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View Full Version : Man makes Dragon Family Claim!

David Merrill
11-27-11, 09:51 AM
Here is an interesting development in macroeconomics! Click Here (http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/1125/1934reclamationcomplain.pdf).

The clerk of court seems to be enjoying the holidays:


11-27-11, 04:01 PM
Commenting on what happened in 1933 and the change of that act, the limitation on gold ownership in the U.S. was repealed after President Gerald Ford signed a bill legalizing private ownership of gold coins, bars and certificates by an act of Congress codified in Pub.L. 93-373 [1] [2] which went into effect December 31, 1974. P.L. 93-373 does not repeal the Gold Clause Resolution of 1933, which makes unlawful any contracts which specify payment in a fixed amount of money or a fixed amount of gold. That is, contracts are unenforceable if they use gold monetarily rather than as a commodity of trade.

Still yet this alleged intent to fortify global economics by the dragon family seems awfully suspicious. A couple nights ago I watched on CNBC a story about a group of lawyers who took their clients for a wild ride down fraudulent lane by use of some fine print to payout only a portion of their winnings of a court case to the clients minus their fees, but the remainder to go to charity, this was cleverly hidden within the language and did not even mention what charity, the lawyers claimed in court that it went to some Project For Healthy Families, but a later investigation found that the only families getting distributions were the lawyers families. I am no fortune teller but when people try to throw some weight around saying their from royal blood or something like that as an illusion they are better then other men, in their mind equality does not exist.
Well seems a majority of society is completely clueless and memorized by some fantasy of an american dream or likewise that they will hide, lie, cheat, steal, defruad, kill, commit genocide to get it.

Well we got to start somewhere, there is a very small group of investors scattered about the country who are involved in something called Socially Responsible Investing or SRI, looked into it a little myself, a majority of them come from the tree huggers as a couple of you would call them probably. But look in the mirror and ask yourself what would you do with that much wealth? Would you truly help others or would you devise a plan to increase the wealth of your family at the cost of others? The latter would make you no better then what some banks are doing to families now putting them out on the street in tents.
I am really big into this free energy thing or almost free energy at least, the kind that requires very little maintenance and does not need to be constantly fed another type of energy source which massively depletes available resources on the planet. Solar, wind, magnetics, bio-energy e.t.c.

11-27-11, 05:07 PM
Commenting on what happened in 1933 and the change of that act, the limitation on gold ownership in the U.S. ....

More like confiscation under powers of eminent domain.

...was repealed after President Gerald Ford signed a bill legalizing private ownership of gold coins, bars and certificates by an act of Congress codified in Pub.L. 93-373 [1] [2] which went into effect December 31, 1974. P.L. 93-373 does not repeal the Gold Clause Resolution of 1933, which makes unlawful any contracts which specify payment in a fixed amount of money or a fixed amount of gold. That is, contracts are unenforceable if they use gold monetarily rather than as a commodity of trade.

That's Gold Reserve Act of 1934.
This is no longer the case.

These clauses were common at the beginning of the twentieth century. However, their use in the United States was invalidated by the Gold Reserve Act of 1934. Congress later reinstated their use for obligations (new contracts) issued after October 1977 in accordance with 31 U.S.C. § 5118(d)(2).[1] (Source (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_clause)).

You can gain more information here (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?494-Campbell-v.-Chase-National-Bank-of-New-York-%281933%29) as well as here (savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?489-endorsing-and-SS.......a-big-question!&p=5340&viewfull=1#post5340).

11-27-11, 06:38 PM
Thank you for sharing all that.

Who is behind all that though? .. other men. Men who operate corporations use the strong arm of Federal law whom have lots of guns implementing eminent domain.
As history dictates fighting it has done no good at all. If you cannot effect the hearts of men you can never hope to accomplish anything. Putting on a act as a peaceful inhabitant but posturing for war does no good either, it is evidence of a double minded man that usually ends him up in a county or state mental health facility.

What does the Declaration of Independence tell us, it is a story about men who gave it all up for liberty, but some people are trying to make claims of ownership and want the same liberty, seems to be of a oxymoron to me. Although I sense this is what the true heart of a suitor to be, to do just what those men have done and join the club to give it all up for liberty, so the big question is: why does men who claim to be suitors want to make claims of ownership on everything? it would seem to me that the men who signed the declaration of independence had a strong knowledge of usufruct and usufructuary.

11-27-11, 07:07 PM
I ran into that Complaint (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?504-Keenan-v.-Dal-Bosco-et-al.-Complaint) a few days ago. But I wonder if that's the right case on pacer. It says "Silverman and Keith" and it's only 1 page.

