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View Full Version : What Is "the Record" and How Is It Made?

03-13-16, 04:09 AM

For your "viewing pleasure", these scans are from Evidence Under the Rules (Aspen Casebook Series), 4th Edition (http://www.amazon.com/Evidence-Under-Rules-Aspen-Casebook/dp/1454849525/)(2000) (Mueller and Kirkpatrick) (Note: although current edition is the 8th, if you take a look, it says much the same):

To summarize for convenience:

The “official record” of a trial actually comprises five different kinds of material:

1. The pleadings;
2. Filed documents;
3. The record of proceedings;
4. The exhibits; and,
5. Docket entries.




08-18-16, 02:03 PM
Docket entries or The Register of Action (Certified Copy) court clerk from her issuing a summons then a warrant for evading service to i cant release the docket only the crown can give you that in a disclosure. A provincial nightmare its still very much BRITISH up here.Walter how might one get a Certified Copy of his charges with a true name

08-18-16, 02:11 PM
lodi a great post “official record” of a trial actually comprises five different kinds of material:

1. The pleadings;
2. Filed documents;
3. The record of proceedings;
4. The exhibits; and,
5. Docket entries.if one is not in a common law venue or have any legal standing he must establish his own court of record lawfully those Docket entries are a consise record of Clerk Malfeasance i once heard