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09-10-19, 05:04 PM

The Sumerian Swindle


The Monsters of Babylon

09-10-19, 07:27 PM
Anti-Semitism looks good on you. Sorry, didn't make it past the first misattributed quote.


David Merrill
09-10-19, 07:49 PM
The Bible Story is much different than I was taught. And I have been staying in the mainstream charismatic rapture eschatology as well as Messianic Judaism. Here are three snippets from Laurence Gardner and one of them describes his credentials to be reciting records.

How the Bloodline book happened. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2L1JYvBSAo)

Bible nomenclature and transfiguration. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Teej8qXo6LE)

6000 years of Dragon Court history. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PcrJfOmQU4)

Since I study Torah with Jews, I hesitate to call myself antisemitic. But we read the same Hebrew text and see it quite differently. One example is that Abram and Sarai were half-siblings, incest if you want to interpret things literally. That is the way of the Bible thumpers though, God's infallible Word and all. Another brief example is thinking that Jesus lived in Israel. Jesus lived in the New Babylonian Empire and was born a Babylonian Jew politically.

Something peculiar about authors is that they limit and restrict their ability to grow, by setting their belief sets down to pen and earning money. Therefore they need to keep protecting yesterday's beliefs. Also, the Internet will continue teaching those beliefs whether the author wants to or not. Just ask Walker Fowler TODD. His affidavit was never intended to go digital! His roommate uploaded it just before he went to court without consent.

So please, be careful with reactionary doctrine.

P.S. I took a look and stopped with the first hint of hate doctrine for the Jews.

Here is an interesting article (2) from 1928 Century Magazine. (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=5565&d=1568163864) I imagine that Adolph would have read it at about the time to plant a seed where to find a national enemy to unite the German people. Another aspect about Semitic sympathy and antisemitism is the slur against the German people for being so stupid as to put HITLER into that position to begin with. A suitor paid me in part with a collection of historical artifacts about HITLER.





It piqued my interest enough to accept it for payment. It shows the side of Adolph nobody ever gets to see. And explains how he could have become powerful enough to do the things that he did.

Interestingly this is probably enough to label me antisemitic. And that is the conditioning I feel we should all overcome - reactionary doctrine. I have seen the fear of hate crime branding be more detrimental than actual hate crime. The truth might cost plenty. Then again many people will sell out for much less.

09-11-19, 02:36 AM
Anti-Semitism looks good on you. Sorry, didn't make it past the first misattributed quote.


No offense taken rabbi, knowledge is what it is, freedom to some, a curse to others.

09-11-19, 02:42 AM
David, at first glance it seems to be filled with hate against the Jews, but is it? Who are the Jews? Is the working man that wears a yamulke and cares for his family a Jew? Or is it the one with full knowledge of Usury's curse that prays on Humanity the Jew? I agree these books are extremely dangerous for unprepared or ignorant minds.

Michael Joseph
09-11-19, 04:04 AM
David, at first glance it seems to be filled with hate against the Jews, but is it? Who are the Jews? Is the working man that wears a yamulke and cares for his family a Jew? Or is it the one with full knowledge of Usury's curse that prays on Humanity the Jew? I agree these books are extremely dangerous for unprepared or ignorant minds.

As a general commentary and not specifically aimed at Gavilan:

It is a real shame that people take the Bible so literal. I went to a synagogue to get a taste of what it is like and I was appalled at the racism. However, I went to the so called Christian church and found the same. I imagine it to be the same everywhere religion is practiced in exoteric form.

"I know who you are who say you are of the house of Judah but do lie."

Who is hopelessly enslaved?: the one who thinks (s)he is free. Do utter those magic words - and the White Wizard has you.

Regarding the term Jew: In English it has an apparent meaning a "Jew-El". But if we accept the racist point of view of a "chosen" people, then that would make God a respecter of persons. Am I wrong? The term Jew is defined in Scripture - by the greatest Rabbi of all time who was the student of Gamaliel. Said student could orally recite the entire Torah.

Check yourself. Can you recite even the 1st chapter of Genesis 1? I can't. This instrument of God remains in bondage even to this day. But some are being birthed in his bonds [Onesimus].

Rom 2:29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

Those who remain in flesh consciousness calling themselves Jews do lie.

Rom 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Rom 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

Rom 8:8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

This reminds me of a lazy farmer who wouldn't raise any grain. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5X4Q6jFtHg&list=RDJ-UK7iNJgNo&index=5) 37 seeds to turn on the lamp - igniting the eternal fire. In the Leap Year is the celebration - 37 moons in the house of the Sun.

Babylon doth spew her poisonous seed. And he thinking to marry his sister. Silly rabbit. A lazy man she will not maintain. Why he can't even make his own corngrain. Too busy stomping over rabbit tracks in the outer court - arguing over that which matters not. Of course, he turns and pouts....

Instead of seeking the Gold of Ophir, he is satisfied with the dross of silver. How long will the prodigal son eat hog slop? Shall we now turn and return to the truth - and raise up seed to the Father?