And a 500 million FRN seems too high, I thought the highest denomination FRN was 100,000. Unless Keenan is talking US bonds.

11-27-11, 07:45 PM
I ran into that Complaint (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?504-Keenan-v.-Dal-Bosco-et-al.-Complaint) a few days ago. But I wonder if that's the right case on pacer. It says "Silverman and Keith" and it's only 1 page.

And a 500 million FRN seems too high, I thought the highest denomination FRN was 100,000. Unless Keenan is talking US bonds.

]http://globalbusinessnews.posterous.com/?tag=ussecretservice (http://globalbusinessnews.posterous.com/?tag=ussecretservice)

11-27-11, 07:49 PM
What does the Declaration of Independence tell us, it is a story about men who gave it all up for liberty, but some people are trying to make claims of ownership and want the same liberty, seems to be of a oxymoron to me.

It is the story of elites who gave it up for greater power and control to create private organizations (governments) for their benefit and advantage at the expense of Nubians, the poor, and Native Americans based on such doctrines as the right of conquest and discovery.

That's what the Declaration of Independence tells me.

11-27-11, 08:09 PM
It is the story of elites who gave it up for greater power and control to create private organizations (governments) for their benefit and advantage at the expense of Nubians, the poor, and Native Americans based on such doctrines as the right of conquest and discovery.

That's what the Declaration of Independence tells me.

"And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with his wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever."
Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, Query 18, 1781

" At the establishment of our constitutions, the judiciary bodies were supposed to be the most helpless and harmless members of the government. Experience, however, soon showed in what way they were to become the most dangerous; that the insufficiency of the means provided for their removal gave them a freehold and irresponsibility in office; that their decisions, seeming to concern individual suitors only, pass silent and unheeded by the public at large; that these decisions, nevertheless, become law by precedent, sapping, by little and little, the foundations of the constitution, and working its change by construction, before any one has perceived that that invisible and helpless worm has been busily employed in consuming its substance. In truth, man is not made to be trusted for life, if secured against all liability to account. "
Thomas Jefferson, letter to Monsieur A. Coray, Oct 31, 1823

There it is, a little bit of bad mixed in with the good.

Anthony Joseph
11-27-11, 09:18 PM
Thank you for sharing all that.

Who is behind all that though? .. other men. Men who operate corporations use the strong arm of Federal law whom have lots of guns implementing eminent domain.
As history dictates fighting it has done no good at all. If you cannot effect the hearts of men you can never hope to accomplish anything. Putting on a act as a peaceful inhabitant but posturing for war does no good either, it is evidence of a double minded man that usually ends him up in a county or state mental health facility.

What does the Declaration of Independence tell us, it is a story about men who gave it all up for liberty, but some people are trying to make claims of ownership and want the same liberty, seems to be of a oxymoron to me. Although I sense this is what the true heart of a suitor to be, to do just what those men have done and join the club to give it all up for liberty, so the big question is: why does men who claim to be suitors want to make claims of ownership on everything? it would seem to me that the men who signed the declaration of independence had a strong knowledge of usufruct and usufructuary.

They have eminent domain over there own created surveys. Those surveys are layered upon others and many. Whose survey is paramount over all? It is his who makes claim from within God's Kingdom and in His Name and by His command and Will - "...replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion...".

I think this word "own" or "ownership" has most wrapped up around the axle a bit. What is ownership but the right to use, the right to enjoy and the right to dispose of a thing? Sounds like dominion to me. Only a living man can make such a claim according to His Law. God is no respector of persons therefore there is no dominion or inheritance for persons. These are only "tools" that living men use to have their deeds and wills carried out by those who voluntarily entered into personas of public office and swore out oaths invoking and praying to Almighty God as witness and The Supreme punishing authority if they fail to fulfill their duties and obligations under that oath. One who swears to God (SO HELP ME GOD) is swearing to do His Will. Part of that involves serving His sons and daughters and protecting and defending their rightful claims of Divine inheritance/dominion.

What we see mostly being manifest is the other capacity of these oath-sworn public officers in the dual role system - ruling and governing over those who either cannot or will not govern themselves in honor, peace and righteousness in His Name. This "ruling" over men is also His Will when done according to His Word, Law and direction.

We each have our piece of paradise that we may call our own absent the rule or authority of other men - there is plenty to go around. As long as we claim in His Name and do not prevent another from doing the same, we may make claim to whatever God calls us to make claim to as long as our intents are righteous and according to His Will and Law. Until such time as a proper, lawful and rightful claim is made by a living son or daughter of God, these oath-sworn public officers are the guardians and wards of the inheritance, and administer these estates as such, awaiting the coming forth of the Divine elect to take dominion and receive the inheritance.

