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View Full Version : Damascus is the world's oldest municipality

David Merrill
04-09-12, 10:16 AM
I am throwing a rough sketch up for discussion.

This paints a portrait of the world in terms of METRO organization (http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/1355/metro1313overview.pdf) - United Nations combinatorial mathematics. I expressed it once quite articulately (http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/6653/statecourtprayer.pdf) on behalf of an exemplary heir apparent who still lives as peaceful inhabitant to this day. METRO organization seems to be first expressed as the cities and their suburbs in I Chronicles 6 as the inheritance of the Levite priests.


I spent some time studying the more recent manifestation of City of XXXXXXXX/METRO under the penumbra Municipal League - the entire aread behind the partition (http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/648/aurarialibrarymunicipal.jpg) in the campus library is filled with archived documentation from cities all over the world. The archiver had not heard about METRO 1313 but found two banker's boxes of documentation about the controversy about socialism in America generated in and around 1958.


I have attached an audio file, #179 in my collection of BBC World News events evolving originally around my theory of Surrounding Iran for China.


David Merrill.