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12-19-15, 10:48 PM
The Islamic Origins of Talmudic Judaism
(or, Is Shar'ia Just Another Name for Talmudic Judaism?)


The root word for Islam is “al-Silm,” which means “submission” or “surrender.” From the article it can be inferred: submission to Talmudic Judaism. Angela Merkle's dad (Adolf Hitler) said that his preferred religion for his subjects was Islam.

Below is an extract from the book "The Talmud: a Biography" by Jewish author Harry Freedman. I'll refrain from the usual practice of putting quotes in italics since it can be weary on the eye with such a large amount of text. But everything below is quoted.

In the year 622 ce the prophet Mohammed and his followers embarked on a series of military campaigns from their base at Medina in the Arabian Peninsula. Within a remarkably short period of time the political and religious map of the Middle East would look very different. No nation, faith or institution which fell under their influence would emerge unchanged. The Talmud was no exception.

Mohammed had an extensive knowledge of Judaism and Jewish practice. This is clear from the Qu’ran itself, as well as from later commentaries and legends. He may even have been influenced by Jewish teachers. One legend has the Prophet discussing the names of the stars in Joseph’s dream with the son of the exilarch Bustanai, of whom we will soon hear more. At first Mohammed instructed his followers to face Jerusalem when praying, as the Jews do, and he instituted a fast on the tenth day of the first month, corresponding to the Jewish Day of Atonement.

One of the ideological battles the Talmud was yet to fight would be to bring dissenting Jewish groups, such as those in the Arabian Peninsula, within its sphere of influence. It was the spread of Islam over the next few centuries which allowed the battle to be won.

Each faith influenced the other. This is obvious both from the structure of their legal systems and some of the legislation itself. Their influence upon each other was more than just a simple two-way process; Gideon Libson explains it as a feedback model in which the Talmudic system first impacted Islam, which at a later stage left its imprint on Talmudic law.

Both Islam and Judaism are religions which minutely regulate every aspect of the believer’s life. They’re each based on a God-given written document – the Torah for Judaism and the Qu’ran for Islam. These divine texts are each interpreted and expanded upon by an oral tradition – the Talmud and the Hadith respectively. Both traditions contain legal and ethical material, and the legal material in each distinguishes between religious laws and social laws. The Jewish system of law is called halacha, the Islamic system is called shar’ia. Both names mean a ‘pathway’ or a ‘way to go’.

Unlike Christianity, the laws and beliefs in Islam and Judaism are derived through a process of reasoning and scholarship; there are no councils or synods to rule on doctrine, ethics or behaviour. In fact the two religions are so close in terms of their structure that the tenth-century rabbinic leader Saadia Gaon would unselfconsciously refer to Jewish law as shar’ia, to the prayer leader in a synagogue as an imam and the direction in which Jews faced when praying as qibla.




(source/more (http://diversitymachtfrei.blogspot.com/2015/11/the-islamic-origins-of-talmudic-judais))


The Talmud Unmasked (http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/talmud1.htm)
The Golem: Talmudic Legend of a Clay Beast Created to Protect the Jews (http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-asia/golem-talmudic-legend-clay-beast-created-protect-jews-003067)
The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today (http://come-and-hear.com/dilling/)
Mohammad's First Wife Khadija Was Jewish (http://www.thechristiansolution.com/doc2013/586_Khadija.html)
Muhammad Was Jewish (http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2014/08/muhammad-was-jewish.html)
Muhammand's Jewish Wives (http://moses.creighton.edu/jrs/2007/2007-29.pdf)
Islam and Its Influence On the Talmud (Chapter 8 of a larger work) (http://www.sacred-texts.com/jud/t10/ht111.htm)
Islam & Judaism - Some Surprising Similarities (http://www.rense.com/general81/hidst.htm)

12-22-15, 12:02 AM
The Talmud being the "oral tradition" passed down through the generations of those who purport to have gained "secret" knowledge and/or special understanding of scripture which only "they" received. These are the continuation of "fools, hypocrites, blind guides, whited sepulchers, murderers, generation of snakes, members of the synagogue of satan, etc."; how Jesus called the Scribes and Pharisees of his day.

All "religions" which deny Jesus the Christ as Lord and Savior are the SAME. There are only two faiths that exist; those who claim Jesus of Nazareth, Creator God incarnate, as Lord and those that do not. There are many faces, costumes, rituals, texts, ceremonies, festivals, chants, etc. and they all have one thing in common; the denial of Jesus of Nazareth as the only Way, Truth and Life.