If they fail or refuse to recognize the rightful claims of His sons and daughters, there exists a higher command in this realm of public officers. These personas operate under the Roman Civil Law system and the ordinary, and his Vicar general, have highest and final jurisdiction over these inferior clerics and clergy in the field who may fall short of their obligations. Direct the ordinary to the matter that requires his attention and have him carry out your wishes and deeds which are made in His name. He is also your servant if you accept and acknowledge his vows unto God. These offices of service were entered into voluntarily and those who did know what that entails.

After that, it is the hand of Almighty God Himself that will fulfill the Law and work to be done according to His Will. Our ultimate trust lies in that promise and truth.

11-27-11, 11:46 PM
They have eminent domain over there own created surveys. Those surveys are layered upon others and many. Whose survey is paramount over all? It is his who makes claim from within God's Kingdom and in His Name and by His command and Will - "...replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion...".

I think this word "own" or "ownership" has most wrapped up around the axle a bit. What is ownership but the right to use, the right to enjoy and the right to dispose of a thing? Sounds like dominion to me. Only a living man can make such a claim according to His Law. God is no respector of persons therefore there is no dominion or inheritance for persons. These are only "tools" that living men use to have their deeds and wills carried out by those who voluntarily entered into personas of public office and swore out oaths invoking and praying to Almighty God as witness and The Supreme punishing authority if they fail to fulfill their duties and obligations under that oath. One who swears to God (SO HELP ME GOD) is swearing to do His Will. Part of that involves serving His sons and daughters and protecting and defending their rightful claims of Divine inheritance/dominion.

What we see mostly being manifest is the other capacity of these oath-sworn public officers in the dual role system - ruling and governing over those who either cannot or will not govern themselves in honor, peace and righteousness in His Name. This "ruling" over men is also His Will when done according to His Word, Law and direction.

We each have our piece of paradise that we may call our own absent the rule or authority of other men - there is plenty to go around. As long as we claim in His Name and do not prevent another from doing the same, we may make claim to whatever God calls us to make claim to as long as our intents are righteous and according to His Will and Law. Until such time as a proper, lawful and rightful claim is made by a living son or daughter of God, these oath-sworn public officers are the guardians and wards of the inheritance, and administer these estates as such, awaiting the coming forth of the Divine elect to take dominion and receive the inheritance.

If they fail or refuse to recognize the rightful claims of His sons and daughters, there exists a higher command in this realm of public officers. These personas operate under the Roman Civil Law system and the ordinary, and his Vicar general, have highest and final jurisdiction over these inferior clerics and clergy in the field who may fall short of their obligations. Direct the ordinary to the matter that requires his attention and have him carry out your wishes and deeds which are made in His name. He is also your servant if you accept and acknowledge his vows unto God. These offices of service were entered into voluntarily and those who did know what that entails.

After that, it is the hand of Almighty God Himself that will fulfill the Law and work to be done according to His Will. Our ultimate trust lies in that promise and truth.

Yes, this is quite understandable to me and is what I been preaching on the pulpit since I came on to this forum. The discussion though pertains to the intent of this so called dragon family and the purpose of them making a claim from authority of being from royal blood. They briefly mention for the benefit of world economics but the spirit of their other wording says something else that they want it all. Is it real or just fictitious registration numbers someone pulled out of a hat? The article eludes to it being a hoax. Are they using the fed to further commit fraud upon other men?
If you recall he last episode of little house on the prairie I provided a link to, man comes into town carrying a grant to the land with the U.S, army in tow thinking he is going to get it all, but the towns people blow it up and say your not getting our sweat equity, interesting thing is the captain of the regiment says that the people have committed no wrong.

11-28-11, 01:21 AM
They briefly mention for the benefit of world economics but the spirit of their other wording says something else that they want it all. Is it real or just fictitious registration numbers someone pulled out of a hat? The article eludes to it being a hoax. What article?

11-28-11, 01:44 AM
What article?


11-28-11, 02:46 AM
Oh, I missed that you were linking to this NY Times article:
Thank you.

Yes, the official line is the 249 bearer bonds were fake. But KEENAN disagrees: "the Notes were printed to appear as if they were not produced from official origin and bear obvious imperfections, therefore easily deniable. However when proper procedures are followed, the number of the Note and other linking identic data allows ultimate authentication and verification through the Federal Reserve System screening process and the presenting of the Note under the immunity shield allows effective use."

