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View Full Version : A different thread on birth certs and identity

04-07-11, 10:09 PM
Greetings all! My first post. Came here from the Fed Reserve post on GLP.

I think I have a somewhat unique situation which throws a twist into the mix, which hopefully someone may be able to shed some light on.

I was born and reared in NYC. My mother was born in the uSA, and father overseas in Europe. Now, here's the interesting part...

My father's surname is ethnic and comprised of 10 letters. My mother took my father's surname when they married. BUT, when I was born, they wanted to shorten my surname to 6 letters... and they did. On "my" birth certificate, my mother is only listed with her maiden name, but father's name is listed as the shortened 6 letter name... which tells me, no ID was (or is?) required... at least it probably wasn't way back then…(in the 50s) With this as the only exception, my father always used his full 10 letter name.

So now I have a unique surname that noone else has (except for my father listed on "my" bc). The question is, how does my father's 10 letter surname relate to me? Legally? Lawfully? Without any court order for petition of name change.

I feel it's probably the name give to me by my father and mother that is lawfully mine… or is it? Confuses the heck out of me… lol.

And even more interesting is I have a copy of the original long form bc, and my full name is listed in upper and lower case letters. I recently got a copy of the short form bc, and of course it now has the name of the person on it, in all caps.

Well, there you have it. A sort of personal introduction.
Anyone care to comment on the questions?

Thank you all. This forum is spectacular! I've been studying "law" of all flavors for 25 years, and it's interesting how once in a while you find a rare jewel while traversing thru the rabbit hole…

Y'all take care!


who am I? :confused:

04-07-11, 10:42 PM
Welcome aboard logjam.
That's an interesting situation you got with your legal name.
I can offer no answers to your questions.

Your statements remind me of a unique name anecdote from my own family though.

According to my German maternal grandmother's version of the story, she was born at home and her father had got drunk for the exciting occasion.
Her mother told DH the name she had picked out for the newborn baby girl and told him to go to the local registrar's office to fill out a birth certificate for the baby.
Back then in Germany the BC was filled out by hand, on the spot, was witnessed and recorded and it was done, according to my grandmother.
Nobody knows what happened on the way to the office, her father went there alone; after he got back home he didn't show anyone the BC but locked it away in a desk.
My grandmother grew up thinking her name was Ilse, because that was the name her mother had picked out for her.
At age 18 grandma saw her BC for the first time.
Much to her surprise her name was not recorded as Ilse, but Marta.
Her mother's name was Martha.
It appears that her drunk father, after forgetting the name which mom had picked out, decided to go with his wife's name for the baby on the BC, but was too drunk to spell it correctly.


04-08-11, 04:35 PM
Thanks Treefarmer!

I'm sure this has happened to MANY people throughout the ages, especially those whose names are unpronounceable and/or ethnic.

I suppose the nagging question in my head is... what is my true name? I would like to make those changes on the d/l, but am not sure what to put down.

Surely with all the brain power in this forum, someone may have an idea? Thanks just the same if not. Y'all take care...


David Merrill
04-08-11, 04:59 PM
I think he will be able to list you as "Son" for relation on his Last Will and Testament with the name on the BC and you will have no problem.

I think you should get a Certificate of Search for your true name from the USDC and publish that at the county clerk and recorder so you can get copies easily. Use that for identification. Renew your DL and sign it with your true name only.

David Merrill
04-10-11, 12:37 PM
P.S. Of course the name on the birth certificate is your true name!

My name is obviously David Merrill if you understand "name" by definition.


In a dictionary, the definition should never contain the same word being defined. It is bad form to use the word being defined in a definition. If the only word for something slightly different is necessary then it is put in italics or "quotes":


Notice the dates on this Castle Builder's (http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy&hl=en&rlz=1R2GGLT_enUS423&q=bishop+castle&rlz=1R2GGLT_enUS423&aq=f&aqi=g5&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=e9ce1e11ecd3b0b1) Certificate of Search!


I filed my complaint with the clerk of court with Congress and they corrected it and the clerk was replaced. Jim continues (https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1EaV_bU7VImNTRiMDZkODYtYzlkNS00NGE4LTk2M mUtNGNmOWJkYWEyMzU3&hl=en) to enjoy his extraordinary Art form (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7qGVUi8GQU).

When I applied for and received a SSN a new TRUST (http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/3411/nameconstructivetrust.jpg) was generated for my use:


I published the same quorum (Mom and Dad) acknowledging my first assertion above; my name is and has always been David Merrill.


Frederick Burrell
04-10-11, 03:57 PM
Hi logjam, rken from GLP. Nice to see you here.

04-10-11, 10:50 PM
Thanks rken! Looking forward to your latest update in your adventure as a suitor...