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View Full Version : The CAFR Swindle

04-21-13, 06:32 PM
Here is a very simple explanation of the CAFR.


Taxes are no longer necessary. This video exposes a deliberate and massive swindle that is perpetrated by every government agency from your local school district all the way up to the Federal government.
This is the second Version of this expose' on public finance. Similar to first version, but incorporating input from Walter Burien and Clint Richardson.
See their sites for much more info:

04-21-13, 10:02 PM
No CAFR man?


David Merrill
04-22-13, 03:07 AM
I thought that maybe you meant that all the hubbub about the CAFR is a swindle!

Just break it out for yourself. (http://www.colorado.gov/dpa/dfp/sco/CAFR/cafr.htm) Please show us why this wise looking fellow is onto something?

I don't know what the guy is getting out of that - producing a video that says all that stuff; so I don't think it is a swindle. I have been ready to be proven wrong for about fifteen years now. Just break out the CAFR linked and point us to figures on any page that support in any way that there is anything to all this CAFR conspiracy!

Thank you for finding it in advance,

David Merrill.

03-26-14, 11:51 AM
FYI, I have a friend who is on the county councel. He is a conservative (as much as a politician can actually be a conservative) and his whole reason for being there is to try to get the counties finances in order. He came by one day talking about his challenge, and I ased if he had seen a CAFR. He asked what it was, so I explained. He says, yeah, I got one in the car. So he went and got it. The country budget is about 11-12 million, the CAFR had 21 million setting on it, and no retirement funds! I asked him, what about this money. He said it is locked up in state controlled projects and can only be used for certain purposes (probably 20 differenct catagories). So anyone thinking the CAFR thing isn't real, I can tell you, it is. The people and businesses of the country has been over taxed enough to run the country for 2 years tax free, yet the cry and scream for more taxation every day.

03-27-14, 12:24 AM
For those who have not yet looked in these CAFR swindles; The 21 million mentioned above; Those funds are used to obtain credit so that the budgets every year are covered by loans. This allows them to funnel and filter money with magical accounting towards their own profits and pockets.