Richard Earl
11-28-11, 04:36 AM
Also, the date of the news article is 2009. The lawsuit was filed in Nov 2011. Perhaps they were indeed stolen?

11-28-11, 06:15 AM
From reading just the 1st half of the Complaint, here's my SUMMARY:

Between 1927-1938 the US Govt borrowed huge amounts of gold & silver from the Dragon Family who received negotiable financial instruments; US Bonds. These DFFI (Dragon Family Financial Instruments) were apparently considered real or fake at Federal Reserve's discretion and eventually entrusted to KEENAN in early 2009. Two Japanese diplomats carrying $134.5B of these bonds were detained by Italian police in June 2009. Mr. Leo ZAGAMI, a self-described 33rd degree Freemason, told journalist FULFORD that Italian P2 Masonic Lodge member DAL BOSCO could help KEENAN "cash the bonds seized by the Italian Treasury Police." DAL BOSCO then fraudulently induced KEENAN and stole the bonds. The Notes were never redeemed.

It's an egregious abuse to borrow real money, lawful money, and then lie to & stiff the lender with irredeemable paper. But this is the nature of the banking cartel. Witness the behavior of our jesse james, one of their very own minions sent here to dissuade you from lawful money remedy. I suggest we owe some gratitude to the Dragon Family. They appear to be bringing these banking criminals, banksters at the top of the pyramid, closer to judgment than WeThePeople have ever been.

Richard Earl
11-28-11, 07:53 AM
I'm not sure of the validity of this video:

$134 Billion U.S Bonds Seize from Diplomats in Italy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpBiOpSlK1w)

David Merrill
11-28-11, 01:18 PM
I ran into that Complaint (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?504-Keenan-v.-Dal-Bosco-et-al.-Complaint) a few days ago. But I wonder if that's the right case on pacer. It says "Silverman and Keith" and it's only 1 page.

And a 500 million FRN seems too high, I thought the highest denomination FRN was 100,000. Unless Keenan is talking US bonds.

My point about the clerk enjoying the holidays was that the case has not yet been entered onto PACER. I will post the Docket Report when it is available.

P.S. There are five Cube Sum Number Locks for a reason.



Sorry to be cryptic. More on that soon. If you have that old flick Sneakers (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5m2Dnb2YLOk)though, give it a whirl on the old VHS!

11-28-11, 03:30 PM
DOH! Thanks.

Yes, I've seen Sneakers. You appear to be suggesting that such a banking device or key exists, and now the good guys have one, and we're able to watch the trail of electronic money as it moves anywhere in the world.


11-28-11, 07:00 PM
The ACH and FRB clearing computer systems are exhaustive and formidable with respect to the information that is contained, tracked and logged. Most every single check and teller form is photographed by automated systems as they are rolled, blown or sucked ONE-BY-ONE through chutes. This is primarily for forensics for reconciliation in case of errors within or between banks. This is of first-hand observation. Records are typically retained (and stored on microfiche or some other suitable storage media) for seven years or so. Such records are probably moreso pulled for correcting errors or prosecuting crimes of bank employees than ever being pulled because of a crime by a bank customer. That should tell you something.

11-30-11, 12:05 AM
From reading just the 1st half of the Complaint, here's my SUMMARY:

Between 1927-1938 the US Govt borrowed huge amounts of gold & silver from the Dragon Family who received negotiable financial instruments; US Bonds. These DFFI (Dragon Family Financial Instruments) were apparently considered real or fake at Federal Reserve's discretion and eventually entrusted to KEENAN in early 2009. Two Japanese diplomats carrying $134.5B of these bonds were detained by Italian police in June 2009. Mr. Leo ZAGAMI, a self-described 33rd degree Freemason, told journalist FULFORD that Italian P2 Masonic Lodge member DAL BOSCO could help KEENAN "cash the bonds seized by the Italian Treasury Police." DAL BOSCO then fraudulently induced KEENAN and stole the bonds. The Notes were never redeemed.

It's an egregious abuse to borrow real money, lawful money, and then lie to & stiff the lender with irredeemable paper. But this is the nature of the banking cartel. Witness the behavior of our jesse james, one of their very own minions sent here to dissuade you from lawful money remedy. I suggest we owe some gratitude to the Dragon Family. They appear to be bringing these banking criminals, banksters at the top of the pyramid, closer to judgment than WeThePeople have ever been.

If you don't do business with thieves, you'll never be stolen from.

