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View Full Version : Kim Davis Released From Jail

09-09-15, 01:00 PM
After five days behind bars that helped make her a hero to the religious right, county clerk Kim Davis was ordered released from jail Tuesday by the federal judge who locked her up for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples.

U.S. District Judge David Bunning lifted the contempt order against Davis, saying he was satisfied that her deputies were fulfilling their obligation to grant licenses to same-sex couples in her absence. But he warned Davis not to interfere.

The move came down just before Davis received jailhouse visits from Republican presidential candidates Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz.

Article here:

P.S. One thing, she has more balls than a lot of guys I've come across.

09-09-15, 01:17 PM
It would be a good time for a challenge to the actual meaning of the 14th Amendment right now (it is what draws this into being a federal issue). Maybe federal equitable jurisdiction does not reach one of the people of the several States concerning their actions within the State.

09-09-15, 01:18 PM
It would be a good time for a challenge to the actual meaning of the 14th Amendment right now (it is what draws this into being a federal issue). Maybe federal equitable jurisdiction does not reach one of the people of the several States concerning their actions within the State.

Her attornies-at-bar will probably will NEVER-EVER touch that or diversity of jurisdiction with a ten thousand foot pole behind a blast wall.

09-09-15, 11:07 PM
At what point did her jurisdiction allow for her to be jailed its another clerk who put her in jail under the colour of law as far as contempt goes the 24hrs is for arrest now the justice of the peace gets involved for formal contempt charges a show cause for keeping the accused 5 days davis must have got adjournment and made bail on a remand its 2 weeks for most of us just wondering why 5 days 3 clear days or 72hrs clean hands act i like know how she surrendered to the jurisdiction knowing what she knows.also natural law is of the nature of God Man has a private person and a Dead in law person the one that begs for or makes application to do unnatural acts