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View Full Version : You may be entitled to significant cash compensation

02-25-20, 02:46 PM
Have you or a loved one used Federal Reserve notes and been injured as a result? You may be entitled to significant cash compensation. We have uncovered a long running central bank scheme (http://www.silverbearcafe.com/private/10.18/convincing.html) whereby FRNs have been passed as if they were money. You may have been conned into borrowing private credit of the FED thinking it was public money not realizing US Treasury has first lien on everything you bought with it. Since 1914 these debt notes have destroyed homes & families and caused many Americans to pay easily avoided income taxes as well as loss of value due to overprinting (inflation). Call my office today to see if you've been a victim of this extra-constitutional scheme. We may have attorneys standing by who may or may not be willing to say anything about this.

David Merrill
02-25-20, 04:11 PM
I love the amusing posts around here.

I am thinking that last sentence might elaborate how attorneys can say anything they please with immunity...

Michael Joseph
02-25-20, 05:11 PM
Your call may be recorded for quality control purposes.

David Merrill
02-25-20, 07:29 PM
Your call may be recorded for quality control purposes.

I only hear consent for me to record...

03-03-20, 04:45 PM
How about a class action?


MINI-MARCEL, individually and
on behalf of all others similarly situated,



03-16-20, 11:58 PM
The Federal Reserve System was created by act of Congress in 1913. Originally called the Aldrich Plan, the Federal Reserve Act was written after a secret meeting on Jekyll Island South Carolina in 1910 between the following men:

Nelson ALDRICH - Senator from Rhode Island
Abram Piatt ANDREW Jr - Asst Secretary of the Treasury
Henry P. DAVISON - senior partner of J.P. Morgan
Charles NORTON - President of the First National Bank of New York
Benjamin STRONG - head of J. P. Morgan's Banker's Trust Company
Frank VANDERLIP - President of National City Bank of New York (largest bank in America)
Paul WARBURG - partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Company (a representative of the Rothschild banking dynasty)

David Merrill
03-18-20, 08:17 AM
The Federal Reserve System was created by act of Congress in 1913. Originally called the Aldrich Plan, the Federal Reserve Act was written after a secret meeting on Jekyll Island South Carolina in 1910 between the following men:

Nelson ALDRICH - Senator from Rhode Island
Abram Piatt ANDREW Jr - Asst Secretary of the Treasury
Henry P. DAVISON - senior partner of J.P. Morgan
Charles NORTON - President of the First National Bank of New York
Benjamin STRONG - head of J. P. Morgan's Banker's Trust Company
Frank VANDERLIP - President of National City Bank of New York (largest bank in America)
Paul WARBURG - partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Company (a representative of the Rothschild banking dynasty)

I refrain from reciting my research about the Letters of Woodrow WILSON and especially around the advent of the Federal Reserve. Tempting.

New York and ROTHSCHILD became furtive in my imagination as the predominant doctrine of Capturing the Mind came into light, while I was in a rather deep melatonin cleanse (deep sleep).


The Israelite invasion of Canaan was without a doubt hostile. Egypt was acting peacekeeper (https://youtu.be/H6ufA9iZ1eQ?t=708) as Moses (AMENHOTEP IV was Ahkenaten) induced monatomic gold (manna) into the Israelites as ESP/intuition-enhanced supersoldiers. This produced a Jewish mindset of revering territorial conquest (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=5723&d=1579149765) that continues aggressive defense even today.

The Super Jubilee came to a head in 2016. (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1EaV_bU7VImalBQWHNUa1hsNk0) Proof of Service on the Triumvirate (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1EaV_bU7VImTU9IYXFKTHJIb0E).

And by "aggressive defense" I mean an antisocial offensive. Again, as always launched on a guilt trip. This fear-based thinking will come to an end; probably after a major culling of the human population. Consider the probability that HITLER read these two 1928 articles (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=5565&d=1568163864) in Century Magazine.

David Merrill.