David Merrill
11-30-11, 04:35 AM
Interestingly the same clerk of court who spent a total of six weeks holding on to two green Return Receipt cards (http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/7007/criminalcomplaintsecond.pdf) regarding my claim (http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/8152/amicuscuriae116192certi.pdf) will not publish the Dragon Family case on PACER! [By that docket report it looks as though the Denver clerk was having some trouble filing too!]

I will look again tomorrow...

11-30-11, 03:01 PM
Interestingly the same clerk of court who spent a total of six weeks holding on to two green Return Receipt cards (http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/7007/criminalcomplaintsecond.pdf) regarding my claim (http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/8152/amicuscuriae116192certi.pdf) will not publish the Dragon Family case on PACER! [By that docket report it looks as though the Denver clerk was having some trouble filing too!]

I will look again tomorrow...

Well if they do not do it, this will further prove my point that there is certain "State Secrets" that are not to be made public. Doing so may be considered an act of war.

11-30-11, 05:15 PM
If you don't do business with thieves, you'll never be stolen from.

And perhaps there are thieves who have set out to veritably force most everyone to do business with them?

David Merrill
12-01-11, 01:43 AM
Interestingly the same clerk of court who spent a total of six weeks holding on to two green Return Receipt cards (http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/7007/criminalcomplaintsecond.pdf) regarding my claim (http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/8152/amicuscuriae116192certi.pdf) will not publish the Dragon Family case on PACER! [By that docket report it looks as though the Denver clerk was having some trouble filing too!]

I will look again tomorrow...


12-02-11, 12:07 PM
And perhaps there are thieves who have set out to veritably force most everyone to do business with them?

Most true :).

Have a lifeboat plan.

12-13-11, 03:19 PM
David Wilcock found it on PACER:


David Merrill
12-13-11, 09:56 PM
Thank you StoneFree;

I updated my doc. Click Here (http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/8408/1934reclamationdragonfa.pdf).

P.S. I think it odd that the docket report shows the case was filed on the 23rd, but I was checking it for some time and it did not show.

12-14-11, 12:05 AM
Thank you StoneFree;

I updated my doc. Click Here (http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/8408/1934reclamationdragonfa.pdf).

P.S. I think it odd that the docket report shows the case was filed on the 23rd, but I was checking it for some time and it did not show.
Thanks for the link David.
I've been following some of the internet trails of evidence in this very entertaining conspiracy.
Internet "reality" is much better than TV.

What really amazes me is that these people would actually come right out and associate themselves with the Dragon, that great serpent of old. They are not even trying to hide their connections.

"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Therefore [it is] no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works."
2 Corinthians 11:14-15

David Merrill
12-14-11, 12:27 AM
I think that I may be skipping TV tonight! Thanks Treefarmer, you just made the case a lot more interesting.

12-14-11, 01:26 AM
AJ's comment "I think this word "own" or "ownership" has most wrapped up around the axle a bit. What is ownership but the right to use, the right to enjoy and the right to dispose of a thing? Sounds like dominion to me." Reminds me of this (http://www.sonyclassics.com/insidejob/).

David Merrill
12-14-11, 03:02 PM
I believe you are right. Title and Claim.

12-15-11, 03:56 PM
David Wilcock claims to have received death threats and has recorded a Part II interview last night with Kerry Cassidy.

Go here: http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/Project_Camelot_11.html
and grab the 12/14/11 mp3 file.

12-16-11, 12:40 AM
Jeremiah 32 supports your post.

See Jer 32:8 (http://www.studylight.org/desk/?l=en&query=Jer+32%3A8&section=1&translation=nas&oq=&sr=1)

Jeremiah 32:8 NAS

"Then Hanamel my uncle's son came to me in the court of the guard according to the word of the LORD and said to me, 'Buy my field, please, that is at Anathoth, which is in the land of Benjamin ; for you have the right of possession and the redemption is yours; buy it for yourself.' Then I knew that this was the word of the LORD.

Notice "the right of possession" phrase. In Strong's Concordance, possession is #3425 (http://lexiconcordance.com/hebrew/3425.html) is another form of 3424 meaning "possession, occupancy, inheritance", and comes from 3423 (http://lexiconcordance.com/hebrew/3423.html) meaning "It has a legal sense of becoming an heir (Jer 23:8)"

IMHO, the claiming of our inheritance should become a priority for us now. Perhaps start with our birth-right (birth certificate)?

12-16-11, 02:20 PM
another perspective . . .