The "spinoffs" and "offshoots" started after the scattering of Nimrod's Babylon; each group keeping elements of the original false religion and making it their own.

12-24-15, 04:22 PM
Abrahamic religions (also Semitic religions) are monotheistic religions of West Asian origin, emphasizing and tracing their common origin to Abraham or recognizing a spiritual tradition identified with him. They comprise one of the major divisions in comparative religion, along with Indian and East Asian religions. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the largest Abrahamic religions.

The largest Abrahamic religions in chronological order of founding are Judaism (1st millennium BC)[specify], Christianity (1st century AD) and Islam (7th century AD).

Abrahamic religions with fewer adherents include Rastafarianism, Samaritanism, Druzism (sometimes classified as a branch of Shia Islam),Mandaeism, Bábism and the Bahá'í Faith.


At their core aren't they all basically the same anyway ?

12-24-15, 08:02 PM
From page 48 of From Babylon to Timbuktu by Rudolph R. Windsor


At their core aren't they all basically the same anyway ?

Or might they be heavily misinterpreted in a similar fashion?


Why is Islam so very protected? Is there some secret being kept?

Islam & Judaism - Some Surprising Similarities (http://www.rense.com/general81/hidst.htm)

12-25-15, 04:18 AM

Many of the stories in the Quran come from the Jewish Talmud, the Midrash, and many apocryphal works.

This was pointed out by Abraham Geiger in 1833, and further documented by another Jewish scholar, Dr. Abraham Katsh, of New York University, in 1954 (The Concise Dictionary of Islam, p. 229; Jomier, The Bible and the Quran -- Henry Regency Co., Chicago, 1959, 59ff; Sell, Studies, pp. 163ff.; Guillaume, Islam, p. 13).

The source of Sura 3:35-37 is the fanciful book called The Protevangelion's James the Lesser.
The source of Sura 87:19 is the Testament of Abraham.
The source of Sura 27:17-44 is the Second Targum of Esther.
The fantastic tale that God made a man "die for a hundred years" with no ill effects on his food, drink, or donkey was a Jewish fable (Sura 2:259ff.).
The idea that Moses was resurrected and other material came from the Jewish Talmud (Sura 2:55, 56, 67).
The story in Sura 5:30,31 can also be found in pre-Islamic works from Pirke Rabbi Eleazer, the Targum of Jonathan ben Uzziah and the Targum of Jerusalem.
The tale of Abraham being delivered from Nimrod's fire came from the Midrash Rabbah (see Suras 21:51-71; 29:16, 17; 37:97,98). It must be also pointed out that Nimrod and Abraham did not live at the same time. Muhammad was always mixing people together in the Quran who did not live at the same time.
The non-biblical details of the visit of the Queen of Sheba (Saba) in Sura 27:20-44 came from the Second Targum of the Book of Esther.
The source of Sura 2:102 is no doubt the Midrash Yalkut (chapter 44).
The story found in Sura 7:171 of God lifting up Mount Sinai and holding it over the heads of the Jews as a threat to squash them if they rejected the law came from the Jewish book Abodah Sarah.
The story of the making of the golden calf in the wilderness, in which the image jumped out of the fire fully formed and actually mooed (Suras 7:148; 20:88), came from Pirke Rabbi Eleazer.
The seven heavens and hells described in the Quran came from the Zohar and the Hagigah.
Muhammad utilized the Testament of Abraham to teach that a scale or balance will be used on the day of judgment to weigh good and bad deeds in order to determine whether one goes to heaven or hell (Suras 42:17; 101:6-9).

When someone says "The Muslims did it" clearly, they are talking in code.

Based on a study of Sharia Law and Talmud, John Kunkle concludes "Islam and Judaism are not religions, but political movements dressed up as religions." (source (http://henrymakow.com/2013/06/talmud-shariah-law-compared.html))

12-30-15, 03:19 AM
There are only two faiths that exist; those who claim Jesus of Nazareth, Creator God incarnate, as Lord and those that do not.

Well, that doesn't sound like a very loving attitude, does it?

Let me guess...those who don't espouse your view are going to be made to pass through the eternal and unquenchable fire...by the very same "God" who supposedly loves them...sounds to me like some hateful stuff. Are you sure that the l-rd won't say {to you}...away from me you evil doer....never knew ye..remind us all where that's found, again?

