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View Full Version : Birth Cert / SSN "Secret Account" Myth

Florida Man
08-21-19, 08:43 PM
One of the things that a lot of people don't seem to understand is the concept of controlled opposition. Some examples of this are the term "sovereign citizen" and the many memes and propaganda videos attached to it.

By law (Constitution), the sovereigns are defined in the first three words, "We the People". Unfortunately, decades of misinformation coupled with individual ignorance has allowed the plantation owners (servants of satan, aka jews) to shuffle most people into the "US citizen" voluntary slave status. Anyone identifying as a US citizen, US resident, resident of a state, or any other statutory term is voluntarily claiming themselves to be willing slaves.

And what is a slave? A person who is the property of another. Who works but is never compensated for the work, and who (at least) believes they must continue working in such conditions to survive. Chattel.

So why, then, do people actually believe there is a huge credit line attached to them via some identifying number? There's not. This is controlled opposition that appeals to your greed, and is intended to trick you into seeking materialistic gains while entrapping yourself just as you volunteered yourself a slave.

The truth is a lot more sinister. You see, the plantation owners want to live a good live in a world they make themselves, and they want a facade to exist that lulls the masses to sleep... BUT this is a logistical nightmare. Who is going to do all the grunt work required to make "civilized society" function? Who is going to all the "dirty jobs" that Mike Rowe used to talk about on TV a lot?

In the past, slaves were used. These were people who lost a war and were made into property by their captors. Today, it's people who voluntarily participate in the statutory jurisdictions disguised as countries/nation-states.

- You are not collateral. The banksters already have a grasp on tangible assets, physical resources, and such which they stole by employing the hegelian dialectic. They took these things from the people and in exchange gave them worthless paper.

- All "new money" that enters the corporate economy is created when a new loan (credit) is issued. This is a purely accounting transation. Money that did not exist before was added to the ledger when a promissory note (or bond) is signed.

- You are "human capital" which does the nasty work THEY don't want to do, so that they can live like 'gods' and you can pretend that additional hard work will elevate your circumstances.

- All money is worthless juxtaposed against your life, and so why would you willingly trade your priceless life for worthless paper under the false belief that if you don't, you will experience some kind of adverse consequence?

The sovereignty awakening is huge, but it is also being suppressed and attacked by the controllers who need the slaves to stay on their plantations. Don't get caught up in the many land mines that exist. Only those who first repent and put their faith in Jesus Christ can have any hope of succeeding, because we cannot stand on our own - we can only stand if we have the blessings of the Father.

David Merrill
08-21-19, 10:33 PM
One of the things that a lot of people don't seem to understand is the concept of controlled opposition. Some examples of this are the term "sovereign citizen" and the many memes and propaganda videos attached to it.

By law (Constitution), the sovereigns are defined in the first three words, "We the People". Unfortunately, decades of misinformation coupled with individual ignorance has allowed the plantation owners (servants of satan, aka jews) to shuffle most people into the "US citizen" voluntary slave status. Anyone identifying as a US citizen, US resident, resident of a state, or any other statutory term is voluntarily claiming themselves to be willing slaves.

And what is a slave? A person who is the property of another. Who works but is never compensated for the work, and who (at least) believes they must continue working in such conditions to survive. Chattel.

So why, then, do people actually believe there is a huge credit line attached to them via some identifying number? There's not. This is controlled opposition that appeals to your greed, and is intended to trick you into seeking materialistic gains while entrapping yourself just as you volunteered yourself a slave.

The truth is a lot more sinister. You see, the plantation owners want to live a good live in a world they make themselves, and they want a facade to exist that lulls the masses to sleep... BUT this is a logistical nightmare. Who is going to do all the grunt work required to make "civilized society" function? Who is going to all the "dirty jobs" that Mike Rowe used to talk about on TV a lot?

In the past, slaves were used. These were people who lost a war and were made into property by their captors. Today, it's people who voluntarily participate in the statutory jurisdictions disguised as countries/nation-states.

- You are not collateral. The banksters already have a grasp on tangible assets, physical resources, and such which they stole by employing the hegelian dialectic. They took these things from the people and in exchange gave them worthless paper.

- All "new money" that enters the corporate economy is created when a new loan (credit) is issued. This is a purely accounting transation. Money that did not exist before was added to the ledger when a promissory note (or bond) is signed.

- You are "human capital" which does the nasty work THEY don't want to do, so that they can live like 'gods' and you can pretend that additional hard work will elevate your circumstances.

- All money is worthless juxtaposed against your life, and so why would you willingly trade your priceless life for worthless paper under the false belief that if you don't, you will experience some kind of adverse consequence?

The sovereignty awakening is huge, but it is also being suppressed and attacked by the controllers who need the slaves to stay on their plantations. Don't get caught up in the many land mines that exist. Only those who first repent and put their faith in Jesus Christ can have any hope of succeeding, because we cannot stand on our own - we can only stand if we have the blessings of the Father.