12-16-11, 06:03 PM
another perspective:

"David Wilcock Breaks Down About Gold in the Woo-Woo

A handful of subscribers have asked me to comment on the latest breakdown in the conspiracy world. A well known "conspiracy guru" named David Wilcock had a very emotion breakdown that was recorded on Project Camelot Radio. Apparently he had his life threatened by the "Bad Guys" because he was exposing the $1T lawsuit that will save us all from the Bad Guys and the BIG secret that there's millions of tons of gold in the world. Here's the interview if you are up for a little high drama.
Before I give you my take on it our friend Clif High gave a very good summery of what he thinks is going on...

Yet More Critical Thinking...

I'm on the Clif High page with his analysis of Wilcock but I'd like to take it a touch further. When it comes to the secret gold and the lawsuit to take down the bad guys...this is not news in the gold circles. Just read the resources tab on the RoadtoRoota.com:

I also touched upon it years ago in this article:
Golden Secrets

The news about all the secret treaties has been around for decades as well and I believe many of them to be true also.

I understand how people like Wilcock can get excited about discovering that our financial system is not what it seems but he really should do more research before he starts running around town shouting that this lawsuit will free us from the clutches of the bad guys. Of course it won't. Even if it is won how much is a trillion dollars to the owners of a printing press or a computer? The Fed sneezes a Trillion before breakfast!

This lawsuit is "much ado about nothing".

As for the millions of tons of gold...some of it is real and some of it is tungsten. That's what is important. Also, all that gold is NOTHING compared to all the electronic financial assets in the world in the many quintillions. Gold will continue to rise in fiat money terms and at some point gold coin will begin to circulate again as money.

What Wilcock should be watching is the implosion of the derivative markets as THAT is the ONLY thing that will take the banksters out and set the financial world straight.

The total and complete destruction of all electronic and paper assets and debt will be achieved when a single large bank such as JP Morgan implodes. Then he should get all worked up!

As for the guy that came on the phone named "anonymous"...how cool is an Irish spaceman coming to the aid of us little humans struggling with our monetary system?!!!

It's gonna get a lot stranger down the Road to Roota!
Have a nice weekend.
Bix" 12/16/11

01-09-12, 07:45 PM
this report is interesting: http://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2012/01/09/benjamin-fulford-1-9-12-the-feds-have-sued-for-peace-and-detailed-settlement-negotiations-have-begun/

Particularly that secret government page talking about a "Chinese Red Dragon Family."

01-14-12, 06:19 PM
update from David Wilcock: http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1023-financial-tyranny

05-04-12, 04:05 PM
The Neil Keenan case resurfaces in this 5/2/12 Kerry Cassidy interview with Keith Scott. He talks about OITC, Ray C. DAM, gold, and points out what some of us now know; the mortgage borrower promises to pay back part of the national debt:
(fastforward 9 minutes)

You may also find this 5/3 Drake call interesting:
(fastforward 5 minutes)

EDIT: now listening to this 4/22 episode of "End The Lie" radio interviewing Keith Scott and Winston Shrout
Winston at min 49: "... people constantly ask me, if I were going to study commerce what would be the best book for me to study? And believe it or not I point them right straight to the King James version of the Holy Bible .."
Goes on to say he learned the commercial lien technology from Hartford Van Dyke.

05-06-12, 01:42 PM
I now see that David Wilcock interviewed Winston Shrout here, I'm guessing on or about May 1st:

It's about 2 hours in two mp3 files: http://divinecosmos.com/winston2012.zip

07-17-12, 09:56 PM
KEENAN has apparently withdrawn the case and plans to refile.

When I compile all the information I need in which I can kick the financial system in the ass and straighten it out then I will file. My main concern is Jurisdiction which is what the Judge also made mention of and clearly stated that he would throw the case out if we did not prove we have it. In order to do this I am going to expose the illegal banking system. Let them then tell me when the Federal Reserve Bank of NY is shown to be part and parcel to the theft. I will have the information to prove this.

David Merrill
07-17-12, 11:45 PM
KEENAN has apparently withdrawn the case and plans to refile.


Please remind me in September and I might get that Transcript for an interesting read!

08-16-12, 05:00 PM
Drake has released an interesting 22-page PDF file today, purportedly from Neil KEENAN. Go here:


David Merrill
09-21-12, 08:16 PM
Release of Transcript Restriction set for 9/14/2012.

I have not read this 28-page transcript myself yet, (http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/4849/doc8transcript.pdf) so it is up for discussion here. I suspect we might find in this transcript the reason why KEENAN dropped his case.


David Merrill.

P.S. This is interesting!

