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View Full Version : Trading with the Enemy Act 1917

Richard Earl
08-22-11, 12:11 AM
"In 1933 the U.S. Congress amended the act by the passage of the Emergency Banking Relief Act which extend its scope regarding the hoarding of gold to include any declared national emergency and not just those declared solely during times of war."

Wikipedia: Trading with the Enemy Act 1917 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trading_with_the_Enemy_Act_1917)

08-22-11, 12:58 PM
You are welcome.

David Merrill
08-22-11, 01:35 PM
The Emergency was ended in 1976. - Except of course the ability for declaring a bankers' holiday in the event people start redeeming lawful money in mass.

Richard Earl
08-22-11, 08:29 PM
Thank you both. :)

08-24-11, 02:18 PM
The Emergency was ended in 1976. -.

David, How do we know the National Emergency way ended?

David Merrill
08-25-11, 09:05 AM

Please forgive me. Understanding trust structures is critical to contracting and the TWEA and Emergency Powers is an issue in itself. But when suitors in the brain trust get going there is quite a flurry and it keeps me from spending time here on this echo chamber. Additionally one of my favorite echo chambers, Quatloos (http://www.quatloos.com/Q-Forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=7573), has put me on moderated status (http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/4125/complaintformonwserra.pdf) so that may become too time consuming to continue.

I compiled a file about Ending the Emergency (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B1EaV_bU7VImODVkMmJiYzktMDdlYS00ZWFkLWI4ZWM tNmJiMWI0ZmU1MzEx&hl=en_US).

I really need to thank the suitor who put this website together! In context this is one of the most appealing skins and easy to operate Websites on the Web. One MO of mine of course is to link graphics and I pull them from a Link Library that has become a vast exercise of my mental memory resources. I can go through it now and again to refresh my near-photographic memory but what I do is to use a coded indexing system of using something that will call up the link by a key word - which means to name the file with a word in the file name so that I can Find it, Copy and Paste it into a post, and explain myself in a manner that is not too time consuming.

What I am going to do is grab a section of the Link Library that is by and large about the Emergency of 1933. Let me know if you like this style of writing. There are likely a few links that just got in there, that may not be related. But I can find them with Search by topic anyway. Finding the "chapter" of the Link Library document is not important. I try to think of where it should go but that might take too much time and mental energy so sometimes when I have a new link to save, I just slap it wherever in the doc. As long as I can find it by key word it does not matter where in the doc it is located.


08-26-11, 03:59 PM
I believe there is a icon missing from the advanced reply,
you know the one, beating my head against my desk...


on ur question "Let me know if you like this style of writing."
sure the images are good , I always prefer reading the real document vrs what somebody thinks it says.

David Merrill
08-26-11, 05:02 PM
Yeah. In summary I would use most of those links embedded into four or five paragraphs of explanation. Those posts take an hour or more. I was in a hurry.

08-26-11, 06:30 PM
That is fine, the first few gave me the answer.
Ive been reading Eugene Schroder papers. http://www.barefootsworld.net/srwep.html

David Merrill
08-27-11, 09:44 AM
That is fine, the first few gave me the answer.
Ive been reading Eugene Schroder papers. http://www.barefootsworld.net/srwep.html

I was a Eugene SCHRODER groupie. I spent a few afternoons in the Colorado capital building with him.

09-03-11, 04:51 PM
so dont they just keep making new emergencys?
and it is never ending?

Emergency Declarations

Number Date State Incident Description Designated Counties
3339 29-Aug Pennsylvania Hurricane Irene
3338 29-Aug Vermont Hurricane Irene
3337 28-Aug District of Columbia Hurricane Irene
3336 28-Aug Delaware Hurricane Irene
3335 27-Aug Maryland Hurricane Irene
3334 27-Aug Rhode Island Hurricane Irene
3333 27-Aug New Hampshire Hurricane Irene
3332 27-Aug New Jersey Hurricane Irene
3331 27-Aug Connecticut Hurricane Irene