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View Full Version : The Donald Trump Tapes

10-13-16, 01:01 AM
Its rather clear that Donald Trump and Billy Bush are talking about the double/triple/quadriple+ standard that women can have when it comes to whether a man has lots of money or not. When you have a lot of money or are famous you can get away with a lot than others could otherwise and that is without coverups, hitmen or anything like that. Among women, the tendency is that vast age differences, crass behavior just don't matter all of a sudden if you are famous or wealthy.

Also, Trump's saying he went after a woman like a 'b#tch' doesn't sound like a statement of aggression but a weak position: groveling.

10-13-16, 12:20 PM
Enmity [Adam vs the Rib?] DISTRICT Development WASHINGTON is further evidence the boundaries and legal office or precious metals, OZ never gave nothing too the tin man. According to a psychologist at Carnegie Mellon University, females are born with a “perceptual template that specifies the structure of snakes” and theorizes that the female disposition is an evolutionary byproduct of the need to protect their offspring The Bible says that women’s dislike of snakes has a spiritual cause and is a reflection of the state of hostility that exists between Satan and the human race.“friendship with the world means enmity against God”