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David Merrill
07-13-13, 07:22 AM
Interestingly this building is located on the SE Corner of the Golden Rectangle on Colorado Springs. Inside we find a gold coin collection in a Treasury vault and with the SW Corner being the Territorial Capital of Colorado I imagine the coins roughly represent the wealth of whatever US notes are still in public circulation - albeit in coin shops and private collections.


07-13-13, 03:23 PM
I have never been to the ANA Museum; but I've been to two of their conventions, and can say that they are well worth the visit -- the conventions are like a traveling museum. You can see coins which you will never be able to afford -- like in Baltimore, when 4 of the 5 known 1913 Liberty Head nickels were on this display (and then someone walked in with the fifth, which for years had been believed to be a fake).

M Smith
07-13-13, 05:09 PM
Hello David my name is Marvin and Im interested in the lawful money remedy but dont quite know how to apply it. I would greatly appreciate your help if you could direct me to book or video I could read or watch.

07-13-13, 06:36 PM
Depends on if the coins are clad or have precious metal content :).

07-15-13, 07:40 PM
I would like to alert everyone there is an incredible demand for gold (& silver) right now. Today we have the unprecedented sixth straight day of negative GOFO (going forward) rate at the London Bullion market: http://www.lbma.org.uk/pages/index.cfm?page_id=55&show=2013

The GOFO rates that everyone is watching continued negative for an unprecedented fifth straight day today. If you want to follow along next week, you can find the rates here: http://www.lbma.org.uk/pages/index.cfm?page_id=55&show=2013 Again, what this purports to demonstrate is an incredible demand and desire for physical gold, such that it is currently more valuable than holding dollars. Physical holders are unwilling to exchange their gold for a futures contract, even though they are guaranteed a significant short-term return. Why is this? Because physical holders either do not trust the system or there simply isn't enough gold available to close his hole. Either way, the past three occurrences of negative GOFO have led to sharp, short-term rallies so many pundits are watching this closely. We'll see... http://www.tfmetalsreport.com/comment/330753

David Merrill
07-16-13, 03:06 PM
Thank you Johnny! I like such bulletins.

Thank you M Smith. Welcome to the Forums. Play around in the Lesson Plan area for information and examples.

07-24-13, 08:41 PM