 1921 the total cost $31.4 billion 10 years and the indefinite postponement of reparations at the Lausanne Conference of 1932.for a planed new war amortized reparations. OLD BLOOD AND GUTS considered his Men over money.If he means anything to me Its this, MONEY HAS NO GUTS Its a Man,s Blood lost not money pricks cant and never lost or will lose any Money.Blood Banks George was closing in on that Swiss ACCOUNT.

ag maniac
07-13-15, 06:23 PM
.......If he means anything to me Its this MONEY HAS NO GUTS ........

Good one, xparte !!!