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View Full Version : America? Or A-China-Ca?

David Merrill
03-06-11, 01:23 PM
I have not been sticking to the News about the Debt Ceiling (http://www.treasury.gov/connect/blog/Pages/letter.aspx); mainly because it seems that the same amount of damage will be coming either way. First I should let you in on my theory I call, Delivering Iran to China.

First it was a curious observation I had made by recording the BBC News from 3:00 to 3:45 am. I record it to disk and process it through an audio editor sometime during the day. The folder is called Waziristan as that was what I marvelled about first and you may note the number of the file (currently up to #92) as I have been saving these audio snippets for quite some time. I am going to put a few of these audio snippets into a .zip file and attach it. I will tell you which number to pull up and a Minute Mark to save you time. Most dangerous place. (https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1EaV_bU7VImZDlhYjI4ODgtOGQ4ZC00ZTM3LTg1Z mMtMmU4Zjk1ZWQ2MWM1&hl=en)

I found it amazing that when Pakistan finally mustered up the effort (#1, 5:45), and risk to eradicate the Taliban, (October, 2009) they drove them out into the border ambush in Afghanistan to the NW. The US (Coalition Forces) was to be the "anvil" of the campaign - the anvil of the attack (#2, 0:45 "closing the net"; 2:35; 5:45 "last bastion" 6:05 "(US forces)anvil of our attack". The point being that American forces, even though this assault was known to be brewing for weeks, showed by a few drone attacks complete support - only to withdraw the border patrol from the Pakistan border just as we were needed to compliment Pakistan's effort. What went down a month later was that American forces gently (relative term) pushed the Taliban and Al Qaida back into Waziristan, allowing them to move all their munitions and other supplies with them. See the attachments briefly to orient yourself because this article is about A-China-Ca. I want you to know first why I am convinced that because of China holding 1/4 of America's debt in GREENSPAN's "account deficit" bulletin 1 (http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/speeches/2004/200405062/default.htm), bulletin 2 (http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/speeches/2005/200512022/default.htm) we have Iran surrounded and will deliver it to China in a commercial conquest to pay off part of our national debt there. China holds America. (https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1EaV_bU7VImNzQ1ZTIwNjUtNTE5MS00MjU5LTlkN TctNmYxMTI2MmM0YzZm&hl=en)

Two years later, little has changed except that our current account deficit has grown still larger. Most policy makers marvel at the seeming ease with which the United States continues to finance its current account deficit.

Please note though, I am only showing you a tiny bit of this larger portrait so not to bog you down with audio files that require your time and attention. The snapshot is basically that current objectives, whatever they are, are not to eradicate the "enemy" in either Iraq or Afghanistan. This understanding is fundamental to support my theory that America is delivering resource-rich and industrially prosperous Iran intact. In support is the fundamental geography - we have Iran surrounded by occupying Daddy BUSH's Iraq and Iran. [Director of Central Intelligence c. 1976 during the Islamic Revolution there in Iran. I am probably one of the very few civilians to read reports like the CIA report attached or the UN's Resolution #1441.]


Note just how Iran is in the middle of America's occupations.

I passed a TV the other day indicating Congress is still paying lip service only to GEITHNER's letter about the Debt Ceiling. It seems cut and dry though, one way or the other. 1) Default, or 2) raise the Debt Ceiling to in excess of $15T. In the first instance, China will empty Beijing's overcrowded streets (https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1EaV_bU7VImOTNiMDkxNzMtMGNlMC00NmYzLWE4N DctYTNkZDY0MjA4NDk4&hl=en) into America. China has empty manufacturing cities (http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=260645) awaiting the Americans who will need jobs. [This is why nobody can prove FEMA Camps exist on American soil; China has a City for building zippers! Americans can go to China to build doorknobs, or another Chinese city to build hinges...]

