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04-25-11, 04:59 AM
Republic of Missouri, The CHANGE Your Founders Believed In

Note: This video was recorded live on 1/15/11 since then some things have
changed and there are some errors.

For more information contact your Republic at link below



David Merrill
04-25-11, 12:28 PM
There are a lot of unfounded assertions made about funded birth certificates.


Watch a couple minutes from (click) here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAu4O8hOXX0&feature=player_embedded#t=1042s). There are no such Supreme Court cases! However, from watching ten minutes of this ambassador for a non-extant republic, I discern that he has built a plausible but inaccurate scenario to explain central banking and the simple remedy that really does exist; §16 of the Fed Act at Title 12 U.S.C. §411 -

They shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand...

It in fact says the same thing in that simple remedy as this fellow lectures about, without the elaborations and misdirection. Like with the verbiage I have been suggesting Motla68's CR crew might eliminate - why restrict the coupon/remittance be redeemed at the Treasury? It is redeemable at any bank around!


The common denominator for all the success stories, whether taxes, traffic tickets or withholdings on the W-4 is the demand for lawful money. And the fellow in the video is explaining away how people sign their substance to the central bank of the US (the Fed) without ever actually signing the endorsement for private credit. Frustrating!

It functions exactly as the fellow is describing but it stands upon the consent of every Signature Authorization on that naked contract we have all, including him, been conditioned to never, ever question - endorsement on the backside of our paychecks.

I have quite a bit of information about the Republics and a lot of it is on Google Docs. These people are great people but out of desperation the President - James Timothy TURNER has been pressured into keeping it going on lies about funding and military and foreign nations supporting RAP/RuSA. I can expose all the lies and it still does nothing to defeat the simple truth that these are all good people exploring and pursuing an American ideal of restoring America to a pre-1861 state of constitutional republic.

There is something that I would like to get verified about what this fellow says in the earlier parts of his presentation - about the Seventy Year Contract of Abe LINCOLN. There is a rumor, based in legislature that the US Treasury was abolished in 1921. That timeframe roughly would to 1931 be the seventy-year timeline alright. Of course the US Treasury still exists but the rumor is based on some major restructuring of the Treasury and that hit home for me how great it would be, to sit this guy down in the federal respository for six hours and pick apart any citations he might have picked up on the way researching. There is about 200 pages of Congressional Globe appendix in 1861 of things that were going on during that timeframe - the 100 days of government shutdown between March 28 and July 4. I may have to sit down myself and read through that one day soon.

Mainly about RAP/RuSA - they put no emphasis on the remedy that exists, and way too much emphasis on the US Government being a corporation. As it was pointed out to me recently, governments are corporations and the body politic is the People who organize the Constitutional Republic. The US Government was a corporation from the get go and it extended out of Washington as early as 1789 with the formation of the state districts in the same Judiciary Act we find Remedy - the 'saving to suitors' clause. In order for a government to sue, and enter into contract and even to be sued it has to take on the characteristics of a corporation. The municipality, city of Washington, District of Columbia became a formal municipal corporation in 1871 but that is not the federal government. It is a municipal corporation with a city council and such, just like any other city in America, not one official face in the Obama Administration.

This is a fine example of how elaborate constructing remedy gets when you missed the simplicity of the remedy that is already there!

The fellow makes some good points about full disclosure. I did not hear one word about "Tim Turner" in the snippet I have bothered with. Most of these folks are struggling with the fact that Tim has been lying in order to hold the Republics together and there is a faction in the South that has even formed (at least in their own minds) as a separatist republic so to speak. [Important: Standing upon the same Constitution, the concept is self-defeating because of Article IV - these republics cannot form a state within their state without the consent of the State and Congress both. Ergo my assertion that these folks don't actually exist at all; except of course you see a Denny's waitress push in past the lecturer to respectfully fill a delicious looking Order.]

My suspicions are that my amicus curiae for one of Tim's victims is effective and the USA is going to push for one more extension for about another thirty days and then make no objection if the Tenth Circuit justices recommend he be released from prison. That would explain why they sought the extension - to keep Ron in the prison as long as they could. That is just a guess though. This paper actually captures quite a bit of RAP/RuSA history but is by no means comprehensive. What Tim taught prior to RAP though was a negative averment lien process in admiralty. Reading the amicus curiae you may discern my belief that by Tim not disclosing he had released his own liens with the Alabama SoS to Ron, Ron had false confidence in negative averment process recusing the federal judge in his own prosecution - which heavily affected his defense.

