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12-03-11, 11:33 PM
The people I grew up with

The people I grew up with taught me that hate was good,
and hating someone different was what was taught by “god.”

“If someone isn’t ‘christian,’ they’re going to burn in hell
and so they should if they reject the stories that we tell.”

But then I became older, and questioned something once,
which led to more and more confusing queries that ensconced

One led to another, and questions brought forth rage;
just because I’d ask for proof from experts, book & page.

They’d stutter and they’d stammer, they tell me I was lost,
but soon I came to see that I was merely crossed -

with the utmost deep confusion of how a god could kill
his only son and then send all these other souls to hell?

And when I asked for facts, more faith was yet prescribed,
for I was told to trust in god, so he could save my hide;

And then I read the bible word for word, so I could see
what the answers to the questions were that eluded even me

And I saw the bible themes of shedding blood and causing pain,
and I noticed that the catholic church ran their business quite the same:

Campaigns, crusades and witch-hunts, with murder and abuse,
Yet the billions keep on trusting god with solid faith, obtuse.

From the Old Testament to New, there were many plain disputes,
but pointing these out to my dear friends always drew sharp rebuke

“You cannot question God, dear brother, He’s fair and he is just;”
(and yet, within my mind I thought: “confusion equals trust?”)

So I left behind with glee the path of faith in christian lore,
and now I see that those with truth and light are those I shunned before.

(c) Jay Vincent 2011 C.E.

Namaste to all who honor the divine within.

George Alexander
12-04-11, 11:35 PM
Keep them cards and letters coming.

George Alexander

David Merrill
12-05-11, 12:09 AM
It is wonderful to have you back posting Metheist!