In option 2 though, that gets even more interesting. China still reserves the right to pull the plug (on the Good Faith and Credit of America's Dollar) and in international commerce, if China is looking for an excuse to, it could happen over one unsettled $20M lien (http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/2119/noticeoflien.pdf). Take a moment to look over my $50M offering (http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/5619/offeringtobeijing.jpg). Ask yourselves, Why would David Merrill offer a $20M lien to China, for $50M? The 2001 Bill of Exchange perfecting Judgment on 9/11/01 (BOE 1 (http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/4712/beijing.jpg), BOE 2 (http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/992/beijing2.jpg), BOE 3 (http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/2369/beijing3.jpg)) aside (for now) examine what went down, on August 13, 2007 (http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/2386/treasuriesactivity.jpg). JIN Renqing was executed for following my advice (http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/4712/beijing.jpg) and ignoring PAULSON (http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/2839/paulsontochina.jpg). More importantly August 13th, 2007 (http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/438/august13chart.jpg) marks the Subprime Mortgage Crisis that spurred the Global Financial Crisis - to 'that fateful day' (BBC World News).

As America awaits Congress's decision whether to default, or raise the Debt Ceiling we find China Today, Beijing's national newspaper, debating whether to honor the US Dollar ($100 bill; last page) by publishing my Notice of Lien (http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/4998/certificateofmailingfil.pdf). My objective is to give you enough of the essential facts to think about this during the next week or two, while Congress makes up our mind.


David Merrill.

P.S. Report #92 is about how, because China gives no reports, Assistance to African refugees find it remarkable how many Chinese people were there in Libya. China had quietly occupied Libya and nobody knew until their monster opened fire on the civilians causing them to flee.

03-09-11, 07:28 PM
"This is why nobody can prove FEMA Camps exist on American soil"

My DH talked with a friend in Alabama recently who said that a family member had gone to Montana to work on the construction of a FEMA camp there.
I will task DH with finding out more details, as he is heading to Alabama right now.

03-14-11, 03:25 AM
AChinaca, eh. China has no history of expansionism, territorial conquest, so that would be one way to get Iran, have America deliver it as payoff. Interesting theory David. Of course I would not support that delivery; what has Iran ever done to us? And the U.S. has supported global empire far too long already.

China does hold a quarter of our debt, they're actively buying up commodities (net importer), and they're moving away from the dollar in trade. Make no mistake, China is the biggest player in the game and our future depends on them. I've been following some other financial stories, perhaps related:

our huge appetite for debt. $223B in February alone (new monthly high)

the Fed is now the largest purchaser of Treasury debt

no way we're going to pay back our debt (in real terms) Peter Schiff (http://dailybail.com/home/peter-schiff-of-course-were-not-going-to-pay-back-the-chines.html)

why does Alan Greenspan keep dissing "fiat currencies" and talking up gold? text (http://www.cnbc.com/id/41887954) & video (http://www.cnbc.com/id/15840232?video=1828815428&play=1)

rigged markets (stocks, silver/gold) Harvey Organ (http://harveyorgan.blogspot.com)

the efforts to end market rigging. Stand for Delivery (http://standfordelivery.com) CRASH JP MORGAN BUY SILVER Silver Shield (http://dont-tread-on.me/the-silver-bullet-and-the-silver-shield)

how the Federal Reserve exports inflation (ie. North Africa) zerohedge (http://www.zerohedge.com/article/first-person-account-how-bernankes-export-inflation-fueling-asias-last-bubble-and-bonfire-fi)

loss of the dollar's 'reserve-currency' status

So where will these converge? where are we headed? I think the result may well be the end of all fiat currency in America, and possibly the globe. Have you heard of Bix Wier's Road to Roota (http://www.roadtoroota.com/public/190.cfm) theory? It postulates "that there is a group of people in the United States as well as around the world that are working to remove and destroy the financial banking powers that have secretly controlled all aspects of our lives for hundreds of years." And, that the market manipulation may be coming to an end: http://www.roadtoroota.com/public/525.cfm dated 3/8/11

Very possibly this isn't the "End of America" but rather its rebirth (http://www.usmint.gov/images/mint_programs/commemoratives/2009LincolnCommemUncRev.jpg) as We The People extricate our government from the bankers and return to self-governance.

David Merrill
03-14-11, 04:37 AM
AChinaca, eh. China has no history of expansionism, territorial conquest, so that would be one way to get Iran, have America deliver it as payoff. Interesting theory David. Of course I would not support that delivery; what has Iran ever done to us? And the U.S. has supported global empire far too long already.