One thing important, before you begin is to understand the basic rule of amicus curiae is that the clerk of court cannot file it without consent from both parties and leave of the court unless it comes from a territory, state or Washington DC:


What I am telling you in a nutshell, is that I am already there, where these people want to be - simply by understanding the remedy there for everybody. I am there with you and all the others... people are obviously not dead corporation/persons.

This is the Filed doc. (http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/8137/amicuscuriaefiled10thci.pdf)

This rendition (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hcIoa5SszZVVX3VC5PHGV3G5AuJoMSd3z6lYiheONmo/edit?hl=en) hopefully has a full barrage of active links.

I have spent several hours with the Colorado Republic's spokesman (owns the donated server) and toured the federal repository with him. I have been keeping an accurate lens on this Movement - albeit in my my opinion, it is non-extant politically. However the people and their intent, once equipped with the simplicity of the Remedy might become quite a force overnight by redeeming lawful money!


David Merrill.

04-26-11, 12:25 AM
A few months back Gov Ritter (and all the governors) received a letter (http://www.denverpost.com/breakingnews/ci_14807977?source=rss) stating "...if they don't leave office within three days they will be removed, according to an internal intelligence note by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security."

It's probably the same group?

I did like the way he put together the timeline. I had all the pieces, but didn't have them in order because I'd learn about one here and then one there.

Thanks for adding to the post...

Anthony Joseph
04-26-11, 02:24 AM
Two major red flags about this guy's presentation (besides NO mention of remedy through redemption/demand for lawful money):

1) Give us your "red thumb" and "swear an oath"
2) Give us your FULL name that "mommy and daddy gave you".

Either this guy is a clueless, yet "useful idiot" for the controllers of the system and trust machination or he knows good and well what he is doing, and intentionally omitting, so as to further entrap even more unwitting "patriots" into an "enemy combatant" character and standing.

Listen to his opening remarks; very shrewd by mentioning he has nine children (really stressing and emphasizing that fact which garnered reaction from the "Denny's gathering") as if to gain favor and trust with other family oriented people seeking remedy and truth.

"We don't have months, only weeks until this all goes down": more gloom and doom hype-methodology in order to "sign up" as many "patriots" as possible at this meeting.

And yet they have papers documented and recorded at the Hague and upon the International community at large. Why are they not gaining recognition as a separate and moral state as opposed to the so-called corporate UNITED STATES which is only a defacto government who is saluted by the military simply because there is no other valid or rightful authority in place.

How long is this RAP/RuSA going to keep pretending it is gaining headway when they still have not figured out how to instruct the people about two of the most important steps to freedom and remedy:

1) Knowing one's True Name
2) Redeeming and demanding lawful money of exchange

With all that time and research, NO ONE from RAP/RuSA has even stumbled upon these key points of the path to regaining freedom and remedy? Sounds at least unbelievable and at most fishy.

David Merrill
04-26-11, 03:45 AM
A few months back Gov Ritter (and all the governors) received a letter (http://www.denverpost.com/breakingnews/ci_14807977?source=rss) stating "...if they don't leave office within three days they will be removed, according to an internal intelligence note by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security."

It's probably the same group?

I did like the way he put together the timeline. I had all the pieces, but didn't have them in order because I'd learn about one here and then one there.

Thanks for adding to the post...

That is Teri HINKLE's group. I will give you the number for her Wednesday night teleconference if you like. Here (https://www.freeconferencing.com/playback_tp.html?cid=conferences/64109-17-65-6750-17-65-677766-17-65-67-17-65-67-17-65-67-17-65-672797-17-65-6738-17-65-67.mp3&e=1325307660000&cn=51-87-32-24) is last week's recording (I think).

David Merrill
04-26-11, 03:54 AM
Two major red flags about this guy's presentation (besides NO mention of remedy through redemption/demand for lawful money):

1) Give us your "red thumb" and "swear an oath"
2) Give us your FULL name that "mommy and daddy gave you".

Either this guy is a clueless, yet "useful idiot" for the controllers of the system and trust machination or he knows good and well what he is doing, and intentionally omitting, so as to further entrap even more unwitting "patriots" into an "enemy combatant" character and standing.

Listen to his opening remarks; very shrewd by mentioning he has nine children (really stressing and emphasizing that fact which garnered reaction from the "Denny's gathering") as if to gain favor and trust with other family oriented people seeking remedy and truth.