Have the courage to turn away from the anti-Christ system which has hijacked the truth. May the true Husbandman raise up seed Christed and Crucified. Aquarius doth pour out HER water.

M - Mem - Mother - Water
A - Aleph - Father - Ox [strength]
N - Nun - Son - Seed

May the Wom[b]-man birth new seed in each of us. But someone said they saw activity on Mars and so another great war was predicted. It doesn't have to be. Why do folks look to their own destruction?

To our success,

Michael Joseph
09-11-19, 04:25 AM
Interestingly this is probably enough to label me antisemitic. And that is the conditioning I feel we should all overcome - reactionary doctrine. I have seen the fear of hate crime branding be more detrimental than actual hate crime. The truth might cost plenty. Then again many people will sell out for much less.

Objective examination is in the hands of the Wise.

David Merrill
09-11-19, 10:26 AM
As a general commentary and not specifically aimed at Gavilan:

It is a real shame that people take the Bible so literal. I went to a synagogue to get a taste of what it is like and I was appalled at the racism. However, I went to the so called Christian church and found the same. I imagine it to be the same everywhere religion is practiced in exoteric form.

"I know who you are who say you are of the house of Judah but do lie."

May the Wom[b]-man birth new seed in each of us. But someone said they saw activity on Mars and so another great war was predicted. It doesn't have to be. Why do folks look to their own destruction?

To our success,

I have seen that too. Who is the Jew?

David, at first glance it seems to be filled with hate against the Jews, but is it? Who are the Jews? Is the working man that wears a yamulke and cares for his family a Jew? Or is it the one with full knowledge of Usury's curse that prays on Humanity the Jew? I agree these books are extremely dangerous for unprepared or ignorant minds.

Or is it the one with full knowledge of Usury's curse that prays on Humanity the Jew?

Very revealing! Your question reveals that you think the word "Jew" is a slur. So you are probably best to drop the subject here. But answering your question anyway -



The genetic engineering shows Jesus was son of Archelaus HEROD, an Idumean. This is the same Dragon Court mission found with Abram bedding Sarai with the Pharaoh, Senusret II. Laurence GARDNER explains that the culture of the Israelites (Moses) is Egyptian and before that Iraq.

This is how badly religion will distort the plain and simple record.


The forum is pretty flexible so I will estimate another possibility. Highward (Shem) Starfire is a charge compression between light and gravity. This condition is "rapture" or being taken up into the clouds. The Egyptians called it gone like the migrating birds. Christians and Jews call it transfiguration. The record shows both Enlil and Enke retired into this condition. However Enlil had a "black" second facility in Arabia, a stargate back and unknown in secret amassed an army of warrior-priests by feeding them the starfire powder. Moses and Aaron fashioned a gold heist through the Golden Calf and real or not YHWH (Enlil - El Shaddai) convinced his army He could destroy them at the drop of a hat. Moses took the Golden Calf up the mountain and converted it to powder and brought it to the people, mixed it up with water and made the people drink it. ESP enhanced warriors are pretty tough.

These were the Israelites and they warred against the Hebrews and the other "invading" cultures after the Tower of Babylon incursion and foreign occupation that Enlil had earlier engineered. Then upon ten tribes sticking with the sexually balanced image of God Nebuchadnezzar invaded Judah and converted these folks to Jews by taking them into Babylon, castrating the men and breeding his seed, sharing with Darius and Cyrus (Persia) so not to have recombinant DNA. Then he returned them to Jerusalem and installed the Laws of Moses (Enlil) as a patriarchal monotheistic religion by Constitution (Nehemiah 10). Nehemiah was a Babylonian marshall - TIRSHATHA.

Jesus lived in the New Babylonian Empire, at the time.


I speculated above that the realm or alternate dimension is mental. By installing the Laws of Moses by constitution Enlil has assured all Jews and Christians will avoid experimentation into fetal stem cells in menstruum and starfire exotic matter powders too. These have not even found their way into the periodic table to date.

But my speculations are even more fringe than that.

By installing this religious order Enlil is alive in our thoughts, just as we are taught and by constructing the second "black" manna fabrication facility he has overtaken the entire pharaonic library of deity leadership. Enlil, in the mental realms dominates our thoughts and is dictating our actions and worst of all driving our guilt trips about blood and original sin. Is this what we want?

Why do folks look to their own destruction?

The overwhelming sense of loss I feel is with Flinders PETRIE destroying all that white powder, in ignorance, thinking it was wood ash. Where in any culture has anybody ever refined pure wood ash?

David Merrill
09-11-19, 02:48 PM
I should explain some foundation.

As I am reading several books at once on Mesopotamian history, a while back I began to form an understanding of worship. It is derived from a term, Work-Ship. It is something new to me, this idea. Picture an entire culture of men and women engaged in a different god-forming, religion. This one is to dedicate quite a bit of community effort into elevating the monarchy into spiritual, mental and intellectual ascension. Cultivating leadership and when they begin to influence the mental state of State, they become as gods - deity.

They worked together.

