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View Full Version : Mortgage Crisis - Racketeering Report

David Merrill
10-26-12, 04:26 AM
I put the Removal Notice first (http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/5857/usaracketeeringonmortga.pdf)because it contains the Complaint but the second doc is today's Report (page 361/858). Interesting!

10-27-12, 05:04 AM
Whoa, this is huge, as in record-setting. Did you see Doc 36:
This District Court Complaint -- maintained by Spire Law Group, LLP -- is the only lawsuit in the world listing as Defendants the Banksters, let alone serving all of such Banksters with legal process and therefore forcing them to finally answer the charges in court. Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission, nor the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, nor the Office of the Attorney General, nor any State Attorney General has sued the Banksters and thereby legally chased them worldwide to recover-back the $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) and other lawful damages, injunctive relief and other legal remedies.

And CNBC has picked-up the story: http://www.cnbc.com/id/49555671

EDIT: CNBC Exec’s Children Murdered; 1 Day After CNBC Reports $43 Trillion Bankster Lawsuit (http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2012/10/cnbc-execs-children-murdered-1-day-after-cnbc-reports-43-trillion-bankster-lawsuit-2486156.html)

David Merrill
10-27-12, 10:27 AM
Interesting that Bankster Robert RUBIN is named. (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImOWMwMjUxZTYtZmViNy00NmI1LWEyNzItMDgxY zFkZWMxNmVi/edit) I feel as though I indicted him long ago!