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06-03-11, 02:19 AM
Another one from a very interesting blog


06-03-11, 02:25 AM
From the blog link above:

* The phrase “transient aliens” was generally used to refer to aliens other than “resident aliens” who were citizens or subjects of another country who could be in the country for any number of reasons, such as a stopover on an international trip, school, work, etc., who had no intent of becoming citizens or were unable to by law or treaty. A “resident alien” were deemed non-citizens who have come with the intent to permanently reside in a state and who have filed their intent to do so and had taken the oath of allegiance as required by law.

Richard Earl
06-03-11, 02:34 AM
Interesting. I'm a resident alien and perhaps I do have some kind of recollection of an oath of allegiance -- I have foggy memory of the time, but I seem to recall having to recite something before they stamped the passport. I received my resident alien status in 1992.

06-03-11, 02:48 AM
Interesting. I'm a resident alien and perhaps I do have some kind of recollection of an oath of allegiance -- I have foggy memory of the time, but I seem to recall having to recite something before they stamped the passport. I received my resident alien status in 1992.

This is another link in the States being NATIONS.
Your original Nation is your STATE.
States have their body politics too.