"We don't have months, only weeks until this all goes down": more gloom and doom hype-methodology in order to "sign up" as many "patriots" as possible at this meeting.

And yet they have papers documented and recorded at the Hague and upon the International community at large. Why are they not gaining recognition as a separate and moral state as opposed to the so-called corporate UNITED STATES which is only a defacto government who is saluted by the military simply because there is no other valid or rightful authority in place.

How long is this RAP/RuSA going to keep pretending it is gaining headway when they still have not figured out how to instruct the people about two of the most important steps to freedom and remedy:

1) Knowing one's True Name
2) Redeeming and demanding lawful money of exchange

With all that time and research, NO ONE from RAP/RuSA has even stumbled upon these key points of the path to regaining freedom and remedy? Sounds at least unbelievable and at most fishy.

Very true! It is in my opinion that people sense there is remedy and build an elaborate construction of it instead of keeping it so simple.

Just one of the many, many astounding obfuscations by Tim TURNER is that §508 of the IRC is special rules for the §501 (C)(3) Corporations. Tim informs the followers that RAP/RuSA is a non-profit religious organization with the IRS for tax exempt purposes, yet he says it with such slick snake oil salesman precision that people actually argued that he must have meant something else by this:

https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1EaV_bU7VImM2M2OGM2ZmUtMmJkOS00ZjI0LWEwM jMtNjk2YmY1NzYyZmJl&hl=en

04-27-11, 12:18 AM
So, two of the most important steps to freedom and remedy:

1) Knowing one's True Name
2) Redeeming and demanding lawful money of exchange

I know my true name, but does that mean I need to record a document to 'prove' I know it?
Also, redeeming and demanding lawful money of exchange, does it matter when you begin the process?
Immediately, if not sooner I suspect? My meager earnings are auto deposited at the bank - don't you just love efficiency?
Do I instruct the employer, or the bank? (I remember reading about it, but haven't located it since.)

Are there steps 3 and 4 and...?

I think having a thread devoted to just this one topic would be helpful.

David Merrill
04-27-11, 12:36 AM
So, two of the most important steps to freedom and remedy:

1) Knowing one's True Name
2) Redeeming and demanding lawful money of exchange

I know my true name, but does that mean I need to record a document to 'prove' I know it?
Also, redeeming and demanding lawful money of exchange, does it matter when you begin the process?
Immediately, if not sooner I suspect? My meager earnings are auto deposited at the bank - don't you just love efficiency?
Do I instruct the employer, or the bank? (I remember reading about it, but haven't located it since.)

Are there steps 3 and 4 and...?

I think having a thread devoted to just this one topic would be helpful.

There are several great threads. I add step 3) Proper Record-Forming.

I am not certain publishing your true name will be helpful except to you. If the record on your heart, about the truth is vibrant then that is bound to manifest around you - in my opinion. I see it with myself for half my life and I see it in the testimony you will find here that our fears are almost certainly meant to be overcome, showing us in the outcome, that we really had nothing to fear to begin with. But there it is, we still have fears. And then we learn what we can; and again learn the same lesson - we really had nothing to fear - but only after we have the faith to overcome it...

I suppose the best encouragement is to enjoy life along the way.


David Merrill.

P.S. My thought to starting a new thread; if you do not find a thread that suits what you have in mind, start one! (http://my.cloudme.com/davidmerrill/webshare/misused%20slide%20rule.wmv)

David Merrill
02-22-16, 11:18 AM
Tim contacted me with the same old lies, on YouTube the other day. I am starting to get messages from the brain trust and otherwise about fantastic revaluations and Obama/Biden are supposed to announce their resignations together, later this morning. Like revealed above Tim is James Timothy TURNER and posted to me on my YouTube channel as "james turner".

Before judging please notice a couple things about my amicus brief (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImM282YWs3ZFo2Mmc/view?usp=sharing). First, that it is filed and published. This is prerogatory of a state. Second, that I use the Great Seal as a State. This is why the paper was filed and published. There was some Internet commentary by remedy skeptics dismayed at what a short prison term Ron actually served too; considering he "fled justice" at sentencing.


