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View Full Version : Limits of Federal Jurisdiction (Reference)

06-28-16, 11:01 PM
Here are some links concerning the limits of Federal Jurisdiction.

Federal Jurisdiction (Constitution Society - constitution.org) (http://www.constitution.org/juris/fedjur1.htm)
Presumption of Nonauthority and Unenumerated Rights (Jon Rolan) (http://constitution.org/9ll/schol/pnur.htm)
Jurisdiction Over Federal Areas Within the States - Report of the Interdepartmental Committee for the Study of Jurisdiction Over Federal Areas (http://www.defendruralamerica.com/files/DSJurisdictionReport1957.pdf)
Sedition By Syntax (http://www.supremelaw.org/authors/schwan/sedition.htm)
Citizenship Is A Term of Municipal Law (http://www.supremelaw.org/rsrc/privilaw.htm)
Federal Jurisdiction Within A State (http://www.usobserver.com/archive/sep-11/Gil-Federal-Jurisdiction.pdf)

David Merrill
06-29-16, 12:37 AM
Here are some links concerning the limits of Federal Jurisdiction.

Federal Jurisdiction (Constitution Society - constitution.org) (http://www.constitution.org/juris/fedjur1.htm)
Presumption of Nonauthority and Unenumerated Rights (Jon Rolan) (http://constitution.org/9ll/schol/pnur.htm)
Jurisdiction Over Federal Areas Within the States - Report of the Interdepartmental Committee for the Study of Jurisdiction Over Federal Areas (http://www.defendruralamerica.com/files/DSJurisdictionReport1957.pdf)
Sedition By Syntax (http://www.supremelaw.org/authors/schwan/sedition.htm)
Citizenship Is A Term of Municipal Law (http://www.supremelaw.org/rsrc/privilaw.htm)
Federal Jurisdiction Within A State (http://www.usobserver.com/archive/sep-11/Gil-Federal-Jurisdiction.pdf)

Here is something to consider along those lines. In the big Constitution (Government Publication) shown here:


In the Introduction it says something to the effect that any interpretations of the Constitution are done presuming dual citizenship.

06-29-16, 02:38 AM
Can you post a scan?


There was a case of someone known to be strictly National of one of the several states of America (not a citizen, born free and sovereign). Fruitlessly ultimately, the darkness went out of its way to make him sick and forge paperwork to give rise to alleged evidence of 'citizen of the United States of America'. All in all, that they went through such effort is telling. They even tried in the process to get a relative to force application for a birth certificate for his child. Its like "Well we like to have jurisdiction in case we want to blackmail you." Something worth considering. The irony, of the so-called relatives who set out to stitch him were closet Communist-Atheists (pretending to be good Christians of course).

David Merrill
06-29-16, 05:00 AM
That is inconvenient.

Searching dual though:


That is from Legal Identity: The Coming of Age of Public Law by Joseph VINING.

I have heard stories and even been subject to what felt like poor training - where an officer was zeroing in on conditioned triggers of patriot nutjob and sovereign state Citizen signals.

It is all quite believable but it seems now, after two decades of it that the remedy Congress wrote and passed is the one that explains it all. The insanity is that debt has value or substance. For me, it seems even silly to redeem gold since it is not alive.

07-01-16, 07:58 PM
So the United States is properly a nation only to the federal citizen.