China does hold a quarter of our debt, they're actively buying up commodities (net importer), and they're moving away from the dollar in trade. Make no mistake, China is the biggest player in the game and our future depends on them. I've been following some other financial stories, perhaps related:

our huge appetite for debt. $223B in February alone (new monthly high)

the Fed is now the largest purchaser of Treasury debt

no way we're going to pay back our debt (in real terms) Peter Schiff (http://dailybail.com/home/peter-schiff-of-course-were-not-going-to-pay-back-the-chines.html)

why does Alan Greenspan keep dissing "fiat currencies" and talking up gold? text (http://www.cnbc.com/id/41887954) & video (http://www.cnbc.com/id/15840232?video=1828815428&play=1)

rigged markets (stocks, silver/gold) Harvey Organ (http://harveyorgan.blogspot.com)

the efforts to end market rigging. Stand for Delivery (http://standfordelivery.com) CRASH JP MORGAN BUY SILVER Silver Shield (http://dont-tread-on.me/the-silver-bullet-and-the-silver-shield)

how the Federal Reserve exports inflation (ie. North Africa) zerohedge (http://www.zerohedge.com/article/first-person-account-how-bernankes-export-inflation-fueling-asias-last-bubble-and-bonfire-fi)

loss of the dollar's 'reserve-currency' status

So where will these converge? where are we headed? I think the result may well be the end of all fiat currency in America, and possibly the globe. Have you heard of Bix Wier's Road to Roota (http://www.roadtoroota.com/public/190.cfm) theory? It postulates "that there is a group of people in the United States as well as around the world that are working to remove and destroy the financial banking powers that have secretly controlled all aspects of our lives for hundreds of years." And, that the market manipulation may be coming to an end: http://www.roadtoroota.com/public/525.cfm dated 3/8/11

Very possibly this isn't the "End of America" but rather its rebirth (http://www.usmint.gov/images/mint_programs/commemoratives/2009LincolnCommemUncRev.jpg) as We The People extricate our government from the bankers and return to self-governance.

You are correct, it is my pet theory. But the facts around it add up nicely.


I think that varying degrees of the jail/prison system certainly qualify for FEMA Camps; emergency residential housing etc... But I am interested in your friend's report as I know you to have a respect for Rules of Evidence and Exception to the Hearsay Rule.

Thank you Stonefree, for a very informative post. That is packed!

03-16-11, 04:30 AM

I think that varying degrees of the jail/prison system certainly qualify for FEMA Camps; emergency residential housing etc... But I am interested in your friend's report as I know you to have a respect for Rules of Evidence and Exception to the Hearsay Rule.

I'm trying to find out more, but I will have to wait until DH gets to talk to the guy personally.
The last thing I heard was that the contractors are calling it a "reservation".
This brings to mind the interview with Russell MEANS (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LA-S64QY3o) that I watched some time ago, where he said "you are all native Americans now, welcome to the reservation".

Bright blessings

David Merrill
03-16-11, 09:38 PM
This is a fascinating rumor (http://stevequayle.com/News.alert/11_Global/110315.alert.CH.troops.html) - especially as I hear nothing about raising the Debt Ceiling. Of course I am presuming I will just catch it when/if it happens.

03-22-11, 04:19 PM
More unsubstantiated rumor. (http://stevequayle.com/News.alert/11_Global/110321.alert.NAU.html)
Getting interesting.

03-25-11, 01:27 PM
SBS Dateline's "64 Million Empty Apartments"


David Merrill
03-25-11, 03:09 PM
SBS Dateline's "64 Million Empty Apartments"


Thank you Stonefree! That was an enlightening excursion.

04-04-11, 02:26 AM
I just found this World Net Daily news article (http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=282053) in my Spam folder.
The reason I found this interesting is because it seems that Hollywood produces a few movies every year that are strangely prophetic of world events, such as the movies that had allusions to Sep. 11 2001, before it happened.

This time however it looks like their future foretelling may have been thwarted for reasons of profit.
Alternatively, perhaps North Korea has been selected as a scape goat for a false flag operation of some sort.
Or maybe they have just run out of good movie scripts.

I'm no movie watcher, I've never even owned a TV, and I could be wrong about this.

