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David Merrill
09-03-17, 05:09 PM
Paul Andrew only finds oaths of office in states where he has had a paying client (http://www.supremelaw.org/rsrc/commissions/evidence.folders.2004-03-16.htm#CLAIMS). Therefore some states like Texas, North Carolina and Florida are vacant. Also, new judges are appointed and Paul does not update his Internet posting as far as I can tell.

My finding is by presumption but I believe that to be recognized as "Private Attorney General" one first has to be a licensed attorney. Paul Andrew is obviously very intelligent so I figure that he researched this standing before using it. In turn he confirms the R4C process and it is basically for bond-dodging but he R4C's the lack of an OMB #, meaning that this or that "judge" has no bond budgeted. Same thing as I do except my process R4C is on changing the form of the oath.

When I have difficulty uploading a pdf file here I load it on my gdrive (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImZExMd1dnYVpYOWM/view?usp=sharing). Sorry if that is inconvenient. First the clerk of court offered a legal opinion that because Mr. HUDSPETH is now retired nobody needs to view his oath. The clerk probably has it in mind how HUDSPETH disgraced the court, retiring after helping hide sexual harassment of a fellow Texas judge. Likewise with Mr. WOLSKI, accused in his Senate hearings of being a demogogue (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImUFM5R0JuQjc5WXc/view?usp=sharing).


For the typical layman suitor it is a bit more complicated.

the clerk of court offered legal advice
the DoJ said they are exempt from FOIA
the suitor published his demand on PACER and the DoJ complied

See the gdrive pdf for details.