David Merrill
09-11-19, 02:49 PM
I should explain some foundation.

As I am reading several books at once on Mesopotamian history, a while back I began to form an understanding of worship. It is derived from a term, Work-Ship. It is something new to me, this idea. Picture an entire culture of men and women engaged in a different god-forming, religion. This one is to dedicate quite a bit of community effort into elevating the monarchy into spiritual, mental and intellectual ascension. Cultivating leadership and when they begin to influence the mental state of State, they become as gods - deity.

They worked together, these leaders with the goal of bettering the beneficiary - humanity.


The Sarabit manna factory shows a library of many leaders and many of these sarcophagi remain empty even though there are no signs of tomb raid. The university concept, teaching the nomadic tribes about agriculture, masonry, carpentry, materials, irrigation etc. prospered and was cherished until Enlil Kurgal, El Shaddai who was known as YHWH became the "jealous" god and created the Flood of invading cultures. He had or has a much smaller manna fabrication plant, in Arabia.


Please understand that I have met and spoken with the "founder" of this discovery - that Sinai is actually located in Arabia, just like the Bible says. Robert CORNUKE.


Like shown earlier, the Mt Sarabit discovery was excavated in 1904-1905 and the manna hoard there was destroyed. The exotic matter is yet to be properly characterized and I speculate wildly here. From the parts of the record I believe though, I feel that I have answered some of the major questions that come up.

These early gods were men of a protected bloodline, protected by the Dragon Sovereignty, which is Cain (King). When Israel begged Samuel for a King, they were asking to be ruled by these Anunnaki (again). This explains why the Bible tells us that Abraham coupled with Hagar (producing Ishmael) but not with Sarah. He contracted with Melchizedek through three angels and took Sarah into Egypt so that Pharaoh coupled with her producing Isaac.

However that is clearly different than the religious Bible Story we hear at chuch.

My point is about God-Forming. We are compelled by the Laws of Moses adopted at Nehemiah 10 to be shorting ourselves of the priestly benefits of everlasting life and renewal of mind. It is a patriarchal monotheistic doctrine by one of the Sons of God (sons of Cain) who rebelled and warred against anybody getting in His way. Maybe the Lesson is that this will lead to your own destruction - conquer and devour.


The Bible tells us that Jesus was Son of God. Compare to Genesis Chapter 6.

Michael Joseph
09-11-19, 06:55 PM

A couple of observations: I notice in both glyphs that there is one who is sitting on the cube. This one is clearly as master who has conquered space/time. In ENKI we see that the Moon is shown this to me indicates that this initiate is laying the foundation by raising up seed every 29.5 days. Which is the proper tithe.

In ENLIL we see that the Master is again one the cube of space/time but in his hand is the serpent raised upon the pole. This indicates that the seed [Jesus] has been anointed [Christened] we can see that the initiate is bringing a woman to work with him in White Trantra [The Great Arcanum A.Z.F.] (http://www.vopus.org/en/gnosis/alchemy/kundalini-sexual-magic-great-arcanum.html). These work under the Solar forces in order to light the eternal flame. Said better these wise virgins are putting oil in their lamp so as to meet the bridegroom for marriage.

Therefore, instead of looking at the foregoing as two brothers, I see these as two states of development. In one the foundation is being laid in the other the temple is being built.

The Cube can also represent the cross. 3 in the horizontal and 4 in the vertical. 3 for circle and 4 for square. We can easily see now the goal is to circle the square. The master sits on the cube. Therefore the master is immortal. Therefore the master shown is a "son of God" - with the salvation of the body, soul and spirit.

Abraham was neither Israelite or Hebrew. He was Chaldean.

Best regards,

David Merrill
09-11-19, 07:11 PM
A couple of observations: I notice in both glyphs that there is one who is sitting on the cube. This one is clearly as master who has conquered space/time. In ENKI we see that the Moon is shown this to me indicates that this initiate is laying the foundation by raising up seed every 29.5 days. Which is the proper tithe.

In ENLIL we see that the Master is again one the cube of space/time but in his hand is the serpent raised upon the pole. This indicates that the seed [Jesus] has been anointed [Christened] we can see that the initiate is bringing a woman to work with him in White Trantra [The Great Arcanum A.Z.F.] (http://www.vopus.org/en/gnosis/alchemy/kundalini-sexual-magic-great-arcanum.html). These work under the Solar forces in order to light the eternal flame. Said better these wise virgins are putting oil in their lamp so as to meet the bridegroom for marriage.

Therefore, instead of looking at the foregoing as two brothers, I see these as two states of development. In one the foundation is being laid in the other the temple is being built.

The Cube can also represent the cross. 3 in the horizontal and 4 in the vertical. 3 for circle and 4 for square. We can easily see now the goal is to circle the square. The master sits on the cube. Therefore the master is immortal. Therefore the master shown is a "son of God" - with the salvation of the body, soul and spirit.

Abraham was neither Israelite or Hebrew. He was Chaldean.

Best regards,

Thank you. Very insightful.