12-30-15, 03:34 AM
(In no particular order)

Islam, Judaism, Christianity...Islam, Judaism, Christianity...Islam, Judaism, Christianity...Islam, Judaism, Christianity...Islam, Judaism, Christianity...Islam, Judaism, Christianity...Islam, Judaism, Christianity...Islam, Judaism, Christianity...Islam, Judaism, Christianity...Islam, Judaism, Christianity...Islam, Judaism, Christianity...Islam, Judaism, Christianity...

I would ask, are we beginning to see a pattern yet?

A whole lot of brainwashed masses claiming sole access to the way...

Somebody important in history said that all it takes to make KILLING pleasurable is to believe the person being killed is BAD or EVIL.

Seems to me like all three of these claiming the same about each other invalidates the premise of ALL three of these so called religions.

So sorry to inform you all that g-d the l-rd loves all men EQUALLY and UNCONDITIONALLY. Thanks for understanding.

PS but on an historical note...I believe one preceded the other..therefore one is considered and publicly acknowledged as the "eldest brother".

12-30-15, 03:17 PM
Well, that doesn't sound like a very loving attitude, does it?

Let me guess...those who don't espouse your view are going to be made to pass through the eternal and unquenchable fire...by the very same "God" who supposedly loves them...sounds to me like some hateful stuff. Are you sure that the l-rd won't say {to you}...away from me you evil doer....never knew ye..remind us all where that's found, again?

For you to conclude anything hateful from a mere statement of fact, tells us more about your presuppositions than mine.

It is not "my view", it is actually a sound and logical statement; either one chooses to believe that Jesus is God incarnate or not, is there any middle ground? That is what ALL other religions have in common and why the original and fundamental faith of Jesus is distinct from all of them.

I did not add any commentary as to anyone's final destination or what they might "pass through", that is your preconceived notion regarding the hearts and minds of "Christians" who, in your experience, have not shown you a "loving attitude". I am saddened by your experience, however, please do not lump me in that category.

Actually, I believe that the highest expression of love is to share the good news with someone. The freedom to choose gives relevance and meaning to love; would you rather force someone to love you or have them choose to love you?

God created us all with the freedom to choose; ask, seek and knock so you can choose wisely.

Michael Joseph
12-30-15, 05:31 PM
So sorry to inform you all that g-d the l-rd loves all men EQUALLY and UNCONDITIONALLY. Thanks for understanding.

Quoting from the Secret Book of James: (comments added)

The Savior said: ‘You (the Jews and Christians) have received mercy. Do you not desire, then to be filled? (with the spirit) And is your heart drunk? Do you not desire, then, to be sober? Therefore, be ashamed! And now, waking or sleeping, remember that you have seen the Son of Man, and with him you have spoken and to him you have listened. Woe to those who have seen the Son of Man! Blessed are those who have not seen the Son of Man, and who have not consorted with him, and who have not spoken with him, and who have not listened to anything from him. Yours is life!’ (In other words it is the Jews and the Christians who will bear the brunt of his anger at his return, and those who were not given the knowledge will then understand him as he should have been understood all along.) Know, therefore, that he healed you when you were ill, in order that you might reign. Woe to those who have rested from their illness, because they will relapse again into illness. (The illness is religion.) Blessed are those who have not been ill, and have known rest (The truth about the Kingdom - the mystery) before they became ill. Yours is the Kingdom of God!


In my humble opinion Jesus did not preach religion - rather the teachings were about a way of life. Traditions and the like have little meaning in regard to The Way.


From the Gospel of Thomas: (comments added)

14) Jesus said to them, If you fast (From the word instead of the world--verse 27), you will give rise to sin (A lack of understanding and a sinful age) for yourselves; and if you pray (For the Kingdom to come instead of seeking for it), you will be condemned; and if you give alms (As opposed to the keys of knowledge--verse 39; Luke 11:52),you will do harm to your spirits. (By focusing on physical needs instead of spiritual) when you go into any land and walk about in the districts (Throughout all Christendom,) if they receive you, (Accept you, or give you a hearing) eat what they will set before you (Use whatever Scriptures they accept as authoritative), and heal (Restore the mystery to) the (Spiritually) sick among them. For what goes into your mouth (Scripturally) will not defile you, but that which issues from your mouth (Against the Scriptures) –it is that which will defile you.