David Merrill
04-04-11, 10:28 AM
Very insightful Treefarmer;

Thank you!

On a lighter note, we have America's new favorite song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zulEMWj3sVA). I recall BBC World News reporting a study why cell phones are annoying in public - basically that people can only hear one half of the phone conversation. The young woman is probably only expressing annoyance at not being able to make sense of the Asian conversations at all.

Just offering. (https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1EaV_bU7VImNGIxODFmMDQtOWVkMy00NThkLWE3M jYtZDc0ZTgzY2FlNDA0&hl=en)

Thank you for importing my article to a thread! I have a project in process (http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/4998/certificateofmailingfil.pdf) that you should look over for some upcoming events. The Government Shutdown (http://www.treasury.gov/connect/blog/Pages/letter.aspx) is scheduled for Friday, a few days from now.

More on that later today! Stay tuned to this Channel Y'all.

P.S. Breaking News. (attached)

04-04-11, 06:39 PM
The Government Shutdown (http://www.treasury.gov/connect/blog/Pages/letter.aspx) is scheduled for Friday, a few days from now.
Sweet! I guess you started with the current debt of 14,273,409,589,071 and then spending 4.11 billion/day brings us to the $14.29 trillion limit by Friday 4/8/11.
Couldn't happen to a more deserving group of banksters.

Reminds me of a stunt we used to play on my little brother. We'd call him, hide behind the doorway, then yank the rug as he came running by. (Yes, I've rehabilitated myself since then.)

05-19-11, 03:38 PM
The Federal Reserve System this week paid GATA $2,870 in attorney's fees and costs for illegally withholding a gold-related document GATA sought in its federal freedom-of-information request and lawsuit against the Fed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

Nice write-up includes a scan of the check. Seems they were so keen on withholding that document because it acknowledges the U.S. government's profound interest and mechanism in suppressing the price of gold.


John Booth
05-19-11, 05:29 PM
the check also includes a nice example of

"PAY" and not "Pay to the ORDER of"

I'd not seen a Federal Reserve System/Bank check before.

thank you

06-03-11, 11:13 PM
Another intriguing A-China-Ca rumor (http://smartgirlpolitics.ning.com/profiles/blogs/idaho-to-be-first-chinese).

David Merrill
06-04-11, 04:26 AM
In order to accomplish this, China must unload currency and excess dollars. Buying Idaho is a good way to accomplish this.

Take a moment to peruse this file (https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1EaV_bU7VImZmIyMzM2MTUtNmE0Zi00MmQ4LTg5M mQtOTZjNGY0M2MzZWJj&hl=en_US).

In 2004 the strip mall was full of thriving stores - Albertson's, Long's, health club, bar, bicycle shop etc. In 2010 I drove through with my helmetcam. At the 30 Second Mark on the right is a building and recently a crew moved in. By the titles I thought it was interesting because it looked like PM on emergency equipment for civil disaster. Then I thought they were training people for hazardous material cleanup. They were there for two months...

It turns out they were removing asbestos and remodeling the building for four or five stores, in the same fashion as the rest of the strip malls.

This makes no sense; to go through that kind of trouble for an empty strip mall. - Unless it is Chinese owned. It is a bit long-range in the planning but as the Chinese collect, not just by contracting with Iran for rare metals used in high-tech electronics, they will be owning many prosperous businesses here in America.

I threw in one snippet about how they need to get out of the urban areas of China too. - Before the heavy metal poisoning kills them off.


David Merrill.

06-05-11, 02:29 AM
But one could ponder if...perhaps China is being given easy and happy options to work out its debt. Perhaps things are not what they appear.

David Merrill
06-05-11, 04:07 AM
But one could ponder if...perhaps China is being given easy and happy options to work out its debt. Perhaps things are not what they appear.

According to the CIA - China has no debt (http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/5619/offeringtobeijing.jpg). [Document to the Right - 2007.] China has only recently started dabbling in SDR's. Listen to the voice of Porter STANSBERRY (attached).

06-07-11, 03:26 AM
Perhaps China is keeping two sets of books?

China has $1.5 trillion in hidden debt: Lawmaker (http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2011-01-15/news/28427900_1_local-governments-debt-loans)