I have been watching so much of Laurence GARDNER lately, and trying to find time to read Bloodline. I cannot remember where to find all the factoids he presents to be most believable. And this information is like learning a new language. - Alone. He fell sick and died in 2010. Patrick asked from jail today - "Is there any response from the Dragon Court?" The answer is no. But then accepting the $21 consideration being sent by several suitors in the Albany Remand is an answer - they are accepting the consideration and we might be able to presume as some kind of judicial function.

But there are two points GARDNER makes. One is the attitude is not of conspiracy or farming wealth off people, the layman class. The 33 Dynastic Families are simply aware of their heritage. So am I (Patroons). The other point is that the charter for nearly five thousand years, of the Dragon Court is to protect the ruling class - the Anunnaki. That is still what they do.

A fellow shared a book about the ROOSEVELT ventures in China. He pointed out that Franklin Delano and Eleanor were cousins. I took a look at their children (https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=tY5dXZLlIJGV0PEPuMu_cA&q=fdr%27s+children&oq=fdr%27s+children&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i22i30l2.7728.11783..12099...0.0..0.178.1 503.4j10....2..0....1..gws-wiz.......0i10.0LkMoi2Q95o&ved=0ahUKEwjSk8aWzZTkAhWRCjQIHbjlDw4Q4dUDCAc&uact=5) and note that for all that wealth they do not seem to have extended lifespan any, at all. So with my knowledge of health and especially now arcing highward starfire (exotic matter) I presume that they were trying to preserve mitochondrial DNA and it cost in a weakened strain, due to recombinant DNA.

There are some insights that accompany the research. The Dead Sea is a dimple on the crust probably from an ancient and enormous meteorite. That would leave a major stardust fingerprint in the soil and water. Sure enough people are healing there. But more significantly is Syrian records (1934) tell Sodom and Gomorrah were shining universities of teaching enlightened civil engineering. They were located in the Dead Sea area. But get this: There has been talk of an energy vortex around Sedona, Arizona for a long while and that is also a meteorite site.

Somehow and seemingly intuitive I have not been expecting any judgment, decrees or opinions from out of Budapest, or Oberberg, Germany where I hear the current Chancellor/Baron resides. What the Dragon Court is doing is bearing witness to me, an accidental Pendragon. My mother and father found themselves and each other outside the scope of genetic engineering by the NEPHALIM. The Sons of God simply enjoy the entertainment and with my blessing, they hope for me the best of luck.

Florida Man
08-22-19, 04:43 AM
But there are two points GARDNER makes. One is the attitude is not of conspiracy or farming wealth off people, the layman class. The 33 Dynastic Families are simply aware of their heritage. So am I (Patroons). The other point is that the charter for nearly five thousand years, of the Dragon Court is to protect the ruling class - the Anunnaki. That is still what they do.

The heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, is sovereign over all - and he made all men the same over the realm of earth. When the tower of Babel was destroyed, God scattered humans over the surface of earth, into 70 chief nations each with their own langauge. Any "ruling class" that preceded this, including egyptian sun-worshippers, were nullified. God also appointed angels to act as arbiters for each of these nations, and they were supposed to ensure that the people followed God's commandments and that just rulers came to power. These angels were corrupted by the fallen ones, and they joined in the rebellion against the Father, and to this day foster the evil that characterizes this world.

So any "family" that is claiming some kind of hereditament is simply wrong. They have no blessing nor authority by God, and nobody instituting rulers, laws, or statutes that contradict God's law or the word of the Bible is valid. These '33 families' are all satanists, and the will perish with their world unless they come to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

There are some insights that accompany the research. The Dead Sea is a dimple on the crust probably from an ancient and enormous meteorite. That would leave a major stardust fingerprint in the soil and water. Sure enough people are healing there. But more significantly is Syrian records (1934) tell Sodom and Gomorrah were shining universities of teaching enlightened civil engineering. They were located in the Dead Sea area. But get this: There has been talk of an energy vortex around Sedona, Arizona for a long while and that is also a meteorite site.

The fallen ones did get a rise out of sharing forbidden knowledge with humans, and many humans have fallen into the trap of believing that there are multiple pathways to salvation...but for us, there is only one way - repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. As for meteors and outer space; these are fictions. Earth is an enclosed realm, and earth is the last rung on the ladder beneath all of the heavens before the abyss - aka hell.

Somehow and seemingly intuitive I have not been expecting any judgment, decrees or opinions from out of Budapest, or Oberberg, Germany where I hear the current Chancellor/Baron resides. What the Dragon Court is doing is bearing witness to me, an accidental Pendragon. My mother and father found themselves and each other outside the scope of genetic engineering by the NEPHALIM. The Sons of God simply enjoy the entertainment and with my blessing, they hope for me the best of luck.

No man should ever seek to be a party to the fallen "sons of God", for whom a special place of torment is reserved in the blackness of darkness... guaranteed not to be entertaining. :)