Descending. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcSoLwFisaw)
Lyrics. (https://www.google.com/search?q=descending+tool+lyrics&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS793US793&oq=descending&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j69i59l2j35i39j0l4.5208j1j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)

03-18-20, 03:50 PM
Health & Bank Organization automatically means corruption prior to any "fake virus" economists had already been predicting this stock market collapse.Oligarchy its driving this panic and frenzy to disguise and cover-up the actual origins of the collapse of the 10 year US-taxpayer funded stock-market bubble some one needs there books balanced with emergency fake dollars again bond credits. Dr jekyll and Hyde Parks

David Merrill
03-18-20, 05:16 PM
Health & Bank Organization automatically means corruption prior to any "fake virus" economists had already been predicting this stock market collapse.Oligarchy its driving this panic and frenzy to disguise and cover-up the actual origins of the collapse of the 10 year US-taxpayer funded stock-market bubble some one needs there books balanced with emergency fake dollars again bond credits. Dr jekyll and Hyde Parks

The Chinese elite class has recently taken to dining on exotic live-trafficked (caged imported) raw bloody meat. So the scenario might be a kangaroo from Australia with an impala from Africa and a squid from the West Coast all slaughtered only a moment before being consumed together on the plate. These animals have no relationship in the food chain as the, We are what we eat doctrine goes National Geographic. Not like eating lion and gazelle from the same African steppe. The stomach is an incubator for these still-living protiens to vie for survival and mutate into live viruses.

So I will not be calling the coronavirus a fake. This is a retribution for an imbalance coerced by debt/poverty based wealth being channeled to elite groups with irrational tastes and wants. Like what the World Trade Center represented in financial circles back in 2001. The Bill of Exchange processed exactly to the day...

P.S. In other words 9/11 was the warning when the central banks chose not to forgive debt worldwide - 30-Day Judgment. While the 2003 SARS scare was the warning not to cultivate the COVID-19 Coronavirus. I have already cured the Coronavirus. I have shown you that. Not only did China get that, but the US and US DoD also got it. Ignorance catches up until it is the humans on the living planet that are the virus to be culled.

03-18-20, 07:05 PM
Spanish flu its not yet . Not fake definitely not but in a engineering the shut downs its was a calm bit of pestilence . The containment and not finding a immunization is the directive forget a ted talk even with your cure it wouldn't help David a taste for evil is a tribal affair not ethical but a global batch of shitheads given to a Organizational kaos corruption blames especially claiming a ethnicism as the economic crisis has just bankers every shade creed breed just saying u tie your neighbor up and he dies cause nobody unties him hows that my fault if he dies

David Merrill
03-18-20, 07:18 PM
Spanish flu its not yet . Not fake definitely not but in a engineering the shut downs its was a calm bit of pestilence . The containment and not finding a immunization is the directive forget a ted talk even with your cure it wouldn't help David a taste for evil is a tribal affair not ethical but a global batch of shitheads given to a Organizational kaos corruption blames especially claiming a ethnicism as the economic crisis has just bankers every shade creed breed just saying u tie your neighbor up and he dies cause nobody unties him hows that my fault if he dies

forget a ted talk even with your cure it wouldn't help David a taste for evil is a tribal affair not ethical but a global batch of shitheads given to a Organizational kaos

Seventeen years to reconsider that kind of decadence on a social level was a generous gift. Do I just keep offering it over and over, postponing indefinitely?


03-19-20, 06:00 AM
Thereby the none energy ethical gift postponing indefinitely? Your Alchemy is now benevolence if we cant study the winners do we already know who the losers are. Global Gluttony thats been a virus along time . be safe David the fed and the ted comfortably numb

07-07-20, 01:43 PM
Reminder that 2019 federal income tax returns are due postmarked by July 15, 2020 so if you haven't started yet, you best get cracking.
Thank you to all lawful money filers!

07-10-20, 10:23 PM
Are you going to walk us through filing a Lawful Money tax return this year? You know, sharpen your pencil, grab an adult beverage, fire up TurboTax ...

David Merrill
07-12-20, 09:27 AM
Are you going to walk us through filing a Lawful Money tax return this year? You know, sharpen your pencil, grab an adult beverage, fire up TurboTax ...

