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View Full Version : Explaining the US Debt Crisis — To My Teenagers

06-05-11, 04:41 PM
Hey kids, pause American Idol for a moment and let me "lay some wisdom on you," as your generation likes to say.

It's about the US debt and what it means to you. If you pretend convincingly that you're fascinated by what I have to say, we'll go out for pizza, OK? Great.

Now, it’s hard to wrap our heads around billions and trillions of dollars, so let’s bring these numbers down to a human level so we can get some perspective. Let's scale it down to the size of a family budget. We'll divide the actual numbers by one billion, and talk about months instead of years.

So let's pretend that we are a family of criminals [the US government] living in a pretty rough neighborhood [the world].

Our family takes in a lot of money [government revenues] by picking pockets, mugging, and running shakedowns and con games. Heck, we even do some counterfeiting. And we spend it all as soon as we get it [government expenditures]. But every month we need $1,500 more than we take in. So every month I borrow that shortfall [the deficit] from the neighborhood loan shark, and we spend it.

The funny thing is, I already owe him $14,000 so far [the debt]. But he’s been pretty patient, for a convicted homicidal maniac [the Chinese government]. I guess he’s been cleaning up his image.

What’s worse, I’ve been running a pyramid scheme that's gotten a little out of control, and people are beginning to catch on. I've already promised about $100,000 [total unfunded liabilities], spread out over the next few months, to pretty much everyone in our extended family [voters with entitlement programs]. Some are well-off and won't miss their share, but some are desperate and could really use the money I scammed. Either way, they’re all going to sue me when they find out — but too bad, I already blew the money long ago.

Anyhoo, I sat down with Mom to figure a way out of this mess. I [a Republican] bravely proposed spending $100 less this month, but she [a Democrat] screamed, “What about the children!” and said it would be an unacceptable cut in our standard of living. She said we should open more credit cards in your names [borrowing], mug more people [taxation], and try some more counterfeiting [“quantitative easing”].

Finally we agreed that things will work out somehow. We just need to spend $30 less this month [the 2011 budget deal].

So I called up the loan shark and explained that he’ll eventually get all his money back — we crossed our hearts and promised on our kids' lives — if we can just borrow another $1,470 this month, while we figure things out.

I figure we can always just give him counterfeit money, so we're good!

By the way, he said to say "Hi" and that he's really, really, looking forward to meeting you kids soon.

So that's what the debt crisis is basically all about. Now, who's up for pizza?

What? Whaddya mean you're not hungry?


Iam gonna have to start watering my back-yard money tree.

I can not afford the ink for my basement money printer.:rolleyes:

06-05-11, 11:58 PM
Good entertainment that is.
Thanks for sharing Darkcrusade.

06-06-11, 01:18 AM
So happy you approve.:D I found this of interest also........

Russia says IMF Chief jailed for discovering all US Gold is Gone.
May 31, 2011 — According to this FSB secret report, Strauss-Kahn had become 'increasingly concerned' earlier this month after the United States began 'stalling' its pledged delivery to the IMF of 191.3 tons of gold agreed to under the Second Amendment of the Articles of Agreement signed by the Executive Board in April 1978 that were to be sold to fund what are called Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) as an alternative to what are called reserve currencies. . .
Upon Strauss-Kahn receiving the CIA evidence, this report continues, he made immediate arrangements to leave the US for Paris . . . barely three days after the arrest of Strauss-Kahn, Congressman Paul made a new call for the US to sell its gold reserves by stating, 'Given the high price it is now, and the tremendous debt problem we now have, by all means, sell at the peak' . . . reports emanating from the US for years, however, suggest there is no gold to sell . . . http://viewzone2.com/fakegoldx.html

06-06-11, 03:04 AM
So happy you approve.:D I found this of interest also........

