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View Full Version : Howdy Folks...

08-13-11, 03:15 AM
It is great to be here. I found this site via the lawful money thread at GLP (66 pages and counting).

I want to thank David Merrill for bringing lawful money remedy out into the light of day for all to see, and articulating it in a very lucid manner. Thanks, also, to those who contribute to this site and who contributed to the GLP thread.

I have begun demanding lawful money with the paycheck (had I known, I would have started 35 years ago). I am interested in learning more about Article III courts and evidence repository. Lots to wrap the head around.

David Merrill
08-13-11, 09:31 AM

I like your handle. It strikes me related to the rioting in London and Birmingham. It seemed like a shock wave, unexplained except in relationship to the US Dollar taking that S&P hit (https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1EaV_bU7VImODZjNzg3Y2QtMGZlNS00ZjBmLWI3N GYtYWJiODczMDQ2Mjli&hl=en_US).

08-14-11, 07:04 PM
I found this place after I read CtC by Pete Hendrickson, which by the way was a great read. i did some research on him and was disapointed to find out he was incarcerated. While doing my research, I came across the name David Merrill which has led me to here. After browsing some of the forums and posts, i registered and have decided to get on board. I am a single father of four boys and I feel its my duty to learn and then teach them all the things I hope to learn here in order to free myself and give them a chance to be truly free as it was meant to be. Hopfully these lesson can be passed down and one day all this will be just a footnote in history of how free people of this country took back their god given and constitutional rights

08-14-11, 07:54 PM
Welcome everyone to the board :).
Reminds me when I was a first came to these type of boards ....