02-22-16, 02:13 PM
One glaring problem with this "Republic of Missouri" thing is that terms like "Republic of Missouri" tend to represent the name of something (initial caps). It doesn't take much trouble for anyone around Missouri land to dig up an original state constitution and come to the conclusion that a free and independent republic was formed and that it has a specific name and the name (or stile") of that free and independent republic never was "Republic of Missouri" and it is not "Republic of Missouri". I would tend to ignore much of RAP/TT. TT + RAP = TTRAP, if you stutter just a little bit.

Around the Civil War, it is suggested the same republic to be a "free, sovereign and independent". To determine the name of that republic, one need only take a look at the original its 1821 constituting documents (hint: its not "the State of Missouri").

Now is it any coincidence, a primary Securities and Exchange Commission repository, a primary site for handling Federal Tax Deposits center, the primary gateway between the FRB system and the U.S. Treasury, and, TWO federal reserve banks (FRB St. Louis and FRB Kansas City) are located or resident in Missouri--with all of the foregoing except for FRB Kansas City being located in St. Louis. St. Louis was formerly a capitol city of the Louisiana Territory, the District of Louisiana, and the Missouri Territory (St. Charles City is the former capital of the State of Missouri) and possibly even a capital city during both French Louisiana and Spanish Louisiana. Interestingly enough, the Mississippi River was known of by the Spanish as Río del Espíritu Santo (or River of the Holy Spirit).

"We, the people of Missouri, inhabiting the limits hereinafter designated, by our representatives in convention assembled at St. Louis, on Monday, the 12th day of June, 1820, do mutually agree to form and establish a free and independent republic by the name of 'The State of Missouri,' and for the government thereof do ordain and establish this constitution."

There have been constitutions associated with "Missouri" in total (1820, 1865, 1875, and 1945). Nonetheless, the basis for assertion of sovereignty could be drawn from various sources: the Louisiana Purchase Treaty (aka Treaty of Cession), the Declaration of Independence, the Original Footing Doctrine, principles concerning reversion to the people of sovereignty upon dissolution of a state government and the like. In sum, AFAIK, there has never been officially a "Republic of Missouri".

Its worth noting, nonetheless, it is an thousands-of-years ancient principle that if a government ceases to exist, the power reverts to the people or the founders. A doppleganger or clone doesn't get the power, it reverts. Similarly, if you delegated exclusive authority to A to shop for you and A died, the delegation ceases and reverts back to you. It seems that Missouri government though sovereignty was asserted, took a neutral position which opposed invasion or coercion by any party to the Civil War whether it be the Union or the Confederacy.

From: United States Congressional Serial Set, Issue 4247

Relevant side note:
Now, although The State of Missouri tended to be a pro-slavery state, the Dred Scott decision actually pivoted upon various technicalities and said NOTHING NEW: someone born a slave would not be deemed to have the rights of the freeborn. That is, Dredd Scott more wisely would have either [1] (rather than confessing to being born a slave) asserted having been born free and kidnapped and held against his will; [2] sued while living in Wisconsin or Illinois (slavery-free states--Missouri was the wrong venue really and Dredd Scott may have been misled by lawyers and used as a political and propaganda tool). Another technicality is his birth on a military base and his being the 'slave' of a soldier (himself a U.S. subject). If he did either of those, the case would probably not have been published (see Amistad). However, it seems that one can volunteer into slaveborn status.

The very same courthouse still stands as of February 20, 2016 is undergoing rennovations.

Most of what is taught about the Dred Scott case are lies contrary to the actual decision of the case.

The United States Supreme Court decided 7–2 against Scott, finding that neither he nor any other person of African ancestry could claim citizenship in the United States, and therefore Scott could not bring suit in federal court under diversity of citizenship rules. [A Wikipedia pop propaganda lie.]

The case said that someone born a slave could not claim citizenship in the United States (federal or several?) and the distinction between being a 'negro' of 'African races' vs. being a 'negro' of 'other races' is made there or in Amistad. The term 'negro' is laid bare as having little to nothing to do with being from Africa. The exoteric media propaganda is a mere rumor compared to the truth or facts of the case. Also, the nature of itinere status was asserted in the Dred Scott case. "Negro" != "negro" (not synonymous).

David Merrill
02-22-16, 04:31 PM
Thank you for clarifying that. The nomenclature really does matter. Accordingly I believe that the small bands that may or may not be reviving New Republics with Tim, are presuming the population to be corporate chattel incapable of filling the void of resulting trust. When the failed government continues to operate outside the constitutions it is difficult to convince people of their heritage and right to become Trustee and reform a new government.