I read it that Abraham contracted with Enlil for 77 years additional to his 99 at the time. Sarai for a regenerated womb at 91 got another 35 years out of the deal. The genetic engineering crossed Chaldean with Egyptian blood. According to GARDNER this was needed as a result of the Flood. Enlil had allowed the surrounding cultures into the Garden. It was apparently a pretty bloody massacre, like storming a university.

Michael Joseph
09-12-19, 02:04 AM
Thank you. Very insightful.

I read it that Abraham contracted with Enlil for 77 years additional to his 99 at the time. Sarai for a regenerated womb at 91 got another 35 years out of the deal. The genetic engineering crossed Chaldean with Egyptian blood. According to GARDNER this was needed as a result of the Flood. Enlil had allowed the surrounding cultures into the Garden. It was apparently a pretty bloody massacre, like storming a university.

What I take from Abraham and Sarah is that these are one being. Sarah is in the Solar Plexus and is the Wom-man in every being. Sarah was promised a child [son or seed]. This seed is that which is in every human being every 29.5 days according to when the moon is in the sun sign at their birth. The manger is in the Solar Plexus so is the House of Bread [Bethlehem]. This is why it is said one is "raising up grain". The seed must descend into Egypt [below solar plexus] and be baptized in the Jordan [Spinal fluid]. Then the seed is said to be Christened or anointed with oil. Then the seed travels up the spinal column to the cross of the IDA/PINGALA where it is crucified [increased in strength].

So what is encouraging about this tale is that Sarah gave birth to a child in her old age. Which means even though we squander that precious oil thru sexual proclivity, overeating, and other carnal means in our youth, we can turn at any time and begin to lay the foundation with is Jesus Christ. The Kingdom of God is at hand - right now!

Regarding the precious seed germinated in Sarah every 29.5 days -

1Jn 3:9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; [B]for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.

One who preserves that precious seed lays a foundation upon a Rock. But once the foundation is laid, then the permanent house can be constructed.

'Making the creative energy return inward and upward, germinates, is born within us, a wonderful child , a Christified Astral Body. This vehicle bestows immortality upon us. This is our Chrestos mediator. With this vehicle we can reach the Father who is in secret. The Lord of All Perfection said: "No one reaches the Father but through Me".' (http://www.vopus.org/en/gnosis/alchemy/kundalini-sexual-magic-great-arcanum.html)

David Merrill
09-12-19, 08:50 AM
This seed is that which is in every human being every 29.5 days according to when the moon is in the sun sign at their birth.

I am having difficulty picturing when this cycle peaks. Is it related to the opening and closing of the aqueduct of sylvius?

09-13-19, 03:06 AM
Yes, the anti-Jew sentiment predates Hitler, at least in Germany. Recall the treatise Von den Jüden und iren Lügen (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Jews_and_Their_Lies) written by Martin Luther, of all people. Hard to explain such hatred of a group of people tracing lineage to the Fertile Crescent.

Merrill for Bundeskanzler!

David Merrill
09-13-19, 08:44 AM
Yes, the anti-Jew sentiment predates Hitler, at least in Germany. Recall the treatise Von den Jüden und iren Lügen (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Jews_and_Their_Lies) written by Martin Luther, of all people. Hard to explain such hatred of a group of people tracing lineage to the Fertile Crescent.

Merrill for Bundeskanzler! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chancellor_of_Germany_(1949%E2%80%93present))

I chuckled when I figured out what you mean.

This really unravels the Bible Story and with a lot of emotional twists and turns for me. Jesus was Idumean, and also a son of God - as in son of Cain. But Cain is Kin, is King. The Israelites clamored for the Anunnaki leadership to return over them when they cried to YHWH for a King. Jesus as son of God means he was of the old Bloodline.

This was the successful mission of the Dragon Court. The NEPHALIM were the long-lived giants - gigantism with elongated skullcaps for genetically engineered genius. This was a difficult posture to maintain as it passed through mitochondrial DNA. David slew Goliath - literally true or not, represents the passing of the gigantism. David was of a different mother - genetically engineered to preserve the ancient sons of Cain. King (Cain) David.

So it is difficult not to point at the Jews but just the same it is obvious that they are Nebuchadnezzar's victims here. The Book of Daniel tells us that they knew about castration so we can certainly accept it fact that the men were all castrated, if allowed to take care of Nebuchadnezzar, Darius and Cyrus' harem at all. So they did it again. And not only that, this was 2,520 years ago that we had a major Constitutional conversion; see Nehemiah 10.

This is the Jubilee. And the End of the (TWEA) War after the 153 years (2016).


April 15, 1861 was the formal declaration. But that is over and we are restructured. Thank Chancellor Dave!




09-19-19, 01:42 AM
Babylonian Talmudists contradict the spirit of Moses and take precedence over the Torah. They
have been using the name of Judaism as a shield against their banking/money monopoly since
ancient times. Moses' vision of God as a universal moral force.
Judaism has been hijacked. Judaism was originally based on Moses' vision of God as a universal moral force. The Sadducees upheld this view but the Pharisees overthrew them in a civil war in 79 BC. The remnants of the Sadducees, "Torah Jews" still cling to Moses and the Old Testament but they are a minority.Phariseeism is based on the Babylonian Talmud, which consists of the
interpretations of "sages" during the Babylonian exile 586 BC to 1040 AC.

