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View Full Version : Citing mass shootings, Upstate NY sheriff urges citizens to carry guns

12-04-15, 02:41 AM
An upstate New York sheriff is urging residents of his county who are licensed gun owners to arm themselves when they leave home, citing recent mass shootings in the United States and Paris.

Ulster County Sheriff Paul Van Blarcum, a Democrat, posted a message to the department's Facebook page less than 24 hours after 14 people were killed in a mass shooting in San Bernardino, California.

The post quickly drew hundreds of comments, for and against it.

Van Blarcum tells The Associated Press he's "not trying to drum up a militia of any sort." But he said police are "partners with the public in crime prevention."

Van Blarcum says the largely rural county in the Catskill Mountains has 10,000 licensed handgun owners.



12-04-15, 02:43 AM
WOW! This is good news, I'm sure there are other LEO's out there & soldiers that will not let the internal Leftist threats go unchallenged anymore. What happened in Europe & the West Coast with the mass killings are just the beginning of the slaughters of the innocent IMO. Time to step up & take out the trash...

12-04-15, 11:46 AM
That is what a sheriff is supposed to do: require the county citizenry to be trained and armed in time of war or unrest and for the purposes of conserving the peace of that county.

12-04-15, 03:29 PM
That is what a sheriff is supposed to do: require the county citizenry to be trained and armed in time of war or unrest and for the purposes of conserving the peace of that county.

Someone that values his oath no doubt.

ag maniac
12-04-15, 05:29 PM
Presuming the general population of any given area has a lick of sense in their collective "noggin"....the phrase "An armed society is a polite society" comes to mind.

Even the "greenie-weenies" know deep down inside [though they'll never admit it]......""We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." [variously attributed to Winston Churchill & George Orwell mid 20th century]

12-05-15, 03:52 PM
From the citation:

Van Blarcum tells The Associated Press he's "not trying to drum up a militia of any sort."

The militia is the private army of the citizenry.

A jury is a sub-form of the militia.

I would dare say that the underlying basis of European culture in general is martial.

12-05-15, 06:09 PM
The militia is the private army of the citizenry.

A jury is a sub-form of the militia.

I would dare say that the underlying basis of European culture in general is martial.

Admiralty is said to be military-feudal in nature. (See John E. Hall's book on Admiralty, part I even reading the introductory parts.)

12-05-15, 07:07 PM
Admiralty is said to be military-feudal in nature. (See John E. Hall's book on Admiralty, part I even reading the introductory parts.)

I can see this.

The Lord High Admiral was regent of the king on the sea.
On a ship (or fleet), the admiral's word is law.
One of the highest priorities of the admiral is maintenance of order and hierarchy on the ship.

12-05-15, 07:32 PM
I can see this.

The Lord High Admiral was regent of the king on the sea.
On a ship (or fleet), the admiral's word is law.
One of the highest priorities of the admiral is maintenance of order and hierarchy on the ship.

Remember flag officers can establish courts martial. Admiral is a judge.

12-05-15, 07:33 PM
I can see this.

The Lord High Admiral was regent of the king on the sea.
On a ship (or fleet), the admiral's word is law.
One of the highest priorities of the admiral is maintenance of order and hierarchy on the ship.

Remember flag officers can establish courts martial whether of special or general jurisdiction. Admiral is a judge.

David Merrill
12-06-15, 11:15 AM
The militia is the private army of the citizenry.

A jury is a sub-form of the militia.

I would dare say that the underlying basis of European culture in general is martial.

With authority comes enforcement.

12-09-15, 03:44 AM
With authority comes enforcement.

10 U.S.C. § 311 : US Code - Section 311:
Militia: composition and classes

(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied
males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section
313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a
declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States
and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the
National Guard.

(b) The classes of the militia are -

(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard
and the Naval Militia; and

(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of
the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the
Naval Militia.

12-09-15, 04:55 AM
The Federal Government may neither issue directives requiring the States to address particular problems, nor command the States’ officers, or those of their political subdivisions, to administer or enforce a federal regulatory program. Printz v. US (1997)

No Commandeering (http://volokh.com/2012/01/20/no-commandeering/)