There was even a time when the New Republics grabbed a mail stop in a store across the street from the state capital in Carson City, Nevada for the capital. The address looked convincing that they had reclaimed the capital building for the New Republics.

David Merrill
02-22-16, 04:57 PM
P.S. As opposed to my approach, which is basically that, A statesman's gotta do what a statesman's gotta do. It does not matter what people think or how many people are willing to put themselves at risk with me. (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImZV9aWTdIREw5bm8/view?usp=sharing) I am depending on truth to prevail and the execution of law in accord to the Word of God.

So I can relate to Tim and like Dan PETERSEN who was first to go into prison on the Court Safety legislation of 2007 I understand how the sentence only reinforced his beliefs and confirmed his delusions. I will be satisfied with a few well-placed warnings.

02-22-16, 07:36 PM
One issue is that TT started issuing "Warrants Cards" which served to undermine a functional remedy someone else had developed and used the term 'warrant' (temporarily and tentatively) in the title of the document. IMHO, those documents were 100% lawful without any of the delusional garnishings. But anyways, within a week or so of the one developing the document having a computer hacked and after disclosing some tidbit to someone that frequented a forum like this one, TT started issuing Warrant Cards (http://www.notmygovernment.us/forum/NMG.pl?num=1290281912/15) and people got in trouble--it very much seemed that TT and his cohorts were acting as a tools for stirring up negative response to lawful remedies.

...Accordingly I believe that the small bands that may or may not be reviving New Republics with Tim, are presuming the population to be corporate chattel incapable of filling the void of resulting trust. When the failed government continues to operate outside the constitutions it is difficult to convince people of their heritage and right to become Trustee and reform a new government.

Consider to obtain TT's Warrant Card, for a fee of course, an SSN was requested.

Thank you for clarifying that. The nomenclature really does matter.

The name of the republic of Missouri (Missouri is a nation) is "The State of Missouri" rather than "Republic of Missouri" that that is important and rules of grammar apply. I suppose such a stile or name has specificity like the name of a place or the name of a man. One thing that seems glaring is that the RAP/TT approach is more about insurgency rather than restoration. How do you restore a republic with republics that never existed such as "Republic of Missouri". You would think that TT can read and take the time to study the constitutions of a given state to figure out the proper namings.

P.S. As opposed to my approach, which is basically that, A statesman's gotta do what a statesman's gotta do....

When the angels came for Lot, the destruction didn't occur until the last of the living exited the scene. Similarly, if an heir fails to make their presence known or if statesmen fail to do what they gotta do--then would it be anything other than safe to presume: no heirs or no statesmen remain? (Crosstalk: terra nullis and China-International District (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?2016-LOSE-THE-LEGAL-NAME-Kate-of-Gaia&p=20669&viewfull=1#post20669)).

If only more people would simply learn to soundly draft and issue writs of mandamus than buying trinkets and kits from TT....

David Merrill
02-22-16, 08:48 PM
Indeed; may I take your order please?


02-24-16, 12:55 PM
Note how the "Missouri Governor" entered into a treaty or MOU with Peru (the following is dated February 4, 2016):

Lima, Peru – Gov. Jay Nixon today announced that the State of Missouri has signed a $300 million bi-lateral agreement with Peru. This marks the second trade agreement reached by the Governor during this week’s trade mission to emerging economies in South America. On Tuesday, Gov. Nixon announced a $750 million agreement with Colombia.

The trade agreement, witnessed by the Governor, was signed by Mario Ocharán, Deputy Director of Commercial Intelligence for PromPerú, Peru’s Export and Tourism Promotion Board, and Mike Downing, Director of the Missouri Department of Economic Development. Under the agreement, Missouri and Peru agree to trade a combined $300 million worth of goods over the next four years.

“Expanding markets for Missouri goods overseas is a proven strategy for creating jobs back home,” Gov. Nixon said. “This agreement with one of South America’s fastest growing economies will boost demand for Missouri products, create jobs and make our economy even more competitive in the global marketplace. We are grateful for the warm welcome our delegation has received both here in Peru and in Colombia, and the willingness of these leaders to partner with us to promote greater prosperity and free enterprise throughout the Americas.” (Source: Office of the Missouri Governor)


Gov. Nixon has made creating opportunities for Missouri businesses to sell their products around the globe and promoting Missouri as an ideal location for investment by foreign companies a top economic development priority for his administration. The Governor has led successful trade missions to China (October 2011); Brazil (April 2012); the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Republic of Korea (March 2013); western Europe (June 2014, March 2015 and June 2015); eastern Canada (March 2014); and western Canada (August 2015).


