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11-10-11, 01:09 AM
Courtesy of The Intel Hub:

Chemtrails and Weather Derivatives (http://theintelhub.com/2011/11/07/chemtrails-and-weather-derivatives/)

Why In The World Are They Spraying? (http://theintelhub.com/2011/10/11/why-in-the-world-are-they-spraying/)

Here are some other links and eyewitness info. (http://mohavecountyconstitution.com/chemtrails.htm)

And lastly, as relevant and pertinent as ever: Puzzling Evidence (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2TyF1CbsDs).

David Merrill
11-10-11, 10:32 AM
The study of Chemtrails led me quickly to Project Shield (http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/9476/theshieldprojectfromdee.pdf). Simply put, international scientists realize that by trying to go through channels to protect us from the Greenhouse Effect (Soylent Green era terminology) would simply get this required protection locked up in channels. They got the funding and went with it, presuming that Chemtrails exist at all.

I will try explaining through another hoax. There is a sci-fi trend on TV about paranormal ghost hunters. Logically these folks would be setting up their equipment in vacated hospitals, or better yet, hospices. Not in old mental asylums and delapidated homes. They would seek out paranormal activity where many people have died; mass graves for example. Better yet, where would you find tormented souls than in execution chambers? Why not just set up the equipment at an actual premeditated execution, in a gas or injection chamber?

There are private laboratories that for less than $1K will process whatever through a spectrum analyzer and report to you everything that you have provided them in your sample. So the air filtering HVAC filters on any building or even your furnace filter will do for a sample. If you mix your dust into water then you might get the county to do this evaluation for under $50 if you present it as a water sample that you need evaluated for health risk.

Project Shield makes the best sense to me. If Chemtrails do exist at all - then I am with Project Shield as far as theories go. But I am not serious. If I get serious about something I will turn to the science and actually examine a sample of air particulates.


David Merrill.

11-10-11, 06:27 PM
Thank you for bringing up that bit of the weirdness surrounding chemtrails David.
I will add this notice (http://www.holmestead.ca/chemtrails/shieldproject.html) and this (http://www.enouranois.gr/english/sygrafeisenglish/david/indexdeepshield.htm) to the Deep Shield info to make it complete.

I consider myself lucky to be old enough and to have lived in some different parts of the globe, so that I can remember what the skies used to look like before the chemtrailing started. I also remember the first time I ever saw a chemtrail in the very early 1990s; I was living in Arizona at the time.

I don't think there is any single reason for the chemtrailing, at least not from a human view point.
I would imagine that there are almost as many different reasons for it as there are people involved with it.

On the AboveTopSecret (http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread355050/pg1) forum I found the following comment which I thought is worth repeating:
"Cirrus clouds, nothing to look at here move along. The 3000 lb elephant in the living room is a figment of our imaginations. Sure stinks the place up though."

11-20-11, 02:03 AM
I have considered the possibility of mass deception to the people, the coming of Christ (Antichrist) with holograms in the sky.

Chemtrail tests (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbTA-NWWU7Y&feature=related) show high amounts of strontium barium niobate.

Army Research Laboratory in Maryland research report (http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA338490&Loc...) shows holographic properties of strontium barium niobate.