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View Full Version : Dr. Dale LIVINGSTON, Esquire describes my destiny

David Merrill
10-18-11, 02:01 AM
It is difficult to describe the sensation that came upon me when I was listening to Dr. Dale LIVINGSTON, Esquire describe the early history of America (https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1EaV_bU7VImMDhjZGRhODctMDdiOS00ODRmLTljN TMtZDAxNjQ2ZTFkMjJj&hl=en_US). So maybe I will try, maybe not. What I did do the other day is load that audio file into my phone and go to the federal repository where McKINLEY unlocked the old Congressional Records including the Journals of the Continental Congress.

I did not spend a lot of time there the other day, but I am sharing what I got. I am missing some things and you will find in the Constitution ratification my auto-focus failed and I missed that so I will have to go rework that page. Things like that. One thing is I have the Index about Dr. Dale's ancestor Robert R. LIVINGSTON from the Journals of the Continental Congress but I will have to find the same thing in the Annals of the Congress for 1789 to verify that RR performed the inauguration for George WASHINGTON.

My trip does verify a lot of the facts described by Dr. Dale which is no surprise him being a Doctor in the Law (like a modern-day Gamaliel). However if you have been following my commentary about my Patroon perpetual heritage - like the Timing in Strategy thread you might realize that my take about motivation is much different. For example Dr. Dale professes that the 1789 Judiciary Act is vile because it let the city of Washington out via the state districts. While I accept it as a fact of life and recognize the 'saving to suitors' clause at Chapter 20, Page 77 is the remedy to that problem.

One item that I still need to look into is the diminishing of the Ten Miles Square by the WASHINGTON estate of 3.5 Miles in what, 1848? If that is what actually happened then I suppose Dr. Dale is right about George feeling defrauded by the New York delegation and lack of a quorum. The pages do reflect that there was no quorum, and oddly enough even though the delegation met in NY City, instead of Washington DC it was the NY delegates that were not present. It looks like one NY delegate showed up and took his seat - afterward!

For a notion about why this is exciting for me, to hear that the real national heritage of America is municipal in nature you might skim some material I have been spouting for many years before you look into my recent findings.


Correlate also how American Christian pastors, hand in hand with the American History teachers (misteaching history) are taught in Seminary to preach how the Levites (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B1EaV_bU7VImY2Q4YmIwNTgtYWZmZS00MzU3LTk1Mjk tNTE2OTE2NWU0MmJk&hl=en_US) received no inheritance. Untrue. The Tribes of Israel received patches of land throughout Israel. The Levites, the priesthood received the Cities and their Suburbs. Read about that in Chronicles. The Levites got 77 cities distributed throughout the rest of the tribes' dominions.

I will likely get back to the repository soon after I write down exactly what and where I am seeking.


1787 Consitution Ratified (http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/6016/consutionratified1787.pdf).

No Quorum 3/4/1789 (http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/3284/noquorum341789.pdf).

Surveyors Sworn In (http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/8172/surveyorsswornin.pdf).

WASHINGTON's Inauguration (http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/29/washingtonsinaugurationi.pdf).

David Merrill
10-18-11, 03:45 PM
For example Dr. Dale professes that the 1789 Judiciary Act is vile because it let the city of Washington out via the state districts. While I accept it as a fact of life and recognize the 'saving to suitors' clause at Chapter 20, Page 77 is the remedy to that problem.

Everything outside the scope of competent jurisdiction (Dan MAY's unsigned bond/empty swearing without God for the witness (http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/7770/danmaydaoathandinsuranc.pdf)) defaults to admiralty.

David Merrill
08-25-12, 09:28 PM
I just received this gift (http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/6315/nyfreemasonry.pdf) from a suitor. Look at the sketch on the cover!

08-28-12, 02:47 AM
I just received this gift (http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/6315/nyfreemasonry.pdf) from a suitor. Look at the sketch on the cover!

Yes, what about that sketch?

David Merrill
08-28-12, 08:58 AM
Yes, what about that sketch?

George WASHINGTON was inaugurated on the porch of the NY Masonic Lodge by Dr. Dale LIVINGSTON's ancestor and Grand Master Robert R. LIVINGSTON.

08-30-12, 01:55 AM
Are Free Mason's something one should desire to become?

David Merrill
08-30-12, 02:24 AM
Are Free Mason's something one should desire to become?

I have no desire to become a Freemason.

08-30-12, 02:05 PM
David, do you have the pdf What Happened to Justice? Why You Can't Get Justice in Federal Courts and What to Do
About It, by Ed Rivera? http://www.1215.org/lawnotes/work-in-progress/article-iii-court-by-ed-rivera.html

08-30-12, 04:32 PM
Are Free Mason's something one should desire to become?

First you must ask yourself, Is there Greggness in You? (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?352-heretical-complaint-Suitors-v-Merrill&p=5912&viewfull=1#post5912)