Phariseeism is based on the Talmud, which consists of the interpretations of "sages" during the Babylonian exile 586 BC to 1040 AD. The Universal Jewish Encyclopaedia (1943) declares that Judaism is synonymous with Phariseeism: "The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, from the Pharisees.... the study of the Talmud is essential for any real understanding of Phariseeism." (p.474)Generally speaking, the Talmudists contradict the spirit of Moses and take precedence over the Torah.Christ again was in the tradition of Moses. He reproached unbelieving Jews: " If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote of me." ((John 5:24-27)

Christ reviled the Pharisees as "hypocrites" and a "generation of vipers." He said they nullified God's Commandments "teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." (Mark 7:6-8) Now that we know the Torah Jews have let the talmudic Jews down can that be anti semitism? The Gresham’s Law: Bad money always drives out good money in Sumerian times after Noah’s ancient flood in Mesopotamia,
humanity again was stooped to polytheism and moral degeneration in the helm of material progress.
Cush encouraged the masses to build the tower of Babel which his son Nimrod (Namrood) actually
built later. This encouragement brought the confusion and division of men, so that he was both,
"interpreter and confuser". The word “Babylon” translates as “confusion” in English. Double minded The Prophet Moses confronted the Pharaoh of the time who had enslaved the Israelites
(descendents of the Prophet Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham). However, after the
Israelites escaped their captivity, they were again swayed by the Babylonian Pharisees and
reverted to worshipping idols and the golden calf after the Pharisees collected all the Israelites’ gold. This event is known
as the Apostasy of Israel and the Cherubim. “Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee
any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the
water under the earth.” “Ye shall not make with me gods of silver, neither shall ye make unto you gods of gold.” (Ex.20:
2, 3, and 23). The cut and paste is only significant for the designated truth. All Men are comfortable knowing the swindle took place but ask any Man why it still takes precedence over any other moral considerations. Its just a business Being Jewish