Note the U.S. flag rather than the Missouri flag.

David Merrill
02-24-16, 01:07 PM
What does it mean?

I see governor as corporation sole - METRO operating in the higher jurisdiction of a church. Visitation to a breached trust (US).

02-24-16, 02:07 PM
It has long been held that there has always been two systems operating in parallel in America. Consider these two extremes: those born subjects and those born free. Think: gods of the living and gods of the dead. Lesser light to rule the night (darkness), greater light to rule the day (light). What side is METRO on?


...he is not the God of dead men, but a God of living men; ye then go greatly astray. Mark 12:27 (YLT)

Thusly those who were formerly a subject of the King became citizens of the respective state and the sovereignty transferred to the people (perhaps a non-corporate association which also has a body politic called "the People"). If one studies the framing of the Constitution, the Articles of Confederation, etc. that the drafters of those documents were very much aware of the distinction between someone freeborn and someone born subject to another man; that means that anyone born subject to a European king, for example, would be at a disability ('negro' or 'dead') and could not have full participation in an association of freeborn or highborn men. That is, a person born a British subject may have had much the same political status as an African slave sold at auction.

As proof of its significance, even recently that same issue (subject born vs not) has raised its head concerning the legitimacy of New Zealand and Australian governments. The same issue prevented New Zealand and Australia from joining the League of Nations (aka United Nations?) because subjects could not participate in treaties as sovereignties without permission from their sovereign.

The push to allow enfranchise corporate persons in the United States despite the outward appearances was about allowing those born into or living under political subjection of another man to hold office. The Original Thirteenth Amendment may very well pertain to this. Consider, attorneys by operation of law would be subjects of whatever Crown or Monarch or King they operated under (the bar being a body corporate?). Also, that attorneys like soldiers (whether foreign or domestic) might take on a type of 'civil death'.


Regarding The State of Missouri:

Perhaps they have all been operating in more than one mode all along.

If I recall correctly, in the book it is suggested that entire legal profession has its origins in Roman Canon Law. Thusly why there would exist corporate and non-corporate systems in parallel.

The early Middle Ages (ca. 500–1050) was a world without lawyers—or nearly so. The Roman legal system eroded drastically, at least in the Western empire, during the years that followed the turn of the sixth century. By the end of that century little more than its ghost remained, and the Roman legal profession faded away with it. From: The Medieval Origins of the Legal Profession

David Merrill
02-24-16, 05:41 PM
That is very helpful:


Chess in Milestone Park.


Van Pelt Milestone in the Brooklyn Historical Society

Little Peter Van Pelt was on the end of the line, and he was the last boy to whom George Washington spoke; and to little Peter he looked very tall, as he came near to him and laid his hand on Peter's head.

This Link (https://archive.org/stream/ramblesabouthist00brookl/ramblesabouthist00brookl_djvu.txt). I have always noted the special treatment, to make the government-servant last in line yet deliver the anointing.

This explains away my quickening in 46X2 genome memories! (https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1AVNG_enUS646US646&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=van%20pelt%20manor%20ramblings%20brooklyn)

P.S. This explains also how David ROCKEFELLER could donate 18 acres of Manhattan Island to "International Soil" for the United Nations campus. We become servant-masters through service; Rectification of Judiciary.

In the whole thing, if Congress and the Colorado general assembly had only made this plain by passing revisions or amendments, deleting the "everliving God" and/or altering "So help me God." - to all upper case, they would get away with it barring a revolution like widespread New Republics etc. The fraud exposes my government to takeover as trustee of the resulting trust.


David Merrill VAN PELT is the First Trustee.

David Merrill
02-24-16, 06:09 PM
P.P.S. The one item to especially consider is that the remedy was not written until 1913 and it was for state banks using Federal Reserve notes. It is pretty difficult to elevate state banks to sovereigns among men and women.

An alleged shareholder tries to apologize. (http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message3096413/pg1?disclaimer=1)

The Founders have NO BEARING to the Current 13.. Except their BLOOD runs through our veins

David Merrill
02-27-16, 06:56 AM
So it would seem that an impostor is prowling Google+:

BoP Inmate Locator shows Tim Turner is still in prison.

Register Number: 14154-002
Age: 59
Race: White
Sex: Male
Located at: Marion USP
Release Date: 05/23/2028