MR. MULLIGAN: Well, maybe not in the complaint, your Honor, but in our research I do believe that what we have here is the expropriation of United States Federal Reserve notes. If you go on the Federal Reserve -- and I do believe it's uniquely federal interest in that they are notes issued by the federal government -- withdrawn, not the federal government, the Federal Reserve, which is not part of the government. And I think that given that there are perhaps $134.5 billion worth of Federal Reserve notes floating around that have been stolen, that would be subject to the auspices of the Federal Reserve Bank in New York, that this Court, because there are uniquely federal interests involved in the possible black marketing, if you will, of United States Federal Reserve notes, that a federal court, and certainly in New York where the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is located, would have jurisdiction...

Judge: "Cash, I have a $20 bill here, it says at the top "Federal Reserve note." It would be hard to imagine that a federal court would have subject matter jurisdiction in a case involving the theft of a large amount of cash, or cash regardless of how much of it was involved. So you can address it."

P.P.S. Page 12/28 on the .pdf reader:

Cash, I have a $20 bill here, it says at the top "Federal Reserve note." It would be hard to imagine that a federal court would have subject matter jurisdiction in a case involving the theft of a large amount of cash, or cash regardless of how much of it was involved. So you can address it.

That US Corporation is USA Inc. I believe. There may be a US Inc. in Maryland but that would have equally well articles of incorporation like USA Inc. which is a sporting events company.


David Merrill
09-21-12, 09:48 PM
This keeps getting better! A-China-Ca!

And I have just -- I'm just interested in all these -- if you're going to get involved in something as complicated as this, then because the Chinese have just been given a position with the Federal Reserve, now not only are they using the sinking fund in Switzerland, they're now coming in and using it here in New York by becoming, as the Hong Kong Shanghai Bank was brought in, the red Chinese bank is coming in to run our banking system, and I think these matters should be put before the Court.

09-24-12, 01:11 AM
If it takes the Chinese to get the criminals out of our banking system I'm all for it. What stands out to me ... is plaintiff didn't serve any of the 14 defendants, .. because they couldn't find Dal Bosco? And the court didn't bat an eye when Mulligan said Federal Reserve wasn't part of the US government, and that the US was a Maryland corporation. What is a sinking fund? And what's up with that intervenor?

Judge seemed doubtful that court had subject matter jurisdiction. It almost seemed like a test on plaintiff's part to see how a case like this might play out.

I've heard KEENAN is in the far East, feels Keith SCOTT is untrustworthy, and plans to re-file. His communications to Drake and Jean Haines (http://jhaines6.wordpress.com/about-me/) are sometimes posted.

09-24-12, 03:15 AM
There was an entry in the Pennsylvania Corporation records for a United States of America listed as an "orphaned county". Goes back to 1930s or 1940s from what I recall.

12-14-12, 10:04 PM
update from Neil Keenan, apparently a Red Sox fan:


03-09-13, 08:20 PM
Just saw this Update Regarding The Global Accounts: On the Ground with Neil Keenan in Indonesia – by Michael Henry Dunn
JAKARTA – March 9, 2013

03-12-13, 04:12 AM
another update from Michael Henry Dunn 3/11/13

(scroll down)

03-18-13, 10:07 PM
Neil Keenan & Team Celebrate Crucial Evidence


04-01-13, 01:22 AM


Freed Gerdes
04-01-13, 02:46 AM
The link refuses to open, says it is 'Private' Can you provide another link? Did you see it before YouTube cut it off?

David Lyn
04-01-13, 01:12 PM

04-01-13, 02:12 PM
Sorry, but I have been hearing that the banksters are going down for about 3 years now and still nothing.

I'm beginning to think he is nothing more that a distraction to keep us occupied.

04-01-13, 04:07 PM
New York's U.S. Bankruptcy Court Rules MERS's Business Model Is Illegal

We have read this before but this judge ruling kills MERS dead.
And it looks like the banks might be taken the hit here.
The article give specific reasons why they were acting in fraud.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/l-randall-wray/new-yorks-us-bankruptcy-c_b_824167.html?utm_source=032013+Winston%27s+Watc h+9+-+MERS+Info&utm_campaign=Winston%27s+Watch+10&utm_medium=email

04-02-13, 05:03 PM
Iran to Execute 4 Bankers on Fraud Charges

04-03-13, 03:06 AM
Iran to Execute 4 Bankers on Fraud Charges

It kind of makes you wander why the US Gov't (Bankers) is so insistent on attacking Iran. Coincidence, I really think not.

