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View Full Version : Occupy Wall Street - Colorado Springs

David Merrill
10-14-11, 11:18 PM
Keep in mind the BBC World News sound track is for New York while the visual is in Colorado Springs, Acacia Park.

CloudMe (http://os.cloudme.com/v1/documents/281483576759658/4371213291/1/Occupy%20Wall%20Street%20Colorado%20Springs.wmv).

YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIt-uicUAII).

GoogleDocs (https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1EaV_bU7VImOGI2MDg1NTItN2QyMy00MjdjLThhM GYtYmQ2YWNiYjBkZjFk&hl=en_US).

Please critique these three mediums for ease and availability. I just found out that YouTube is giving me full length uploads!


David Merrill.

10-15-11, 11:49 PM
The cloudme link doesn't load for me, but the others do. And +2 for the "Bite Me" vendor :p BTW, received the following in email today:

from: Bix Weir bix@roadtoroota.com via aweber.com
to: Stonefree
date: Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 3:07 PM
subject: Protests Against The Bad Guys Goes WORLDWIDE!

Reports are coming in from all around the world that the 99% have taken to the streets to protest against anything and everything related to the Banksters. In every mainstream media outlet in the world this is front page news! Here's just some of the reports:









This is a VERY, VERY big deal. Up until now the fight has been behind the scenes but as of today the "Cat Is Out of the Bag"...and there's NO WAY to put it back!

The reason this is such a big deal is that the movements WILL NOT DIE but rather grow exponentially through the following weeks and months as revelations of Bankster fraud are uncovered.

This is it! It is US against THEM and...


Buckle up for a rocky week in the markets.

May the Road WE choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

10-17-11, 11:17 PM
I suspect that the Occupy Wall Street movement is a Jesuit instigated and centrally planned maneuver.
Henry Makow (http://www.henrymakow.com/occupy_wall_street_is_cointelp.html) and Prison Planet (http://www.prisonplanet.com/occupy-wall-street-and-the-american-autumn-is-it-a-colored-revolution.html) are probably not too far from the real truth in their analyses I would imagine.

The OWS crowds remind me a little of my German ancestors in the late 1930s, at which time they also had very legitimate grievances. They sought refuge and empowerment in what seemed like a genuine German grassroots movement at the time. They ended up supporting Adolf, who emerged as the young and charismatic leader of that movement. Change and new hope for the future were in the air...

David Merrill
10-18-11, 12:01 AM
Yes. The times and tech are so different now days that the same old motivation may be difficult to recognize. But something about the same old method and motivation rings true to me too.

David Merrill
10-21-11, 03:08 PM
A fellow sent me a message with his YouTube contribution.

Click Here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIJkDdY7Bdo&feature=email).

The homeless fellow was there when I made my video. He started talking about this and that, and would not let me go until I interrupted him, I am sorry to be rude, but I am going now. I am not sure if he had a problem or just felt that it was his job to keep people standing around.

10-25-11, 05:06 PM
A fellow sent me a message with his YouTube contribution.

Click Here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIJkDdY7Bdo&feature=email).

The group chanting sends shivers down my spine.
Reminds me of Hitler Youth events.

After I watched your video clip I was inspired to look for YouTube videos of Hitler Youth parades. I found many and was amazed at the amount of neo-Nazi contributions which I found. Within only 1 minute of search I saw everything from holocaust denial to praise and sentimentalism for Hitler Youth. Much of it was from Germany, but some of it looked like it came from USA.

10-25-11, 05:20 PM
Looks like the beast power is closing in for the kill.
After carefully setting up their thesis (http://investmentwatchblog.com/listen-closely-weiss-final-warning-to-all-investors-%E2%80%9Cget-all-or-most-of-your-money-out-of-danger-immediately-stay-safe%E2%80%9D-prepare-for-the-coming-bank-collapse/) and antithesis (http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/oct/21/occupy-london-stock-exchange-cathedral-plea), they are now presenting their synthesis (http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/10/24/idUS264245887020111024) to the world.
Bible prophecy (http://www.whiteestate.org/books/gc/gc36.html) is being fulfilled at a rapid pace now; I can see the mark of the beast coming soon.

May all who read here overcome the beast and his mark and take the Seal of God is my prayer.
Bright blessings

David Merrill
10-27-11, 02:42 PM
The chanting repitition is called "Mic Check". It is a non-electronic form of amplifying the speaker to the larger gathering.

One theme that keeps coming up is Corporate Greed. I came across an interesting new method of tracking the activities of NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations).

