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David Merrill
01-22-20, 08:08 PM

Doped Carbon 60 Nanoparticle Pump.


The theatrical burn is part of preparing the Israelites to invade Canaan.

David Merrill
01-25-20, 08:11 AM
Let's identify the characters:


Moses' conversation with Pharaoh was between son and father. Moses contracted with Jethro to return the Israelites to Canaan and conquer the remaining Anunnaki (including the surviving NEPHALIM) residing there. As ESP enhanced warriors the Israelites were terrifying.


David Merrill
02-23-20, 05:09 PM
That image above identifies the priestcraft now reverse-engineered and actively replacing Nebuchadnezzar's (Darius/Cyrus too) mental regime (c. 550 BC). Since about that time religion has been the sole real-time interactive geopolitical social engineering platform.

It is about time for a change!


For some fun type in "tinyurl.com/ followed by these keywords.


P.S. When you pinch yourself and realize this is really happening, get a closer look:

RE 285 188 429 US
RE 285 188 432 US
RE 285 188 446 US
RE 285 188 463 US
RE 285 188 477 US
RE 285 188 485 US
RE 285 188 494 US
RE 285 188 503 US
RE 285 188 525 US
RE 285 188 534 US
RE 285 188 548 US
RE 285 188 551 US
RE 285 188 565 US
RE 285 188 579 US
RE 285 188 582 US

James Allen
Judicial Council Hungary
US Courts
Hungarian Consulate
Club de Paris
LA BARTELS finance officer
LA City Attorney
LA City Clerk

What I share here is so that you do not blurt out in fear (https://youtu.be/opclVwJibRM) that things will be dropping to $42.22/troy ounce for gold.

03-07-20, 09:13 PM
For some fun type in "tinyurl.com/

I find it bad practice to click unknown links sorry, just not comfortable with that or 1drv.ms links, curious if you would click any yourself?

things will be dropping to $42.22/troy ounce for gold.

I could imagine potential benefits for that, and its believable it would occur, look back 50 years to March 6, 1970 where it was at $34.95 oz

David Merrill
03-08-20, 09:10 AM
Right. When the IMF Trust Fund became repository for the Bretton Woods Amendments.


03-09-20, 01:47 AM
Thanks for sharing, its nothing I'm familiar with, like this board, even with auto save I managed to lose my reply

I did look at that briefly, looked to be pretty deep, was that the opposite of Jekyll Island or the Tesla minded economist vs the Edison?

David Merrill
03-09-20, 07:25 AM
Thanks for sharing, its nothing I'm familiar with, like this board, even with auto save I managed to lose my reply

I did look at that briefly, looked to be pretty deep, was that the opposite of Jekyll Island or the Tesla minded economist vs the Edison?

That is from the State Department Bulletin at that time. I had heard about the Secret Jamaica-Rambouillet Accord (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=5007&d=1512442564) but of course was hooked the moment the lecturer told me I might be killed. The Jekyl Island crew was reported by Eustace MULLINS, cousin to James Harlan 32° Mason. He tried to discipline/usurp through Are You Lost at C? (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=5054&d=1518789977) - a pretty big carrot.


I think there is a distinction to be made between mutually exclusive ultimates and opposites. The Jekyl Island gang describes the shareholders while the board of governors describes the trustees. The trust is irrevocable so it is much better to sit back and patiently study trust law. The Imperial Court of the Dragon Sovereignty.


David Merrill
03-09-20, 07:38 PM
P.S. Standard Massachusetts Trust format allows for a twenty year trial before a conclusive review. Ergo we see 1913 to 1933 as that term.


03-10-20, 09:04 PM
- a pretty big carrot.

Not for Peter Rabbit


David Merrill
03-11-20, 05:19 AM
Not for Peter Rabbit


Interestingly, that was the rabbit hole.

I remember Al. What an experience! He is the Al in Are You Lost at C?


JAFU - Just Another Fucking Usurper. Before I understood why I was attracting folks like the Montana Freemen (too).

And it comes up again when you listen to Sir Laurence GARDNER. The Coat of Arms known as the Mark of Cain is the Rosy Cross of the Ancient Anunnaki Dragon Court.

Georgia Guidestones (https://earth.google.com/web/@34.2320349,-82.8944416,227.23739169a,855.37340224d,35y,0h,45t, 0r/data=ClYaVBJOCiUweDg4ZjdkNGI5YmQ1ODk3OTE6MHg0NmRiM zI1N2NkZmY1OWIxGeuD0VGzHUFAIaQL-4c-uVTAKhNHZW9yZ2lhIEd1aWRlc3RvbmVzGAIgASgC)

Funny how you link it all together with one link, like that. Like there is no such thing as cause and effect. All on my mind in one day's time:


Notice the Reception #XX5436:


So there is the cure; and the culling, right there in the same breath. The beginning and the end of the ouroboros (https://www.google.com/search?q=ouroboros&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS793US793&oq=ouroboros&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l7.4095j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8). Where will it all end?