This page (https://uscode.house.gov/browse/prelim@title12/chapter3/subchapter12&edition=prelim) helps clarify your demand:

uscode.house.gov (http://uscode.house.gov/)

07-14-20, 03:42 AM
No, I think you're all capable of filing on your own. The key being it's a tax on a certain kind of income; the federal income tax is really an excise tax on use of private Federal Reserve credit - easily avoided by redeeming lawful money. Besides that I'm too busy; dealing with a 1099 that's so big it's got a table of contents!

There's a new form this year 1040-SR “U.S. Tax Return for Seniors”
And a new question about virtual currencies. I can confirm that TurboTax (e-file) won't allow you to skip answering; it requires a Yes/No answer.


David Merrill
07-14-20, 09:02 AM
This virtual currency question is a very interesting attorney quandary. For the unredeemed it presents a big privacy problem indeed. One invests in the cybercurrency on a presumption that it is aside and separate from Fed notes and here is a Yes/No question. But for the Redeemed it is a big red flag for the IRS agent to get this strait up to Legal:


If you are using the Fed's private credit, they have a residual interest in anything you purchase with their notes. This is the essence of SDR's backing the US Dollar floating exchange rate - Bretton Woods Amendments.

Search "Fed Assets Current" and look at the footnotes (https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/intlsumm/current.htm) carefully. You must report about your use of their notes, including the shirt on your back, that you bought for them with their currency, if they request it.

Thank you for the image Lorne. Very nice. And thanks for leaving the redeemed to express their redemption for themselves. The posture of confidence is necessary.

07-15-20, 02:41 AM
Yes, that's how I deal with that virtual currency question - leave it blank. And maybe mark it PRIVATE because it is private; none of your business. Like any red blooded American I enjoy some bitcoin. It's not Federal Reserve anything, in fact it totally bypasses central banking. And I didn't exchange any Fed Reserve credit for virtual currency either (I exchange lawful money for bitcoin).

PS. I also discovered you can amend your filed & paid-for TurboTax return. Simply go to the Tax Home page, then scroll all the way to bottom and click on the blue "Add a State" button. That will let you make changes, but only if haven't e-filed already. I don't e-file; I go "Print my Return" and then attach copies of my demand for lawful money.

David Merrill
07-15-20, 02:57 AM
Great! You are really cool!

12-17-20, 09:14 PM
To follow up on this, I filed my TY2019 lawful money tax return on paper and left the question at the top of Schedule 1 blank:
At any time during 2019, did you receive, sell, send, exchange, or otherwise acquire any financial interest in any virtual currency?

Didn't answer it at all and yet I did receive my tax refund as requested. So it appears answering that question was voluntary after all, and TurboTax just decided to make the answer required when it really isn't.

David Merrill
12-17-20, 09:55 PM
To follow up on this, I filed my TY2019 lawful money tax return on paper and left the question at the top of Schedule 1 blank:
At any time during 2019, did you receive, sell, send, exchange, or otherwise acquire any financial interest in any virtual currency?

Didn't answer it at all and yet I did receive my tax refund as requested. So it appears answering that question was voluntary after all, and TurboTax just decided to make the answer required when it really isn't.

That is great! I am copying this over to What Does the IRS Agent Really Think? (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?145-Exactly-what-does-the-IRS-agent-think&p=26683&viewfull=1#post26683)

07-16-23, 02:44 AM
Check out this FED graph (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/A091RC1Q027SBEA). When it updates July 27th the United States will be spending over 1 trillion dollars a year on interest. They're borrowing like there's no tomorrow. It could well surpass Social Security expenditure to be the largest single line item in the budget! A trillion dollars to the banksters for debt service when it could be zero.

David Merrill
07-16-23, 10:24 AM
The debt ceiling was suspended on June 5th, 2023.

07-29-23, 11:16 AM
The FED graph updated and came in just shy of 1 trillion:


Seems like we're headed into the final round. On a value basis this has got to be the world's biggest scam. Create a private currency then charge the people $969.9 billion a year
to use it.