60) <They saw> a Samaritan (Those of a small and limited Canon) carrying a lamb on his way to Judea. He said to his disciples, (Why does) that man (carry) the lamb (Christianity) around? They said to him, so that he may kill it (With their own teachings) and eat it (Read it in their own way). He said to them, while it is alive (Able to change them and bring them alive), he will not eat (Read, accept) it, but only when he has killed it (With his own teachings) and it (The Word) has become a corpse (Part of the corpus of Scriptures only, lacking spirit and life). They said to him, he cannot do so (Grasp the Living Word) otherwise. He said to them, you too, look for a place for yourself within the repose (The time between the loss and recovery of the mystery), lest you (New Testament, and Apocryphal New Testament writers,) become a corpse (Stripped of your higher meanings) and be eaten (Accepted on the level of their dead understanding).

64) Jesus said, A man had received visitors. And when he had prepared the dinner (The feast of God’s Eternal Word), he sent his servant (The prophets) to invite guests (Believers). He went to the first one (The Early Church infiltrators) and said to him, my master invites you.' he said, ‘I have claims against some merchants (The false Jews-who had hidden the keys --verse 39; Luke 11:52). They are coming to me this evening (As the day, or time of understanding fades away). I must go and give them my orders (Imitate their ways, so that I may profit as they did). I ask to be excused from the dinner.' (I will not accept all of these Scriptures) he went to another (The Church shortly after the takeover) and said, 'My master has invited you.' he said to him, ‘I have just bought a house (Established a Church) and am required for the day. (Like the day laborers who each get a denarius) I shall not have any spare time.' (My work is more important) he went to another (The Protestants) and said to him, 'my master invites you.' He said to him, 'My friend is going to get married, (Marriage Supper of the Lamb) and I am to prepare the banquet. (The Canon shall be as I set it) I shall not be able to come. (Because your banquet involves more of God’s Word than I teach or accept) I ask to be excused from the dinner. (I reject your food, your Scriptures) ‘He went to another (The Christians at the end of the 2,000-year age) and said to him, My master invites you. (To eat, or accept all the books as the prophets have) 'He said to him, ‘I have just bought a farm, (I am completely invested by now) and I am on my way to collect the rent. (It is time for me to cash-in on my sheep who have nothing else now to believe in but me) I shall not be able to come. I ask to be excused (I reject these Scriptures).’ The servant (The prophets) returned and said to his master, 'Those whom you invited to the dinner (The Christian religious establishment) have asked to be excused.' the master said to his servant, 'go outside (of the religious establishment) to the streets (The Gentiles, the rabble, prostitutes and tax-collectors-as at first with the Jews) and bring back those whom you happen to meet, (Anyone-good or bad; you, me, whomever) so that they may dine.' (Accept the words being revealed in the feast of God’s Word) Businessmen and merchants (Religious leaders, see Revelation 13:17) will not enter (By choice) the places of my Father.

108) Jesus said, He who will drink (The Word) from my mouth (His words, rather than from a cup; or Canon) will become like me. (We shall see him as he is, know the truth and be set free from religion, which needs a cup, or Canon) I myself shall become he, (John 7:37-39, etcetera) and the things that are hidden (The keys, the understanding of this and other Scriptures) will become revealed to him.

12-31-15, 01:01 AM
Im not sure where I got this impression and it was probably from here but I think that perhaps there is a secret society such as a masonic one that leads them all ("Islam, Judaism, Christianity..." and the other organized forms of religion)

or maybe just a unique, odd suspicion leads me to this, i cant say for certain. I used to think it an evil plan but starting to consider it quite the opposite now.


edit: and babylon, Baby-lon. define each of these words separately, put that together then consider why it may have been written "The great whore"


12-31-15, 01:22 AM
Im not sure where I got this impression...

Perhaps it is intuition? Secret society types have spent much effort and many centuries aiming to co-opt all belief known systems and to steer them doctrinally into their way of thinking.


Also, I would not regard the so-called "Gospel of Thomas" as being worth hanging your hat or life on. It clearly conflicts with the original gospels, the Tanach and the teachings of the Mt. Carmel Essenes who saw male and female members as equals spiritually.

For every woman who has become male will enter the Kingdom of heaven."

People think the Bible denigrated women over the idea that it was better for a disciple to avoid touching a woman. The whole system was at an end and the world was about to be shaken fiercely, it was better for a disciple to focus on kingdom matters as that time than to be concerned about getting married. So now because of heretical Gnostics we have so-called sex change operations (which are high-priced mutilizations) and alleged 'scriptural' justification for bull-dyke feminism when the Bible clearly indicates that males and female believers have equal standing WITHIN THE BODY OF CHRIST--that does not mean in the secular setting. A believer male who is commander of a merchant ship is not equal in rank to another believer who is of inferior rank on the same merchant ship--that is within the construct of the ship command structure the equality does not apply. Similarly a husband believer and his wife believer would not be equals in the construct marriage--but they would remain equals spiritually.