09-19-19, 02:10 AM
The "Shetar" is a corruption of the word "Star" & refers to the famous "Star Chamber Courts". "The name star chamber ...
has been thought to be ... because the roof was originally studded with stars, because the Jewish covenants (called starrs
or stars ... ) were originally kept there." Boviers 1860. "Starr or starra. The old term for contract or obligation among the
Jews, being a corruption from the Hebrew word "shetar", a covenant, ... & Blackstone conjectures that the room in which
the chests were kept was thence called the "Star-Chamber"." "Star Chamber: A court which originally had jurisdiction in
cases where the ordinary course of justice was so much obstructed by one party... that no inferior court would find its
process obeyed. ... In the reign of Henry the 8th, & his successors, the jurisdiction of the court was illegally extended to
such a degree (especially in punishing the kings’ arbitrary proclamations) that it became odious to the nation, & was
abolished." Blacks 5th: These courts of Pharisaical Commercial Master/Slave Codes became heinous in part for their
"Secret Proceedings" & their infliction of "Cruel & Unusual Punishments" that they were abolished. They were the essence
of the so called Equity Jurisdiction. It was all run by Chancery Priests, & referred to in deceptively as "Courively as "Courts
of Equity", the only thing being "Equal" about them is that all Conquered "Slaves" thereunder are treated more or less
Equally. "Courts of Chancery" is a more honest name, as it was great "Chance" taken to go before such. "The whole of
equity jurisprudence prevailing in England & the United States is mainly based on the civil law", so says Boviers Law
Dictionary of 1868. "Civil Law" is from Rome. There was no "Equity Jurisprudence" in England prior to the Norman
Conquest. The Norman Conquest had the "solemn approval of the Pope" of Rome according to the Encyclopedia
Britannica. Other sources conform the Roman Popes support & blessing.
The conclusion to Reasonable Men is that the Norman's "War of Aggression" was jointly backed by the Pharisees & the
Pope of Rome, so as to Forcibly Impose the Roman Civil/Municipal Codes of Babylonian- -Talmudian based Master/Slave
relations. These were mere Tools for Slave Control which was early imposed by Evil Men with great influence within the
Pharisaical & Catholic religious communities. Any Truly Godly Spirituality which may have existed within either of those
religious organizations was most assuredly bound & gagged by the more powerful forces of Evil therein at the times of the
Norman Conquest, and As at the Crusades, and As at the Inquisition, and as in all European wars, and as in today’s wars.
The Hidden History Of Money & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 211
These entities have very bad track records. Evil men aggressively made Religious War against the Christian/Common-Law
- Anglo-Saxon/Celtic Peoples of England in 1066. The "Babylonian-Talmud" was completed well before the Norman
Conquest of 1066. It's all the same basic Master/Slave Commerce form of Code of Human Conduct. It all treats living
breathing People as "Merchandise" in Commerce to be bought & sold as those "Slaves & the Souls of Men" as referred to
in Revelation 18:13. This entire body of Codified Human Conduct is all so amorally lacking in fidelity to the Supreme Laws
of "Love of Neighbor" from God-YHVH-Eloa-Allaha-Allah as taught by Yeshuah-Jesus-Issa as to be clearly a policy of the
"Synagogue of Satan" as referred to at Revelation 2:9 & 3:9. It is easy to summarize that this is that precise same Code
of Human Conduct of which the Pharisee "Money-Changers" were using to corrupt the Temple in Jerusalem, & of which
Yeshua-Jesus-Issa overturned their tables & drove them out. It is easy to summarize that this is the Code of Conduct
upon which the Pharisees moved to whip up the mob into such a fervent state of Anarchy as to abort "Due Process of
Law" & to have attempted to have Yeshua-Jesus-Issa Lawlessly nailed to a cross.
This Code of Conduct embodied within the "Babylonian Talmud" is very large, but it contains specific portions which are
designed to "Tear at the Fabric" of the society which is its target. These are the words of Ms Shapiro, as set forth in the
Georgetown Law Journal. This is not the wording of "Anti-Semitic Right Wing Extremists". Ms Shapiro's term "Tear" is
specifically used to denote that process which obliterated the "Fabric of ... Society", as it had existed prior to that War of
Aggression. It would seem Reasonable to conclude that this is a Code of Human Conduct based on "Terrorism". Certainly
the word "Tear" seems related to "Terrorism". Certainly the Anglo-Saxon/Celtic Christian People were greatly feartraumatized by the forcible imposition of this "Babylonian Talmud" based Code of Human Conduct. The wording of Ms
Shapiro reasonably seems to be an acknowledgment that "Terrorism" was used by the Normans & the Pharisees "who call
themselves Jews" as a matter of policy under that Code of Human Conduct known as the "Babylonian Talmud". This entire
body of Roman Civil Law is based upon "Contracts", & it was early incorporated into what was known as English "Law
Merchant", which many fine scholars have confused as being a true part of the English "Common-Law". Such happened
only after corrupting influence of the Norman Conquest. Contracts are only enforceable in Courts of so-called "Equity".
"Equity" jurisdiction was allowed to enter into American Jurisprudence by way of Article 3 Section 2-1 of the U.S.
Constitution. Much Evil has worked its purpose in this land by way of that compromise of Godly Principles. However,
Equity is purged from all of its authority to adjudicate anything if proper "Due Process of Law" is invoked; as such process
is set forth in Beacon Theaters v Westover. This modern essence of "Law" allows Americans to free themselves by "Due
Process of Law" from the Babylonian Master/Slave jurisdiction of so-called "Equity".
Abraham Tangles with Nimrod at Babylon circa 2000 BCE
Prophet Abraham confronted King and enslaver Nimrod at Babylon (near modern day Baghdad). (near modern day Baghdad). Babylon is the place
where secret societies arose and where the money-masters Pharisees later corrupted true-Torah Judaism into Babylonian
Cabal. cabbella, CABALA, as small group of persons joined in secret, often political intrigue, to join in a cabal; plot —
Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition
Cabal: (1) Powerful group of Ministers in the court of Charles II of England, known by their acronym (Clifford, Ashley,
Buckingham, Arlington, Lauderdale), who were corrupt and endlessly plotting; (2) by analogy, any political intrigue group.
This latter term was also influenced by the word "Cabala" with its implications of secrecy and magic. —Ultimate Science
Fiction Web Guide
Cabalism. [Satanic] occult doctrine based on the Cabala; any occult doctrine —Webster's New World Dictionary, Third
College Edition
Cabala. caballa, [Babylonian] kabala, received lore, tradition; an occult philosophy of certain [apostate Pharisee] Jewish
rabbis [developed in Babylon], esp, in the Middle Ages, based on a mystical interpretation of the Scriptures; any esoteric
or secret doctrine.
Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) means "father of many". A descendant of Prophet Noah, Abraham is
the ancestor to a number of Semetic (descendants of Shem-Sem Noah's first son, thus Sem-ites)
Middle-Eastern and Eurasian (Arabs and Israelites, Hebrews and Judeans, and several others, but
not to be confused with the European Khazars who converted to Talmudism/Cabbalism/Phariseeism
or Fake-Judaism) and has religious significance for three major World religions (Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam). After Prophet Noah’s Flood, secret societies arose in Babylon through the
knowledge transplanted by Ham (Noah’s second son; other three sons were Sem, Yafith, and YamKenaan who perished in the flood), whose son, Cush (also known as Hermes), claimed to be the
interpreter of the gods. Cush was the original ring leader who led the people away from the one true
God and as the "interpreter of the gods" enticed them to take another form of religion. Cush, was
the father of the idolatrous-polytheistic and trinitarian systems, so when men were deified by men,
he became Bel-Baal-Sun god whom the Romans called Janus and Chaos, the father of the gods. He
is pictured as having two faces and he carried a club by which he confounded and "scattered" the
people. Thus, four millennia ago, in Sumerian times after Noah’s ancient flood in Mesopotamia,
humanity again was stooped to polytheism and moral degeneration in the helm of material progress.
Cush encouraged the masses to build the tower of Babel which his son Nimrod (Namrood) actually
built later. So nobodies been betrayed we just been had the just ones keeping traditional biblical betrayals between the defined religious belief systems is semitism and state separate from Church & Temple Jewish folks getting beat with a shit load of books Torahs Talmuds Medieval Rabbinism and Modern Thank God Christ is just a verbal investigation into self . .just us not justice

