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View Full Version : The Gematria of Gun Control

07-08-16, 11:34 PM
The Gematria of Gun Control

"Gun control" is a euphemism for disarming a people. Note: if one were to travel to Switzerland or any country and start gathering guns from among the citizenry it would be taken as an act of war.

CNN then had on 'Tom Verni', former 'officer', who said the police needs to militarize to catch up with the criminals, he was very direct and blunt about his remarks.


Per the following links:

49 118 | Mayor Mike Rawling's birthday and the July 7, 2016 Dallas, TX Shooting Hoax (http://freetofindtruth.blogspot.com/2016/07/49-118-mayor-mike-rawlings-birthday-and.html)
Dallas, Texas Shooting ...July 7, 2016, news coverage breakdown (http://freetofindtruth.blogspot.com/2016/07/22-49-reportedly-two-police-officers.html)
13 33 41 46 58 67 103 | 'Hate Crime' and the Louisiana Governor signing 'Blue Lives Matter' bill May 26, 2016 (http://freetofindtruth.blogspot.com/2016/07/13-33-41-46-58-67-103-hate-crime-and.html)