To have total equality of rank on a merchant ship would make it nearly impossible to manage. That is the kind of crap militant-atheist-Gnostics are trying to sell to the entire world. There are places that are telling kids that they are equal to their parents and so obeying them would be unnecessary. Think: pirate flags, everywhere.

12-31-15, 04:30 AM
Secret society types have spent much effort and many centuries aiming to co-opt all belief known systems and to steer them doctrinally into their way of thinking.

what I suspect though is that some secret society (not necessarily Masonic) created them all from their beginning, mainly the big 3 as they seem to be used as tools and work well together (to create division, if nothing else) maybe only imagination but I can see how it would be useful as a tool to shape mankind over long periods of time that way and test mankind in spiritual ways.

12-31-15, 03:29 PM
From the beginning.

It was the nachash (diviner, shining one) better known as the "serpent", and later as satan, who inspired the religion of "ME", which is fundamentally the forsaking of The Creator of ALL things and the desire to be equal to God - answerable to NO ONE. The nachash was subsequently cursed and the man and woman were expelled from God's presence and from The Tree of Life. Sin entered the world and Cain murdered his brother out of hate and jealousy - the religion of "ME" manifesting by way of taking of innocent life. Evil spread and became rampant in the world.

The flood wiped out most, if not all, of the evildoers and Noah was charged with starting again, "... be fruitful and multiply...". However, the rebellion started anew since there were divine beings in the unseen realm, the sons of God, who desired to follow the adversary and the target for their destruction and evildoing was mankind and the earth. Some were not pleased with God's new creation and the authority vested in His new "imagers" on earth and they chose to rebel in an attempt to disrupt God's Will and Plan as they did before the flood.

The people on earth eventually started to rebel again under the influence of the adversary and their own inevitable propensity to sin. The culmination of that rebellion came in the form of the evil empire of Babylon ruled by Nimrod (the rebellious one) and the infamous Tower of Babel. Because mankind sought to restore what was once paradise on earth (the full communion of heaven and earth) ON THEIR OWN TERMS, God confused their languages and scattered them over the earth.

God disinherited these people and placed them under the authority of "lesser gods"; 70 nations each with a "son of god" placed over them to rule - 70 divine rulers. God gave them exactly what they wanted; you want to worship gods and idols other than Me, you got it and I am no longer your God and you are no longer my people. Most mythological figures from antiquity are the "lesser gods" and their minions who were worshiped by the disinherited nations. Almost immediately after the scattering, God plucked Abram right out of the heart of Mesopotamia (unholy land) to start anew once again; a not-so-veiled message to the rebellious ones showing God's ultimate power and sovereignty right in the middle of "their alotted turf". God chose and called upon Abram to be the leader of His Holy (set-apart) nation of people (Israel) and He began to build His family into a great multitude, as promised.

This faith, or "religion" was not created by some secret society; it was a God-inspired and set-apart nation of people who were chosen to show the rest of the world that there is only One God worthy of worship who Created ALL and is greater than ALL. Also, it was a plan to reclaim the disinherited nations back into the fold and adopt them into God's new family. Only by CHOICE does one believe and have faith in order to be a part of God's family and His Saving Grace.

Due to mankind's flawed nature, there were many failures along the way regarding Israel as depicted in scripture. God decided that the only way to achieve His original plan was to incarnate and become a man among His people so that He may fulfill what others failed to do. Jesus of Nazareth came as FULLY God and FULLY man to fulfill the Law perfectly, as NO ONE else was capable of doing. He also came to take on the burden of those failures (sin) upon Himself. He sacrificed Himself to save us from ultimate death which is the penalty for sin. Before Abraham was, I AM. That leaves NO doubt as to who He was/is.

It is that simple folks; no secret societies, no royal bloodlines, no secret knowledge, no exalted leaders, no fancy robes and headdresses, no conversion by force, no beads, no chants, no legalistic rituals, no secret ceremonies, no blood oaths, no special buildings or monuments, no "ALL is ONE and ONE is ALL", etc. It is Yahweh, in visible form, the one who saves, Jesus The Christ of Nazareth, who came and was born into the world in order to redeem and restore God's creation, New Heaven and New Earth, into a global Eden with FULLY restored communion between God/Heaven and His Sons and Daughters on earth, as per His original intent.

For God so loved the world...