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View Full Version : Lawful Money Silences Mass DOR

10-02-15, 03:13 PM
Earlier this year I received this FAILURE TO FILE NOTICE (http://www.ctcwarrior.com/MassDOR_FFN.pdf) from the Massachusetts Dept of Revenue. A beautiful piece of social engineering in the form of an "official notice." They instructed me to either file a return, pay the proposed assessment of six grand, or tell them why a return is not required, or else. I replied with a short letter saying, essentially... No, I don't think so. I don't agree to your proposed assessment. The reported amount were Redeemed Lawful Money under title 12, United States code section 411 and attached copies of the deposited LM checks.

I'm here to tell you their or else never happened. Never received a bill. The Mass DOR has been silent.

I apologize in advance

10-03-15, 03:58 AM
CONGRATULATIONS! How long has it been since you sent your, "I don't think so" letter? This should be posted in the Success Stories section.

Michael Joseph
10-03-15, 03:47 PM
Earlier this year I received this FAILURE TO FILE NOTICE (http://www.ctcwarrior.com/MassDOR_FFN.pdf) from the Massachusetts Dept of Revenue. A beautiful piece of social engineering in the form of an "official notice." They instructed me to either file a return, pay the proposed assessment of six grand, or tell them why a return is not required, or else. I replied with a short letter saying, essentially... No, I don't think so. I don't agree to your proposed assessment. The reported amount were Redeemed Lawful Money under title 12, United States code section 411 and attached copies of the deposited LM checks.

I'm here to tell you their or else never happened. Never received a bill. The Mass DOR has been silent.

I apologize in advance

Let the Public Trustee take notice - Protect My Property Rights.

Office of Trust or Profit - you decide. But first I realized long ago that if I was to work 65 years and never claim social security benefits under the trust of which I granted, then no benefit would issue!

Divine Law - Thou shall not steal. Thou shall not bear false witness. Thou shall not commit adultery.

If the head is sick, then what of the body? Thusly, if no Law exists in debt slavery, then what of a judge as officer of the trust known as The Court? Is not The Court just another D.B.A. of the man or woman occupying in office of judge? What does that say of the men who carry guns in support of such a business plan? Are they not mercenary? Do not these undertake absent any immunity of office but rather in misdeed upon the liability of their own personal estate?

Therefore if the illusion of state must be upheld then there must be liability and obligation in the Husbandmen. For how can the body be held to obey if the head is totally sick?

And if the Husbandman is caught in Adultery, then the Wife can remarry. She the citizen is free for He is dead at Law.

I AM, Michael Joseph, Melchizedok.

David Merrill
10-04-15, 08:15 PM
That is another outworking of the left/right hemisphericity.

Office of Trust or Profit - you decide.

The Sons of God or the Sons of Evil.

There were two characters named Enoch, the first was the Son of Cain and they are the men of violence (who control violent men). The other Enoch is about seven generations descendant through Seth. These children also bear an oath (stigma). Until one can own, through the process of creation (Pentacost) this is the choice.

If you know and obey the law, then you remain in the office of trust. Otherwise you have the office of profit over you.

To better articulate my thought realize that the characters this early are to me, allegorical metaphor. Parables. The Sons of God are loving, emotional and nurturing - female - left brained. The Sons of Evil are logical, calculating, profiteers - male - right

P.S. Violent men are different than men of violence too. Men of violence are like Bruce WILLIS and Supermen. Action heroes. Violent men though, are the reason men of violence exist. Without violent men the men of violence return to peace.

P.P.S. You Michael Joseph, comprehending the Order MELCHIZEDEK self govern generally. No specialty. And this leads me to...

CLICK HERE (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?1776-Bishop-Castle-Magical-Melodrama&p=19179&viewfull=1#post19179)