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View Full Version : thread to discuss latest "My Private Audio" info from Angelas Call

02-21-16, 01:35 AM
hi everyone.

most here are probably aware of Angela Starks "My Private Audio" Calls, Im a regular listener, Im very thankful for Angela and her efforts to help others who are trying to make some kinda sense out of all the legal and lawful stuff.


her guest cover a wide spectrum of subjects mostly related to government topics and there has been many if not all note worthy "leaders" in this area of interest speaking with her and others on the call.

David was her guest speaker along with Michael Joseph back in 2011 http://www.myprivateaudio.com/Guest-Speaker-Pages-Info.html#anchor_217

here is a direct link to her latest recordings: http://recordings.talkshoe.com/rss39904.xml

Angelas proven to be an invaluable resource to many and has had some really great ones on lately. I wanted to start this thread to talk about the latest developments from her calls. about the only thing she is missing i think is a forum on her website.

maybe here we can highlight the "Gold Nuggets" that are presented to us on her call for further discussion and expansion? I'll Update the thread with new info as it arrives and only ask that others who wish to comment here to do so with an effort to try to stay on topic as best as they can.


02-21-16, 01:47 AM
February 18, 2016 Ken W.

Ken W is a return speaker and IMO always makes for worthwhile listening. always has unique info too.

this call he went into the importance of the word and the will as well as some refreshing "frankensense" about the bible. as usual a very interesting interpretation of the words from the bible.

frankensense = frank and sense

Goliath = Go Lie ath (the BAR guild) he was saying this story was allegory for the battles in the court room.

lots of great stuff in this call! I'm re-listening to it now and will post other nuggets from him here soon.


basically what Ken W proposes is to formally resign the agency of the state name. the all caps birth certificate name. to no longer operate a state agency.

he also recommends writting a will and when filing it in probate court, after accepted, instead of naming a man or woman on the envelope as executor, put "I trust in God" on the outside so that God is the only one who can execute your will.

resigning the state agency seems iffy but I like his ideas on the will. any comments?

02-22-16, 05:44 PM
1:06:00 minute
I might try this with my new motorcycle.
Notice the agency that I am holding the bike in trust for the rightful owner.
Now I'm trustee and can charge fees for administrating the trust and charge for storage fees.
I think this could work.

David Merrill
02-22-16, 05:47 PM
When you register the motorcycle just say "That is private." when they inquire about the price.

If you avoid getting the plates it is likely you will get silence and acquiescence to your process. Great! But that default will not stop a prosecution, especially if you have to sign a bail bond agreement to get your process into the case.

The right to contract is sacrosanct to peaceful civil authority in America. This is why I am simply assuring myself at every opportunity that the officers pretending to be judicial are properly bonded by their own signature bond - oath of office.

02-22-16, 08:17 PM
When you register the motorcycle just say "That is private." when they inquire about the price.

If you avoid getting the plates it is likely you will get silence and acquiescence to your process. Great! But that default will not stop a prosecution, especially if you have to sign a bail bond agreement to get your process into the case.

If the buyer or assignee of the bike isn't a resident of a U.S. State and lives outside of the United States, an option is to do up an Affidavit of Title and a Notice of Sale and serving copies of the documents to the AG or DMV types of the state associated with the previous purchaser and of course clearly evidencing a non-resident address. A USDOT # with "no cargo", "private property", "not-commercial", "exempt" entries can be obtained to go along with that. Alternatively, if the assignee or buyer has some kind of exemption where they live they might be able to acquire plates according to that exemption.

The right to contract is sacrosanct to peaceful civil authority in America. This is why I am simply assuring myself at every opportunity that the officers pretending to be judicial are properly bonded by their own signature bond - oath of office.

If they are not bonded or if they are oath with unsightly reservation, then that would be an imbalanced contract--perhaps even one-sided--all consideration on your side, none on theirs. It should be easy enough to do a general inquest in a county that says to anyone holding office with any reservation whatsoever or who has failed to file and take the required oath that they either GTFO or be bound by the oath from the inception of their office without any reservation whatsoever + case jacket + certificates of service + certificates of default and just see who stays and who doesn't--maybe giving them 15 days. Seems quite worthwhile as to effort if it means keeping your county clean.

