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View Full Version : fear and loathing around breast/prostate cancer

David Merrill
10-28-12, 01:11 PM
I began to understand something new about fear and anger in a group setting when I explained, There is no such thing as breast cancer. Not realizing how deeply offended some of the women were at this, when an explanation was demanded I said something like this:

There are about nineteen of twenty-five forms of cancer that most commonly affect prostate and mammary glands in humans. The FDA, AMA and all the other research funding organizations will not promote any cures for these types of cancers unless the researcher will recognize the fallacy that there is any one cure for all nineteen types of cancer. That is to say that a woman will have any one of these cancers in her breast and because of its location in the body it gets misidentified as "breast cancer". Therefore the medical community never gets anything but funding for a mythical disease and never gets any closer to a cure for what is really the problem - cancer. Why bother with where in the human body the tumor manifests?

Then another offended woman inquired, And you know this how?

Because I interviewed a cancer researcher who knows and has found some of the cures for at least five different tumorous cancers. He is frustrated because his laboratory cannot get the funding to bring any one of these cures to fruition until he promises to cure all the kinds of cancer that affect the prostate or breast or liver or pancreas or...


David Merrill.

10-28-12, 04:12 PM
Thanks for bringing this up David.

I've been meaning to post some links which may be helpful to people who have problems with cancer and who are ready to come to terms with the truth about dis-ease.

After I watched my dad waste away and die rapidly under conventional western cancer treatment in the early nineties, I knew there was something really wrong with dis-ease diagnosis and treatment in this country.
So I went on a fact finding mission.

I was led to discover the research of Hulda Clark just in time to save my own life from lifestyle dis-ease and pharmakeia.

Then I discovered the 8 biblical laws of health (http://amazinghealth.com/), which are popularly recognized by the acronym NEWSTART (http://www.newstart.com/).

Then I found out about Dr. Max Gerson (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=sbIixJI_oa4) and the Gerson therapy (http://gerson.org/gerpress/).
I watched some of the interesting documentaries (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hv4b6IzLTes&feature=related) that are on YouTube.

We've never needed it, so I have no personal experience with the Gerson therapy, but it appears to have worked well for many other people.

For me, following the 8 rules of health

N utrition
E xercise
W ater
S unshine
T emperance
A ir
R est
T rust in Yehovah Elohim

has worked great so far, even though I have had to live most of my life with severe vaccine damage and heavy metal poisoning.
I have not contracted with a medical doctor since 1995.
Yehovah Elohim is my physician and my health insurance.

David Merrill
10-28-12, 05:04 PM
You are welcome.


02-07-14, 06:39 AM
I have not contracted with a medical doctor since 1995.
Yehovah Elohim is my physician and my health insurance.

Amen, sister!! :-)

02-07-14, 07:17 AM
Cashier: "Did you find everything you needed?" *smiley*

Me: "Yes, thank you!" *smile*

[Cashier ringing up items]

Cashier: "It's a beautiful day outside today, isn't it?" [smile beaming like sunshine on morning dew]

Me: "Looks like the perfect beach day, doesn't it?"

*mutual smiles*

Cashier: "Thank you for bringing your bag in today, you just saved five cents! Would you like to make a donation to Pink Ribbon Kancer Research?"

Me: "I'll pass."

[Enter black cloud of doom: cashier's whole demeanor changes to hostility. She's trying to suppress it, but really can't. I have now become unworthy of eye contact and customer service.]

Cashier: "Fourteen cents." [Deposits coins into my hand with scowl of death. Won't even finish the sentence: 'Fourteen cents is your change.' Quickly moves on to next customer.]

Cashier: [to next customer] "Did you find everything you needed today?" *sing-song smiles*


Mission: How to explain Kancer Industry truth to the mainstream folk in 30 seconds or less.
Current conclusion: lost cause.

Michael Joseph
02-07-14, 05:39 PM
Cancer Industrial Complex - radiation, chemo, surgery - with very little chance of cure. I believe that 95 percent of the problem lies in proper diet and proper exercise.


02-08-14, 05:32 PM
Very good video about cancer cures that have been hidden and the research behind them VERY Good Info here.


02-09-14, 03:34 PM
It's so true, too, isn't it: cancer cures have been around a long time, just not accessible through the mainstream.

More cure evidence: a friend of mine cured her cancer by switching to an all raw foods diet. (Raw alkalizes and re-nourishes the body.) She's still cancer-free after ten years.

ag maniac
02-09-14, 04:27 PM
Cashier: "Did you find everything you needed?" *sing-song smiles*

(...advance apology for the side-step following)

They must be teaching this in kashier-skool, that's all I ever hear anymore @ the register.....I throw a wet blanket on the small talk sure to follow with:
"If I hadn't, I wouldn't be standing here"

02-10-14, 04:35 AM
(...advance apology for the side-step following)

They must be teaching this in kashier-skool, that's all I ever hear anymore @ the register.....I throw a wet blanket on the small talk sure to follow with:
"If I hadn't, I wouldn't be standing here"

LOL! I know, right?

02-13-14, 06:32 PM
And even more cure evidence:

Dr. Lorraine Day, a previous doctor of orthodox medicine, cures her own cancer with raw foods, speaks out on the Kancer industry's dirty secrets, and endures flaming arrows from all directions.