Answer: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUYeBmFUt1M) At a new beginning.

The key is simply in the DoD initialed by the Patent and Trademark registration number. See that? This means that not only does China know the cure, the US Department of Defense knows the cure, and knows Beijing has the cure too. Look at the address at the bottom:


Take note of every detail. They were trying to shut me down for Unauthorized Practice of Law. It cascades at what once was the origin and beginning - Al CARTER and AIR, American Institute of the Republic.

David Merrill
03-11-20, 05:56 AM
Cause and Effect:

I have paid Bill GATES already with the cure for malaria. - One of his pet peeves. I paid him for his part in developing my invention, Artificial Intuition (early 2028). But I also put Mozilla on it so that DOS and LINUX worked in cooperative competition through the Five Cube Sum Number Locks.

Malaria is a little more complex, having five stages in its development. I defeated the human interface at the mosquito. The virus is fine, just devitalize it at the mosquito stage by injecting the signet carried on a frequency in harmony with the female mosquito's antenna.


The only real mystery left is why it is so difficult to find a mosquito when you are actually hunting for one?


03-11-20, 02:37 PM
Interestingly, that was the rabbit hole.

I remember Al.

Yep, was he expunged from the net or simply never made it on it?

I wonder how many of his books and videos where made.... and what persuaded him to give up..

did he get what he wanted, if so is he happy ..

could it be he got his new beginning, after giving up his old...

would you give up what they call your "practice" of their law or is it your law also?

if custom is their due what is yours?

these aren't questions for me, just some banter :)

David Merrill
03-11-20, 07:39 PM
Yep, was he expunged from the net or simply never made it on it?

I wonder how many of his books and videos where made.... and what persuaded him to give up..

did he get what he wanted, if so is he happy ..

could it be he got his new beginning, after giving up his old...

would you give up what they call your "practice" of their law or is it your law also?

if custom is their due what is yours?

these aren't questions for me, just some banter :)

As he put it once in a restaurant meeting, "You get tired of smelling garbage." He had a very bad foundation for the video argument. The citation on the backside of the NOFTL leaves off that the income tax is for government employees. Well that is "including" government employees, not exclusively for government employees. A US employee was dabbling in import/exports and thought that excluded him and tried it in court. He lost so the IRS Code says that the income tax is for government employees (too).

Al misused that and undoubtedly it caught up with him at some point - probably through people who paid him to detax or whatever.

He was jumping. Literally - there was a therapy on trampolines, big and little. I think too many people bashed their heads into the ceiling...

03-12-20, 12:39 PM
I think too many people bashed their heads into the ceiling...

Just unable to comprehend Manna is provided each day, for the day perhaps, IDK, but cute pun on your part

As he put it once in a restaurant meeting,

Is this to say you knew him personally or just know of an interview?

And since you knew/know I feel compelled to ask if you also know what became of Don G from PTRC after his impact with the FTC wall?

David Merrill
03-13-20, 02:19 PM
Just unable to comprehend Manna is provided each day, for the day perhaps, IDK, but cute pun on your part

Is this to say you knew him personally or just know of an interview?

And since you knew/know I feel compelled to ask if you also know what became of Don G from PTRC after his impact with the FTC wall?

I met him in Denver. We sat down and ate in a restaurant. He was involved in MLM's or pyramid schemes as they were called at the time. The mini-trampoline was like that. Maybe jumping on one will cure anything? Just do it in the yard so not to hit your head!

Don G - and the acronyms throw me.

03-13-20, 11:45 PM
He was involved in MLM's or pyramid schemes

Yes I had read some of that, there were a group of guys who seemed to run in a circle,

a bit on him here


Don G - and the acronyms throw me.

Don was in a similar circle but I don't know what happened to him



which is why I asked, interesting you met Al and figured you may know some more of the guys

David Merrill
04-19-20, 03:15 PM

I was looking closer, since writing the above posts. There is this second split rock high on the ridge of Mt Horeb. Water drained off this unlikely spring and diverted north and south on the high ridge. One stream went past the Israelite Camp and the other drained into Al Bad where Jethro lived.

The tour begins and ends at Moses' Well in Al Bad.


This indicates that the highward spin exotic matter can cut, drill and levitate solid rock.