04-06-13, 06:45 PM
JAKARTA, April 5, 2013: Word has reached Neil Keenan here that the banking cabal’s fear and desperation are now moving into what may be a final phase. They tried triggering World War III and that didn’t work. They thought they could depopulate the planet through designer diseases, and that didn’t work. They thought they could escape to vast underground cities, and (thanks to off-planet allies) that can no longer work. Facing exposure, humiliation, and prison (if they are lucky) they are now down to their last desperate throw: to create financial chaos by collapsing world currencies and pulling off a vast Cyprus-style theft of middle-class savings in the U.S. ...

David Merrill
04-11-13, 02:02 PM
New York's U.S. Bankruptcy Court Rules MERS's Business Model Is Illegal

We have read this before but this judge ruling kills MERS dead.
And it looks like the banks might be taken the hit here.
The article give specific reasons why they were acting in fraud.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/l-randall-wray/new-yorks-us-bankruptcy-c_b_824167.html?utm_source=032013+Winston%27s+Watc h+9+-+MERS+Info&utm_campaign=Winston%27s+Watch+10&utm_medium=email

It kind of makes you wander why the US Gov't (Bankers) is so insistent on attacking Iran. Coincidence, I really think not.

Thank you for reminding me about the MERS case! I think the docket has become so complex that it bores me to try catching up but will attach it in case any of you can find some time. I am just tracking Deutsche Bank's docket (http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/197/usavduetschebankcomplai.pdf) because I know somebody who was foreclosed on with a nasty underhanded technique. The clerk lied and the suitor missed the hearing. However it is up to the clerk to properly verify the hearing date on the summons so...


A-China-Ca as I call it - Surrounding Iran for China. I have over 225 BBC World News snippets almost all at least indirectly supporting the US has surrounded Iran (Iraq and Afghanistan) starting in early 2009. Listen to the 5:00 Minute Mark of Day 2 (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImZDlhYjI4ODgtOGQ4ZC00ZTM3LTg1ZmMtMmU4Z jk1ZWQ2MWM1/edit?usp=drive_web) and the BBC Host's comment "Very interesting...".

03-09-15, 02:27 PM
I ran into that Complaint (http://savingtosuitorsclub.net/showthread.php?504-Keenan-v.-Dal-Bosco-et-al.-Complaint) a few days ago. But I wonder if that's the right case on pacer. It says "Silverman and Keith" and it's only 1 page.

And a 500 million FRN seems too high, I thought the highest denomination FRN was 100,000. Unless Keenan is talking US bonds.


November 23, 2011 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, claims that 145.5 billion dollars worth of gold was secretly given to the U.S. government in the mid-1930s by the then Nationalist government of China for safekeeping. http://exopolitics.org/Study-Paper-13.htm

Thursday, January 19, 2012 A mysterious trillion dollar lawsuit filed on November 23, 2011 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, claims that 134.5 billion dollars worth of gold was secretly given to the U.S. government in the mid-1930s by the then Nationalist government of China for safekeeping. The lawsuit claims that 1934 U.S. Federal Reserve notes were issued to the Chinese government, and the gold transferred to the Federal Reserve Bank. It is claimed that a total sum of almost one trillion dollars representing both the principal and accumulated interest of the 1934 Federal Reserve notes was fraudulently taken from the plaintiff, Neil Keenan, an agent for the owners, a mysterious Asian entity called “The Dragon Family.” Read more: http://dinarvets.com/forums/index.php?/topic/105995-trillion-dollar-lawsuit-exposes-secret-bilderberg-gold-treaty-funding-of-extraterrestrial-projects/#ixzz3Ttl6QJdc

Mr. Mulligan is a member of our Litigation and Intellectual Property Practice Groups. He was associated with the law firm of Rogers & Wells in their New York office for more than 10 years prior to joining Bleakley Platt in 1985.

Mr. Mulligan represents corporate and individual clients in commercial law, trusts and estates litigation, defamation, employment discrimination and sexual harassment matters. Based on his extensive experience in all areas of civil litigation, including trials and appeals in federal and state courts, Mr. Mulligan has represented major institutions, private companies, and individuals in a variety of matters, including, in addition to the areas listed above, patent litigation against the United States and securities litigation. http://www.bpslaw.com/attorneys/william-h-mulligan-jr.aspx


03-09-15, 03:40 PM
Trying To Sell Silver Dollars For .99 Cents Outside a Coin Dealer Published on Feb 12, 2013

Mark Dice offers random people the opportunity to buy some silver dollars for a dollar, while hanging outside of a coin dealer, and ignorant insanity ensues.
Subscribe to http://www.YouTube.com/MarkDice


ag maniac
03-10-15, 01:19 PM
I tell folks who show up @ my front gate for eggs "That'll be three for a dozen....or a silver dime".....that's when I hear that nervous chuckle....