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11-09-15, 01:29 AM
GAY ACTIVISTS and JIHADISTS Make Strange Bedfellows
patriotnewswire.com - Eric Retzlaff

Pamela Geller, president of American Freedom Defense Initiative and Stop Islamization of America, is a remarkably gutsy woman who continually speaks out about the evils of Islam, even though it puts her safety at risk. Her draw Mohammed cartoon contest in Texas could have ended in bloodshed if a security guard hadn’t taken down an Islamic shooter.

She points out in the blog below how indifferent gay rights activists are to the outright persecution unto death of homosexuals under Islam–whether they are tossed off roofs or stoned or any other kind of execution. Perhaps it’s fear for their own lives here or the obvious collusion between liberals and jihadists, such as our own Barack Hussein Obama’s weak response to the Islamic State. Gay activists and jihadists make strange political bedfellows.

Geller is frankly disgusted:

It is terrifying for gay people to live in a country that is under the sharia or even respectful of sharia law. What is so egregious is that openly gay men in the West such as Anderson Cooper loudly and repeatedly condemn me for my counter-jihad work and opposition to sharia. And he is hardly alone: the vast majority of gay organizations stand staunchly with their would-be executioners.

The silence of the gay leadership here and abroad is sickening. When I ran ads highlighting the oppression of gays under Islamic law, the San Francisco City Council issued a resolution (the first of its kind!) condemning me, not our ads.

Transgender and gay leaders and advocates such as Theresa Sparks and Chris Stedman attacked us for daring to call attention to the institutionalized mistreatment of gays under Islamic law. Robert Spencer wrote, “Their gay advocacy doesn’t extend to standing up to Sharia oppression of gays, even though that oppression is far more virulent and violent than anything from ‘right-wing extremists’ in the U.S. And you can’t blame them: given the Leftist/jihadist alliance, it’s clear that if they spoke out against Sharia mistreatment of gays, they would no longer be invited to the best parties, and might even be branded as ‘right-wing.’ Their moral cowardice and duplicity, however, are obvious.”

{Once Pamela realizes how the gay agenda and the Islamic invasion might be secretly connected, she might become even mroe disgusted.}

(source/more (http://patriotnewswire.com/2015/10/gay-activists-and-jihadists-make-strange-bedfellows/))

According to Wally Shoebat's website the above image is is from the cover of a book: How To Teach Our Children Prayer by Sheikh Yousuf Al-Asfuri AlBahreini. Page 53 which discusses the necessity to cleanse oneself and the conditions for washing “1—intercourse with the vaginal part of a woman…intercourse after ejaculating in her anus…intercourse after ejaculating in a boy’s anus…after intercourse with an animal…”


Gay Marriage and the Revenge of the Gnostics (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?1645-Gay-‘Marriage’-and-the-Revenge-of-the-Gnostics)
ISIS Induction By Sodomy (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?1261-ISIS-Induction-By-Sodomy)
Wally Shoebat On Islam, Pedophilia and Homosexuality (http://shoebat.com/2014/12/05/islam-religion-homosexuality-pedophilia/)
The Rite of Sodomy (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?1113-The-Rite-of-Sodomy)