Also, if the oath of office looks sketchy, serve them up with a notice that it seems ??? and that it shall be from the date of your notice and retroactively construed that they meant {what the required oath says and without any funny capitalization} + case jacket + certificate of service + etc + reminded that they are bound to that oath as it is required and that your correction or clarification supersedes and replaces their ??? filing.

David Merrill
02-22-16, 08:51 PM
I went to the downtown office with a $2M bill for acting like the woman was a "real" judge. The lady called the main office and told me they would have to look it over there. I did not go do it because it felt like I would be arrested.

02-22-16, 09:00 PM
I went to the downtown office with a $2M bill for acting like the woman was a "real" judge. The lady called the main office and told me they would have to look it over there. I did not go do it because it felt like I would be arrested.

Comes to mind the notionof private debt collectors or "creditors" acting like government officials because they feel themselves to have the right to do so only because they believe themselves to be owed money and on that basis they 'administer' the trust but yet fail to adhere to the fact that revenue only arises out of the terms of the original agreement (Constitution) and should that original agreement cease then their revenue stream ceases too. Imagine someone taking over a company that makes widgets and then trying to act as if it were legitimate lawful government only because it could maybe result in bigger cashflows.

David Merrill
02-22-16, 10:10 PM
I would have to be okay with it if they did not try defrauding me to pull it off.

02-23-16, 12:37 AM
I would have to be okay with it if they did not try defrauding me to pull it off.

Vampire sees blood and can hardly resist defrauding?

02-23-16, 06:15 PM
1:42:00 (State Agent)
relates exactly with this:

"Whats your position"

02-24-16, 09:51 PM
1:06:00 minute
I might try this with my new motorcycle.
Notice the agency that I am holding the bike in trust for the rightful owner.
Now I'm trustee and can charge fees for administrating the trust and charge for storage fees.
I think this could work.

I think it could also, let us know about your success with it when that time comes, OK?

03-03-16, 05:51 PM
he also recommends writing a will and when filing it in probate court, after accepted, instead of naming a man or woman on the envelope as executor, put "I trust in God" on the outside so that God is the only one who can execute your will.

this is powerful stuff! weve had topic about "express the trust" but nothing like this!

i cant over emphasize listening to this recording.

last weeks call was not so enlightening but hopefully tonights will make up for it.

03-04-16, 04:01 PM
this is powerful stuff! weve had topic about "express the trust" but nothing like this!

i cant over emphasize listening to this recording.

last weeks call was not so enlightening but hopefully tonights will make up for it.

"Living wills" have been popping up for me lately every where.
Heard of a story the other day from a friend of his cousin dying in a hospital and when the Dr. was challenged by a family member about the care and when they found out there was a living will and his wife had POA weird things started happening like the nurses and Dr.s started being super nice and accommodating.

03-05-16, 06:55 PM
didnt find any golden nuggets in Angela's last call.

"Living wills" have been popping up for me lately every where.
Heard of a story the other day from a friend of his cousin dying in a hospital and when the Dr. was challenged by a family member about the care and when they found out there was a living will and his wife had POA weird things started happening like the nurses and Dr.s started being super nice and accommodating.

Kurt Kallenbach pointed something out in a recent talk https://www.dropbox.com/s/5f3y2ifkomoyeo8/kurt%20talk%2C%2002.23.2016.mp3?dl=0

how his waiver is a living will. lots of details in the recording about this subject. he really does a good job explaining god and will of God, etc.

have a listen if you havnt already. most of his other works can be found here: https://trustandcontract.wordpress.com/

I find Kurt and Ken W. most helpful in cutting through all the BS and getting straight to the heart of the matters but Ken W's works are har to find.

David Merrill
03-05-16, 06:58 PM
I am in support of the term, living Trust.

Like honor, trust can outlive the mortal body. That is my hope. If somebody trusted in me and then they die, I can take the role of trustee for their will and testament, keeping the trust alive.

Living Trust.

03-05-16, 07:34 PM
Kurt goes into the difference between a will and a trust in the recording I linked. something to the effect that only the living can have a will (think will power)

im thinking about it this way.. in order to have a trust contract there must first be a will to execute that contract (the will of god!)

ever thought about doing a weekly conference call yourself David? or even another call as featured guest with angela again? you have a lot to offer and these vocal recordings are great. viva voce!

edit: even Boris has started a weekly call now but his is closed source (requires joining for access) so I havnt tuned in there.