Russia says IMF Chief jailed for discovering all US Gold is Gone.
May 31, 2011 — According to this FSB secret report, Strauss-Kahn had become 'increasingly concerned' earlier this month after the United States began 'stalling' its pledged delivery to the IMF of 191.3 tons of gold agreed to under the Second Amendment of the Articles of Agreement signed by the Executive Board in April 1978 that were to be sold to fund what are called Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) as an alternative to what are called reserve currencies. . .
Upon Strauss-Kahn receiving the CIA evidence, this report continues, he made immediate arrangements to leave the US for Paris . . . barely three days after the arrest of Strauss-Kahn, Congressman Paul made a new call for the US to sell its gold reserves by stating, 'Given the high price it is now, and the tremendous debt problem we now have, by all means, sell at the peak' . . . reports emanating from the US for years, however, suggest there is no gold to sell . . . http://viewzone2.com/fakegoldx.html

Interesting indeed, especially the first two sources cited.
Whatdoesitmean dot com is, well... colorful.

It will be interesting to see what happens next in that smoke-and-mirrors house that is the IMF, regardless of what's actually in Fort Knox.

06-06-11, 10:02 PM
Read this just now about gold and the Fed (http://goldnews.com/2011/06/02/fed-lawyer-alvarez-the-federal-reserve-does-not-own-any-gold-at-all/).

Trust Guy
06-06-11, 11:04 PM
Good one Neighbor Treefarmer . Imma pass it on .

Anthony Joseph
06-07-11, 02:17 AM
It is not a shock or revelation of any kind that the FRB declares that they claim no ownership in any gold. The FED has interest in something better; the energy and sweat equity of every endorser of its own private credit which amounts to nearly everyone who signs "their" name on the back of a check. The gold confiscation must have included the private Federal Reserve Bank but they were issued interest in the "Special Drawing Rights" against the gold held by the Treasury/IMF which is earmarked at $42.22/ounce. The collateral against those "rights" is the energy, substance and property of every soul on this land who chooses to "be pursuaded" by the plea/decree of Franklin Delano ROOSEVELT after the Banker’s Holiday in 1933 on March 6th during the address at the White House Governors’ Conference.

"Recognized Government bonds are as safe as Government currency. They have the same credit back of them. And, therefore, if we can persuade people all through the country, when their salary checks come in, to deposit them in new accounts, which will be held in trust and kept in one of the new forms I have mentioned, we shall have made progress."

Which made this statement possible, quoting from the Congressional Record of 1933;

"…The money will be worth 100 cents on the dollar, because it is backed by the credit of the Nation. It will represent a mortgage on all the homes and other property of all the people in the Nation."

Ergo, the solution...

Demand and/or redeem lawful money of exchange in any and all transactions and keep the proper and lawful record of that demand/redemption.

Respectfully decline the office of trustee/fiduciary/surety for the LEGAL M. NAME in any and all cases and instruct the acting and knowing trustee to settle the accounts/charges made against their own vessel. Offer assistance, in whatever way your declared character and standing will allow, to the trustees of LEGAL M. NAME and its account without divesting one iota of your inherent freedom and immunity from their claimed authority and jurisdiction. Never argue their opinions, offerings or "facts" of the case. Respectfully remind them of their oaths, duties and limitations under their law and the MANDATORY and REQUIRED remedies afforded to those who declare, and display through action (demand for lawful money and NO interest, claim or trust in the LEGAL M. NAME vessel), the character of peaceful inhabitant on the land.

06-07-11, 02:23 AM
It is not a shock or revelation of any kind that the FRB declares that they claim no ownership in any gold. The FED has interest in something better; the energy and sweat equity of every endorser of its own private credit which amounts to nearly everyone who signs "their" name on the back of a check. The gold confiscation must have included the private Federal Reserve Bank but they were issued interest in the "Special Drawing Rights" against the gold held by the Treasury/IMF which is earmarked at $42.22/ounce. The collateral against those "rights" is the energy, substance and property of every soul on this land who chooses to "be pursuaded" by the plea/decree of Franklin Delano ROOSEVELT after the Banker’s Holiday in 1933 on March 6th during the address at the White House Governors’ Conference.

"Recognized Government bonds are as safe as Government currency. They have the same credit back of them. And, therefore, if we can persuade people all through the country, when their salary checks come in, to deposit them in new accounts, which will be held in trust and kept in one of the new forms I have mentioned, we shall have made progress."

Which made this statement possible, quoting from the Congressional Record of 1933;

"…The money will be worth 100 cents on the dollar, because it is backed by the credit of the Nation. It will represent a mortgage on all the homes and other property of all the people in the Nation."

Ergo, the solution...

Demand and/or redeem lawful money of exchange in any and all transactions and keep the proper and lawful record of that demand/redemption.