09-19-19, 02:24 AM
Babylonian Brotherhood and The Commercial Maritime Laws Religious Jurisdiction is recognizable as a
"Great Prostitute" who "Rules over the Kings of the Earth" through the use of "Deception", "Magic", & "Merchants". This
"Great Prostitute" who uses Deceptive Magic is clearly labeled therein as "BABYLON" and referred to as “The Synagogue of
Satan” by Yeshuah- Some of us dont know who we belong to I am sure this is not just a Judean Story as all tribes got that religious club foot. If its in a book your of the hook.

09-19-19, 03:26 AM
A Star for David Dan and Deuteronomy The Phoenician Religion, as in many other ancient cultures, was an inseparable part of everyday life. Gods such as Baal, Astarte, and Melqart . Were the Phoenicians the origin of the aryan race? They're responsible for the alphabet, half of the Greek/Roman gods and goddesses, the first maritime empire, glass, the swastika, Pythagoras,But the pheonicians were semites. There language uses the three letter root system that's is currently used by Arabs and jews. The ancient Egyptian language was afro_asiatic (hametic/semitic) and used the same three letter root system PHOENICIAN ORIGIN OF BRITONS & SCOTS
Minor and Syrio-Phoenicia also called themselves "Arri" with the meaning of "Noble Ones." Now this was the identical racial title which was also applied to themselves by the Indo-Aryans or Eastern branch of the Aryans, who called themselves "Arya," the "Ariya" of the older Pall, which had also the literal meaning of "Noble," and which is the actual word from which our modern English term "Aryan" has been coined. And these ancient Khatti or "Hittites" are represented in their ancient sculptures in Gothic dress. Here then already I seemed to have found not only the origin of the Indo-Aryans, but also the original land of the Aryan Race, and the homeland of the Goths and of our own ancestral Britons and Anglo-Saxons. And further examination soon confirmed this.When it comes to betrayals Its a Mans world

09-19-19, 04:12 AM
So qualifying any jew is rabbinical designated just for another jew. but acting like a jew is the best one can expect from another jew Israel and Holocaust are jewish things. Things that have become bigger than judaism #1 is money Many people have suffered but not for judaism but the lack of it. According to Torah law, a person's Jewishness is not a matter of life-style or self-perception: one may be totally unaware of one's Jewishness and still be a Jew, or one may consider himself Jewish and observe all the precepts of the Torah and still not be a Jew.To be or not to be a person jewing up your day God respects no persons So he doesn't blame any persons just the Acts of that person.

David Merrill
09-19-19, 08:12 AM
I think it much easier explained through gold, monatomic in microcosm and metal in the macrocosm. The leads to the pyramidal neuron architectures can be stimulated to near superconductivity from gold easily.

But thank you for the delightful reading! That is a great collection of original thought and quotation - and I am accustomed to your not designating which is which by now.

My point is that doping the DNA in the cerebrospinal fluid with monotomic noble transition elements (formerly) metals brings the strands (double helix) to a hyperluminescence and charge compression generating gravity. First control the weather, then it will come. I AM it. So what happens is elevated communication among the interior walls of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (cerebral cortex) and this corresponds through a brain trust into the gold, much of it the same gold Joseph hoarded into Egypt's treasury, some of it stolen by family ISRAEL and ground to monatomic powder and utilized to stir up great trouble to the wonderful Hittites, Jebusites, Amorites etc. breeding ESP enhanced warrior-priests.

Then I express all that through the Chinese purchase of treasury bonds, buying up our national debt until we reach critical mass of the Chinese sputtering that gold and etching it into the communications architecture of the server farms and data silos worldwide.

So I am having some trouble seeing Moses as inspired. The glimpse he got of "God" was a rear view of gigantic and elongated skull freak Elul KADOL, who knew that if Moses detected it was just a freak he was looking at, then he would have to kill Moses.

So again, thanks! I see about three hours of work in those posts. Maybe it comes to you more quickly.

09-19-19, 07:50 PM
a group of people tracing lineage to the Fertile Crescent.

You do realize ... the Fertile Crescent stretches from Point O' Woods, Fire Island to Northeast Harbor, Maine.