Click Here (http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/5283/networkofglobalcorporat.pdf).

10-28-11, 06:05 AM
Indeed, OWS is a total psyop (http://www.bragg.army.mil/sorb/PSYOP.htm) orchestrated by the NGO's and powered by the military-media-complex.

There is nothing "grassroots" about it. The term is called astroturfing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroturfing) -- staging the appearance of grassroots movements to facilitate nefarious agendas.

The URL for "Day of Rage" usdayofrage.org website was created 7 months before this movement first surfaced.

Here's the craigslist rent-a-mob job recruitment that was put out by the government front group workingfamiliesparty.org

So, what do you suppose the agenda(s) could be? Oh, here's one...

More info:

David Merrill
10-28-11, 10:18 AM
I came across an interesting perspective:



10-28-11, 07:46 PM
It is very interesting David that you bring up OTPOR and CANVAS in the above videos. I became aware of OTPOR in May of this year, in following the events in Egypt, Libya, etc. this spring. It seems as though OTPOR cannot help themselves in splashing their closed fist "Power" Logo about. IMHO there is no doubt that OTPOR / CIA are heavily involved in OWS.

There is a video that I became aware of in July by a Rap artist named Killer Mike. The song is entitled "Burn". The topics of the video, Money Issue, Education, Religion, slavery by the prison system, etc., seem a bit high brow for Rap. At the end of the video is a quote by Samuel Adams which seems more that a little out of place for a Rap song. One will see the OTPOR logo throughout the video. It becomes rather obvious who put out the video. Here is the link to the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_uhsZmXWJY

The first video above in David's post references the Occupy Seattle web site at the 8:48 mark of the video. Here is the link to that site. Upper left corner, what do we have here ? The Logo. http://occupyseattle.org/

It will be interesting to see if the violence level starts increasing.

10-29-11, 12:28 PM
There is a video that I became aware of in July by a Rap artist named Killer Mike. The song is entitled "Burn". The topics of the video, Money Issue, Education, Religion, slavery by the prison system, etc., seem a bit high brow for Rap. At the end of the video is a quote by Samuel Adams which seems more that a little out of place for a Rap song. One will see the OTPOR logo throughout the video. It becomes rather obvious who put out the video. Here is the link to the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_uhsZmXWJY

You need to expose yourself to different forms of rap and hip-hop rather than the commercial stuff that is pushed on radio and TV
There has always been a scholastic, philosophical, and activist streak in hip-hop with such artists as KRS-One, Paris, Tupac, and more.

10-29-11, 03:15 PM
You need to expose yourself to different forms of rap and hip-hop rather than the commercial stuff that is pushed on radio and TV
There has always been a scholastic, philosophical, and activist streak in hip-hop with such artists as KRS-One, Paris, Tupac, and more.

KRS-One, aware of, and respect some of his views. Paris - not a clue even who he is. Tupac, aware of who he is, to the best of my knowledge never listened to any of his stuff. Never will. As far as needing to expose myself to different forms of rap & hip-hop, no I don't. I'll leave that to others.

However, your comment does have a point. I need to correct my sentence that is bothersome to you. It should read ".... which seems more than a little out of place for a KILLER MIKE song". I trust that will be specific enough for you.

If you were to look at the "Burn" video, at the 0:10 mark you will see who actually made the video, Giovani Hidalgo. Back in July, I looked into Hidalgo's background, and he is much more than a world class Bongo player. In late August my computer blew up. The info I had on Hidalgo seems to be un-recoverable. However, in July Hidalgo had several (4) Facebook pages. One of them was very revealing as to his world/political views, which are very much reflected in the video. To cut to the chase, with the information that I was able to find on Hidalgo, it was fairly easy to find a loose association to OTPOR. In looking at that information in July it was obvious (at least to me) that Hidalgo's association was more than just in spirit.

If one was to look into the evolution of OTPOR, the connections OTPOR has to the US Intelligence (CIA) become clear. If one is so inclined I suggest they start with this video called "The Revolution Business". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpXbA6yZY-8

As I said in my original post OTPOR can't seem to help themselves in splashing around their logo. This logo is prominently displayed on the Occupy Seattle web site, www.occupyseattle.org. Also on the Occ. Seattle site is a full page devoted to OTPORS adopted bible, "Power and Struggle (Politics of Nonviolent Action)" by Gene Sharp.

Is "Occupy Wall Street" a organic movement of the people ? NO. "OWS" is a creation of US Intelligence/CIA/OTPOR. Why? Time will tell what the end game is.