Respectfully decline the office of trustee/fiduciary/surety for the LEGAL M. NAME in any and all cases and instruct the acting and knowing trustee to settle the accounts/charges made against their own vessel. Offer assistance, in whatever way your declared character and standing will allow, to the trustees of LEGAL M. NAME and its account without divesting one iota of your inherent freedom and immunity from their claimed authority and jurisdiction. Never argue their opinions, offerings or "facts" of the case. Respectfully remind them of their oaths, duties and limitations under their law and the MANDATORY and REQUIRED remedies afforded to those who declare, and display through action (demand for lawful money and NO interest, claim or trust in the LEGAL M. NAME vessel), the character of peaceful inhabitant on the land.

Hear, hear.
Well said Anthony Joseph.

06-15-11, 01:21 PM
I like the way Darkcrusade told his children about explaining the US Debt Crises – To My Teenagers.

“Hey kids, pause American Idol (http://www.google.com/search?q=trillions+of+dollars&sourceid=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-ContextMenu&ie=&oe=#sclient=psy&hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-us%3AIE-ContextMenu&biw=1251&bih=557&source=hp&q=trillions+of+dollars+missing&aq=1&aqi=g4g-v1&aql=&oq=&p&fp=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&cad=b)for a moment and let me "lay some wisdom on you," as your generation likes to say”.

This little tale written by Stefan B my fictional plantation (http://sgtreport.com/2011/05/once-upon-a-plantation-fiction-sort-of/)is a great piece of ability to express to a first grade class and they would understand it. Makes you wonder why we were not taught it this way, and why grown people can't grasp it. The links also have interesting saga.

It’s funny; I too get this blank stare reaction (http://sgtreport.com/2011/04/a-tale-of-two-notes/)when explaining this they just can't grasp the idea that someone would do this to man-kind!

Then I ask “how do you like this new 97.5% zinc and 2.5% copper penny (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penny_(United_States_coin))? The answer is they spend (http://www.kiplinger.com/features/archives/ways-to-spend-one-trillion-dollar-deficit.html). These are the first so called pennies I get rid of; I don’t like the way they look, feel or represent, feels toxic in my hands like I’m being insulted when there given to me.

What I found interesting watching on the History Channel that Brad Meltzer produces (http://www.history.com/shows/brad-meltzers-decoded/episodes/#slide-7)that this sentence in the article “But still, some “crazy” people on the Internet have dared to suggest that some of oldest members of some of these fraternities (http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy&hl=en&source=hp&q=the+bohemian+club&aq=0l&aqi=g-l5&aql=&oq=the+boheimen+club&pbx=1&fp=1&biw=1251&bih=557&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&cad=b)may just be working on behalf of some of the largest shareholders and operators of the Federal Reserve System” wanted me to search because something is definitely going wrong (http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/18-signs-the-collapse-of-society-is-accelerating).

This type of information always raises questions who, what, where, how and why and I’m paying strict attention on knowing about it, the five o’clock news does not talk about it and then you have people like this guy (http://www.google.com/search?q=Jay+Rockefeller&sourceid=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-ContextMenu&ie=&oe=)says something like this (http://www.google.com/search?q=rothchild+the+internet+should+be+shut+dow n&sourceid=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&ie=&oe=#sclient=psy&hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-us%3AIE-SearchBox&source=hp&q=Jay+Rockefeller+the+internet+should+be+shut+down&aq=&a&fp=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&cad=b)makes you think “I’d rather not go out for pizza” teach me (http://www.teachmefinance.com/Financial_Terms/market_economy.html).

06-16-11, 02:42 AM
Perhaps there might be some resources here:


Perhaps you might find Letters to Jessica (http://www.bornagainclassics.com/letterstojessica/jessica.html) useful?

11-20-13, 01:42 AM
Then I ask “how do you like this new 97.5% zinc and 2.5% copper penny (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penny_(United_States_coin))? The answer is they spend (http://www.kiplinger.com/features/archives/ways-to-spend-one-trillion-dollar-deficit.html). These are the first so called pennies I get rid of; I don’t like the way they look, feel or represent, feels toxic in my hands like I’m being insulted when there given to me.

Works perfectly well to remove precious and platinum group metals from molten lead.... :D