09-20-19, 01:59 PM
exiles on main street "Great wealth" denotes more than just physical wealth. It also refers to the great spiritual wealth they acquired there. Egypt was a place of extremes. Although the lowest place on Earth morally, it also was a powerful intellectual and spiritual center. The purpose of the Jews being there was to isolate and remove all of the sparks of good that were buried within the 49 "gates" of impurity.a brain trust into the gold, much of it the same gold Joseph hoarded into Egypt's treasury for his This was the true "great wealth" for which the Jewish people descended. And this was the reason they could not leave until it was accumulated.Its know semitism the business end of wandering Judean chemically enriched with one true and ultimate purpose of a Spirit in exile is to live in the world, with all of the difficulties that involves, and to imbue it with some commandments that are found in that "great wealth", we will merit immediately the final redemption An insolent individual…is essentially a non-entity…a person Moe had a hell of a time turning his dirt into gold. 40yrs long walk home. Fascinating It was in the spirit of Joseph's essence [i.e. his bones], which had been brought out of Egypt by Moses himself, Joe Dirt or gold dust The greater wealth

09-20-19, 09:44 PM
So far no proof for the first sin has been found anywhere in Babylonian or Assyrian literature.No mystery there. If it was ever permissable to speak of a fall, it would be a fall of the gods not of man. (Babylonians) Cicero has said with reference to the poets of Greece and Rome: "The poets have represented the gods as inflamed by anger and maddened by lust, and have displayed to our gaze their wars and battles, their fights and wounds, their hatreds, ENMITIES and quarrels, their births and deaths, their complaints and lamentations, the utter and unbridled license of their passions, (monatomic powder utilized to stir up great trouble) their adulteries and imprisonments, their unions with human beings and the birth of mortal progeny from an immortal parent." How could such gods possibly be expected to create something morally perfect? Yes, it was with the blood of of such gods that man was created! Since all the gods were evil by nature and since Hittites, Jebusites, Amorites etc. breeding ESP. man was formed with their blood, man of course inherited their evil nature.Making peace with your enemies can be pragmatic and lasting; making peace by ignoring their enmity is foolish and sterile.So enmity and monatomic seed powder Like MJ and them internal wolves? "Narru, king from of old, the creator of mankind; gigantic Zulummar, who pinched off their clay; and lady Mama, the queen, who fashioned them, have presented to mankind perverse speech, lies and untruth they presented to them forever." Man, consequently, was created evil and was evil from his very beginning. How then, could he fall? The idea that man fell from a state of moral perfection does not fit into the system or systems of Babylonian speculation." The Babylonian position was that man was a sinner because he was made in the image of sinner-gods. The Hebrews had a problem however, in portraying God as righteous and man being made in God's image, how to account for man being a rebellious murdering sinner instead of being righteous like God? They proposed that -at first- Adam was without sin, after all he was made in God's image and God was without sin! Then Eve & Adam rebelled against God's command:Ladies before Gents "Do not eat, you will die!" and this act made man into a sinner and rebel Eve just became chattel .'Babylonian Theodicy' is written in a dialogue form between two men. (Pick one and feed it accordingly) Metaphors and Madness did we really need to write all this shit down. Having fun with guilt what page u on Gringo

10-15-19, 04:50 PM
DC is challenging the ruling on the field of an incomprehensible post.

David Merrill
10-15-19, 07:09 PM
DC is challenging the ruling on the field of an incomprehensible post.

Intriguing pun!

10-21-19, 01:44 AM
“To trifle with the vocabulary which is the vehicle of social intercourse is to tamper with the currency of human intelligence,”“He who would violate the sanctities of his Mother Tongue would invade the recesses of the paternal till without remorse.”But the plight of any dictionary-writer is the inherent fluidity of language, which is the pun-trepreneur’s delight. Post or Pun its just currency of that DC till The last thing i would enjoy is a human intelligence Human intelligence is the intellectual prowess of humans, which is marked by complex cognitive feats and high levels of motivation and self-awareness. A great fight resides in every Human good versus evil who will win whomever is versed pardon the pun i am not yet human

David Merrill
10-21-19, 07:46 AM
“To trifle with the vocabulary which is the vehicle of social intercourse is to tamper with the currency of human intelligence,”“He who would violate the sanctities of his Mother Tongue would invade the recesses of the paternal till without remorse.”But the plight of any dictionary-writer is the inherent fluidity of language, which is the pun-trepreneur’s delight. Post or Pun its just currency of that DC till The last thing i would enjoy is a human intelligence Human intelligence is the intellectual prowess of humans, which is marked by complex cognitive feats and high levels of motivation and self-awareness. A great fight resides in every Human good versus evil who will win whomever is versed pardon the pun i am not yet human

God I enjoy reading your posts!

What stuck on the inside of my face was Sumerian Ostraca (https://youtu.be/JhJrUz3_C24?t=1376), the font I chose to write out the Law (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=3098&d=1445375428). Easier reading (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=3099&d=1445375519).

Michael Joseph
10-21-19, 08:02 PM


To be swept off the Land is AWful

David Merrill
10-22-19, 12:41 AM


To be swept off the Land is AWful

Saving to Suitors.

10-24-19, 01:54 PM
Stronger than hate


Michael Joseph
10-24-19, 09:29 PM
Solar - Lunar ==> Stellar